今天早上跟学姐室友去复旦把论文答辩做掉了,虽然整个项目基本上是我承担了主要的思路与代码部分,但是今天答辩我跟室友竟然连一句有用的话都没说出来,全场都靠学姐开场流畅地引入,临场随机应变,从而得以与答辩教授欢聚喜散。主要原因是教授竟然准确地问到了我代码里一个细节却相当致命的问题(是一个随机初始化问题,我下面代码部分会详细提到),正好学姐室友都不是特别熟悉我的随机初始化方法,我又不能当场跟他们两个解释这个随机初始化的问题。我差点当场就要以“这样随机初始化能够减少代码量”这种蹩脚的理由跟教授争辩了。好在姜还是老的辣,辩论队队长出身的学姐一顿 Speech Art 操作成功忽悠掉了两位教授,最终两位答辩教授还是认可了我们的模拟仿真方法[捂脸]。事后细想以后我成功也好,失败也罢,恐怕也是成也言语,败也言语。也许我确实能够成为一个有能力的人,但是说话艺术确实是一门很大的学问。不过看我运气一直这么差,大概率还是凡人一个落入俗套吧[摊手]。
以下给出第一种情况的模拟退火遗传算法算法以及对应的穷举最优证明 ↓↓↓
1 # -*- coding:UTF-8 -*- 2 """ 3 作者:囚生CY 4 平台:CSDN 5 时间:2018/10/09 6 转载请注明原作者 7 创作不易,仅供分享 8 """ 9 10 import math 11 import random 12 import itertools 13 14 """ 选取一组数据 """ 15 T = 580 16 d1 = 23 17 d2 = 41 18 d3 = 59 19 Te = 35 20 To = 30 21 Tc = 30 22 23 CNCT = [To,Te,To,Te,To,Te,To,Te] # CNC上下料时间 24 25 N = 50 26 L = 17 27 28 varP = 0.1 29 croP = 0.6 30 31 croL = 4 32 e = 0.99 33 34 tm = [ 35 [0,0,d1,d1,d2,d2,d3,d3], 36 [0,0,d1,d1,d2,d2,d3,d3], 37 [d1,d1,0,0,d1,d1,d2,d2], 38 [d1,d1,0,0,d1,d1,d2,d2], 39 [d2,d2,d1,d1,0,0,d1,d1], 40 [d2,d2,d1,d1,0,0,d1,d1], 41 [d3,d3,d2,d2,d1,d1,0,0], 42 [d3,d3,d2,d2,d1,d1,0,0], 43 ] 44 45 def update_state(state,t): 46 length = len(state) 47 for i in range(length): 48 if state[i] < t: 49 state[i] = 0 50 else: 51 state[i] -= t 52 return state 53 54 def time_calc(seq): 55 state = [0 for i in range(8)] # 记录CNC状态 56 isEmpty = [1 for i in range(8)] # CNC是否为空? 57 currP = 0 58 total = 0 59 length = len(seq) 60 for No in seq: 61 nextP = No 62 t = tm[currP][nextP] 63 total += t # rgv移动 64 state = update_state(state,t) # 更新state 65 if state[No]==0: # 表明CNC等待 66 if isEmpty[No]: # 当前CNC空 67 t = CNCT[No] 68 isEmpty[No] = 0 69 else: 70 t = CNCT[No]+Tc 71 total += t 72 state = update_state(state,t) 73 state[No] = T 74 else: # 当前CNC忙 75 total += state[No] # 先等当前CNC结束 76 state = update_state(state,state[No]) 77 t = CNCT[No]+Tc 78 total += t 79 state = update_state(state,t) 80 state[No] = T 81 currP = No 82 total += tm[currP][0] 83 return total 84 85 def init_prob(sample): 86 prob = [] 87 for seq in sample: 88 prob.append(time_calc(seq)) 89 maxi = max(prob) 90 prob = [maxi-prob[i]+1 for i in range(N)] 91 temp = 0 92 for p in prob: 93 temp += p 94 prob = [prob[i]/temp for i in range(N)] 95 for i in range(1,len(prob)): 96 prob[i] += prob[i-1] 97 prob[-1] = 1 # 精度有时候很出问题 98 return prob 99 100 def minT_calc(sample): 101 minT = time_calc(sample[0]) 102 index = 0 103 for i in range(1,len(sample)): 104 t = time_calc(sample[i]) 105 if t < minT: 106 index = i 107 minT = t 108 return minT,index 109 110 def init(): 111 sample = [] 112 for i in range(N): 113 sample.append([]) 114 for j in range(L): 115 sample[-1].append(random.randint(0,7)) 116 return sample 117 118 def select(sample,prob): # 选择 119 sampleEX = [] 120 for i in range(N): # 取出N个样本 121 rand = random.random() 122 for j in range(len(prob)): 123 if rand<=prob[j]: 124 sampleEX.append(sample[j]) 125 break 126 return sampleEX 127 128 def cross(sample,i): # 交叉 129 for i in range(len(sample)-1): 130 for j in range(i,len(sample)): 131 rand = random.random() 132 if rand<=croP*(e**i): # 执行交叉 133 loc = random.randint(0,L-croL-1) 134 temp1 = sample[i][loc:loc+croL] 135 temp2 = sample[j][loc:loc+croL] 136 for k in range(loc,loc+croL): 137 sample[i][k] = temp2[k-loc] 138 sample[j][k] = temp1[k-loc] 139 return sample 140 141 def variance(sample,i): # 变异算子 142 for i in range(len(sample)): 143 rand = random.random() 144 if randi): 145 rand1 = random.randint(0,L-1) 146 rand2 = random.randint(0,L-1) 147 temp = sample[i][rand1] 148 sample[i][rand1] = sample[i][rand2] 149 sample[i][rand2] = temp 150 return sample 151 152 def main(): 153 sample = init() 154 mini,index = minT_calc(sample) 155 best = sample[index][:] 156 print(best) 157 for i in range(10000): 158 print(i,'\t',minT_calc(sample),end="\t") 159 prob = init_prob(sample) 160 sample = select(sample,prob) 161 sample = cross(sample,i) 162 sample = variance(sample,i) 163 mi,index = minT_calc(sample) 164 if mi>mini and random.random() # 精英保留策略 165 rand = random.randint(0,N-1) 166 sample[rand] = best[:] 167 mini,index = minT_calc(sample) 168 best = sample[index][:] 169 print(best) 170 print(sample) 171 172 if __name__ == "__main__": 173 main1() 174 """ 穷举搜索验证 """ 175 a = list(itertools.permutations([1,2,3,4,5,6,7],7)) 176 ts = [] 177 first = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,0] 178 for i in a: 179 temp = first+list(i) 180 temp.append(0) 181 t = time_calc(temp) 182 ts.append(t) 183 print(min(ts)) 184 print(time_calc([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,0]))
两道工序无故障 & 两道工序有故障
第二点因为不存在循环则使用遗传算法需要设定一个相当长的染色体长度(我们设定的染色体是RGV为各台CNC上下料的次序,如果要考虑全过程的模拟退火遗传算法,则染色体长度大约在300~400左右)。事实上我也尝试了这个方法,结果从我写完这个算法我开始跑,一直跑到比赛结束算法依旧没有收敛[捂脸]。这里给出代码仅供参考(各位朋友要是有好意见也可以提出) ↓↓↓
1 # -*- coding:UTF-8 -*- 2 """ 3 作者:囚生CY 4 平台:CSDN 5 时间:2018/10/09 6 转载请注明原作者 7 创作不易,仅供分享 8 """ 9 import random 10 11 # 第1组 12 """ 13 d1 = 20 14 d2 = 33 15 d3 = 46 16 T1 = 400 17 T2 = 378 18 To = 28 19 Te = 31 20 Tc = 25 21 """ 22 23 # 第2组 24 """ 25 d1 = 23 26 d2 = 41 27 d3 = 59 28 T1 = 280 29 T2 = 500 30 To = 30 31 Te = 35 32 Tc = 30 33 """ 34 35 # 第3组 36 d1 = 18 37 d2 = 32 38 d3 = 46 39 T1 = 455 40 T2 = 182 41 To = 27 42 Te = 32 43 Tc = 25 44 45 cncT = [To,Te,To,Te,To,Te,To,Te] 46 tm = [ 47 [0,0,d1,d1,d2,d2,d3,d3], 48 [0,0,d1,d1,d2,d2,d3,d3], 49 [d1,d1,0,0,d1,d1,d2,d2], 50 [d1,d1,0,0,d1,d1,d2,d2], 51 [d2,d2,d1,d1,0,0,d1,d1], 52 [d2,d2,d1,d1,0,0,d1,d1], 53 [d3,d3,d2,d2,d1,d1,0,0], 54 [d3,d3,d2,d2,d1,d1,0,0], 55 ] 56 Type = [1,0,1,0,1,0,0,0] # CNC刀具分类 57 58 N = 64 59 L = 100 60 varP = 0.1 61 croP = 0.6 62 croL = 2 63 e = 0.99 64 65 def init_first_round(): # 第一圈初始化(默认把所有第一道CNC按顺序加满再回到当前位置全部加满) 66 state = [0 for i in range(8)] # 记录CNC状态(还剩多少秒结束,0表示空闲) 67 isEmpty = [1 for i in range(8)] # CNC是否为空 68 rgv = 0 # rgv状态(0表示空车,1表示载着半成品) 69 currP = 0 70 total = 0 71 seq = [] 72 flag = False 73 for i in range(len(Type)): 74 if Type[i]==0: 75 seq.append(i) 76 flag = True 77 currP = seq[0] 78 seq.append(currP) 79 rgv,currP,total = time_calc(seq,state,isEmpty,rgv,currP,total) 80 return state,isEmpty,rgv,currP,total,seq 81 82 def update(state,t): 83 for i in range(len(state)): 84 if state[i] < t: 85 state[i] = 0 86 else: 87 state[i] -= t 88 89 def time_calc(seq,state,isEmpty,rgv,currP,total): # 事实上sequence可能是无效的,所以可能需要 90 index = 0 91 temp = 0 92 while index<len(seq): 93 """ 先移动到下一个位置 """ 94 nextP = seq[index] 95 t = tm[currP][nextP] 96 total += t 97 update(state,t) 98 if Type[nextP]==0: # 如果下一个位置是第一道工作点 99 if rgv==1: # 然而载着半成品 100 seq.pop(index) # 去掉这个元素并中止当次循环进入下一个循环 101 continue 102 if isEmpty[nextP]: # 如果下一个位置是空的 103 t = cncT[nextP] 104 total += t 105 update(state,t) 106 state[nextP] = T1 # 更新当前的CNC状态 107 isEmpty[nextP] = 0 # 就不空闲了 108 else: # 如果没有空闲 109 if state[nextP] > 0: # 如果还在工作就等待结束 110 t = state[nextP] 111 total += t 112 update(state,t) 113 t = cncT[nextP] # 完成一次上下料 114 total += t 115 update(state,t) 116 state[nextP] = T1 117 rgv = 1 118 else: # 如果下一个位置是第二道工作点 119 if rgv==0: # 如果是个空车 120 seq.pop(index) # 删除当前节点 121 continue 122 if isEmpty[nextP]: # 如果下一个位置是空的 123 t = cncT[nextP] 124 total += t 125 update(state,t) 126 state[nextP] = T2 127 isEmpty[nextP] = 0 128 else: # 如果没有空闲 129 if state[nextP] > 0: # 如果还在工作就等待结束 130 t = state[nextP] 131 total += t 132 update(state,t) 133 t = cncT[nextP]+Tc 134 total += t 135 update(state,t) 136 state[nextP] = T2 137 rgv = 0 138 currP = nextP 139 temp = total 140 index += 1 141 total += tm[currP][Type.index(0)] # 最后归零 142 return rgv,currP,total 143 144 def init_prob(sample,state,isEmpty,rgv,currP,total): # 计算所有sample的 145 prob = [] 146 for seq in sample: 147 t = time_calc(seq,state[:],isEmpty[:],rgv,currP,total)[-1] 148 prob.append(t) 149 maxi = max(prob) 150 prob = [maxi-prob[i]+1 for i in range(N)] 151 temp = 0 152 for p in prob: 153 temp += p 154 prob = [prob[i]/temp for i in range(N)] 155 for i in range(1,len(prob)): 156 prob[i] += prob[i-1] 157 prob[-1] = 1 # 精度有时候很出问题 158 return prob 159 160 def minT_calc(sample,state,isEmpty,rgv,currP,total): 161 minT = time_calc(sample[0],state[:],isEmpty[:],rgv,currP,total)[-1] 162 index = 0 163 for i in range(1,len(sample)): 164 t = time_calc(sample[i],state[:],isEmpty[:],rgv,currP,total)[-1] 165 if t < minT: 166 index = i 167 minT = t 168 return minT,index 169 170 def init(): # 初始化种群(按照第二道工序,第一道工序,第二道工序,第一道工序顺序排列即可) 171 sample = [] 172 refer0 = [] 173 refer1 = [] 174 for i in range(8): 175 if Type[i]==0: 176 refer0.append(i) 177 else: 178 refer1.append(i) 179 for i in range(N): 180 sample.append([]) 181 for j in range(L): 182 if j%2==0: 183 sample[-1].append(refer1[random.randint(0,len(refer1)-1)]) 184 else: 185 sample[-1].append(refer0[random.randint(0,len(refer0)-1)]) 186 return sample 187 188 def select(sample,prob): # 选择算子 189 sampleEX = [] 190 for i in range(N): # 取出N个样本 191 rand = random.random() 192 for j in range(len(prob)): 193 if rand<=prob[j]: 194 sampleEX.append(sample[j]) 195 break 196 return sampleEX 197 198 def cross(sample,i): # 交叉算子 199 for i in range(len(sample)-1): 200 for j in range(i,len(sample)): 201 rand = random.random() 202 if rand<=croP*(e**i): # 执行交叉 203 loc = random.randint(0,L-croL-1) 204 temp1 = sample[i][loc:loc+croL] 205 temp2 = sample[j][loc:loc+croL] 206 for k in range(loc,loc+croL): 207 sample[i][k] = temp2[k-loc] 208 sample[j][k] = temp1[k-loc] 209 return sample 210 211 def variance(sample,i): # 变异算子 212 for i in range(len(sample)): 213 rand = random.random() 214 if randi): 215 rand1 = random.randint(0,L-1) 216 randTemp = random.randint(0,int(L/2)-1) 217 rand2 = 2*randTemp if rand1%2==0 else 2*randTemp+1 218 temp = sample[i][rand1] 219 sample[i][rand1] = sample[i][rand2] 220 sample[i][rand2] = temp 221 return sample 222 223 if __name__ == "__main__": 224 state,isEmpty,rgv,currP,total,seq = init_first_round() 225 print(state,isEmpty,rgv,currP,total) 226 sample = init() 227 mini,index = minT_calc(sample,state[:],isEmpty[:],rgv,currP,total) 228 best = sample[index][:] 229 for i in range(100000): 230 f = open("GA.txt","a") 231 tmin = minT_calc(sample,state[:],isEmpty[:],rgv,currP,total)[0] 232 f.write("{}\t{}\n".format(i,tmin)) 233 print(i,"\t",tmin,end="\t") 234 prob = init_prob(sample,state[:],isEmpty[:],rgv,currP,total) 235 sample = select(sample,prob) 236 sample = cross(sample,i) 237 sample = variance(sample,i) 238 mi,index = minT_calc(sample,state[:],isEmpty[:],rgv,currP,total) 239 if mi>mini and random.random() # 精英保留策略 240 rand = random.randint(0,N-1) 241 sample[rand] = best[:] 242 mini,index = minT_calc(sample,state[:],isEmpty[:],rgv,currP,total) 243 best = sample[index][:] 244 print(best) 245 f.close() 246 print(sample)
1 #coding=gbk 2 import random 3 # -*- coding:UTF-8 -*- 4 """ 5 作者:囚生CY 6 平台:CSDN 7 时间:2018/10/09 8 转载请注明原作者 9 创作不易,仅供分享 10 """ 11 from tranToXls import * 12 13 # 第1组 14 """ 15 d1 = 20 16 d2 = 33 17 d3 = 46 18 T1 = 400 19 T2 = 378 20 To = 28 21 Te = 31 22 Tc = 25 23 """ 24 # 第2组 25 26 d1 = 23 27 d2 = 41 28 d3 = 59 29 T1 = 280 30 T2 = 500 31 To = 30 32 Te = 35 33 Tc = 30 34 35 36 # 第3组 37 38 """ 39 d1 = 18 40 d2 = 32 41 d3 = 46 42 T1 = 455 43 T2 = 182 44 To = 27 45 Te = 32 46 Tc = 25 47 """ 48 49 cncT = [To,Te,To,Te,To,Te,To,Te] 50 tm = [ 51 [0,0,d1,d1,d2,d2,d3,d3], 52 [0,0,d1,d1,d2,d2,d3,d3], 53 [d1,d1,0,0,d1,d1,d2,d2], 54 [d1,d1,0,0,d1,d1,d2,d2], 55 [d2,d2,d1,d1,0,0,d1,d1], 56 [d2,d2,d1,d1,0,0,d1,d1], 57 [d3,d3,d2,d2,d1,d1,0,0], 58 [d3,d3,d2,d2,d1,d1,0,0], 59 ] 60 Type = [0,1,0,1,1,1,0,1] # CNC刀具分类 61 62 A = [] # 储存第一道工序的CNC编号 63 B = [] # 储存第二道工序的CNC编号 64 for i in range(len(Type)): 65 if Type[i]: 66 B.append(i) 67 else: 68 A.append(i) 69 70 def init_first_round(): # 第一圈初始化(默认把所有第一道CNC按顺序加满再回到当前位置全部加满) 71 state = [0 for i in range(8)] # 记录CNC状态(还剩多少秒结束,0表示空闲) 72 isEmpty = [1 for i in range(8)] # CNC是否为空 73 log = [0 for i in range(8)] # 记录每台CNC正在加工第几件物料 74 count1 = 0 75 rgv = 0 # rgv状态(0表示空车,1表示载着半成品) 76 currP = 0 77 total = 0 78 seq = [] 79 flag = False 80 for i in range(len(Type)): 81 if Type[i]==0: 82 seq.append(i) 83 flag = True 84 currP = seq[0] 85 seq.append(currP) 86 count1,rgv,currP,total = simulate(seq,state,isEmpty,log,count1,rgv,currP,total) 87 return state,isEmpty,log,count1,rgv,currP,total,seq 88 89 def update(state,t): 90 for i in range(len(state)): 91 if state[i] < t: 92 state[i] = 0 93 else: 94 state[i] -= t 95 96 def simulate(seq,state,isEmpty,log,count1,rgv,currP,total,fpath="log.txt"): # 给定了一个序列模拟它的过程以及返回结果(主要用于模拟并记录) 97 index = 0 98 temp = 0 99 pro1 = {} # 第一道工序的上下料开始时间 100 pro2 = {} # 第二道工序的上下料开始时间 101 f = open(fpath,"a") 102 while index<len(seq): 103 print(isEmpty) 104 nextP = seq[index] 105 t = tm[currP][nextP] 106 total += t 107 update(state,t) 108 if Type[nextP]==0: # 如果下一个位置是第一道工作点 109 count1 += 1 110 if isEmpty[nextP]: # 如果下一个位置是空的 111 f.write("第{}个物料的工序一上料开始时间为{}\tCNC编号为{}号\n".format(count1,total,nextP+1)) 112 t = cncT[nextP] 113 total += t 114 update(state,t) 115 state[nextP] = T1 # 更新当前的CNC状态 116 isEmpty[nextP] = 0 # 就不空闲了 117 else: # 如果没有空闲 118 if state[nextP] > 0: # 如果还在工作就等待结束 119 t = state[nextP] 120 total += t 121 update(state,t) 122 f.write("第{}个物料的工序一下料开始时间为{}\tCNC编号为{}号\n".format(log[nextP],total,nextP+1)) 123 f.write("第{}个物料的工序一上料开始时间为{}\tCNC编号为{}号\n".format(count1,total,nextP+1)) 124 t = cncT[nextP] # 完成一次上下料 125 total += t 126 update(state,t) 127 state[nextP] = T1 128 rgv = log[nextP] 129 log[nextP] = count1 130 else: # 如果下一个位置是第二道工作点 131 if isEmpty[nextP]: # 如果下一个位置是空的 132 f.write("第{}个物料的工序二上料开始时间为{}\tCNC编号为{}号\n".format(rgv,total,nextP+1)) 133 t = cncT[nextP] 134 total += t 135 update(state,t) 136 state[nextP] = T2 137 isEmpty[nextP] = 0 138 else: # 如果没有空闲 139 f.write("第{}个物料的工序二下料开始时间为{}\tCNC编号为{}号\n".format(log[nextP],total,nextP+1)) 140 f.write("第{}个物料的工序二上料开始时间为{}\tCNC编号为{}号\n".format(rgv,total,nextP+1)) 141 if state[nextP] > 0: # 如果还在工作就等待结束 142 t = state[nextP] 143 total += t 144 update(state,t) 145 t = cncT[nextP]+Tc 146 total += t 147 update(state,t) 148 state[nextP] = T2 149 log[nextP] = rgv 150 rgv = 0 151 currP = nextP 152 temp = total 153 index += 1 154 f.close() 155 total += tm[currP][Type.index(0)] # 最后归到起始点 156 return count1,rgv,currP,total 157 158 def time_calc(seq,state,isEmpty,rgv,currP,total): # 主要用于记录时间 159 index = 0 160 temp = 0 161 while index<len(seq): 162 nextP = seq[index] 163 t = tm[currP][nextP] 164 total += t 165 update(state,t) 166 if Type[nextP]==0: # 如果下一个位置是第一道工作点 167 if rgv==1: # 然而载着半成品 168 seq.pop(index) # 去掉这个元素并中止当次循环进入下一个循环 169 continue 170 if isEmpty[nextP]: # 如果下一个位置是空的 171 t = cncT[nextP] 172 total += t 173 update(state,t) 174 state[nextP] = T1 # 更新当前的CNC状态 175 isEmpty[nextP] = 0 # 就不空闲了 176 else: # 如果没有空闲 177 if state[nextP] > 0: # 如果还在工作就等待结束 178 t = state[nextP] 179 total += t 180 update(state,t) 181 t = cncT[nextP] # 完成一次上下料 182 total += t 183 update(state,t) 184 state[nextP] = T1 185 rgv = 1 186 else: # 如果下一个位置是第二道工作点 187 if rgv==0: # 如果是个空车 188 seq.pop(index) # 删除当前节点 189 continue 190 if isEmpty[nextP]: # 如果下一个位置是空的 191 t = cncT[nextP] 192 total += t 193 update(state,t) 194 state[nextP] = T2 195 isEmpty[nextP] = 0 196 else: # 如果没有空闲 197 if state[nextP] > 0: # 如果还在工作就等待结束 198 t = state[nextP] 199 total += t 200 update(state,t) 201 t = cncT[nextP]+Tc 202 total += t 203 update(state,t) 204 state[nextP] = T2 205 rgv = 0 206 currP = nextP 207 temp = total 208 index += 1 209 return rgv,currP,total 210 211 def forward1(state,isEmpty,currP): # 一步最优 212 lists = [] 213 if currP in A: 214 rgv = 1 215 for e1 in B: 216 lists.append([e1]) 217 218 else: 219 rgv = 0 220 for e1 in A: 221 lists.append([e1]) 222 223 minV = 28800 224 for i in range(len(lists)): 225 t = time_calc(lists[i],state[:],isEmpty[:],rgv,currP,0)[-1] 226 if t<minV: 227 minV = t 228 index = i 229 return lists[index][0] 230 231 def forward4(state,isEmpty,currP): # 四步最优 232 lists = [] 233 """ 遍历所有的可能性 """ 234 if currP in A: # 如果当前在第二道工序CNC的位置 235 rgv = 1 236 for e1 in B: 237 for e2 in A: 238 for e3 in B: 239 for e4 in A: 240 lists.append([e1,e2,e3,e4]) 241 else: 242 rgv = 0 243 for e1 in A: 244 for e2 in B: 245 for e3 in A: 246 for e4 in B: 247 lists.append([e1,e2,e3,e4]) 248 minV = 28800 249 for i in range(len(lists)): 250 t = time_calc(lists[i],state[:],isEmpty[:],rgv,currP,0)[-1] 251 if t<minV: 252 minV = t 253 index = i 254 return lists[index][0] # 给定下一步的4步计算最优 255 256 def forward5(state,isEmpty,currP): # 五步最优 257 lists = [] 258 """ 遍历所有的可能性 """ 259 if currP in A: # 如果当前在第二道工序CNC的位置 260 rgv = 1 261 for e1 in B: 262 for e2 in A: 263 for e3 in B: 264 for e4 in A: 265 for e5 in B: 266 lists.append([e1,e2,e3,e4,e5]) 267 else: 268 rgv = 0 269 for e1 in A: 270 for e2 in B: 271 for e3 in A: 272 for e4 in B: 273 for e5 in A: 274 lists.append([e1,e2,e3,e4,e5]) 275 minV = 28800 276 for i in range(len(lists)): 277 t = time_calc(lists[i],state[:],isEmpty[:],rgv,currP,0)[-1] 278 if t<minV: 279 minV = t 280 index = i 281 return lists[index][0] # 给定下一步的5步计算最优 282 283 def forward6(state,isEmpty,currP): # 六步最优 284 lists = [] 285 """ 遍历所有的可能性 """ 286 if currP in A: # 如果当前在第二道工序CNC的位置 287 rgv = 1 288 for e1 in B: 289 for e2 in A: 290 for e3 in B: 291 for e4 in A: 292 for e5 in B: 293 for e6 in A: 294 lists.append([e1,e2,e3,e4,e5,e6]) 295 else: 296 rgv = 0 297 for e1 in A: 298 for e2 in B: 299 for e3 in A: 300 for e4 in B: 301 for e5 in A: 302 for e6 in B: 303 lists.append([e1,e2,e3,e4,e5,e6]) 304 minV = 28800 305 for i in range(len(lists)): 306 t = time_calc(lists[i],state[:],isEmpty[:],rgv,currP,0)[-1] 307 if t<minV: 308 minV = t 309 index = i 310 return lists[index][0] # 给定下一步的6步计算最优 311 312 def forward7(state,isEmpty,currP): # 七步最优 313 lists = [] 314 """ 遍历所有的可能性 """ 315 if currP in A: # 如果当前在第二道工序CNC的位置 316 rgv = 1 317 for e1 in B: 318 for e2 in A: 319 for e3 in B: 320 for e4 in A: 321 for e5 in B: 322 for e6 in A: 323 for e7 in B: 324 lists.append([e1,e2,e3,e4,e5,e6,e7]) 325 else: 326 rgv = 0 327 for e1 in A: 328 for e2 in B: 329 for e3 in A: 330 for e4 in B: 331 for e5 in A: 332 for e6 in B: 333 for e7 in A: 334 lists.append([e1,e2,e3,e4,e5,e6,e7]) 335 minV = 28800 336 for i in range(len(lists)): 337 t = time_calc(lists[i],state[:],isEmpty[:],rgv,currP,0)[-1] 338 if t<minV: 339 minV = t 340 index = i 341 return lists[index][0] # 给定下一步的7步计算最优 342 343 def forward8(state,isEmpty,currP): # 八步最优 344 lists = [] 345 """ 遍历所有的可能性 """ 346 if currP in A: # 如果当前在第二道工序CNC的位置 347 rgv = 1 348 for e1 in B: 349 for e2 in A: 350 for e3 in B: 351 for e4 in A: 352 for e5 in B: 353 for e6 in A: 354 for e7 in B: 355 for e8 in A: 356 lists.append([e1,e2,e3,e4,e5,e6,e7,e8]) 357 else: 358 rgv = 0 359 for e1 in A: 360 for e2 in B: 361 for e3 in A: 362 for e4 in B: 363 for e5 in A: 364 for e6 in B: 365 for e7 in A: 366 for e8 in B: 367 lists.append([e1,e2,e3,e4,e5,e6,e7,e8]) 368 minV = 28800 369 for i in range(len(lists)): 370 t = time_calc(lists[i],state[:],isEmpty[:],rgv,currP,0)[-1] 371 if t<minV: 372 minV = t 373 index = i 374 return lists[index][0] # 给定下一步的8步计算最优 375 376 def greedy(state,isEmpty,rgv,currP,total): # 贪婪算法 377 line = [] 378 count = 0 379 while True: 380 #nextP = forward4(state[:],isEmpty[:],currP) 381 nextP = forward5(state[:],isEmpty[:],currP) 382 line.append(nextP) 383 rgv,currP,t = time_calc([nextP],state,isEmpty,rgv,currP,0) 384 total += t 385 count += 1 386 if total>=28800: 387 break 388 return line 389 390 if __name__ == "__main__": 391 state,isEmpty,log,count1,rgv,currP,total,seq = init_first_round() 392 print(state,isEmpty,log,count1,rgv,currP,total,seq) 393 line = greedy(state[:],isEmpty[:],rgv,currP,total) 394 simulate(line,state,isEmpty,log,count1,rgv,currP,total) 395 396 write_xlsx()
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