CSCE 474/874数据挖掘

CSCE 474/874: Introduction to Data Mining
Spring 2021
Homework 3 March 02, 2021
Implement the k-means algorithm to perform clustering and compare your results with
the results from Weka.
• Assume that all the attributes are continuous variables.
• Your program must allow the number of clusters (k) to be specified as input.
• Your program must allow the epsilon (change in the sum of the distances from the
cluster centers) to be specified as input.
• Your program must allow the number of iterations to be specified as input.
Your program should stop if either the number of iterations is reached or if the change in
the total sum of the squares of the distances (SSD) falls below epsilon.
Plot the runtime of the algorithm as a function of number of clusters, number of
dimensions and size of the dataset (number of transactions).
Plot the goodness of clustering as a function of the number of clusters and determine the
optimal number of clusters.
Compare the performance of your algorithm with that of Weka and summarize your
For this assignment you will work in teams. Use the dataset from the domain you will be
working on for the project. If the data is not suitable, you may use one from the Weka
All code must be written by the members of your team. You may NOT use any code
from ANY OTHER source, including other students and the Internet.
Due Date
The assignment is due on March 16 is worth 100 points.
Hand in a report along with the listing of your program, the output generated from the run
of the test file on Canvas. Make sure that you have uploaded a signed copy of the
Contributions form. Prepare and submit two files as follows:
• Your report named as “Lastname1_Lastname2.pdf” in pdf format. The signed
contributions form should be used as the cover page of your report.
• A zip file named “” that includes everything else (your
program, the output generated from the run of the test file, etc.). You must include
a README file that describes the usage of your program. Make sure your
implementation can successfully execute on the CSE server.
Grading Guidelines
Implement the k-means algorithm to perform clustering in a dataset. (50 points)
• Your implementation will be tested on server using the command you
provided in the README file. (30 points)
• In the report, you should write a paragraph about your program design (10 points)
Plot the runtime of the algorithm as a function of number of clusters, number of
dimensions and size of the dataset (number of transactions). (20 points)
• In the report, you should write a paragraph to summarize the observation and
elaborate on it.
Plot the goodness of clustering as a function of the number of clusters and determine the
optimal number of clusters. (20 points)
• In the report, you should write a paragraph to summarize the observation and
elaborate on it.
Compare the performance of your algorithm with that of Weka and summarize your
results. (10 points)
• Summarize the differences (if there is any) and elaborate on it (why/how).
