mysqld -install
net start mysql
mysql -uroot -proot
mysql> set password for root@localhost=password('root'); //加密码
mysql> select user,password from mysql.user; //查看密码
mysql> use mysql;
mysql> update user set password=password('123') where user='root'; //改密码
mysql> flush privileges; //刷新权限
mysql> show databases; //查库
mysql> use mysql; //选库
mysql> create database db1 charset utf8; //创建库
mysql> drop database db1; //删除数据库
mysql> show tables; //查表
| Tables_in_db1 |
| class |
| student |
mysql> create table student( //创建表
-> Snum int,
-> Sname varchar(10),
-> Ssex char(2)
-> )engine myisam charset utf8;
mysql> drop table student; //删除表
mysql> rename table student to stu; //重命表名
mysql> insert into stu values //插入数据
-> (1,'张三'),
-> (2,'lisi'),
-> (3,'王五');
mysql> select * from stu; //查数据
mysql> truncate stu; //清空表数据
mysql> insert into student values
-> \c //退出本语句
mysql> create table class( //创建表
-> id int primary key auto_increment,
-> sname varchar(10) not null default '',
-> sex char(1) not null default '',
-> company varchar(20) default 'null',
-> salary decimal(6,2) default 0.00,
-> other varchar(20) default '无'
-> )engine myisam charset utf8;
mysql> desc class; //查看表结构
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id | int(11) | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| sname | varchar(10) | NO | | | |
| sex | char(1) | NO | | | |
| company | varchar(20) | YES | | null | |
| salary | decimal(6,2) | YES | | 0.00 | |
| other | varchar(20) | YES | | 无 | |
mysql> alter table class add score tinyint unsigned not null default 0; //增加一个score列
mysql> alter table student add money float(7,2) default 0;
mysql> insert into class
-> (id,sname,sex,company,salary,other) values (1,'张三','女','','10000.00','工作地址在广州');
mysql> insert into class
-> (sname,sex,salary) values ('李四','女','9000');
mysql> insert into class (sname) values ('王五');
mysql> insert into class (sname) values ('王五'),('赵六'),('顾七');
mysql> insert into class values
-> (7,'吴八','男','百度',8734.32,'深圳任职');
mysql> select * from class;
| id | sname | sex | company | salary | other |
| 1 | 张三 | 女 | | 9999.99 | 工作地址在广州 |
| 2 | 李四 | 女 | null | 9000.00 | 无 |
| 3 | 王五 | | null | 0.00 | 无 |
| 4 | 王五 | | null | 0.00 | 无 |
| 5 | 赵六 | | null | 0.00 | 无 |
| 6 | 顾七 | | null | 0.00 | 无 |
| 7 | 吴八 | 男 | 百度 | 8734.32 | 深圳任职 |
mysql> insert into db1.goods select goods_id,cat_id,goods_name from gyshop.goods; //从其他库导入插入数据,要求导入所有列
mysql> update class set sex='男',company='皇家亲戚' where sname='王五';
mysql> update class set salary = 5000 where salary =0.00;
mysql> update class set other = '目前离职状态' where salary <=9000 and sex = '';
mysql> select * from class;
| id | sname | sex | company | salary | other |
| 1 | 张三 | 女 | 千度 | 9999.99 | 工作地址在广州 |
| 2 | 李四 | 女 | 千度 | 9000.00 | 无 |
| 3 | 王五 | 男 | 皇家亲戚 | 5000.00 | 无 |
| 4 | 王五 | 男 | 皇家亲戚 | 5000.00 | 无 |
| 5 | 赵六 | | 千度 | 5000.00 | 目前离职状态 |
| 6 | 顾七 | | 千度 | 5000.00 | 目前离职状态 |
| 7 | 吴八 | 男 | 百度 | 8734.32 | 深圳任职 |
mysql> delete from class where sname ='王五' or company='百度';
mysql> select * from class;
| id | sname | sex | company | salary | other |
| 1 | 张三 | 女 | 千度 | 9999.99 | 工作地址在广州 |
| 2 | 李四 | 女 | 千度 | 9000.00 | 无 |
| 5 | 赵六 | | 千度 | 5000.00 | 目前离职状态 |
| 6 | 顾七 | | 千度 | 5000.00 | 目前离职状态 |
mysql> delete from class; //直接删除所有表数据
mysql> select * from class;
Empty set (0.00 sec)
mysql> truncate stu; //清空表数据
mysql> select * from class; //查表所有数据
| id | sname | sex | company | salary | other |
| 8 | 张三 | 男 | null | 0.00 | 无 |
| 9 | 李四 | 女 | null | 0.00 | 无 |
| 10 | 王五 | 女 | null | 0.00 | 无 |
mysql> select sname from class where sex='女'; //查询指定列数据
| sname |
| 李四 |
| 王五 |
mysql> select goods_id,goods_name from goods where goods_id = 2;
mysql> select goods_id,goods_name from goods where goods_id != 2;
mysql> select goods_id,goods_name from goods where goods_id <> 2;
mysql> select goods_id,goods_name from goods where shop_price > 2000;
mysql> select goods_id,goods_name from goods where shop_price >= 4;
mysql> select goods_id,goods_name from goods where goods_id in (1,4);
mysql> select goods_id,goods_name from goods where goods_id between 2 and 4;
mysql> select goods_id,goods_name from goods where goods_name like '平板%';
mysql> select goods_id,goods_name from goods where goods_name like '%平板%';
mysql> select goods_id,goods_name from goods where goods_name like '__平板';
mysql> select goods_id,goods_name from goods where goods_name like '手机K_';
mysql> select goods_id,goods_name from goods where goods_id != 2 and goods_id !=3;
mysql> select goods_id,goods_name from goods where goods_id not in (2,3);
mysql> select goods_id,goods_name from goods where goods_name not like '平板%';
mysql> select goods_id,goods_name from goods where goods_id > 1 and goods_id < 3 or goods_id > 4 and goods_id < 7;
mysql> select goods_id,goods_name from goods where shop_price >= 4 and goods_id > 4 and goods_id < 7;
mysql> select goods_id,goods_name from goods where shop_price = 0 and (goods_id < 4 or goods_id > 7 and goods_id <= 9) and goods_name like '%平板%';
mysql> select goods_name,market_price-shop_price from goods where 1;
mysql> select goods_name,(market_price-shop_price) as discount from goods where 1;
mysql> select goods_name,(market_price-shop_price) as discount from goods where (market_price-shop_price) > 1000;
mysql> select max(market_price) from goods;
mysql> select min(market_price) as MIN from goods;
mysql> select sum(goods_number) from goods;
mysql> select sum(goods_number) from goods where cat_id=3;
mysql> select avg(shop_price) from goods;
mysql> select count(*) from goods;
mysql> select cat_id,count(*),sum(market_price) from goods group by cat_id;
mysql> select goods_name,(market_price-shop_price) as discount from goods where (market_price-shop_price)>=500;
| goods_name | discount |
| 手机 | 1100.00 |
| 平板屏幕总成 | 500.00 |
| 平板屏幕单机版 | 500.00 |
mysql> select goods_name,(market_price-shop_price) as discount from goods having discount >= 500;
| goods_name | discount |
| 手机 | 1100.00 |
| 平板屏幕总成 | 500.00 |
| 平板屏幕单机版 | 500.00 |
mysql> select cat_id,sum(market_price) as discount from goods group by cat_id having discount >5000;
| cat_id | discount |
| 2 | 6000.00 |
| 3 | 7997.00 |
mysql> select name,avg(score),sum(score<60) as gk from result group by name having gk>=2;
mysql> create table db1.member( //建表
-> id int unsigned auto_increment primary key,
-> username char(20) not null default '',
-> gender char(1) not null default '',
-> weight tinyint unsigned not null default 0,
-> birth date not null default 0,
-> salary decimal(8,2) not null default 0,
-> lastlogin timestamp not null default 0
-> )engine myisam charset utf8;
mysql> show create table member; //查看建表语句
| Table | Create Table |
| member | CREATE TABLE `member` (
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`username` char(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`gender` char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`weight` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`birth` date NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00',
`salary` decimal(8,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00',
`lastlogin` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
mysql> alter table student add age tinyint not null default 0; //默认加的列在表最后
mysql> alter table test add gender char(1) not null default 0 after star;
mysql> alter table test add id int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key first; //把新列加载最前面
mysql> alter table test drop gender; //删除列
mysql> alter table test modify gender char(4) not null default ''; //修改列类型
mysql> alter table test change gender sex char(2); //修改列名和列类型
mysql> drop table student;
mysql> show tables; //查表名
mysql> desc student; //查表结构
mysql> tee C:\Users\LQN\Desktop\Temp\0525.sql
Logging to file 'C:\Users\LQN\Desktop\Temp\0525.sql'
mysql> #把敲的sql及结果都输出到一个sql文件里
mysql> #便于溯源
类型 | 大小 | 参数 | 范围 |
tinyint | 1 | unsigned/zerofill | 0-255/-128-127 |
smallint | 2 | unsigned/zerofill | 0-65535/-32768-32767 |
mediumint | 3 | unsigned/zerofill | |
int | 4 | unsigned/zerofill | |
bigint | 8 | unsigned/zerofill |
类型 | 大小 | 描述 |
float(M,D) | 4/8 | M叫“精度”,代表“总位数” |
decimal(M,D) | D是“标度”,代表“小数位” |
mysql> alter table student add money float(7,2) default 0;
类型 | 描述 | 长度 | |
char | 定长类型 | 尾部空格补够长度 | 0-255 |
varchar | 变长类型 | 有1-2个字节来标志该列的内容长度 | 0-65535 |
text | 文本类型 | 搜索速度慢 | |
blob | 二进制类型 | 存储图像和音频等二进制信息 |
类型 | 说明 | 标准格式 | 范围 |
date | 日期 | YYYY-MM-DD | 1000-01-01到9999-12-31 |
time | 时间 | HH:MM:SS | |
datetime | 日期时间 | YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS | |
year | 年份类型 | YYYY | 1901-2155 |
timestamp | 时间戳 | 默认插入数据的 当前时间 |
mysql> select floor(1.23)
| floor(1.23) |
| 1 |
mysql> update test set num = floor(num/10)*10 where num >= 20 and num <= 39;
substring(str,pos,len)、substring(str,pos)、substring(str from pos)、substring(str from pos for len)
mysql> select substring('今天天气真好!',3);
| substring('今天天气真好!',3) |
| 天气真好! |
mysql> select substring('今天天气真好!',3,2);
| substring('今天天气真好!',3,2) |
| 天气 |
mysql> select substring('今天天气真好!' from 3);
| substring('今天天气真好!' from 3) |
| 天气真好! |
mysql> select substring('今天天气真好!' from 3 for 2) as '截取字符串';
| 截取字符串 |
| 天气 |
mysql> select goods_name,concat('荣耀',substring(goods_name from 3)) from goods where goods_name like '__平板';
| goods_name | concat('荣耀',substring(goods_name from 3)) |
| 苹果平板 | 荣耀平板 |
| 华为平板 | 荣耀平板 |
mysql> update goods set goods_name=concat('荣耀',substring(goods_name from 3)) where goods_name like '__平板';
mysql> select count(*) from goods;
mysql> select count(goods_sn) from goods;