

Hi, first, I don't want to start a flame war about why is CVS better or not better than X - it's just a question.
If you say, we use it because it just works - it's okay. :)
So why does OpenBSD still uses CVS and don't migrate to SVN or something like git as other OSS projekts do?

[Stuart Henderson]
my 2p: like all version control software CVS has bugs, but between us,
developers have a reasonable idea of how to avoid them in CVS, there's
less knowledge about other version control systems.
Also having the repository stored in human-readable (ish) files is an
advantage if there was ever any repo corruption.
You might also ask why some other OS use source control software which
they don't even include in the base OS ;-)

  • 简单(Simple),这个就不用解释了……
  • 文本化,这正是Unix的哲学之一,不了解的同学可以去看下《Unix编程艺术》中相关的章节。CVS沿用古老的RCS的存储方式,版本库都是文本文件,可以直接用editor打开看,甚至编辑,不得不说这点相对SVN/Git等确实是优点之一(当然缺点亦有)。之前看云风很久以前的博客写到过关于游戏地图数据使用文本方式存储,我大为赞同。经常见有些同学在网上问做socket通信,如何设计协议,文本协议?自定制二进制协议?Protobuf?AMF3?……其实现有常用协议已经给出了这个问题的答案,FTP/HTTP/DNS等协议都是文本协议,已久经历史的证明;除了像网游这种有一定保密性质的情况,用简单的文本协议绝对是明智之选;总之文本化的重要性怎样强调都不为过,可惜的是我见过的很多程序员对此并不知晓,或者将此视是为老古董的教条主义……

[Nick Holland]
* "it works"(够用)
* migrating - and not losing history is difficult.(迁移到其他版本控制系统很难保证不丢失历史记录)
* migrating versioning systems is something you don't want to do every
few weeks (or even every few years) you want to make sure it is
really worth it if/when you do.  SVN today?  GIT next week?  something
else next year?  Please, no.(迁移版本控制系统需要花费大量精力,没必要追新)
* Tolerable -- and in the case of opencvs, ideal -- license.(License许可证)
* its glitches are hated, but known (the devil you know how to subdue,
vs. the devil who beats the sh*t out of you)
* relatively light weight -- runs fine on a 486, hp300, or on a modern,
fast machine, fits nicely into existing distribution, easy to drop into
a chroot.(轻量,能在486这样的低配机器上运行,并且很容易对其chroot。Btw: 安全对于OpenBSD意味着什么?)
* Infrastructure exists.  To change it all would require a really good
* it fits the OpenBSD development model.(适合OpenBSD的开发模式)
* Many of the "features" of alternatives are not desired in the OpenBSD
development model.(其他替代产品的特性并不是OpenBSD开发模式渴望的)

Obviously, it is possible to build a quality-focused product of
Operating System magnitude using CVS.  I don't think one can quite say
CVS is the REASON for OpenBSD's quality, but it obviously hasn't hurt.

  新技术的更替层出不穷,经常在网上看到某某大型项目从一个工具迁移到另一个工具,比如KDE从GNU Autotools迁移到cmake,于是掀起了废Autotools的争论,大量项目随后效仿迁移到cmake;Linux Kernel自家搞起的git,随后git一发不可收拾,github大火,人人都在学git,再加上网上各种技术狂热分子之势,似乎现在不用git管代码都不好意思说出口……


