

  • 1. HTTP, HTTP/2
  • 2. 其他HTTP相关协议规范
  • 3. IETF网站


版本 RFC/链接地址 发布日期 维护者
HTTP 0.9 The Original HTTP as defined in 1991 at 1991
HTTP/1.0 RFC 1945 1996.5 Network Working Group
HTTP/1.1 RFC 2068 (1997.1) - 废弃, 被RFC 2616替代
RFC 2616 (1999.6) - 废弃, 被RFC7230…7235替代
RFC 7230 (2014.6) - Message Syntax and Routing (报文语法与路由)
RFC 7231 (2014.6) - Semantics and Content (语义与内容)
RFC 7232 (2014.6) - Conditional Requests (条件请求)
RFC 7233 (2014.6) - Range Requests (范围请求)
RFC 7234 (2014.6) - Caching (缓存)
RFC 7235 (2014.6) - Authentication (认证)
HTTP/2 RFC 7540 (2015.5) - Hypertext Transfer Protocol Version 2 (HTTP/2)
RFC 7541 (2015.5) - HPACK: Header Compression for HTTP/2
HTTP/2 home page, maintained by the IETF HTTPbis Working Group

2. 其他HTTP相关协议规范

RFC 2617

"HTTP Authentication: Basic and Digest Access Authentication"
It covers BASIC and DIGEST authentication methods

It was updated by RFC 7235.

RFC 6265

"HTTP State Management Mechanism"

The specification about cookies. It is implemented by org.apache.tomcat.util.http.Rfc6265CookieProcessor that is available since Tomcat 8.0.15 and is the default one starting with Tomcat 8.5.0. See also "Cookies" page in "Development and Development Issues / Archive" on this wiki.

Obsolete specifications: RFC2109, RFC 2965.

RFC 6266

"Use of the Content-Disposition Header Field in the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)"

Content-Disposition header is used by file uploads. See also Bug 59115


"Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Keep-Alive Header". A draft of specification.

Support for sending a Keep-Alive response header was added in Tomcat 8.5.48, 9.0.29 — Bug 63835. This feature can be turned off via an attribute on HTTP/1.1 Connector.

3. IETF网站

RFC文档搜索,IETF 。
