微软teams软件_如何在Microsoft Teams中创建快速投票

微软teams软件_如何在Microsoft Teams中创建快速投票_第1张图片


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Perhaps you want to know your team’s opinion on something. Or, maybe you need your coworker to come to a majority decision and settle a (hopefully friendly) dispute. Whatever the reason, a poll within Microsoft Teams is usually the best way to get the answer.

也许您想了解您的团队对某些事情的看法。 或者,也许您需要您的同事做出多数决定并解决(希望是友好的)争议。 无论出于何种原因,Microsoft Teams中的民意调查通常都是获得答案的最佳方法。

There is a quick and simple way to create a single-question poll in Microsoft Teams without using any third-party software. Even better, any member of the team can create a poll, and all members of the team can vote and see the results. This means it’s both democratic and transparent, as well as recorded if you need to refer back to the poll results at a later date.

有一种快速简单的方法可以在Microsoft Teams中创建单个问题的民意调查,而无需使用任何第三方软件。 更好的是,团队中的任何成员都可以创建民意调查,团队中的所有成员都可以投票并查看结果。 这意味着它既民主又透明,并且在以后需要参考民意调查结果时也可以记录下来。

To create a poll, open Microsoft Teams and then click on the three dots under a new chat message or reply.

要创建民意调查,请打开Microsoft Teams,然后单击新的聊天消息或答复下的三个点。

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In the window that pops up, select the “Forms” option.


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A new Forms window will load that allows you to ask a single question. Enter your question, two answers, and then click the “Add Option” button if you need more answers to choose from. When you’re done, click “Next.”

将加载一个新的“窗体”窗口,使您可以提出一个问题。 输入您的问题和两个答案,如果需要更多答案,请单击“添加选项”按钮。 完成后,单击“下一步”。

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If you’re wondering how the emojis were added to the responses, you can press Windows+. to open the emojis window. This works almost everywhere in Windows where you can enter text and in all Office 365 apps.

如果您想知道表情符号如何添加到响应中,可以按Windows +。 打开表情符号窗口。 在Windows中几乎可以在其中输入文本的所有位置以及所有Office 365应用程序中,此方法都适用。

The Forms window will show you a preview of what your poll will look like. Click “Edit” to make changes, and when you’re ready to post the poll, click the “Send” button.

“表单”窗口将向您显示民意测验的预览。 单击“编辑”进行更改,然后准备发布投票时,单击“发送”按钮。

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The poll will appear in your chat. Anyone can vote by selecting an option and then clicking “Submit Vote.” The collected responses are displayed underneath.

投票将出现在您的聊天中。 任何人都可以通过选择一个选项,然后单击“提交投票”进行投票。 收集的响应显示在下方。

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Each user can change their vote as many times as they like, but only their final choice is recorded.


If you want to see which choice each user chose, open the Forms app in Office 365 and click on the poll form.

如果要查看每个用户选择了哪个选项,请在Office 365中打开Forms应用程序,然后单击轮询表单。

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Only the person who created the poll will be able to see the responses in Forms, but the responses can be exported to Excel and shared with the team, just like any other document.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/675710/how-to-create-a-quick-poll-in-microsoft-teams/

