
It was the Pistons' third game in three cities and four nights, and they were flat. (flat无力的)
Williams fouled Chauncey Billups purposely with 26 seconds left and the score tied.(tie平局)
it is not inconceivable that Toronto could find a way to slide into the postseason(inconceivable难以想象,postseason季候赛? offseason)
Bell played feisty defense all night against the Spurs(feisty积极的活跃的精力充沛的)
James' energy, shooting and fiery play have helped the Raptors bounce back from a horrendous start(firey热烈的,horrendous可怕的)
The Pistons pounded the Spurs into submission on Christmas Day(pound someone into submission 使某人屈服了)
the Spurs were without Manu Ginobili, who allows them to play at a different speed when he's in the lineup(in the lineup在队伍中)
The Knicks and Mavs have the league's two highest payrolls(payroll薪水册)
从 现有数据库中查询数据insert到另外一张表的sql写法:
insert into rls..client_ref_temp select insidenopcs,corpus,account,openflag,isext,loanid,rate,endflag from rls.customer.client_ref where insideno = '901010034'
