


 1.1 直接权重融合

1.2 TIF融合方法


2.1 整体代码框架

2.2 标定参数

2.3 选择最优检测框

2.3.1 检测框合并

2.3.2 重复检测框剔除

2.4 结果可视化

2.4.3 单目估计距离

2.4.4 结果参数可视化






 1.1 直接权重融合

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    import cv2
    import sys
    import cv2

import numpy as np
import os
import time

def weight_half_algo(p1_path, p2_path, weight=0.5):
    # 两幅图像的加权平均
    p1 = cv2.imread(p1_path, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)  # 按彩色图像读取
    p2 = cv2.imread(p2_path, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)  # .astype(np.float)
    p1 = p1.astype(np.float)  # 转成float类型矩阵
    p2 = p2.astype(np.float)  # 转成float类型矩阵
    p = weight * p1 + (1 - weight) * p2
    return p

def flist():
    对文件夹下的示例图像批量进行计算。结果写入文件夹 rootdir_Res 中
    rootdir_IR = r'D:\Project\Python\ImageFusion\VIFB-master\input\IR'  # 红外图像存放路径
    rootdir_VI = r'D:\Project\Python\ImageFusion\VIFB-master\input\VI'  # 可见光图像存放路径
    rootdir_Res = r'D:\Project\Python\ImageFusion\VIFB-master\Res'  # TIF算法处理后的图像存放路径
    rootdir_Res_weight = r'D:\Project\Python\ImageFusion\VIFB-master\Res_weight'  # 平均加权算法处理后的图像存放路径
    fflist = os.listdir(rootdir_IR)  # 列出文件夹下所有的目录与文件
    # print(fflist)
    for i in range(0, len(fflist)):
        path1 = os.path.join(rootdir_IR, fflist[i])
        path2 = os.path.join(rootdir_VI, fflist[i])
        if os.path.isfile(path1) and os.path.isfile(path2):
            p = weight_half_algo(path1, path2)  # 采用两者平均加权的方法进行融合
            cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(rootdir_Res_weight, fflist[i]), p)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # 程序开始时的时间
    time_start = time.time()
    # 1 图表示可见光;2 图表示红外
    time_end = time.time()
    #cv2.imwrite('./final_res.jpg', p)  
    print('程序运行花费时间', time_end - time_start)



1.2 TIF融合方法


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    import cv2
    import sys
    import cv2

import numpy as np
import os
import time

def TIF_algo(p1, p2, median_blur_value=3, mean_blur_value=35):
    :param p1_path: 图像1路径
    :param p2_path: 图像2路径
    :param median_blur_value: 中值滤波参数
    :param mean_blur_value:  均值滤波参数
    :return: 融合图像
    # median_blur_value = 3  # 中值滤波系数
    # mean_blur_value = 35  # 均值滤波系数

    # 均值滤波后(35,35)的图层,即基础层
    p1_b = cv2.blur(p1, (mean_blur_value, mean_blur_value))
    p1_b = p1_b.astype(np.float)  # 转成float类型矩阵
    p2_b = cv2.blur(p2, (mean_blur_value, mean_blur_value))
    p2_b = p2_b.astype(np.float)  # 转成float类型矩阵
    # cv2.imshow('picture after mean blur p1_b', p1_b)
    # cv2.imshow('picture after mean blur p2_b', p2_b)
    # 均值滤波后的细节层
    # p1_d = abs(p1.astype(np.float) - p1_b)
    # p2_d = abs(p2.astype(np.float) - p2_b)
    p1_d = p1.astype(np.float) - p1_b
    p2_d = p2.astype(np.float) - p2_b
    # cv2.imshow('detail layer p1', p1_d / 255.0)
    # cv2.imshow('detail layer p2', p2_d / 255.0)
    # 原图经过中值滤波后的图层
    p1_after_medianblur = cv2.medianBlur(p1, median_blur_value)
    p2_after_medianblur = cv2.medianBlur(p2, median_blur_value)
    # 矩阵转换,换成float型,参与后面计算
    p1_after_medianblur = p1_after_medianblur.astype(np.float)
    p2_after_medianblur = p2_after_medianblur.astype(np.float)

    # 计算均值和中值滤波后的误差
    p1_subtract_from_median_mean = p1_after_medianblur - p1_b + 0.01  # 加0.01 保证结果非NAN
    p2_subtract_from_median_mean = p2_after_medianblur - p2_b + 0.01
    # cv2.imshow('subtract_from_median_mean  p1_subtract_from_median_mean', p1_subtract_from_median_mean/255.0)
    # cv2.imshow('subtract_from_median_mean  p2_subtract_from_median_mean', p2_subtract_from_median_mean/255.0)
    m1 = p1_subtract_from_median_mean[:, :, 0]
    m2 = p1_subtract_from_median_mean[:, :, 1]
    m3 = p1_subtract_from_median_mean[:, :, 2]
    res = m1 * m1 + m2 * m2 + m3 * m3
    # delta1 = np.sqrt(res)
    delta1 = res
    m1 = p2_subtract_from_median_mean[:, :, 0]
    m2 = p2_subtract_from_median_mean[:, :, 1]
    m3 = p2_subtract_from_median_mean[:, :, 2]
    res = m1 * m1 + m2 * m2 + m3 * m3
    # delta2 = np.sqrt(res) #采用平方和开根号做权重计算
    # delta2 = res #采用平方和做权重计算
    delta2 = abs(m1)  # 由于图像2 红外图像是灰度图像,直接用像素差做权重计算

    delta_total = delta1 + delta2  # 分母

    psi_1 = delta1 / delta_total
    psi_2 = delta2 / delta_total
    psi1 = np.zeros(p1.shape, dtype=np.float)
    psi2 = np.zeros(p2.shape, dtype=np.float)
    psi1[:, :, 0] = psi_1
    psi1[:, :, 1] = psi_1
    psi1[:, :, 2] = psi_1
    psi2[:, :, 0] = psi_2
    psi2[:, :, 1] = psi_2
    psi2[:, :, 2] = psi_2
    # 基础层融合
    p_b = 0.5 * (p1_b + p2_b)
    # 细节层融合
    p_d = psi1 * p1_d + psi2 * p2_d
    # 整体融合
    p = p_b + p_d
    return p

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # 程序开始时的时间
    time_start = time.time()
    # 1 图表示可见光;2 图表示红外

    p1_path = './rgb/000000.jpg'  # 可见光图像
    p1 = cv2.imread(p1_path, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)#.astype(np.float)
    p2_path = './t/000000.jpg'  # 红外图像
    p2 = cv2.imread(p2_path, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)#.astype(np.float)
    p = TIF_algo(p1, p2)
    time_end = time.time()
    cv2.imwrite('./dy_weight/000000.jpg', p)
    print('程序运行花费时间', time_end - time_start)

可以看到融合的图片细节更加清楚 。






2.1 整体代码框架





# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

import os
import sys
import rospy
import numpy as np
import time
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import threading
import argparse

from std_msgs.msg import Header
from sensor_msgs.msg import Image

    import cv2
except ImportError:
    import sys
    import cv2

from yolov5_detector import Yolov5Detector, draw_predictions
from mono_estimator import MonoEstimator
from functions import get_stamp, publish_image
from functions import display, print_info
from functions import simplified_nms

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
    description='Demo script for dual modal peception')
parser.add_argument('--print', action='store_true',
    help='Whether to print and record infos.')
parser.add_argument('--sub_image1', default='/pub_rgb', type=str,
    help='The image topic to subscribe.')
parser.add_argument('--sub_image2', default='/pub_t', type=str,
    help='The image topic to subscribe.')
parser.add_argument('--pub_image', default='/result', type=str,
    help='The image topic to publish.')
parser.add_argument('--calib_file', default='../conf/calibration_image.yaml', type=str,
    help='The calibration file of the camera.')
parser.add_argument('--modality', default='RGBT', type=str,
    help='The modality to use. This should be `RGB`, `T` or `RGBT`.')
parser.add_argument('--indoor', action='store_true',
    help='Whether to use INDOOR detection mode.')
parser.add_argument('--frame_rate', default=10, type=int,
    help='Working frequency.')
parser.add_argument('--display', action='store_true',
    help='Whether to display and save all videos.')
args = parser.parse_args()
# 在线程函数执行前,“抢占”该锁,执行完成后,“释放”该锁,则我们确保了每次只有一个线程占有该锁。这也是为什么能让RGB和T匹配的原因
image1_lock = threading.Lock() #创建锁
image2_lock = threading.Lock()

#3.1 获取RGB图像的时间戳和格式转化
def image1_callback(image): 
    global image1_stamp, image1_frame #多线程是共享资源的,使用全局变量 
    image1_lock.acquire() #锁定锁
    image1_stamp = get_stamp(image.header) #获得时间戳
    image1_frame = np.frombuffer(image.data, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(image.height, image.width, -1)#图片格式转化
    image1_lock.release() #释放
#3.2 获取红外图像的时间戳和格式转化
def image2_callback(image):
    global image2_stamp, image2_frame
    image2_stamp = get_stamp(image.header)
    image2_frame = np.frombuffer(image.data, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(image.height, image.width, -1)

#5.1 获取红外图像的时间戳和格式转化
def timer_callback(event):
    global image1_stamp, image1_frame
    cur_stamp1 = image1_stamp
    cur_frame1 = image1_frame.copy()
    global image2_stamp, image2_frame
    cur_stamp2 = image2_stamp
    cur_frame2 = image2_frame.copy()
    global frame
    frame += 1
    start = time.time()
    # 5.2获得预测结果
    if args.indoor: #使用yolov5本身权重
        labels, scores, boxes = detector.run(
            cur_frame1, conf_thres=0.50, classes=[0]
        ) # person
        if args.modality.lower() == 'rgb': #用RGB图像权重
            labels, scores, boxes = detector1.run(
                cur_frame1, conf_thres=0.50, classes=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
            ) # pedestrian, cyclist, car, bus, truck
        elif args.modality.lower() == 't':  #用T图像权重
            labels, scores, boxes = detector2.run(
                cur_frame2, conf_thres=0.50, classes=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
            ) # pedestrian, cyclist, car, bus, truck
        elif args.modality.lower() == 'rgbt': #双模态都用
            #获取RGB的预测结果    类别、置信分数、检测框
            labels1, scores1, boxes1 = detector1.run(
                cur_frame1, conf_thres=0.50, classes=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
            ) # pedestrian, cyclist, car, bus, truck
            #print("rgb",labels1, scores1, boxes1)
            labels2, scores2, boxes2 = detector2.run(
                cur_frame2, conf_thres=0.50, classes=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
            ) # pedestrian, cyclist, car, bus, truck
            #print("T",labels2, scores2, boxes2)
            # 确定最终结果
            labels = labels1 + labels2 #合并类别数组
            scores = scores1 + scores2 #合并分数数组
            if boxes1.shape[0] > 0 and boxes2.shape[0] > 0: #如果可见光和红外都检测到目标
                boxes = np.concatenate([boxes1, boxes2], axis=0) #链接两个检测框
                # 排除重复的目标框
                indices = simplified_nms(boxes, scores)
                labels, scores, boxes = np.array(labels)[indices], np.array(scores)[indices], boxes[indices]
                #print("result",labels, scores, boxes)
            elif boxes1.shape[0] > 0: #如果只有可见光检测到
                boxes = boxes1
            elif boxes2.shape[0] > 0: #如果只有红外检测到
                boxes = boxes2
            else:   #都没检测到
                boxes = np.array([])
            raise ValueError("The modality must be 'RGB', 'T' or 'RGBT'.")
    labels_temp = labels.copy()
    labels = []
    for i in labels_temp:
        labels.append(i if i not in ['pedestrian', 'cyclist'] else 'person')
    # 5.3单目估计距离
    locations = mono.estimate(boxes)#获得目标框的世界坐标系
    indices = [i for i in range(len(locations)) if locations[i][1] > 0 and locations[i][1] < 200]
    labels, scores, boxes, locations = \
        np.array(labels)[indices], np.array(scores)[indices], boxes[indices], np.array(locations)[indices]
    distances = [(loc[0] ** 2 + loc[1] ** 2) ** 0.5 for loc in locations] #估计距离
    cur_frame1 = cur_frame1[:, :, ::-1].copy() # to BGR
    cur_frame2 = cur_frame2[:, :, ::-1].copy() # to BGR
    # 5.4画检测框
    for i in reversed(np.argsort(distances)):#reversed()函数用于对可迭代对象中的元素进行反向排列
        cur_frame1 = draw_predictions(
            cur_frame1, str(labels[i]), float(scores[i]), boxes[i], location=locations[i]
        cur_frame2 = draw_predictions(
            cur_frame2, str(labels[i]), float(scores[i]), boxes[i], location=locations[i]
    # 5.5发布图像
    result_frame = np.concatenate([cur_frame1, cur_frame2], axis=1) #合并图像
    if args.display:
        if not display(result_frame, v_writer, win_name='result'):
            print("\nReceived the shutdown signal.\n")
            rospy.signal_shutdown("Everything is over now.")
    result_frame = result_frame[:, :, ::-1] # to RGB
    publish_image(pub, result_frame)
    delay = round(time.time() - start, 3)
    if args.print:
        print_info(frame, cur_stamp1, delay, labels, scores, boxes, locations, file_name)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # 初始化节点
    rospy.init_node("dual_modal_perception", anonymous=True, disable_signals=True)
    frame = 0
    # 一、加载标定参数
    if not os.path.exists(args.calib_file):
        raise ValueError("%s Not Found" % (args.calib_file))
    mono = MonoEstimator(args.calib_file, print_info=args.print)
    # 二、初始化Yolov5Detector
    if args.indoor:
        detector = Yolov5Detector(weights='weights/coco/yolov5s.pt')
        if args.modality.lower() == 'rgb':
            detector1 = Yolov5Detector(weights='weights/seumm_visible/yolov5s_100ep_pretrained.pt')
        elif args.modality.lower() == 't':
            detector2 = Yolov5Detector(weights='weights/seumm_lwir/yolov5s_100ep_pretrained.pt')
        elif args.modality.lower() == 'rgbt': #双模态
            detector1 = Yolov5Detector(weights='weights/yolov5s.pt')
            detector2 = Yolov5Detector(weights='weights/yolov5s.pt')
            raise ValueError("The modality must be 'RGB', 'T' or 'RGBT'.")
    # 三、进入回调函数
    # 准备图像序列
    image1_stamp, image1_frame = None, None
    image2_stamp, image2_frame = None, None
    rospy.Subscriber(args.sub_image1, Image, image1_callback, queue_size=1,
    rospy.Subscriber(args.sub_image2, Image, image2_callback, queue_size=1,
    # 等待RGB和t图像都获得再进行下一次循环
    while image1_frame is None or image2_frame is None:
        print('Waiting for topic %s and %s...' % (args.sub_image1, args.sub_image2))
    print('  Done.\n')
    # 四、功能选择
    #如果在命令行中输入 python3 demo_dual_modal.py --print 则会运行下面代码
    # 是否记录时间戳和检测结果
    if args.print:
        file_name = 'result.txt'
        with open(file_name, 'w') as fob:
    # 是否保存视频
    if args.display:
        assert image1_frame.shape == image2_frame.shape, \
            'image1_frame.shape must be equal to image2_frame.shape.'
        win_h, win_w = image1_frame.shape[0], image1_frame.shape[1] * 2
        v_path = 'result.mp4'
        v_format = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*"mp4v")
        v_writer = cv2.VideoWriter(v_path, v_format, args.frame_rate, (win_w, win_h), True)
    # 五、预测结果与发布
    # 启动定时检测线程
    pub = rospy.Publisher(args.pub_image, Image, queue_size=1)
    rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(1 / args.frame_rate), timer_callback) #每frame_rate 秒调用一次timer_callback
    # 与C++的spin不同,rospy.spin()的作用是当节点停止时让python程序退出

2.2 标定参数

要进行单目距离估计,引入相机标定参数,calibration_image.yaml 文件内容如下。

ProjectionMat: !!opencv-matrix
   rows: 3
   cols: 4
   dt: d
   data: [859, 0, 339, 0, 0, 864, 212, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]
Height: 2.0 # the height of the camera (meter)
DepressionAngle: 0.0 # the depression angle of the camera (degree)

2.3 选择最优检测框

2.3.1 检测框合并



# 可见光和红外检测出来的东西
rgb ['person'] [0.74] [[        354         245         379         329]]
T ['person', 'person'] [0.77, 0.54] [[        353         241         379         327]
 [        114         249         128         292]]
# 合并后的数组
labels ['person', 'person', 'person']
scores [0.74, 0.77, 0.54]
boxes [[        354         245         379         329]
 [        353         241         379         327]
 [        114         249         128         292]]


rgb ['person'] [0.72] [[        357         245         382         330]]
T [] [] []
# 合并
labels ['person']
scores [0.72]
boxes [[        357         245         382         330]]


rgb [] [] []
T ['person'] [0.72] [[        357         245         382         330]]

# 合并
labels ['person']
scores [0.72]
boxes [[        357         245         382         330]]


rgb [] [] []
T [] [] []

# 合并
labels []
scores []
boxes [[]]

2.3.2 重复检测框剔除



NMS 把置信度(预测这个网格里是否有目标的置信度)最高的那个网格的边界箱作为极大边界箱,计算极大边界箱和其他几个网格的边界箱的IOU,如果超过一个阈值,例如0.5,就认为这两个网格实际上预测的是同一个物体,就把其中置信度比较小的删除。

rgb ['person', 'person'] [0.82, 0.6] [[        373         244         401         333]
 [        110         259         123         299]]
T ['person'] [0.67] [[        372         248         400         331]]
labels ['person', 'person', 'person']
scores [0.82, 0.6, 0.67]
boxes [[        373         244         401         333]
 [        110         259         123         299]
 [        372         248         400         331]]
result ['person' 'person'] [       0.82         0.6] [[        373         244         401         333]  [        110         259         123         299]]
  •  算法代码如下
def simplified_nms(boxes, scores, iou_thres=0.5):  #排除重复目标
        boxes: (n, 4), xyxy format
        scores: list(float)
        indices: list(int), indices to keep
    x1, y1, x2, y2 = boxes[:, 0], boxes[:, 1], boxes[:, 2], boxes[:, 3] #获得每个检测框的对角坐标
    area = (x2 - x1) * (y2 - y1) #所有检测框面积
    idx = np.argsort(scores)[::-1] #置信度由大到小的索引排序
    indices = []
    while len(idx) > 0:
        i = idx[0] #取最大置信度的索引
        indices.append(i)  #将这个索引放入indices中
        if len(idx) == 1:  #如果就一个检测框
        idx = idx[1:] #意思是去掉列表中第一个元素,对后面的元素进行操作
        xx1 = np.clip(x1[idx], a_min=x1[i], a_max=np.inf) #截取数组中小于或者大于某值的部分 np.inf表示无穷大
        yy1 = np.clip(y1[idx], a_min=y1[i], a_max=np.inf)
        xx2 = np.clip(x2[idx], a_min=0, a_max=x2[i])
        yy2 = np.clip(y2[idx], a_min=0, a_max=y2[i])
        w, h = np.clip((xx2 - xx1), a_min=0, a_max=np.inf), np.clip((yy2 - yy1), a_min=0, a_max=np.inf)
        inter = w * h
        union = area[i] + area[idx] - inter
        iou = inter / union #计算iou 越大越好最大为1
        idx = idx[iou < iou_thres] #框重合度小视为不同目标
    return indices #返回合并后的索引
  • 变量输出如下


rgb ['person'] [0.81] [[        365         248         392         332]]
T ['person'] [0.82] [[        364         243         392         329]]
labels ['person', 'person']
scores [0.81, 0.82]
boxes [[        365         248         392         332]
 [        364         243         392         329]]
idx [1 0]
indices [1]
idx[1:] [0]
iou [    0.87867] #iou为0.87 高度重合,所以是同一目标
idx [] #没有待选目标了,循环结束


# 1、检测
rgb ['person'] [0.78] [[        363         246         390         329]]
T ['person', 'person'] [0.84, 0.52] [[        362         245         391         332]
 [        113         250         135         295]]
# 2、合并
labels ['person', 'person', 'person']
scores [0.78, 0.84, 0.52]
boxes [[        363         246         390         329]
 [        362         245         391         332]
 [        113         250         135         295]]
# 3、排序
idx [1 0 2]
indices [1]
# 4、计算iou排除重复目标
idx[1:] [0 2]
iou [    0.88823           0] #0表示不重合,为不同的目标,对应索引保存到indices
idx [2]
indices [1, 2]
result ['person' 'person'] [       0.84        0.52] [[        362         245         391         332]
 [        113         250         135         295]]

2.4 结果可视化

2.4.3 单目估计距离

    # 5.3单目估计距离
    locations = mono.estimate(boxes)#获得目标框的世界坐标系
    indices = [i for i in range(len(locations)) if locations[i][1] > 0 and locations[i][1] < 200]
    labels, scores, boxes, locations = \
        np.array(labels)[indices], np.array(scores)[indices], boxes[indices], np.array(locations)[indices]
    distances = [(loc[0] ** 2 + loc[1] ** 2) ** 0.5 for loc in locations] #估计距离
    cur_frame1 = cur_frame1[:, :, ::-1].copy() # to BGR
    cur_frame2 = cur_frame2[:, :, ::-1].copy() # to BGR


# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- 

import numpy as np
import math
import cv2
from math import sin, cos

class MonoEstimator():
    def __init__(self, file_path, print_info=True):
        fs = cv2.FileStorage(file_path, cv2.FileStorage_READ)
        mat = fs.getNode('ProjectionMat').mat()
        self.fx = int(mat[0, 0])
        self.fy = int(mat[1, 1])
        self.u0 = int(mat[0, 2])
        self.v0 = int(mat[1, 2])
        self.height = fs.getNode('Height').real()
        self.depression = fs.getNode('DepressionAngle').real() * math.pi / 180.0
        if print_info:
            print('Calibration of camera:')
            print('  Parameters: fx(%d) fy(%d) u0(%d) v0(%d)' % (self.fx, self.fy, self.u0, self.v0))
            print('  Height: %.2fm' % self.height)
            print('  DepressionAngle: %.2frad' % self.depression)
    def uv_to_xyz(self, u, v):
        # Compute (x, y, z) coordinates in the real world, according to (u, v) coordinates in the image.
        # X axis - on the right side of the camera
        # Z axis - in front of the camera
        u = int(u)
        v = int(v)
        fx, fy = self.fx, self.fy
        u0, v0 = self.u0, self.v0
        h = self.height
        t = self.depression
        denominator = fy * sin(t) + (v - v0) * cos(t)
        if denominator != 0:
            z = (h * fy * cos(t) - h * (v - v0) * sin(t)) / denominator
            if z > 1000: z = 1000
            z = 1000
        x = (z * (u - u0) * cos(t) + h * (u - u0) * sin(t)) / fx
        y = h
        return x, y, z
    def estimate(self, boxes):#单目估计距离
        locations = []
        if boxes.shape[0] > 0: #判断目标个数是否大于1
            for box in boxes:
                u, v = (box[0] + box[2]) / 2, box[3]
                x, y, z = self.uv_to_xyz(u, v)
                locations.append((x, z))
        return locations



2.4.4 结果参数可视化

# 5.4画检测框
    for i in reversed(np.argsort(distances)):#reversed()函数用于对可迭代对象中的元素进行反向排列
        cur_frame1 = draw_predictions(
            cur_frame1, str(labels[i]), float(scores[i]), boxes[i], location=locations[i] #两个图像上的数据显示一样
        cur_frame2 = draw_predictions(
            cur_frame2, str(labels[i]), float(scores[i]), boxes[i], location=locations[i]
    # 5.5发布图像
    result_frame = np.concatenate([cur_frame1, cur_frame2], axis=1) #合并图像






3.1 双模态数据集制作


# Train/val/test sets as 1) dir: path/to/imgs, 2) file: path/to/imgs.txt, or 3) list: [path/to/imgs1, path/to/imgs2, ..]
train1: /home/cxl/dual_yolo/dual_model_conv_yolov5/modules/yolov5-test/data/dual_data/train1/
train2: /home/cxl/dual_yolo/dual_model_conv_yolov5/modules/yolov5-test/data/dual_data/train2/
val: /home/cxl/dual_yolo/dual_model_conv_yolov5/modules/yolov5-test/data/dual_data/label/

# Classes
nc: 7  # number of classes
names: ['pedestrian','cyclist','car','bus','truck','traffic_light','traffic_sign']  # class names

3.2 train.py修改

