
  一. 介绍

  Mercuial与传统的版本控制系统最大不同在于使用分布式的管理。所谓分布式,就是指没有一个所谓的集中的中心(central)库,这个库一般由svn server(svn),vss administrator(vss)控制,而Mercuial没有这样一个库,在本地建库,直接就使用,任何一个库都可以作为中心库。每个库都看成是平等的。

  二. 好处





How can I download the plugin? (在eclipse安装插件)

You can get the plugin easily using the Eclipse Update Manager, just click HelpSoftware Updates in Eclipse. The Eclipse Update Site for MercurialEclipse is available at this URL:


If you are not familiar with getting new software and updates to Eclipse, please read this article.

Important note for users of previous HgEclipse versions: if you have HgEclipse already installed on your Eclipse, please explicitely uninstall HgEclipse before installing MercurialEclipse 1.6.0. (This is necessary due to the plugin naming changes.) It's easy: in Eclipse, click (按照这个步骤来)HelpAboutInstallation Details → select HgEclipse → click Uninstall and confirm everything. Now you can install MercurialEclipse 1.6.0.

If you have trouble using the update site then you can download the plugin jars and install manually from here: plugin directory

How can I get the source source code? (获取源代码)

Read here more about checking out source code from a JavaForge repository and see this page for the clone URL. If you are already registered and are in a hurry, then run this Mercurial command and login with your JavaForge username and password:

hg clone(输入这个地址) http://javaforge.com/hg/hgeclipse
