Sysbench MySQL性能测试比较On SSD & SATA


CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1230 v3 @ 3.30GHz 4核

Mem: 32G




sysbench 0.5的安装:

#bzr branch lp:~sysbench-developers/sysbench/0.5  sysbench

#cd sysbench/

#./configure --prefix=/usr/local/sysbench0.5

#make && make install

然后拷贝编译好的源码至 /usr/local/src目录下

#cp -dprf sysbench /usr/local/src/


这里注意sysbench 0.5 --help选项中并未显示针对OLTP的帮助信息,如下:

[root@test bin]# /usr/local/sysbench0.5/bin/sysbench --help

Missing required command argument.


  sysbench [general-options]... --test=<test-name> [test-options]... command

General options:

  --num-threads=N             number of threads to use [1]

  --max-requests=N            limit for total number of requests [10000]

  --max-time=N                limit for total execution time in seconds [0]

  --forced-shutdown=STRING    amount of time to wait after --max-time before forcing shutdown [off]

  --thread-stack-size=SIZE    size of stack per thread [64K]

  --tx-rate=N                 target transaction rate (tps) [0]

  --report-interval=N         periodically report intermediate statistics with a specified interval in seconds. 0 disables intermediate reports [0]

  --report-checkpoints=[LIST,...]dump full statistics and reset all counters at specified points in time. The argument is a list of comma-separated values representing the amount of time in seconds elapsed from start of test when report checkpoint(s) must be performed. Report checkpoints are off by default. []

  --test=STRING               test to run

  --debug=[on|off]            print more debugging info [off]

  --validate=[on|off]         perform validation checks where possible [off]

  --help=[on|off]             print help and exit

  --version=[on|off]          print version and exit [off]

  --rand-init=[on|off]        initialize random number generator [off]

  --rand-type=STRING          random numbers distribution {uniform,gaussian,special,pareto} [special]

  --rand-spec-iter=N          number of iterations used for numbers generation [12]

  --rand-spec-pct=N           percentage of values to be treated as 'special' (for special distribution) [1]

  --rand-spec-res=N           percentage of 'special' values to use (for special distribution) [75]

  --rand-seed=N               seed for random number generator, ignored when 0 [0]

  --rand-pareto-h=N           parameter h for pareto distibution [0.2]

Log options:

  --verbosity=N      verbosity level {5 - debug, 0 - only critical messages} [3]

  --percentile=N      percentile rank of query response times to count [95]

Compiled-in tests:

  fileio - File I/O test

  cpu - CPU performance test

  memory - Memory functions speed test

  threads - Threads subsystem performance test

  mutex - Mutex performance test

Commands: prepare run cleanup help version

See 'sysbench --test=<name> help' for a list of options for each test.



[root@test bin]#/usr/local/sysbench0.4/bin/sysbench --help


  sysbench [general-options]... --test=<test-name> [test-options]... command

General options:

  --num-threads=N            number of threads to use [1]

  --max-requests=N           limit for total number of requests [10000]

  --max-time=N               limit for total execution time in seconds [0]

  --forced-shutdown=STRING   amount of time to wait after --max-time before forcing shutdown [off]

  --thread-stack-size=SIZE   size of stack per thread [32K]

  --init-rng=[on|off]        initialize random number generator [off]

  --test=STRING              test to run

  --debug=[on|off]           print more debugging info [off]

  --validate=[on|off]        perform validation checks where possible [off]

  --help=[on|off]            print help and exit

  --version=[on|off]         print version and exit

Compiled-in tests:

  fileio - File I/O test

  cpu - CPU performance test

  memory - Memory functions speed test

  threads - Threads subsystem performance test

  mutex - Mutex performance test

  oltp - OLTP test

Commands: prepare run cleanup help version

See 'sysbench --test=<name> help' for a list of options for each test.

[root@test bin]# ./sysbench --test=oltp help

sysbench 0.4.12:  multi-threaded system evaluation benchmark

oltp options:

  --oltp-test-mode=STRING         test type to use {simple,complex,nontrx,sp} [complex]

  --oltp-reconnect-mode=STRING    reconnect mode {session,transaction,query,random} [session]

  --oltp-sp-name=STRING           name of store procedure to call in SP test mode []

  --oltp-read-only=[on|off]       generate only 'read' queries (do not modify database) [off]

  --oltp-skip-trx=[on|off]        skip BEGIN/COMMIT statements [off]

  --oltp-range-size=N             range size for range queries [100]

  --oltp-point-selects=N          number of point selects [10]

  --oltp-simple-ranges=N          number of simple ranges [1]

  --oltp-sum-ranges=N             number of sum ranges [1]

  --oltp-order-ranges=N           number of ordered ranges [1]

  --oltp-distinct-ranges=N        number of distinct ranges [1]

  --oltp-index-updates=N          number of index update [1]

  --oltp-non-index-updates=N      number of non-index updates [1]

  --oltp-nontrx-mode=STRING       mode for non-transactional test {select, update_key, update_nokey, insert, delete} [select]

  --oltp-auto-inc=[on|off]        whether AUTO_INCREMENT (or equivalent) should be used on id column [on]

  --oltp-connect-delay=N          time in microseconds to sleep after connection to database [10000]

  --oltp-user-delay-min=N         minimum time in microseconds to sleep after each request [0]

  --oltp-user-delay-max=N         maximum time in microseconds to sleep after each request [0]

  --oltp-table-name=STRING        name of test table [sbtest]

  --oltp-table-size=N             number of records in test table [10000]

  --oltp-dist-type=STRING         random numbers distribution {uniform,gaussian,special} [special]

  --oltp-dist-iter=N              number of iterations used for numbers generation [12]

  --oltp-dist-pct=N               percentage of values to be treated as 'special' (for special distribution) [1]

  --oltp-dist-res=N               percentage of 'special' values to use (for special distribution) [75]

General database options:

  --db-driver=STRING  specifies database driver to use ('help' to get list of available drivers)

  --db-ps-mode=STRING prepared statements usage mode {auto, disable} [auto]

Compiled-in database drivers:

  mysql - MySQL driver

mysql options:

  --mysql-host=[LIST,...]       MySQL server host [localhost]

  --mysql-port=N                MySQL server port [3306]

  --mysql-socket=STRING         MySQL socket

  --mysql-user=STRING           MySQL user [sbtest]

  --mysql-password=STRING       MySQL password []

  --mysql-db=STRING             MySQL database name [sbtest]

  --mysql-table-engine=STRING   storage engine to use for the test table {myisam,innodb,bdb,heap,ndbcluster,federated} [innodb]

  --mysql-engine-trx=STRING     whether storage engine used is transactional or not {yes,no,auto} [auto]

  --mysql-ssl=[on|off]          use SSL connections, if available in the client library [off]

  --myisam-max-rows=N           max-rows parameter for MyISAM tables [1000000]

  --mysql-create-options=STRING additional options passed to CREATE TABLE []


先sysbench测试on SSD:

my.cnf 配置如下:


port            = 3306

socket          = /ssd/mysql5.5/mysql.sock


port            = 3306

socket          = /ssd/mysql5.5/mysql.sock

datadir = /ssd/mysql5.5/data

back_log = 50




max_connections = 100

max_connect_errors = 10

table_open_cache = 2048

max_allowed_packet = 16M

binlog_cache_size = 1M

max_heap_table_size = 64M

read_buffer_size = 2M

read_rnd_buffer_size = 16M

sort_buffer_size = 8M

join_buffer_size = 8M

thread_cache_size = 8

thread_concurrency = 8

query_cache_size = 64M

query_cache_limit = 2M

ft_min_word_len = 4

default-storage-engine = INNODB

thread_stack = 192K

transaction_isolation = REPEATABLE-READ

tmp_table_size = 64M

server-id = 1

key_buffer_size = 32M

bulk_insert_buffer_size = 64M

myisam_sort_buffer_size = 128M

myisam_max_sort_file_size = 10G

myisam_repair_threads = 1


innodb_additional_mem_pool_size = 16M

innodb_buffer_pool_size = 20G

innodb_file_per_table = true

innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:10M:autoextend

innodb_data_ssd_dir = /ssd/mysql5.5/data

innodb_write_io_threads = 16

innodb_read_io_threads = 16

innodb_thread_concurrency = 16

innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 1

innodb_log_buffer_size = 256M

innodb_log_file_size = 512M

innodb_log_files_in_group = 3

innodb_log_group_ssd_dir = /ssd/mysql5.5/data

innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct = 90

innodb_lock_wait_timeout = 120



max_allowed_packet = 16M




key_buffer_size = 512M

sort_buffer_size = 512M

read_buffer = 8M

write_buffer = 8M




open-files-limit = 8192
View Code


接下来,使用SYSBENCH 生成初始化数据:

/usr/local/sysbench0.5/bin/sysbench \

--test=/usr/local/src/sysbench/sysbench/sysbench \

--test=/usr/local/src/sysbench/sysbench/tests/db/parallel_prepare.lua \

--mysql-socket=/ssd/mysql5.5/mysql.sock \

--mysql-user=root \

--mysql-table-engine=innodb \

--oltp-table-size=25000000 \

--oltp-tables-count=16 \

--rand-init=on \

--num-threads=16 \

--oltp-read-only=off \

--report-interval=10 \

--rand-type=special \

--rand-spec-pct=5 \

--max-requests=0 \

--percentile=99 \

--max-time=6000 run


接下来sysbench 测试OLTP应用:

/usr/local/sysbench0.5/bin/sysbench \

--test=/usr/local/src/sysbench/sysbench/sysbench \

--test=/usr/local/src/sysbench/sysbench/tests/db/oltp.lua \

--mysql-socket=/ssd/mysql5.5/mysql.sock \

--mysql-user=root \

--mysql-table-engine=innodb \

--oltp-table-size=25000000 \

--oltp-tables-count=16 \

--rand-init=on \

--num-threads=16 \

--oltp-read-only=off \

--report-interval=10 \

--rand-type=special \

--rand-spec-pct=5 \

--max-requests=0 \

--percentile=99 \

--max-time=6000 run



sysbench 0.5: multi-threaded system evaluation benchmark

Running the test with following options:
Number of threads: 16
Report intermediate results every 10 second(s)
Initializing random number generator from timer.

Random number generator seed is 0 and will be ignored

Threads started!

[ 10s] threads: 16, tps: 431.35, reads/s: 6056.98, writes/s: 1727.62, response time: 77.86ms (99%)
[ 20s] threads: 16, tps: 671.30, reads/s: 9394.20, writes/s: 2684.20, response time: 53.66ms (99%)
[ 30s] threads: 16, tps: 889.20, reads/s: 12454.40, writes/s: 3557.70, response time: 42.33ms (99%)
[ 40s] threads: 16, tps: 970.80, reads/s: 13589.70, writes/s: 3883.40, response time: 39.56ms (99%)
[ 50s] threads: 16, tps: 1024.20, reads/s: 14342.20, writes/s: 4098.50, response time: 38.07ms (99%)
[ 60s] threads: 16, tps: 1034.90, reads/s: 14480.88, writes/s: 4136.40, response time: 37.70ms (99%)
[ 70s] threads: 16, tps: 947.10, reads/s: 13266.32, writes/s: 3793.20, response time: 122.98ms (99%)
[ 80s] threads: 16, tps: 1006.20, reads/s: 14081.49, writes/s: 4020.40, response time: 77.28ms (99%)
[ 90s] threads: 16, tps: 938.30, reads/s: 13133.50, writes/s: 3753.10, response time: 129.52ms (99%)

OLTP test statistics:
queries performed:
read: 80147774
write: 22899364
other: 11449682
total: 114496820
transactions: 5724841 (954.14 per sec.)    (代表TPS)
deadlocks: 0 (0.00 per sec.)
read/write requests: 103047138 (17174.45 per sec.) 
other operations: 11449682 (1908.27 per sec.)

General statistics:
total time: 6000.0260s
total number of events: 5724841
total time taken by event execution: 95991.9466s
response time:
min: 2.11ms
avg: 16.77ms
max: 75652.05ms
approx. 99 percentile: 74.13ms

Threads fairness:
events (avg/stddev): 357802.5625/970.53
execution time (avg/stddev): 5999.4967/0.01


同样的方法测试mysql on SATA上的结果, 结果如下:

nohup: ignoring input
sysbench 0.5: multi-threaded system evaluation benchmark

Running the test with following options:
Number of threads: 16
Report intermediate results every 10 second(s)
Initializing random number generator from timer.

Random number generator seed is 0 and will be ignored

Threads started!

[ 10s] threads: 16, tps: 5.21, reads/s: 91.04, writes/s: 21.73, response time: 3504.01ms (99%)
[ 20s] threads: 16, tps: 7.10, reads/s: 96.10, writes/s: 29.30, response time: 4795.20ms (99%)
[ 30s] threads: 16, tps: 8.10, reads/s: 105.10, writes/s: 30.70, response time: 3616.98ms (99%)
[ 40s] threads: 16, tps: 7.40, reads/s: 110.30, writes/s: 29.60, response time: 2875.84ms (99%)
[ 50s] threads: 16, tps: 7.30, reads/s: 105.90, writes/s: 29.50, response time: 3043.23ms (99%)
[ 60s] threads: 16, tps: 8.40, reads/s: 101.40, writes/s: 33.20, response time: 5186.41ms (99%)
[ 70s] threads: 16, tps: 6.50, reads/s: 111.20, writes/s: 29.20, response time: 2856.11ms (99%)
[ 80s] threads: 16, tps: 8.50, reads/s: 111.50, writes/s: 31.60, response time: 3209.78ms (99%)
[ 90s] threads: 16, tps: 8.20, reads/s: 112.50, writes/s: 32.20, response time: 2959.68ms (99%)
[ 100s] threads: 16, tps: 7.80, reads/s: 115.50, writes/s: 31.40, response time: 3325.18ms (99%)
[ 110s] threads: 16, tps: 9.00, reads/s: 112.40, writes/s: 35.60, response time: 3183.94ms (99%)
[ 120s] threads: 16, tps: 7.80, reads/s: 124.80, writes/s: 35.60, response time: 4818.22ms (99%)
[ 130s] threads: 16, tps: 8.00, reads/s: 114.10, writes/s: 28.50, response time: 2826.34ms (99%)
[ 140s] threads: 16, tps: 8.30, reads/s: 114.00, writes/s: 36.30, response time: 3235.83ms (99%)
[ 150s] threads: 16, tps: 8.30, reads/s: 114.80, writes/s: 30.60, response time: 4418.92ms (99%)
[ 160s] threads: 16, tps: 8.20, reads/s: 118.20, writes/s: 32.60, response time: 2917.46ms (99%)


OLTP test statistics:
queries performed:
read: 1932490
write: 552140
other: 276070
total: 2760700
transactions: 138035 (23.00 per sec.)
deadlocks: 0 (0.00 per sec.)
read/write requests: 2484630 (414.06 per sec.)
other operations: 276070 (46.01 per sec.)

General statistics:
total time: 6000.6796s
total number of events: 138035
total time taken by event execution: 96004.4845s
response time:
min: 123.86ms
avg: 695.51ms
max: 7019.34ms
approx. 99 percentile: 2235.13ms

Threads fairness:
events (avg/stddev): 8627.1875/24.01
execution time (avg/stddev): 6000.2803/0.14




 TPS:954.14                         response time: < 100 ms


 TPS: 23.00                          response time: > 3000 ms

可见SSD TPS 基本上是SATA的40倍,响应时间30倍左右。


额外说下针对此mysql server的应用测试后,在关闭mysql时,耗时将近10分钟,log如下:

141007 11:59:20 [Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Normal shutdown

141007 11:59:20 [Note] Event Scheduler: Purging the queue. 0 events
141007 11:59:20 InnoDB: Starting shutdown...
141007 11:59:21 InnoDB: Waiting for 200 pages to be flushed
141007 12:00:20 InnoDB: Waiting for master thread to be suspended
141007 12:00:22 InnoDB: Waiting for 200 pages to be flushed
141007 12:01:21 InnoDB: Waiting for master thread to be suspended
141007 12:01:23 InnoDB: Waiting for 200 pages to be flushed
141007 12:02:21 InnoDB: Waiting for master thread to be suspended
141007 12:02:24 InnoDB: Waiting for 201 pages to be flushed
141007 12:03:21 InnoDB: Waiting for master thread to be suspended
141007 12:03:25 InnoDB: Waiting for 201 pages to be flushed
141007 12:04:21 InnoDB: Waiting for master thread to be suspended
141007 12:04:26 InnoDB: Waiting for 200 pages to be flushed
141007 12:05:21 InnoDB: Waiting for master thread to be suspended
141007 12:05:27 InnoDB: Waiting for 200 pages to be flushed
141007 12:06:22 InnoDB: Waiting for master thread to be suspended
141007 12:06:28 InnoDB: Waiting for 200 pages to be flushed
141007 12:07:22 InnoDB: Waiting for master thread to be suspended
141007 12:07:29 InnoDB: Waiting for 200 pages to be flushed
141007 12:08:22 InnoDB: Waiting for master thread to be suspended
141007 12:08:30 InnoDB: Waiting for 200 pages to be flushed
141007 12:09:22 InnoDB: Waiting for master thread to be suspended
141007 12:09:31 InnoDB: Waiting for 200 pages to be flushed
141007 12:10:22 InnoDB: Waiting for master thread to be suspended
141007 12:10:33 InnoDB: Waiting for 200 pages to be flushed
141007 12:11:23 InnoDB: Waiting for master thread to be suspended
141007 12:11:35 InnoDB: Waiting for 200 pages to be flushed
141007 12:12:23 InnoDB: Waiting for master thread to be suspended
141007 12:12:37 InnoDB: Waiting for 201 pages to be flushed
141007 12:13:25 InnoDB: Shutdown completed; log sequence number 113522107648
141007 12:13:25 [Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Shutdown complete

141007 12:13:25 mysqld_safe mysqld from pid file /home/mysql5.5/data/ ended

可见mysql 在关闭时,仍有大量的脏页需要刷新到磁盘中。
