现在的使用IBatis。顺序可以是这样,首先项目经理会分析整个项目,可以分成为几个对象,每个对象具有什么属性,什么方法。同时会用visio画出UML图来。这样可以说把面向对象的优势完全体现出来了。 然后程序员会根据UML图来操作对象,实现每个对象的属性和方法。这样就可以完全脱离数据库,去考虑程序的问题。这种开发方式特别适合于团队开发,团队中有专门的人去负责数据的建立,他可以根据项目中的Maps图清晰的知道每个数据表中的字段
So, how do you decide whether to OR/M or to DataMap? As always, the best advice is to implement a representative part of your project using either approach, and then decide. But, in general, OR/M is a good thing when you
Have complete control over your database implementation
Do not have a Database Administrator or SQL guru on the team
Need to model the problem domain outside the database as an object graph.
Likewise, the best time to use a Data Mapper, like iBATIS, is when:
You do not have complete control over the database implementation, or want to continue to access a legacy database as it is being refactored.
You have database administrators or SQL gurus on the team.
The database is being used to model the problem domain, and the application's primary role is to help the client use the database model.
Table 3.1. The six statement-type elements
Statement Element | Attributes | Child Elements | Methods |
<statement> | id parameterClass resultClass listClass parameterMap resultMap cacheModel |
All dynamic elements |
Insert Update Delete All query methods |
<insert> | id parameterClass parameterMap |
All dynamic elements <selectKey> <generate> |
Insert Update Delete |
<update> | id parameterClass parameterMap extends |
All dynamic elements <generate> |
Insert Update Delete |
<delete> | id parameterClass parameterMap extends |
All dynamic elements <generate> |
Insert Update Delete |
<select> | id parameterClass resultClass listClass parameterMap resultMap cacheModel extends |
All dynamic elements <generate> |
All query methods |
<procedure> | id parameterMap resultClass resultMap cacheModel |
All dynamic elements |
Insert Update Delete All query |
存储过程Stored Procedures
Reusing SQL Fragments重用sql【注意加载顺序比如sql在另外的map中】
When writing Sql, you often encounter duplicate fragments of SQL. iBATIS offers a simple yet powerful attribute to reuse them.
<select id="GetAllAccounts" resultMap="indexed-account-result"> select Account_ID, Account_FirstName, Account_LastName, Account_Email from Accounts </select> <select id="GetAllAccountsOrderByName" extends="GetAllAccounts" resultMap="indexed-account-result"> order by Account_FirstName </select>
Escaping XML symbols去除xml特殊标记
Auto-Generated Keys自动生成主键标识符
Attribute | Description | Required |
table | specifies the table name to use in the SQL statement. | yes |
by | specifies the columns to use in a WHERE clause | no |
If you want to cache the result of a query, you can specify a Cache Model as part of the <statement> element. Example 3.15 shows a <cacheModel> element and a corresponding <statement>.
Example 3.17. A <cacheModel> element with its corresponding <statement>
<cacheModel id="product-cache" implementation="LRU"> <flushInterval hours="24"/> <flushOnExecute statement="insertProduct"/> <flushOnExecute statement="updateProduct"/> <flushOnExecute statement="deleteProduct"/> <property name="size" value="1000" /> </cacheModel> <statement id="selectProductList" parameterClass="int" cacheModel="product-cache"> select * from PRODUCT where PRD_CAT_ID = #value# </statement>
Example 3.46. Resolving complex properties with a join 表连接问题 用resultMapping
<resultMap id="select-product-result" class="product">
<result property="id" column="PRD_ID"/>
<result property="description" column="PRD_DESCRIPTION"/>
<result property="category" resultMapping="Category.CategoryResult" />
<statement id="selectProduct" parameterClass="int" resultMap="select-product-result">
select *
and PRD_ID = #value#
Example 3.48. N+1 Select Lists (1:M and M:N), example of problem 在大数据量时候有问题的sql
<resultMaps> <resultMap id="select-category-result" class="Category"> <result property="Id" column="CAT_ID"/> <result property="Description" column="CAT_DESCRIPTION"/> <result property="ProductList" column="CAT_ID" select="selectProductsByCatId"/> </resultMap> <resultMap id="Product-result" class="Product"> <result property="Id" column="PRD_ID"/> <result property="Description" column="PRD_DESCRIPTION"/> </resultMap> <resultMaps> <statements> <!-- This statement executes 1 time --> <statement id="selectCategory" parameterClass="int" resultMap="select-category-result"> select * from CATEGORY where CAT_ID = #value# </statement> <!-- This statement executes N times (once for each category returned above) and returns a list of Products (1:M) --> <statement id="selectProductsByCatId" parameterClass="int" resultMap="select-product-result"> select * from PRODUCT where PRD_CAT_ID = #value# </statement> </statements>iBATIS fully solves the N+1 selects problem. Here is the same example solved :
Example 3.49. N+1 Select Lists (1:M and M:N) resolution
<sqlMap namespace="ProductCategory"> <resultMaps> <resultMap id="Category-result" class="Category" groupBy="Id"> <result property="Id" column="CAT_ID"/> <result property="Description" column="CAT_DESCRIPTION"/> <result property="ProductList" resultMapping="ProductCategory.Product-result"/> </resultMap> <resultMap id="Product-result" class="Product"> <result property="Id" column="PRD_ID"/> <result property="Description" column="PRD_DESCRIPTION"/> </resultMap> <resultMaps> <statements> <!-- This statement executes 1 time --> <statement id="SelectCategory" parameterClass="int" resultMap="Category-result"> select C.CAT_ID, C.CAT_DESCRIPTION, P.PRD_ID, P.PRD_DESCRIPTION from CATEGORY C left outer join PRODUCT P on C.CAT_ID = P.PRD_CAT_ID where CAT_ID = #value# </statement>Example 3.50. Mapping a composite key 组合键
<resultMaps> <resultMap id="select-order-result" class="order"> <result property="id" column="ORD_ID"/> <result property="customerId" column="ORD_CST_ID"/> ... <result property="payments" column="itemId=ORD_ID, custId=ORD_CST_ID" select="selectOrderPayments"/> </resultMap> <resultMaps> <statements> <statement id="selectOrderPayments" resultMap="select-payment-result"> select * from PAYMENT where PAY_ORD_ID = #itemId# and PAY_CST_ID = #custId# </statement> </statements>
xml 中的方法是全局的 在那个xml里面都能访问所以要保持方法id的唯一性
1.学习简单 最简单的持久层框架
<resultMap id="SelectproductResult" class="productEntity">
<result property="Id" column="Id" />
<result property="Name" column="Name" />
<result property="UserId" column="UserId" nullValue="0" />
<resultMaps> <resultMap id="select-order-result" class="order"> <result property="id" column="ORD_ID"/> <result property="customerId" column="ORD_CST_ID"/> ... <result property="payments" column="itemId=ORD_ID, custId=ORD_CST_ID" select="selectOrderPayments"/> </resultMap> <resultMaps> <statements> <statement id="selectOrderPayments" resultMap="select-payment-result"> select * from PAYMENT where PAY_ORD_ID = #itemId# and PAY_CST_ID = #custId# </statement> </statements>
<sql id="selectall">
select * from selectall
<select id="selectallbyname">
<include refid="selectall"/> where name="11"
</select >
>= 号 <![CDATA[>=]]>
Example 3.18. An external Parameter Map
<parameterMap id="parameterMapIdentifier" [class="fullyQualifiedClassName, assembly|typeAlias"] [extends="[sqlMapNamespace.]parameterMapId"]> <parameter property ="propertyName" [column="columnName"] [direction="Input|Output|InputOutput"] [dbType="databaseType"] [type="propertyCLRType"] [nullValue="nullValueReplacement"] [size="columnSize"] [precision="columnPrecision"] [scale="columnScale"] [typeHandler="fullyQualifiedClassName, assembly|typeAlias"] <parameter ... ... /> <parameter ... ... /> </parameterMap>Example 3.19. A typical <parameterMap> element
<parameterMap id="insert-product-param" class="Product"> <parameter property="description" /> <parameter property="id"/> </parameterMap> <statement id="insertProduct" parameterMap="insert-product-param"> insert into PRODUCT (PRD_DESCRIPTION, PRD_ID) values (?,?); </statement>
Example 3.26. The structure of a <resultMap> element.
<resultMap id="resultMapIdentifier" [class="fullyQualifiedClassName, assembly|typeAlias"] [extends="[sqlMapNamespace.]resultMapId"]> <constructor > <argument property="argumentName" column="columnName" [columnIndex="columnIndex"] [dbType="databaseType"] [type="propertyCLRType"] [resultMapping="resultMapName"] [nullValue="nullValueReplacement"] [select="someOtherStatementName"] [typeHandler="fullyQualifiedClassName, assembly|typeAlias"] /> </constructor > <result property="propertyName" column="columnName" [columnIndex="columnIndex"] [dbType="databaseType"] [type="propertyCLRType"] [resultMapping="resultMapName"] [nullValue="nullValueReplacement"] [select="someOtherStatementName"] [lazyLoad="true|false"] [typeHandler="fullyQualifiedClassName, assembly|typeAlias"] /> <result ... .../> <result ... .../> // Inheritance support <discriminator column="columnName" [type|typeHandler="fullyQualifiedClassName, assembly|typeAlias"] /> <subMap value="discriminatorValue" resultMapping="resultMapName" /> <subMap .../> </resultMap>
Cache Models
Example 3.51. Configuation a cache using the Cache Model element
<cacheModel id="product-cache" implementation="LRU" readOnly="true" serialize="false"> <flushInterval hours="24"/> <flushOnExecute statement="insertProduct"/> <flushOnExecute statement="updateProduct"/> <flushOnExecute statement="deleteProduct"/> <property name="CacheSize" value="100"/> </cacheModel>
Cache Implementation
MEMORY:MEMORY cache使用reference类型来管理cache的行为。也就是说,垃圾收集器可以决定谁可以停留在缓存中。MEMORY cache是应用程序一个很好的选择(没有对象重用的识别模式。与内存较少的应用程序)
Dynamic SQL动态sql语句
Table 3.7. Binary conditional attributes
Element Description <isEqual> Checks the equality of a property and a value, or another property. Example Usage: <isEqual prepend="AND" property="status" compareValue="Y"> MARRIED = ‘TRUE' </isEqual><isNotEqual> Checks the inequality of a property and a value, or another property. Example Usage: <isNotEqual prepend="AND" property="status" compareValue="N"> MARRIED = ‘FALSE' </isNotEqual><isGreaterThan> Checks if a property is greater than a value or another property. Example Usage: <isGreaterThan prepend="AND" property="age" compareValue="18"> ADOLESCENT = ‘FALSE' </isGreaterThan><isGreaterEqual> Checks if a property is greater than or equal to a value or another property. Example Usage: <isGreaterEqual prepend="AND" property="shoeSize" compareValue="12"> BIGFOOT = ‘TRUE' </isGreaterEqual><isLessEqual> Checks if a property is less than or equal to a value or another property. Example Usage: <isLessEqual prepend="AND" property="age" compareValue="18"> ADOLESCENT = ‘TRUE' </isLessEqual>
Table 3.8. Unary conditional attributes
Element | Description |
<isPropertyAvailable> | Checks if a property is available (i.e is a property of the parameter object). Example Usage: <isPropertyAvailable property="id" > ACCOUNT_ID=#id# </isPropertyAvailable> |
<isNotPropertyAvailable> | Checks if a property is unavailable (i.e not a property of the parameter object). Example Usage: <isNotPropertyAvailable property="age" > STATUS='New' </isNotEmpty> |
<isNull> | Checks if a property is null. Example Usage: <isNull prepend="AND" property="order.id" > ACCOUNT.ACCOUNT_ID = ORDER.ACCOUNT_ID(+) </isNotEmpty> |
<isNotNull> | Checks if a property is not null. Example Usage: <isNotNull prepend="AND" property="order.id" > ORDER.ORDER_ID = #order.id# </isNotEmpty> |
<isEmpty> | Checks to see if the value of a Collection, String property is null or empty ("" or size() < 1). Example Usage: <isEmpty property="firstName" > LIMIT 0, 20 </isNotEmpty> |
<isNotEmpty> | Checks to see if the value of a Collection, String property is not null and not empty ("" or size() < 1). Example Usage: <isNotEmpty prepend="AND" property="firstName" > FIRST_NAME LIKE '%$FirstName$%' </isNotEmpty> |
Table 3.9. Testing to see if a parameter is present
Element | Description |
<isParameterPresent> | Checks to see if the parameter object is present (not null).<isParameterPresent prepend="AND"> EMPLOYEE_TYPE = #empType# </isParameterPresent> |
<isNotParameterPresent> | Checks to see if the parameter object is not present (null). Example Usage:<isNotParameterPresent prepend="AND"> EMPLOYEE_TYPE = ‘DEFAULT' </isNotParameterPresent> |
1.IBatis.Net 中的数据类型转换 http://www.cnblogs.com/aaa6818162/archive/2011/05/21/2053019.html
3.调试时获取sql语句 GetStatementName