图的深度和广度优先搜索遍历 数据结构C语言编程


#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define OK 1
#define ERROR 0
#define OVERFLOW -2
#define NULL 0
typedef int Status;
typedef struct Node
 int elem;
 struct Node *next;
typedef struct
 QNode front;
 QNode rear;
#define MAX 20

typedef struct ArcNode      //头节点
 int adjvex;             //该边所指向的顶点的位置
 struct ArcNode *nextarc; //指向下一条边

typedef struct VNode          //表节点
 int data;               //顶点信息
 ArcNode *firstarc;      //指向第一条依附该节点的边的指针

typedef struct
 AdjList vertices;    //表节点
 int vexnum;          //节点的个数
 int arcnum;          //边的条数
Status InitQueue(Queue *Q)
 if(!Q->front) exit(OVERFLOW);
 return OK;
Status EnQueue(Queue *Q,int e)
 QNode p=(QNode)malloc(sizeof(Node));
 if(!p) exit(OVERFLOW);
 return OK;
Status DeQueue(Queue *Q,int *e)
 QNode p;
 return OK;

Status QueueEmpty(Queue Q)
   return TRUE;
   return FALSE;

int LocateVex(Graph *G,int v)   //返回节点v在图中的位置
 int i;
    return i;
   return -1;

Status CreateGraph(Graph *G)
 int m,n,i,j,k,v1,v2,flag=0;
 ArcNode *p1,*q1,*p,*q;
 printf("Please input the number of VNode: ");
 printf("Please input the number of ArcNode: ");
 G->vexnum=m;           //顶点数目
 G->arcnum=n;           //边的数目
  G->vertices[i].data=i+1;     //顶点信息
 printf("Output the message of VNode:\n");

   printf("Please input the %d edge beginpoint and endpoint: ",k+1);

    p=(ArcNode *)malloc(sizeof(ArcNode));

    q=(ArcNode *)malloc(sizeof(ArcNode));
    printf("Not hava this edge!\n");


printf("The Adjacency List is:\n"); //输出邻接表
   printf("\t%d v%d->",i,G->vertices[i].data);
 return OK;

int FirstAdjVex(Graph G,int v)
   return G.vertices[v].firstarc->adjvex;
   return -1;

int  NextAdjVex(Graph  G,int  v,int  w){ 
while(p->vertex != cur)
		p = p->pNext;

		return p->nextarc->vertex; 
		return -1;

int Visited[MAX];

void DFS(Graph G,int v)
 int w;
    printf("v%d ",G.vertices[v].data);

void DFSTraverse(Graph G)
 int v;
                 printf("v%d ",G.vertices[w].data);

 Graph G;
 printf("Depth First Search:\n");
 printf("\nBreadth First Search:\n");

