某些语言(如 C++ 托管扩展和 Microsoft Visual Basic .NET)支持将默认值赋给参数。例如,以下示例是一个合法的 Visual Basic .NET 声明,此声明将默认值赋给两个参数。
[Visual Basic]
Public Sub MyMethod (a as Integer, _
Optional b as Double = 1.2, _
Optional c as Integer=1)
通过确切指定哪些参数是默认值或略去尾部的默认参数,可以声明参数的默认值。例如,以下所有示例都是对MyMethod 的有效调用。
[Visual Basic]
MyMethod(10, 55.3, 12)
MyMethod(10, 1.3) ' c == 1
MyMethod(11) ' b == 1.2, c == 1
MyMethod (10, 55.3, 12);
MyMethod (10, 1.3); // c == 1
MyMethod (11); // b == 1.2, c == 1
要使用反射检索参数的默认值,请获取该参数的 ParameterInfo 对象,然后使用 ParameterInfo.DefaultValue属性检索默认值。如果不存在默认值,该属性将返回 Value.DBNull。
以下示例向控制台显示 MyMethod 的默认值。
[Visual Basic]
Dim m As MethodInfo = t.GetMethod("MyMethod")
Dim ps As ParameterInfo() = m.GetParameters()
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To ps.Length - 1
Console.WriteLine("Default Value == {0}", ps(i).DefaultValue)
Next i
MethodInfo m = t.GetMethod ("MyMethod");
ParameterInfo[] ps = m.GetParameters();
for (int i = 0; i < ps.Length; i++) {
Console.WriteLine("Default Value == {0}", ps[i].DefaultValue);
要调用包含具有默认值的参数的方法,请使用 Type.Missing 作为 InvokeMember 方法的参数值。这样,晚期绑定服务就能够为指定的参数值使用默认值。如果为不带默认值的参数传递 Type.Missing,则将引发ArgumentException。有一点务必要注意,并非所有编译器的绑定机制都会遵守 Type.Missing 的这些规则。有些联编程序可能不支持此功能,或者可能以不同的方式来处理 Type.Missing。当使用 Type.Missing 时,默认值不必是结尾的参数值。
C# 语言不支持默认参数。
以下 Visual Basic .NET 示例显示如何调用具有默认参数的方法。
[Visual Basic]
Option Strict Off
Imports System
Imports System.Reflection
Public Class OptionalArg
Public Sub MyMethod (a As Integer, Optional b As Double = 1.2, Optional c As Integer=1)
Console.WriteLine("a = " & a & " b = " & b & " c = " & c)
End Sub
End Class
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim o As New OptionalArg
Dim t As Type
t = GetType(OptionalArg)
Dim Param As Object()= {10, 20, 30}
t.InvokeMember("MyMethod", _
BindingFlags.Public Or _
BindingFlags.Instance Or _
BindingFlags.InvokeMethod Or _
BindingFlags.OptionalParamBinding, _
Nothing, _
o, _
New Object() {10, 55.3, 12})
t.InvokeMember("MyMethod", _
BindingFlags.Public Or _
BindingFlags.Instance Or _
BindingFlags.InvokeMethod Or _
BindingFlags.OptionalParamBinding, _
Nothing, _
o, _
New Object() {10, 1.3, Type.Missing})
t.InvokeMember("MyMethod", _
BindingFlags.Public Or _
BindingFlags.Instance Or _
BindingFlags.InvokeMethod Or _
BindingFlags.OptionalParamBinding, _
Nothing, _
o, _
New Object() {10, Type.Missing, Type.Missing})
End Sub
End Module
如果是使用 MethodBase.Invoke 来调用方法,则需要显式指定哪些参数是默认值,指定的方法是为所有没有值的参数传递一个包含 Type.Missing 的对象数组。
Default parameters should not be used
Rule Description
Methods that use default parameters are allowed under the Common Language Specification (CLS); however, the CLS allows compilers to ignore the values assigned to these parameters. Code written for compilers that ignore default parameter values must explicitly provide arguments for each default parameter. To maintain the behavior that you want across programming languages, methods that use default parameters should be replaced with method overloads that provide the default parameters.
The C# compiler ignores the values of default parameters as does the Managed C++ compiler when accessing managed code. The Visual Basic compiler supports methods with default parameters using the Optional keyword.
How to Fix Violations
To fix a violation of this rule, replace the method that uses default parameters with method overloads that supply the default parameters.
When to Exclude Messages
Do not exclude a message from this rule.
Example Code
The following example shows a method that uses default parameters, and the overloaded methods that provide an equivalent functionality.
[Visual Basic]
Imports System
<Assembly: CLSCompliant(True)>
Namespace DesignLibrary
Public Class DefaultVersusOverloaded
Sub DefaultParameters(Optional parameter1 As Integer = 1, _
Optional parameter2 As Integer = 5)
' ...
Console.WriteLine("{0} : {1}", parameter1, parameter2)
End Sub
Sub OverloadedMethod()
OverloadedMethod(1, 5)
End Sub
Sub OverloadedMethod(parameter1 As Integer)
OverloadedMethod(parameter1, 5)
End Sub
Sub OverloadedMethod(parameter1 As Integer, parameter2 As Integer)
' ...
Console.WriteLine("{0} : {1}", parameter1, parameter2)
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
Related Rules
Replace repetitive arguments with params array
See Also
一个公共的(visible, 想不出怎么翻译,翻译成可见的似乎很拗口。)类型包含一个公共的或保护的(visible)方法,这个方法使用了默认参数。
C#编译器不支持默认参数,托管C++编译器在访问托管代码时也不支持默认参数,Visual Basic编译器通过关键字“Optional”支持默认参数。