


Integrated Development Environment simply IDE is a tool used to develop applications in an easy, fast, and reliable way. There is a lot of different IDE for different programming languages, platforms, and operating systems.

仅仅是集成开发环境IDE是一种用于以简单,快速和可靠的方式开发应用程序的工具。 针对不同的编程语言,平台和操作系统,有很多不同的IDE。

IDE功能 (IDE Features)

Different types of IDE’s provide different features. Here will provide some of the popular features provided by an average IDE.

不同类型的IDE提供不同的功能。 这里将提供普通IDE提供的一些流行功能。

  • Integrated Tools will provide programming and scripting language tools in an integrated manner which makes use of them very easy.

    Integrated Tools将以集成方式提供编程和脚本语言工具,从而使它们的使用变得非常容易。

  • Intelligent Code Editor will provide coding helpers like errors, warnings to help auto code completion.

    Intelligent Code Editor将为错误,警告等编码助手提供帮助,以帮助自动完成代码。

  • Smart Code Navigation will provide easily navigate and trace code in big projects with a lot of files and folders with sub-projects.

    Smart Code Navigation将在大型项目中提供方便的导航和跟踪代码,这些大型项目中包含许多带有子项目的文件和文件夹。

  • Compiler will provide the compilation where the given programming language needs.


  • Debugger will provide debugging and check the compiled binaries run.


  • Refactoring will run refactoring during code development and provide suggestions.


  • Different Programming and Scripting Language Support will make the IDE complete by supporting multiple related programming and scripting languages that can reside in a single project.

    通过支持可以驻留在单个项目中的多种相关编程和脚本语言, Different Programming and Scripting Language Support将使IDE更加完善。

  • Interactive Console will provide an interactive shell or console to issue commands related to the project and get the output in a terminal manner.

    Interactive Console将提供一个交互式外壳程序或控制台,以发出与项目相关的命令并以终端方式获取输出。

  • Version Control will provide versioning code and making it easy to track changes.

    Version Control将提供版本控制代码,并使其易于跟踪更改。

  • Plugins will provide a lot of useful features as an extra to the existing IDE.


IDE组件 (IDE Components)

In this part, we will learn basic components provided by IDE. We will use PyCharm as IDE as en example.

在这一部分中,我们将学习IDE提供的基本组件。 作为示例,我们将使用PyCharm作为IDE。

ide集成开发环境_什么是IDE(集成开发环境)?_第2张图片 IDE Components IDE组件
  • Project Tab resides in the left line which lists current project resources like code file, libraries, DLLs, scripts, and executables.

    Project Tab位于左行,该行列出了当前的项目资源,例如代码文件,库,DLL,脚本和可执行文件。

  • Terminal resides on the bottom of the IDE where there is a cursor blinking and waiting for command input. The output also printed to this console.

    Terminal位于IDE的底部,光标闪烁并等待命令输入。 输出也将打印到此控制台。

  • Code Editor is located in the main pane where the Python code can be seen.

    Code Editor位于可查看Python代码的主窗格中。

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We can also see other components in the main menu like Refactor, Tools, Code, View, etc.


ide集成开发环境_什么是IDE(集成开发环境)?_第3张图片 IDE Components IDE组件

热门IDE清单(Popular IDE List)

There is a lot of different IDE related to different programming languages. In this part, we will list some of the popular.

有很多与不同编程语言相关的不同IDE。 在这一部分中,我们将列出一些流行的。

C / C ++ (C/C++)

Visual Studio, Code::Blocks, CLion, Dev-C++,CodeLite, Eclipse

Visual Studio,代码::块,CLion,Dev-C ++,CodeLite,Eclipse

C#,Visual Basic (C#, Visual Basic)

Visual Studio, MonoDevelop, SharpDevelop

Visual Studio,MonoDevelop,SharpDevelop

HTML / JavaScript (HTML/JavaScript)

Visual Studio, Atom, WebStorm, PHPStorm, Eclipse

Visual Studio,Atom,WebStorm,PHPStorm,Eclipse


Netbeans, PhpStorm, Zend Studio, Eclipse

Netbeans,PhpStorm,Zend Studio,Eclipse

Python (Python)

PyCharm, IDLE, Eclipse, Atom



