Microsoft Windows :汇编 -> C -> C++
备注:曾经在智能手机的操作系统(Windows Mobile)考虑掺点C#写的程序,比如软键盘,结果因为写出来的程序太慢,实在无法和别的模块合并,最终又回到C++重写。
相信很多朋友都知道Windows Vista,这个系统开发早期比尔盖茨想全部用C#写,但最终因为执行慢而放弃,结果之前无数软件工程师日夜劳作成果一夜之间被宣告作废。
Linux :C
Apple MacOS : 主要为C,部分为C++。
Sun Solaris : C
Symbian OS : 汇编,主要为C++(诺基亚手机)
Google Android :2008 年推出:C语言(有传言说是用Java开发的操作系统,但最近刚推出原生的C语言SDK)
RIM BlackBerry OS 4.x :黑莓 C++
Microsoft Windows UI :C++
Apple MacOS UI (Aqua) : C++
Gnome (Linux图形界面之一,大脚): C和C++, 但主要是C
KDE (Linux图形界面): C++
Google Desktop Search : C++
Microsoft Windows Desktop Search : C++
Beagle (Linux/Windows/UNIX 下): C# (基于开源的 .net : Mono)
Microsoft Office :在 汇编 -> C -> 稳定在C++
Sun Open Office : 部分JAVA(对外接口),主要为C++ (开源,可下载其源代码)
Corel Office/WordPerfect Office : 1996年尝试过Java,次年被抛弃,重新回到C/C++
Adobe Systems Acrobat Reader/Distiller : C++
Oracle : 汇编、C、C++、Java。主要为C++
MySQL : C++
IBM DB2 :汇编、C、C++,但主要为C
Microsoft SQL Server : 汇编 -> C->C++
IBM Informix : 汇编、C、C++,但主要为C
SAP DB/MaxDB : C++
Microsoft Internet Explorer : C++
Mozilla Firefox : C++
Netscape Navigator :The code of Netscape browser was written in C, and Netscape engineers, all bought to Java (see M. Cusumano book and article) redeveloped the browser using Java. It was too slow and abandoned. Mozilla, the next version, was later developed using C++.
Safari : (2003年1月发布)C++
Google Chrome : (2008的发布)C++
Sun HotJava : Java (死于1999年)
Opera : C++ (手机上占用率比较大)
Opera Mini : Opera Mini (2007) has a very funny architecture, and is indeed using both C++ and Java. The browser is split in two parts, an ultra thin (less than 100Kb) "viewer" client part and a server side responsible of rendering. The first uses Java and receives the page under the OBML format, the latter reuses classical Opera (C++) rendering engine plus Opera's Small Screen Rendering, on the server. This allows Opera to penetrate various J2ME-enabled portable devices, such as phones, while preserving excellent response time. This comes obviously with a few sacrifices, for instance on JavaScript execution.
Mosaic : 鼻祖(已死) C 语言
Microsoft Outlook : C++
IBM Lotus Notes : Java
Foxmail : Delphi
Microsoft Visual Studio : C++
Eclipse : Java (其图形界面SWT基于C/C++)
Code::Blocks : C++
Microsoft .Net CLR (.NET的虚拟机): C++
Java Virtual Machine (JVM) : Java 虚拟机:C++
SAP mySAP ERP : C,后主要为“ABAP/4”语言
Oracle Peoplesoft : C++ -> Java
Oracle E-Business Suite : Java
Business Objects : C++
Adobe Photoshop : C++
The GIMP : C
Google : 汇编 与 C++,但主要为C++
eBay : 2002年为C++,后主要迁至Java
facebook : C++ 和 PHP
This line is only about facebook, not its plugins. Plugins can be developed in many different technologies, thanks to facebook's ORB/application server, Thrift. Thrift contains a compiler coded in C++. facebook people write about Thrift: "The multi-language code generation is well suited for search because it allows for application development in an efficient server side language (C++) and allows the Facebook PHP-based web application to make calls to the search service using Thrift PHP libraries." Aside the use of C++, facebook has adopted a LAMP architecture.
星际争霸、魔兽争霸、CS、帝国时代、跑跑卡丁车、传奇、魔兽世界.... 数不胜数了,自己数吧
Microsoft Visual C++ 编译器: C++
Microsoft Visual Basic 解释、编译器:C++
Microsoft Visual C# :编译器: C++
gcc (GNU C compiler) : C
javac (Sun Java compiler) : Java
Perl : C++
Microsoft DirectX : C++
OpenGL : C
OGRE 3D : C++
Apache : C和C++,但主要为C
Microsoft IIS : C++
Tomcat : Java
Jboss : Java
Microsoft Exchange Server : C->C++
Postfix : C
hMailServer : C++
Apache James : Java
Nero Burning ROM : C++
K3B : C++
Nullsoft Winamp : C++
Microsoft Windows Media Player : C++
eMule : C++
μtorrent : C++
Azureus : Java (图形界面使用基于C/C++的SWT,类Eclipse)
TomTom : C++
Hertz NeverLost : C++
Garmin : C++
Motorola VIAMOTO : 2007年6月,停止服务,Java
Microsoft DirectX : C++(相信玩游戏的同学都知道这个,现在最高版本是DX11)
OpenGL : C
OGRE 3D : C++