

interface phoneCall{//定义一个打电话的函数类型接口,约定该函数需要有一个string类型的参数,然后返回值类型为void
	(phoneNumber : string):void;

let makePhoneCall: phoneCall;//定义一个phoneCall接口类型的变量

function iphone(phoneNumber : string):void{//定义通过iphone打电话的函数
	console.log("phone call to ", phoneNumber, "by iphone");

function android(number : string):void{//定义通过android打电话的函数
	console.log("phone call to ", number, "by android");

makePhoneCall = iphone;//将函数iphone赋值给函数类型的接口变量
makePhoneCall("12345");//通过函数类型接口函数调用函数,输出:phone call to  12345 by iphone
makePhoneCall = android;//将函数android赋值给函数类型的接口变量
makePhoneCall("67890");//通过函数类型接口函数调用函数,输出:phone call to  67890 by android


interface phoneCall{//定义函数类型接口
	(phoneNumber : string) : string;

interface Human{//定义对象类型接口,对象包含一个phoneCall类型的属性
	name : string,
	makePhoneCall : phoneCall

function humanMakeCall(data : Human, number: string)
	console.log(data.name, data.makePhoneCall(number));

function iphone(phoneNumber : string) : string{
	return "phone call to " + phoneNumber + " by iphone";

function android(number : string) : string{
	return "phone call to " + number + " by android";

let xiaoMing = {
	name : "XiaoMing",
	makePhoneCall : iphone

let xiaoHong = {
	name : "XiaoHong",
	makePhoneCall : android

humanMakeCall(xiaoMing, "12345");//输出:XiaoMing phone call to 12345 by iphone
humanMakeCall(xiaoHong, "67890");//输出:XiaoHong phone call to 67890 by android
