Advanced Operators
Unlike arithmetic operators in C, arithmetic operators in Swift don’t overflow by default. If want to overflow by default, use the overflow operation begin with ampersand (&
). For example, the overflow addition operator (&+
It’s so free to define custom infix, prefix, postfix and assignment operators, precedence and associativity values.
Bitwise Operators
Here we use a function to pad 0 for the number’s print result.
func pad(num: UInt8, count: Int) -> String {
var str = String(num, radix: 2)
var res: String = str
for _ in 0..<(count - str.count) {
res = "0" + res
return res
NOT~1 is 0
~0 is 1
AND1 & 1 is 1
1 & 0 is 0
0 * 0 is 0
OR1 | 1 is 1
1 | 0 is 1
0 | 0 is 0
XOR1 ^ 1 is 0
1 ^ 0 is 1
0 ^ 0 is 0
Bitwise NOT Operator
Use ~
to do NOT operation.
var a: UInt8 = 0b11111100
var b = ~a
print(pad(num: b, count: 8)) // 00000011
has 8 bits, and can store 0 to 255.
Bitwise AND Operator
Use &
to do AND operation.
let a: UInt8 = 0b11111100
let b: UInt8 = 0b00011010
let c = a & b
print(pad(num: c, count: 8)) // 00011000
Bitwise OR Operator
Use |
to do OR operator.
let a: UInt8 = 0b11111100
let b: UInt8 = 0b00011010
let c = a | b
print(pad(num: c, count: 8)) // 11111110
Bitwise XOR Operator
Return a new number whose bits are set to 1 where the input bits are different and are set to 0 where the input bits are the same.
let a: UInt8 = 0b11111100
let b: UInt8 = 0b00011010
let c = a ^ b
print(pad(num: c, count: 8)) // 11100110
Bitwise Left and Right Shift Operators
Left shift (<<
) move all bits in a number to the left.
let a: UInt8 = 0b00111100
let b = a << 1
let c = a << 2
print(pad(num: b, count: 8)) // 01111000
print(pad(num: c, count: 8)) // 11110000
Shifting of the Unsigned Integer
It will place an zero at the left when right shift, and place an zero at the right when left shift.
Right shift (>>
) move all bits in a number to the right.
let a: UInt8 = 0b00111100
let b = a >> 1
let c = a >> 2
print(pad(num: b, count: 8)) // 00011110
print(pad(num: c, count: 8)) // 00001111
Use bit shifting to encode and decode values within other data types:
let pink: UInt32 = 0xCC6699
let redComponent = (pink & 0xFF0000) >> 16
let greenComponent = (pink & 0x00FF00) >> 8
let blueComponent = pink & 0x0000FF
print(String(redComponent, radix: 16)) // cc
print(String(greenComponent, radix: 16)) // 66
print(String(blueComponent, radix: 16)) // 99
// By AND operation and shifting, we get the three part of the "pink" color: R G B
The CSS color value #CC6699
is written as 0xCC6699
in Swift’s hexadecimal number representation.
Shifting Behavior for Signed Integer
In the 8-bit signed integer example:
Signed Integer use its first bit to indicate whether the integer is positive or negative. (0 is positive, 1 is negative)
is 4
is -4, the first bit 1 indicate that the integer is negative, and the remain 7 bits is 124 means that 128 - 124 = -4
So the signed 8-bits can represent -128(10000000) to 127(01111111).
Two’s Complement Representation
The way it’s encoded above is known as a two’s complement representation. In this way it has several advantage.
Add -4 and -1, it add in binary rule and discard anything that overflow.
(-4) + (-1) = 11
11111100 + 11111111 = 11111011
arithmetic shift
- left shift: an arithmetic shift = a logical shift. It will doubling the number.
right shift: when shift signed integers to the right, apply same rules as for unsigned integers, but fill any empty bits on the left with the sign bit, rather than with a zero.
11111110 >> 1 will be 11111111 01111110 >> 1 will be 00111111
In this way it ensures that the number will has the same sign after shifting. The shift will moves both positive and negative numbers closer to zero.
Overflow Operators
When the constant or variable can’t hold the value that too large or too small, Swift will raise an error.
// The num get the max value of Int8
var num = Int8.max
num += 1 // Here will a runtime-error.
If we specifically want an overflow condition to truncate the number of available bits, we can use the overflow operators that begin with an ampersand (&).
- Overflow addition (&+)
- Overflow subtraction (&-)
- Overflow multiplication (&*)
Value Overflow
If we allow the number to overflow, it may overflows in both positive and negative direction.
var num: UInt8 = UInt8.max // It's 11111111 (255)
num = num &+ 2
print(pad(num: num, count: 8)) // 00000001
var n: UInt8 = 1
n = n &- 2
print(pad(num: n, count: 8)) // 11111111
The overflow operation can be apply to signed integer.
var signedNum: Int8 = Int8.min // -128
signedNum = signedNum &- 1
print(String(signedNum, radix: 2)) // 127
Precedence and Associativity
From high to low:
- %
- /
- -
let a = 2 + 3 % 4 * 5
print(a) // 17
Left associative: calculate from left to right.
- *
- /
- %
- &
- &*
- +
- -
- |
- ^
- &+
- &-
- is
- as
- as?
- as!
- &&
- .&
- ||
- .|
- .^
Right associative: calculate from right to left.
- ??
- :?
- =
- *=
- /=
- %=
- +=
- -=
- <<=
- &=
- |=
- ^=
- &*=
- &+=
- &-=
- &>>=
- &<<=
- .&=
- .|=
- .^=
Isn’t associative:
- <<
- &<<
- &>>
- <
- <=
- ==
- !=
- ===
- !==
- ~=
- .<
- .<=
- .>
- .>=
- .==
- .!=
- ..<
- …
Operator Methods
Classes and structures can overloading the existing operators.
struct Vector2D {
var x = 0.0, y = 0.0
extension Vector2D {
static func + (left: Vector2D, right: Vector2D) -> Vector2D{
return Vector2D(x: left.x + right.x, y: left.y + right.y)
var a = Vector2D(x: 1.0, y: 2.0)
var b = Vector2D(x: 3.0, y: 3.0)
var c = a + b
print(c) // Vector2D(x: 4.0, y: 5.0)
Prefix and Postfix Operators
extension Vector2D {
static prefix func - (vector: Vector2D) -> Vector2D {
return Vector2D(x: -vector.x, y: -vector.y)
var x = Vector2D(x: 1.0, y: 2.0)
var xx = -x
print(xx) // Vector2D(x: -1.0, y: -2.0)
Compound Assignment Operators
extension Vector2D {
static func += (left: inout Vector2D, right: Vector2D){
left = left + right
var v = Vector2D(x: 1.0, y: 2.0)
var w = Vector2D(x: 4.0, y: -3.0)
v += w
print(v) // Vector2D(x: 5.0, y: -1.0)
Equivalence Operators
One way to make ==
be valid for enumeration or structure: Conform to the Equalble
, it has provided method to do that.
extension Vector2D: Equatable {
var one = Vector2D(x: 1.0, y: 2.0)
var two = Vector2D(x: 1.0, y: 2.0)
print(one == two) // true
Another way is to implement the method in the extension.
extension Vector2D: Equatable {
static func == (left: Vector2D, right: Vector2D) -> Bool {
return (left.x == right.x) && (left.y == right.y)
var one = Vector2D(x: 1.0, y: 2.0)
var two = Vector2D(x: 1.0, y: 2.0)
print(one == two) // true
Custom Operators
Prefix operator
prefix operator +++
extension Vector2D {
static prefix func +++ (vector: inout Vector2D) -> Vector2D {
vector += vector
return vector
var some = Vector2D(x: 1.0, y: 2.0)
print(some) // Vector2D(x: 2.0, y: 4.0)
Precedence for Custom Infix Operators
Here we define a new custom infix operator call +-, which belongs to the precedence group AdditionPrecedence
infix operator +-: AdditionPrecedence
exthe tension Vector2D {
static func +- (left: Vector2D, right: Vector2D) -> Vector2D{
return Vector2D(x: left.x + right.x, y: left.y - right.y)
var a = Vector2D(x: 1.0, y: 2.0)
var b = Vector2D(x: 2.0, y: 3.0)
var c = a +- b
print(c) // Vector2D(x: 3.0, y: -1.0)
Don’t need to specify a precedence when defining a prefix or postfix operator. When apply both prefix and postfix to the same operand, the postfix operator is applied first.
Result Builders
If the code without result builder:
protocol Drawable {
func draw() -> String
struct Line: Drawable {
var elements: [Drawable]
func draw() -> String{
return { $0.draw() }.joined(separator: "")
struct Text: Drawable {
var content: String
init(_ content: String) {
self.content = content
func draw() -> String {
return content
struct Space: Drawable {
func draw() -> String {
return " "
struct Star: Drawable {
var length: Int
func draw() -> String {
return String(repeating: "*", count: length)
struct AllCaps: Drawable {
var content: Drawable
func draw() -> String {
return content.draw().uppercased()
let name: String? = "Mike"
let drawing = Line(elements: [
Star(length: 3),
AllCaps(content: Text((name ?? "World") + "!")),
Star(length: 3)
print(drawing.draw()) // ***Hello MIKE!***
The content in the AllCaps
is awkward, if the content is complex, and have some extra conditions, it’s hard to write.
So we use the result builder to solve this problem.
struct DrawingBuilder {
// It combines several components into a line
static func buildBlock(_ components: Drawable...) -> Drawable{
return Line(elements: components)
static func buildEither(first: Drawable) -> Drawable{
return first
static func buildEither(second: Drawable) -> Drawable {
return second
func draw(@DrawingBuilder content: () -> Drawable) -> Drawable {
return content()
func caps(@DrawingBuilder content: () -> Drawable) -> Drawable {
return AllCaps(content: content())
func makeGreeting(for name: String? = nil) -> Drawable {
let greeting = draw {
Star(length: 3)
caps {
if let name = name {
Text(name + "!")
} else {
Star(length: 2)
return greeting
let p = makeGreeting()
print(p.draw()) // ***Hello WORLD!**
let s = makeGreeting(for: "Amy")
print(s.draw()) // ***Hello AMY!**
The Swift will transform the call to caps(_: ) into code like this:
let capsDrawing = caps {
let partialDrawing: Drawable
if let name = name {
let text = Text(name + "!")
partialDrawing = DrawingBuilder.buildEither(first: text)
} else {
let text = Text("World!")
partialDrawing = DrawingBuilder.buildEither(second: text)
return partialDrawing
Add support for writing for
extension DrawingBuilder {
static func buildArray(_ components: [Drawable]) -> Drawable {
return Line(elements: components)
let manyStars = draw {
for length in 1...3 {
Stars(length: length)
The result builder makes it easier and neater to organize the function blocks.