SAP Router troubleshooting

Could you stop the saprouter process (saprouter -s) and restart it temporarily using the following options?

saprouter -r -V 2 -K "p:CN=ISH-APPL02, OU=0000043174, OU=SAProuter, O=SAP, C=DE"

Try to test the RFC connection to SAPOSS (SM59 -> R/3 Connections ->
SAPOSS) and send us the following information:

o Output of the command 'sapgenpse'
o Output of the command 'sapgenpse get_my_name -n all'
o Output of the command 'sapgenpse seclogin -l'
o Files dev_rout (after the test access to SAPOSS) and saprouttab
o Technical settings in Tcd OSS1 (Parameter -> Techn. Settings)
o Output of the commands from both your production and development
niping -c -O -S 3299 -H
niping -c -O -S 3299 -H /H/
