

Calculus of the nervous system

Although suffering increasing ill-health, Ada Lovelace maintained her interest in mathematics and science. Her idea that she might use mathematics to understand the nervous system, suggested in this letter dated November 1844 to her friend Woronzow Greig, may have been influenced by trying to understand the effects of the strong drugs she was prescribed. And extraordinary idea at the time, mathematics and computer models are now standard in neuroscience.



Mathematical notes

The fascinating manuscript below has the handwriting of both Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace as they investigate the famous "konigsberg bridge problem" This asks what patterns of "islands" and "bridges" have the property that makes it possible to find a route around them that crosses each bridge exactly once. There are also some triangles and squares that relate to the Pythagorean theorem and a "magic square" of the numbers 1 to 9, in which the sum of the rows, columns, and diagonais is always 15.


