
What's that?~I'ts my new palm top.
I like Sao Paulo,even though it's enormous.
(2)非人称主语或宾语,用于谈论天气、日期等:It's a nice day. It was Friday the 13th. I don't like it here.
(3)形式主语或宾语,在句子的后半部分会详细阐述:It's strange you should say that.I hate it when people phone during dinner.

1 it | + 动词 | ( + ...)
It rains a lot on the west coast.
It was the first week of January.It was cold and wet.
It's another five miles to the lake.

2 it | + 动词 | + 分句
It looks as if the neighbours are back.
It appears that Mrs Hoskins is retiring.

3 it | + is/was | + 名词短语/形容词 | + 分句
It's a shame you weren't at hte party.(=that分句)
It's funny how Jon and Ann argue all the time.(=how+分句)
It was surprising to see his brother at the wedding.(=带to的不定式分句)
It's nice having breakfast in bed.(=-ing分句)

4 it | + 动词 | + 分句
It helps to talk about it.
It doesn't matter if you don't finish.

5 it | + 动词 | + 名词短语 | + 分句
It worries me that she won't eat anything.
It upset Claire to see all the animals in their cages.
It makes me laugh,hearing you say that.

6 it | + is/was等 |  + 过去分词 | + 分句
It was reported that there are a number of survivors.
It is not known if the virus is harmful.

7 it | + is/was等 | + 名词短语 | + wh-分句/that分句
It's cheese and butter that make you fat,not olive oil.
It was my brother you saw,not me.

+that分句: a miracle, a disaster, a myth, no surprise, no wonder, a safe bet,my guess,your fault.
+带to的不定式: a joy,a relief,a shock,a mistake,a surprise,our aim,my hope,my decision.
+that分句/+带to的不定式: a pity,a shame,a good idea

It's no wonder you are exhausted.
It was a joy to hear her voice again.
It's a safe bet that your team will lose.
It was a shame not to have waited.

+带to的不定式/+ -ing:(not)easy,difficult,hard
+that分句/+ -ing/+带to的不定式/how分句:nice,good,sad,amazing,funny,strange.

It's unlikely that they could have gone far.
It wasn't easy persuading Jacob to give blood.
It's amazing how fast the children grow.
It was impossible to find a taxi.

'it's me/it's[...]here' 是我/是...

Hello?~Hi,it's Kevin,Is belinda there?~Just a second...

'we made it' = we succeeded 我们成功了
There's the summit.We've nearly made it!

'I can't help it'= I'm not able to control my feelings 我不能控制自己的感情
I'm sorry I laughed at you.I couldn't help it.
