SHELLEXECUTEINFO info; TCHAR szControlPanelCmdLine[ 200 ]; swprintf( szControlPanelCmdLine, L\\windows\\cplmain.cpl,5); //参数5代表调用about info.cbSize = sizeof( info ); info.fMask = SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS | SEE_MASK_FLAG_NO_UI; info.lpVerb = NULL; info.lpFile = TEXT("ctlpnl.exe"); info.lpParameters = szControlPanelCmdLine; info.lpDirectory = NULL; info.nShow = SW_SHOW; info.hInstApp = NULL; ShellExecuteEx( &info );
ctlpnl.exe cplmain.cpl,1 - set password ctlpnl.exe cplmain.cpl,2 - set ownerinfo ctlpnl.exe cplmain.cpl,3 - battery status ctlpnl.exe cplmain.cpl,4 - memory status ctlpnl.exe cplmain.cpl,5 - about ctlpnl.exe cplmain.cpl,7 - align ctlpnl.exe cplmain.cpl,8 - keyboard settings ctlpnl.exe cplmain.cpl,9 - sound ctlpnl.exe cplmain.cpl,10 - remove programs ctlpnl.exe cplmain.cpl,11 - start menu ctlpnl.exe cplmain.cpl,12 - button assignments ctlpnl.exe cplmain.cpl,13 - today screen ctlpnl.exe cplmain.cpl,15 - beam settings ctlpnl.exe cplmain.cpl,16 - clock ctlpnl.exe cplmain.cpl,17 - network adapters ctlpnl.exe cplmain.cpl,18 - regional settings ctlpnl.exe cplmain.cpl,19 - connections ctlpnl.exe cplmain.cpl,20 - phone settings ctlpnl.exe cplmain.cpl,22 - manage certificates ctlpnl.exe cplmain.cpl,23 – bluetooth
LONG CPlApplet( HWND hwndCPl, //Handle to the main window of the controlling application. UINT msg, //Message being sent to the Control Panel application. LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2 );
获取控制面板应用程序支持的dialog boxes个数。
查询控制面板应用程序的dialog boxes的信息,信息包含在lParam2参数中,使用(LPNEWCPLINFO) lParam2获得指针。
typedef struct tagNEWCPLINFO { DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwFlags; DWORD dwHelpContext; LONG lData; HICON hIcon; //Handle to the icon that represents the dialog box. TCHAR szName[32]; //The name is intended to be displayed below the icon. TCHAR szInfo[64]; //The description is intended to be displayed when the icon for the dialog box is selected. TCHAR szHelpFile[128]; //忽略。要想使用帮助,处理WM_NOTIFY消息,然后取得“lppsn = (LPPSHNOTIFY) lParam;”判断是否等于PSN_HELP,如果是即可调出帮助文档。 } NEWCPLINFO;
获得控制面板应用程序的名称,通过设置注册表键值[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ControlPanel\<ID name>]
0 Personal 1 (default value) System 2 Connections
当用户双击控制面板上的icon时,系统会发送这个消息给你的控制面部应用程序,此时你可以弹出一个dialog box。处理完这个消息之后返回0表示你成功处理这个消息了(其它消息也一样),非0表示其它。
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This is the entry point called by ctlpnl.exe // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) LONG WINAPI CPlApplet(HWND hwndCPL, UINT uMsg, LONG lParam1, LONG lParam2) { static int iInitCount = 0; int iApplet; switch (uMsg) { // First message sent. It is sent only once to // allow the dll to initialize it's applet(s) case CPL_INIT: if (!iInitCount) { if (!InitApplet(hwndCPL)) return FALSE; } iInitCount++; return TRUE; // Second message sent. Return the count of applets supported // by this dll case CPL_GETCOUNT: // Return the number of applets we support return (LONG)((sizeof(SystemApplets))/(sizeof(SystemApplets[0]))); // Third message sent. Sent once for each applet supported by this dll. // The lParam1 contains the number that indicates which applet this is // for, from 0 to 1 less than the count of applets. // lParam2 is a NEWCPLINFO that should be filled with information about // this applet before returning case CPL_NEWINQUIRE: { LPNEWCPLINFO lpNewCPlInfo; lpNewCPlInfo = (LPNEWCPLINFO)lParam2; iApplet = (int)lParam1; lpNewCPlInfo->dwSize = (DWORD)sizeof(NEWCPLINFO); lpNewCPlInfo->dwFlags = 0; lpNewCPlInfo->dwHelpContext = 0; lpNewCPlInfo->lData = SystemApplets[iApplet].icon; lpNewCPlInfo->hIcon = LoadIcon(g_hInstance, (LPCTSTR)MAKEINTRESOURCE(SystemApplets[iApplet].icon)); lpNewCPlInfo->szHelpFile[0] = '\0'; LoadString(g_hInstance,SystemApplets[iApplet].namestring, lpNewCPlInfo->szName,32); LoadString(g_hInstance,SystemApplets[iApplet].descstring, lpNewCPlInfo->szInfo,64); } break; // This is sent whenever the user clicks an icon in Settings for one of // the applets supported by this dll. lParam1 contains the number indicating // which applet. Return 0 if applet successfully launched, non-zero otherwise case CPL_DBLCLK: iApplet = (UINT)lParam1; if (!CreatePropertySheet(hwndCPL,iApplet)) return 1; break; // Sent once per applet, before CPL_EXIT case CPL_STOP: break; // Sent once before the dll is unloaded case CPL_EXIT: iInitCount--; if (!iInitCount) TermApplet(); break; default: break; } return 0; }