[翻译] SCViewShaker


[翻译] SCViewShaker


[翻译] SCViewShaker


A highly configurable UIView category for shaking a view. You start shaking your views with a one liner :). It supports a few different shaking styles (horizontal, vertical, rotate) and let you configure the duration, the speed and the shake strength.



SCViewShaker works as a category on UIView. It provides the following methods:


- (void)shake; - (void)shakeWithOptions:(SCShakeOptions)shakeOptions force:(CGFloat)force duration:(CGFloat)duration iterationDuration:(CGFloat)iterationDuration completionHandler:(ShakeCompletionHandler)completionHandler - (void)endShake @property (readonly, nonatomic) BOOL isShaking 

shake does a small shake on the view for a short amount of time. It was added as a convenience method.


shakeWithOptions:force:duration:iterationDuration:completionHandler: performs a new shake action with the complete control on how the shake will be done. It takes the follow parameters:


shakeOptions is an enum of options that can be activated by using the OR operator (like SCShakeOptionsDirectionRotate | SCShakeOptionsForceInterpolationNone).


force is the coefficient of force to apply on each shake iteration (typically between 0 and 1 even though nothing prevents you for setting a higher value if you want).


duration is the total duration of the shaking motion. This may be ignored depending of the options you set. iterationDuration is how long each shake iteration will last. You may want to set a very low value (like 0.02) if you want a proper shake effect.


completionHandler, if not null, is the block that will be invoked when the shake finishes.


Simple example

UIView *view = ...; // Grab a view from somewhere [view beginShakingWithOptions:SCShakeOptionsDirectionRotate | SCShakeOptionsForceInterpolationExpDown | SCShakeOptionsAtEndRestart | SCShakeOptionsAutoreverse force:0.15 duration:1 iterationDuration:0.03 completionHandler:nil]; 



The direction affects the visual effect of the shake effect. All value bounds shown here are based on a force of 1. 


SCShakeOptionsDirectionRotate: The view will rotate from -90° to 90°. 这个view会从-90°到90°旋转

SCShakeOptionsDirectionHorizontal: The view will move horizontally from -frameWidth to +frameWidth. 这个view会从水平的-frameWidth值移动到+frameWidth值.

SCShakeOptionsDirectionVertical: The view will move vertically from -frameHeight to +frameHeight. 这个view会从垂直的-frameHeight值移动到+frameHeight值.

SCShakeOptionsDirectionHorizontalAndVertical: The view will randomly move horizontally or vertically. 这个view会随机的在水平或者垂直方向上移动.

Force interpolation

The force interpolation affects how the force changes in the time. 强度参数影响着每次改变的次数

SCShakeOptionsForceInterpolationNone: The force will remain always the same as the one you provided. 

SCShakeOptionsForceInterpolationLinearUp: The force will linearly changes from 0 to the one you provided.

SCShakeOptionsForceInterpolationLinearDown: The force will linearly changes from the one you provided to zero.

SCShakeOptionsForceInterpolationExpUp: The force will exponentialy changes from 0 to the one you provided.

SCShakeOptionsForceInterpolationExpDown: The force will exponentialy changes from the one you provided to zero.

SCShakeOptionsForceInterpolationRandom: The force will randomly change between 0 and the one you provided.

Action at end

The action at end defines what should happen when the shake completes 定义了当振动结束之后的行为

SCShakeOptionsAtEndRestart: The shake will be restarted automatically from the beginning. 振动将会自动重新开始

SCShakeOptionsAtEndComplete: The shake will stop. 振动将会停止

SCShakeOptionsAtEndContinue: The shake will contnue endlessly. The force won't change anymore when it reaches the duration. 振动将不会停止,强度参数不会对他产生任何作用了

Misc options

SCShakeOptionsAutoreverse: When the shake reaches the end, the shake will continue in the reverse order. Setting this value will double the effective duration. 当振动结束后,这个振动将会逆序在执行一遍,设置这个参数会让振动时间变成双倍.

