<!ENTITY name "value">
syntax in a
Document Type Definition
HTML and
XML documents, the logical constructs known as
character data and
attribute values consist of sequences of
characters, in which each character can manifest directly (representing itself), or can be represented by a series of characters called a
character reference, of which there are two types: a
numeric character reference and a
character entity reference. This article lists the character entity references that are valid in HTML and XML documents.
A numeric character reference refers to a character by its Universal Character Set/Unicode code point, and uses the format
where nnnn is the code point in decimal form, and hhhh is the code point in hexadecimal form. The x must be lowercase in XML documents. The nnnn or hhhh may be any number of digits and may include leading zeros. The hhhh may mix uppercase and lowercase, though uppercase is the usual style.
In contrast, a character entity reference refers to a character by the name of an entity which has the desired character as its replacement text. The entity must either be predefined (built into the markup language) or explicitly declared in a Document Type Definition (DTD). The format is the same as for any entity reference:
where name is the case-sensitive name of the entity. The semicolon is required.
ISO Entity Sets: SGML supplied a comprehensive set of entity declarations for characters widely used in Western technical and reference publishing, for Latin, Greek and Cyrillic scripts. The American Mathematical Society also contributed entities for mathematical characters.
HTML Entity Sets: Early versions of HTML built in small subsets of these, relating to characters found in three Western 8-bit fonts.
MathML Entity Sets: The W3C developed a set of entity declarations for MathML characters.
XML Entity Sets: The W3C MathML Working Group took over maintenance of the ISO public entity sets, combined with the MathML and documents them in XML Entity Definitions for Characters. This set can support the requirements of XHTML, MathML and as an input to future versions of HTML.
HTML 5: HTML5 adopts the XML entities as named character references, however it restates them without reference to their sources and does not group them into sets. The HTML 5 specification additionally provides mappings from the names to Unicode character sequences using JSON.
Numerous other entity sets have been developed for special requirements, and for major and minority scripts. However, the advent of Unicode has largely superseded them.
The XML specification does not use the term "character entity" or "character entity reference". The XML specification defines five "predefined entities" representing special characters, and requires that all XML processors honor them. The entities can be explicitly declared in a DTD, as well, but if this is done, the replacement text must be the same as the built-in definitions. XML also allows other named entities of any size to be defined on a per-document basis.
The table below lists the five XML predefined entities. The "Name" column mentions the entity's name. The "Character" column shows the character. To render the character, the format &name;
is used; for example, &
renders as &. The "Unicode code point" column cites the character via standard UCS/Unicode "U+" notation, which shows the character's code point in hexadecimal. The decimal equivalent of the code point is then shown in parentheses. The "Standard" column indicates the first version of XML that includes the entity. The "Description" column cites the character via its canonical UCS/Unicode name, in English.
Name | Character | Unicode code point (decimal) | Standard | Description |
quot | " | U+0022 (34) | XML 1.0 | double quotation mark |
amp | & | U+0026 (38) | XML 1.0 | ampersand |
apos | ' | U+0027 (39) | XML 1.0 | apostrophe (apostrophe-quote) |
lt | < | U+003C (60) | XML 1.0 | less-than sign |
gt | > | U+003E (62) | XML 1.0 | greater-than sign |
The HTML 4 DTDs define 252 named entities, references to which act as mnemonic aliases for certain Unicode characters. The HTML 4 specification requires the use of the standard DTDs and does not allow users to define additional entities.
In the table below, the "Standard" column indicates the first version of the HTML DTD that defines the character entity reference. HTML 4.01 does not provide any new character references.
To use one of these character entity references in an HTML or XML document, enter an ampersand followed by the entity name and a semicolon, e.g., &
Name | Character | Unicode code point (decimal) | Standard | DTD[a] | Old ISO subset[b] | Description[c] |
quot | " | U+0022 (34) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLspecial | ISOnum | quotation mark (APL quote) |
amp | & | U+0026 (38) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLspecial | ISOnum | ampersand |
apos | ' | U+0027 (39) | XHTML 1.0 | HTMLspecial | ISOnum | apostrophe (apostrophe-quote); see below |
lt | < | U+003C (60) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLspecial | ISOnum | less-than sign |
gt | > | U+003E (62) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLspecial | ISOnum | greater-than sign |
nbsp | U+00A0 (160) | HTML 3.2 | HTMLlat1 | ISOnum | no-break space (non-breaking space)[d] | |
iexcl | ¡ | U+00A1 (161) | HTML 3.2 | HTMLlat1 | ISOnum | inverted exclamation mark |
cent | ¢ | U+00A2 (162) | HTML 3.2 | HTMLlat1 | ISOnum | cent sign |
pound | £ | U+00A3 (163) | HTML 3.2 | HTMLlat1 | ISOnum | pound sign |
curren | ¤ | U+00A4 (164) | HTML 3.2 | HTMLlat1 | ISOnum | currency sign |
yen | ¥ | U+00A5 (165) | HTML 3.2 | HTMLlat1 | ISOnum | yen sign (yuan sign) |
brvbar | ¦ | U+00A6 (166) | HTML 3.2 | HTMLlat1 | ISOnum | broken bar (broken vertical bar) |
sect | § | U+00A7 (167) | HTML 3.2 | HTMLlat1 | ISOnum | section sign |
uml | ¨ | U+00A8 (168) | HTML 3.2 | HTMLlat1 | ISOdia | diaeresis (spacing diaeresis); see Germanic umlaut |
copy | © | U+00A9 (169) | HTML 3.2 | HTMLlat1 | ISOnum | copyright symbol |
ordf | ª | U+00AA (170) | HTML 3.2 | HTMLlat1 | ISOnum | feminine ordinal indicator |
laquo | « | U+00AB (171) | HTML 3.2 | HTMLlat1 | ISOnum | left-pointing double angle quotation mark (left pointing guillemet) |
not | ¬ | U+00AC (172) | HTML 3.2 | HTMLlat1 | ISOnum | not sign |
shy | U+00AD (173) | HTML 3.2 | HTMLlat1 | ISOnum | soft hyphen (discretionary hyphen) | |
reg | ® | U+00AE (174) | HTML 3.2 | HTMLlat1 | ISOnum | registered sign (registered trademark symbol) |
macr | ¯ | U+00AF (175) | HTML 3.2 | HTMLlat1 | ISOdia | macron (spacing macron, overline, APL overbar) |
deg | ° | U+00B0 (176) | HTML 3.2 | HTMLlat1 | ISOnum | degree symbol |
plusmn | ± | U+00B1 (177) | HTML 3.2 | HTMLlat1 | ISOnum | plus-minus sign (plus-or-minus sign) |
sup2 | ² | U+00B2 (178) | HTML 3.2 | HTMLlat1 | ISOnum | superscript two (superscript digit two, squared) |
sup3 | ³ | U+00B3 (179) | HTML 3.2 | HTMLlat1 | ISOnum | superscript three (superscript digit three, cubed) |
acute | ´ | U+00B4 (180) | HTML 3.2 | HTMLlat1 | ISOdia | acute accent (spacing acute) |
micro | µ | U+00B5 (181) | HTML 3.2 | HTMLlat1 | ISOnum | micro sign |
para | ¶ | U+00B6 (182) | HTML 3.2 | HTMLlat1 | ISOnum | pilcrow sign (paragraph sign) |
middot | · | U+00B7 (183) | HTML 3.2 | HTMLlat1 | ISOnum | middle dot (Georgian comma, Greek middle dot) |
cedil | ¸ | U+00B8 (184) | HTML 3.2 | HTMLlat1 | ISOdia | cedilla (spacing cedilla) |
sup1 | ¹ | U+00B9 (185) | HTML 3.2 | HTMLlat1 | ISOnum | superscript one (superscript digit one) |
ordm | º | U+00BA (186) | HTML 3.2 | HTMLlat1 | ISOnum | masculine ordinal indicator |
raquo | » | U+00BB (187) | HTML 3.2 | HTMLlat1 | ISOnum | right-pointing double angle quotation mark (right pointing guillemet) |
frac14 | ¼ | U+00BC (188) | HTML 3.2 | HTMLlat1 | ISOnum | vulgar fraction one quarter (fraction one quarter) |
frac12 | ½ | U+00BD (189) | HTML 3.2 | HTMLlat1 | ISOnum | vulgar fraction one half (fraction one half) |
frac34 | ¾ | U+00BE (190) | HTML 3.2 | HTMLlat1 | ISOnum | vulgar fraction three quarters (fraction three quarters) |
iquest | ¿ | U+00BF (191) | HTML 3.2 | HTMLlat1 | ISOnum | inverted question mark (turned question mark) |
Agrave | À | U+00C0 (192) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin capital letter A with grave accent (Latin capital letter A grave) |
Aacute | Á | U+00C1 (193) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin capital letter A with acute accent |
Acirc | Â | U+00C2 (194) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin capital letter A with circumflex |
Atilde | Ã | U+00C3 (195) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin capital letter A with tilde |
Auml | Ä | U+00C4 (196) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin capital letter A with diaeresis |
Aring | Å | U+00C5 (197) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin capital letter A with ring above (Latin capital letter A ring) |
AElig | Æ | U+00C6 (198) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin capital letter AE (Latin capital ligature AE) |
Ccedil | Ç | U+00C7 (199) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin capital letter C with cedilla |
Egrave | È | U+00C8 (200) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin capital letter E with grave accent |
Eacute | É | U+00C9 (201) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin capital letter E with acute accent |
Ecirc | Ê | U+00CA (202) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin capital letter E with circumflex |
Euml | Ë | U+00CB (203) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin capital letter E with diaeresis |
Igrave | Ì | U+00CC (204) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin capital letter I with grave accent |
Iacute | Í | U+00CD (205) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin capital letter I with acute accent |
Icirc | Î | U+00CE (206) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin capital letter I with circumflex |
Iuml | Ï | U+00CF (207) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin capital letter I with diaeresis |
ETH | Ð | U+00D0 (208) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin capital letter Eth |
Ntilde | Ñ | U+00D1 (209) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin capital letter N with tilde |
Ograve | Ò | U+00D2 (210) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin capital letter O with grave accent |
Oacute | Ó | U+00D3 (211) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin capital letter O with acute accent |
Ocirc | Ô | U+00D4 (212) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin capital letter O with circumflex |
Otilde | Õ | U+00D5 (213) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin capital letter O with tilde |
Ouml | Ö | U+00D6 (214) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin capital letter O with diaeresis |
times | × | U+00D7 (215) | HTML 3.2 | HTMLlat1 | ISOnum | multiplication sign |
Oslash | Ø | U+00D8 (216) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin capital letter O with stroke (Latin capital letter O slash) |
Ugrave | Ù | U+00D9 (217) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin capital letter U with grave accent |
Uacute | Ú | U+00DA (218) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin capital letter U with acute accent |
Ucirc | Û | U+00DB (219) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin capital letter U with circumflex |
Uuml | Ü | U+00DC (220) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin capital letter U with diaeresis |
Yacute | Ý | U+00DD (221) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin capital letter Y with acute accent |
THORN | Þ | U+00DE (222) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin capital letter THORN |
szlig | ß | U+00DF (223) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin small letter sharp s (ess-zed); see German Eszett |
agrave | à | U+00E0 (224) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin small letter a with grave accent |
aacute | á | U+00E1 (225) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin small letter a with acute accent |
acirc | â | U+00E2 (226) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin small letter a with circumflex |
atilde | ã | U+00E3 (227) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin small letter a with tilde |
auml | ä | U+00E4 (228) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin small letter a with diaeresis |
aring | å | U+00E5 (229) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin small letter a with ring above |
aelig | æ | U+00E6 (230) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin small letter ae (Latin small ligature ae) |
ccedil | ç | U+00E7 (231) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin small letter c with cedilla |
egrave | è | U+00E8 (232) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin small letter e with grave accent |
eacute | é | U+00E9 (233) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin small letter e with acute accent |
ecirc | ê | U+00EA (234) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin small letter e with circumflex |
euml | ë | U+00EB (235) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin small letter e with diaeresis |
igrave | ì | U+00EC (236) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin small letter i with grave accent |
iacute | í | U+00ED (237) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin small letter i with acute accent |
icirc | î | U+00EE (238) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin small letter i with circumflex |
iuml | ï | U+00EF (239) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin small letter i with diaeresis |
eth | ð | U+00F0 (240) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin small letter eth |
ntilde | ñ | U+00F1 (241) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin small letter n with tilde |
ograve | ò | U+00F2 (242) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin small letter o with grave accent |
oacute | ó | U+00F3 (243) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin small letter o with acute accent |
ocirc | ô | U+00F4 (244) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin small letter o with circumflex |
otilde | õ | U+00F5 (245) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin small letter o with tilde |
ouml | ö | U+00F6 (246) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin small letter o with diaeresis |
divide | ÷ | U+00F7 (247) | HTML 3.2 | HTMLlat1 | ISOnum | division sign (obelus) |
oslash | ø | U+00F8 (248) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin small letter o with stroke (Latin small letter o slash) |
ugrave | ù | U+00F9 (249) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin small letter u with grave accent |
uacute | ú | U+00FA (250) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin small letter u with acute accent |
ucirc | û | U+00FB (251) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin small letter u with circumflex |
uuml | ü | U+00FC (252) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin small letter u with diaeresis |
yacute | ý | U+00FD (253) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin small letter y with acute accent |
thorn | þ | U+00FE (254) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin small letter thorn |
yuml | ÿ | U+00FF (255) | HTML 2.0 | HTMLlat1 | ISOlat1 | Latin small letter y with diaeresis |
OElig | Œ | U+0152 (338) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLspecial | ISOlat2 | Latin capital ligature oe[e] |
oelig | œ | U+0153 (339) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLspecial | ISOlat2 | Latin small ligature oe[e] |
Scaron | Š | U+0160 (352) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLspecial | ISOlat2 | Latin capital letter s with caron |
scaron | š | U+0161 (353) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLspecial | ISOlat2 | Latin small letter s with caron |
Yuml | Ÿ | U+0178 (376) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLspecial | ISOlat2 | Latin capital letter y with diaeresis |
fnof | ƒ | U+0192 (402) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOtech | Latin small letter f with hook (function, florin) |
circ | ˆ | U+02C6 (710) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLspecial | ISOpub | modifier letter circumflex accent |
tilde | ˜ | U+02DC (732) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLspecial | ISOdia | small tilde |
Alpha | Α | U+0391 (913) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | Greek capital letter Alpha | |
Beta | Β | U+0392 (914) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | Greek capital letter Beta | |
Gamma | Γ | U+0393 (915) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOgrk3 | Greek capital letter Gamma |
Delta | Δ | U+0394 (916) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOgrk3 | Greek capital letter Delta |
Epsilon | Ε | U+0395 (917) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | Greek capital letter Epsilon | |
Zeta | Ζ | U+0396 (918) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | Greek capital letter Zeta | |
Eta | Η | U+0397 (919) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | Greek capital letter Eta | |
Theta | Θ | U+0398 (920) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOgrk3 | Greek capital letter Theta |
Iota | Ι | U+0399 (921) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | Greek capital letter Iota | |
Kappa | Κ | U+039A (922) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | Greek capital letter Kappa | |
Lambda | Λ | U+039B (923) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOgrk3 | Greek capital letter Lambda |
Mu | Μ | U+039C (924) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | Greek capital letter Mu | |
Nu | Ν | U+039D (925) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | Greek capital letter Nu | |
Xi | Ξ | U+039E (926) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOgrk3 | Greek capital letter Xi |
Omicron | Ο | U+039F (927) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | Greek capital letter Omicron | |
Pi | Π | U+03A0 (928) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | Greek capital letter Pi | |
Rho | Ρ | U+03A1 (929) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | Greek capital letter Rho | |
Sigma | Σ | U+03A3 (931) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOgrk3 | Greek capital letter Sigma |
Tau | Τ | U+03A4 (932) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | Greek capital letter Tau | |
Upsilon | Υ | U+03A5 (933) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOgrk3 | Greek capital letter Upsilon |
Phi | Φ | U+03A6 (934) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOgrk3 | Greek capital letter Phi |
Chi | Χ | U+03A7 (935) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | Greek capital letter Chi | |
Psi | Ψ | U+03A8 (936) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOgrk3 | Greek capital letter Psi |
Omega | Ω | U+03A9 (937) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOgrk3 | Greek capital letter Omega |
alpha | α | U+03B1 (945) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOgrk3 | Greek small letter alpha |
beta | β | U+03B2 (946) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOgrk3 | Greek small letter beta |
gamma | γ | U+03B3 (947) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOgrk3 | Greek small letter gamma |
delta | δ | U+03B4 (948) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOgrk3 | Greek small letter delta |
epsilon | ε | U+03B5 (949) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOgrk3 | Greek small letter epsilon |
zeta | ζ | U+03B6 (950) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOgrk3 | Greek small letter zeta |
eta | η | U+03B7 (951) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOgrk3 | Greek small letter eta |
theta | θ | U+03B8 (952) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOgrk3 | Greek small letter theta |
iota | ι | U+03B9 (953) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOgrk3 | Greek small letter iota |
kappa | κ | U+03BA (954) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOgrk3 | Greek small letter kappa |
lambda | λ | U+03BB (955) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOgrk3 | Greek small letter lambda |
mu | μ | U+03BC (956) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOgrk3 | Greek small letter mu |
nu | ν | U+03BD (957) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOgrk3 | Greek small letter nu |
xi | ξ | U+03BE (958) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOgrk3 | Greek small letter xi |
omicron | ο | U+03BF (959) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | NEW | Greek small letter omicron |
pi | π | U+03C0 (960) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOgrk3 | Greek small letter pi |
rho | ρ | U+03C1 (961) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOgrk3 | Greek small letter rho |
sigmaf | ς | U+03C2 (962) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOgrk3 | Greek small letter final sigma |
sigma | σ | U+03C3 (963) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOgrk3 | Greek small letter sigma |
tau | τ | U+03C4 (964) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOgrk3 | Greek small letter tau |
upsilon | υ | U+03C5 (965) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOgrk3 | Greek small letter upsilon |
phi | φ | U+03C6 (966) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOgrk3 | Greek small letter phi |
chi | χ | U+03C7 (967) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOgrk3 | Greek small letter chi |
psi | ψ | U+03C8 (968) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOgrk3 | Greek small letter psi |
omega | ω | U+03C9 (969) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOgrk3 | Greek small letter omega |
thetasym | ϑ | U+03D1 (977) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | NEW | Greek theta symbol |
upsih | ϒ | U+03D2 (978) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | NEW | Greek Upsilon with hook symbol |
piv | ϖ | U+03D6 (982) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOgrk3 | Greek pi symbol |
ensp | U+2002 (8194) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLspecial | ISOpub | en space[d] | |
emsp | U+2003 (8195) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLspecial | ISOpub | em space[d] | |
thinsp | U+2009 (8201) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLspecial | ISOpub | thin space[d] | |
zwnj | U+200C (8204) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLspecial | NEW RFC 2070 | zero-width non-joiner | |
zwj | U+200D (8205) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLspecial | NEW RFC 2070 | zero-width joiner | |
lrm | U+200E (8206) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLspecial | NEW RFC 2070 | left-to-right mark | |
rlm | U+200F (8207) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLspecial | NEW RFC 2070 | right-to-left mark | |
ndash | – | U+2013 (8211) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLspecial | ISOpub | en dash |
mdash | — | U+2014 (8212) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLspecial | ISOpub | em dash |
lsquo | ‘ | U+2018 (8216) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLspecial | ISOnum | left single quotation mark |
rsquo | ’ | U+2019 (8217) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLspecial | ISOnum | right single quotation mark |
sbquo | ‚ | U+201A (8218) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLspecial | NEW | single low-9 quotation mark |
ldquo | “ | U+201C (8220) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLspecial | ISOnum | left double quotation mark |
rdquo | ” | U+201D (8221) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLspecial | ISOnum | right double quotation mark |
bdquo | „ | U+201E (8222) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLspecial | NEW | double low-9 quotation mark |
dagger | † | U+2020 (8224) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLspecial | ISOpub | dagger, obelisk |
Dagger | ‡ | U+2021 (8225) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLspecial | ISOpub | double dagger, double obelisk |
bull | • | U+2022 (8226) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLspecial | ISOpub | bullet (black small circle)[f] |
hellip | … | U+2026 (8230) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOpub | horizontal ellipsis (three dot leader) |
permil | ‰ | U+2030 (8240) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLspecial | ISOtech | per mille sign |
prime | ′ | U+2032 (8242) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOtech | prime (minutes, feet) |
Prime | ″ | U+2033 (8243) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOtech | double prime (seconds, inches) |
lsaquo | ‹ | U+2039 (8249) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLspecial | ISO proposed | single left-pointing angle quotation mark[g] |
rsaquo | › | U+203A (8250) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLspecial | ISO proposed | single right-pointing angle quotation mark[g] |
oline | ‾ | U+203E (8254) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | NEW | overline (spacing overscore) |
frasl | ⁄ | U+2044 (8260) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | NEW | fraction slash (solidus) |
euro | € | U+20AC (8364) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLspecial | NEW | euro sign |
image | ℑ | U+2111 (8465) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOamso | black-letter capital I (imaginary part) |
weierp | ℘ | U+2118 (8472) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOamso | script capital P (power set, Weierstrass p) |
real | ℜ | U+211C (8476) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOamso | black-letter capital R (real part symbol) |
trade | ™ | U+2122 (8482) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOnum | trademark symbol |
alefsym | ℵ | U+2135 (8501) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | NEW | alef symbol (first transfinite cardinal)[h] |
larr | ← | U+2190 (8592) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOnum | leftwards arrow |
uarr | ↑ | U+2191 (8593) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOnum | upwards arrow |
rarr | → | U+2192 (8594) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOnum | rightwards arrow |
darr | ↓ | U+2193 (8595) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOnum | downwards arrow |
harr | ↔ | U+2194 (8596) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOamsa | left right arrow |
crarr | ↵ | U+21B5 (8629) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | NEW | downwards arrow with corner leftwards (carriage return) |
lArr | ⇐ | U+21D0 (8656) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOtech | leftwards double arrow[i] |
uArr | ⇑ | U+21D1 (8657) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOamsa | upwards double arrow |
rArr | ⇒ | U+21D2 (8658) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOnum | rightwards double arrow[j] |
dArr | ⇓ | U+21D3 (8659) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOamsa | downwards double arrow |
hArr | ⇔ | U+21D4 (8660) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOamsa | left right double arrow |
forall | ∀ | U+2200 (8704) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOtech | for all |
part | ∂ | U+2202 (8706) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOtech | partial differential |
exist | ∃ | U+2203 (8707) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOtech | there exists |
empty | ∅ | U+2205 (8709) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOamso | empty set (null set); see also U+8960, ⌀ |
nabla | ∇ | U+2207 (8711) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOtech | del or nabla (vector differential operator) |
isin | ∈ | U+2208 (8712) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOtech | element of |
notin | ∉ | U+2209 (8713) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOtech | not an element of |
ni | ∋ | U+220B (8715) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOtech | contains as member |
prod | ∏ | U+220F (8719) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOamsb | n-ary product (product sign)[k] |
sum | ∑ | U+2211 (8721) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOamsb | n-ary summation[l] |
minus | − | U+2212 (8722) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOtech | minus sign |
lowast | ∗ | U+2217 (8727) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOtech | asterisk operator |
radic | √ | U+221A (8730) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOtech | square root (radical sign) |
prop | ∝ | U+221D (8733) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOtech | proportional to |
infin | ∞ | U+221E (8734) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOtech | infinity |
ang | ∠ | U+2220 (8736) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOamso | angle |
and | ∧ | U+2227 (8743) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOtech | logical and (wedge) |
or | ∨ | U+2228 (8744) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOtech | logical or (vee) |
cap | ∩ | U+2229 (8745) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOtech | intersection (cap) |
cup | ∪ | U+222A (8746) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOtech | union (cup) |
int | ∫ | U+222B (8747) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOtech | integral |
there4 | ∴ | U+2234 (8756) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOtech | therefore sign |
sim | ∼ | U+223C (8764) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOtech | tilde operator (varies with, similar to)[m] |
cong | ≅ | U+2245 (8773) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOtech | congruent to |
asymp | ≈ | U+2248 (8776) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOamsr | almost equal to (asymptotic to) |
ne | ≠ | U+2260 (8800) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOtech | not equal to |
equiv | ≡ | U+2261 (8801) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOtech | identical to; sometimes used for 'equivalent to' |
le | ≤ | U+2264 (8804) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOtech | less-than or equal to |
ge | ≥ | U+2265 (8805) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOtech | greater-than or equal to |
sub | ⊂ | U+2282 (8834) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOtech | subset of |
sup | ⊃ | U+2283 (8835) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOtech | superset of[n] |
nsub | ⊄ | U+2284 (8836) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOamsn | not a subset of |
sube | ⊆ | U+2286 (8838) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOtech | subset of or equal to |
supe | ⊇ | U+2287 (8839) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOtech | superset of or equal to |
oplus | ⊕ | U+2295 (8853) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOamsb | circled plus (direct sum) |
otimes | ⊗ | U+2297 (8855) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOamsb | circled times (vector product) |
perp | ⊥ | U+22A5 (8869) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOtech | up tack (orthogonal to, perpendicular)[o] |
sdot | ⋅ | U+22C5 (8901) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOamsb | dot operator[p] |
vellip | ⋮ | U+22EE (8942) | HTML 5.0 | ? | ? | vertical ellipsis |
lceil | ⌈ | U+2308 (8968) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOamsc | left ceiling (APL upstile) |
rceil | ⌉ | U+2309 (8969) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOamsc | right ceiling |
lfloor | ⌊ | U+230A (8970) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOamsc | left floor (APL downstile) |
rfloor | ⌋ | U+230B (8971) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOamsc | right floor |
lang | ⟨ | U+2329 (9001) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOtech | left-pointing angle bracket (bra)[q] |
rang | ⟩ | U+232A (9002) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOtech | right-pointing angle bracket (ket)[r] |
loz | ◊ | U+25CA (9674) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOpub | lozenge |
spades | ♠ | U+2660 (9824) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOpub | black spade suit[f] |
clubs | ♣ | U+2663 (9827) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOpub | black club suit (shamrock)[f] |
hearts | ♥ | U+2665 (9829) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOpub | black heart suit (valentine)[f] |
diams | ♦ | U+2666 (9830) | HTML 4.0 | HTMLsymbol | ISOpub | black diamond suit[f] |
The XHTML DTDs explicitly declare 253 entities (including the 5 predefined entities of XML 1.0) whose expansion is a single character, which can therefore be informally referred to as "character entities". These (with the exception of the'
entity) have the same names and represent the same characters as the 252 character entities in HTML. Also, by virtue of being XML, XHTML documents may reference the predefined '
entity, which is not one of the 252 character entities in HTML. Additional entities of any size may be defined on a per-document basis. However, the usability of entity references in XHTML is affected by how the document is being processed:
or custom entity references may not be supported and may produce unpredictable results.Because of the special '
case mentioned above, only "
, &
, <
, and >
will work in all processing situations.