

1.Which one of the following best illustrates theaccelerator process?

A. A changein one of the components of aggregate demand leading to a much greater increasein national income

B. Anincrease in national income resulting in a proportionately larger rise ininvestment

C. Governmentsubsidies to firms for research and development helping to increase the rate ofinnovation

D. An increase in government spending during arecession helping to stimulate investment

2.An economy is in recession, with falling real GDP(Gross Domestic Product). The accelerator theory predicts that

A. the level of investment willfall.

B. a rise in investment will bringthe economy out of recession.

C. interest rates will fall, leadingto a rise in investment.

D. a fall in the rate of investment will lead to furtherfalls in GDP.

3.The accelerator relationship explains how

A. an increase in aggregate investmentexpenditure leads to an increase in national income.

B. a decrease in the rate ofinterest leads to an increase in the level of investment expenditure.

C. an increase in company profitsleads to an increase in the level of investment expenditure.

D. an increase in the level of national income leads toan increase in the level of aggregate investment expenditure.

4.Which one of the following,A, B, C or D, is most likely to be associated with an accelerator process in aneconomy?


5.The multiplier can refer to the effect of a changein the level of

A.aggregate demand upon imports.

B. national income upon aggregatedemand.

C.saving upon investment.

D.investment upon national income.

6.An economy is currentlyoperating with a negative output gap. In the short run, if the rate of growthof aggregate demand is positive but less than the rate of growth of productivecapacity, then the economy is most likely to experience 

A. a decreasein output.

B. anincrease in unemployment.

C. a decreasein its trend rate of growth.

D. a decrease in exports.

7.If an economyís output gap moves from beingnegative to positive, the economy is likely to experience

A. deflationary pressure.

B. risingunemployment.

C. excessaggregate supply.

D. inflationary pressure.

8.Economists predict that the negative output gap inthe United Kingdom is likely to grow over the next couple of years.’ In theshort run, which one of the following policies is most likely to help toprevent this negative output gap increasing?

A. The Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) raisinginterest rates

B. The government taking action to increase theexchange rate of the pound

C. An increase in governmentexpenditure accompanied by a growing budget deficit

D. The implementation of supply-side policiesthat are designed to raise labour productivity 

9.There is an output gap when

A. productivity is higher in one country than inanother.

B. the economy is continuouslyproducing more capital goods than consumer goods over a period of time.

C. unemployment occurs because the rate ofeconomic growth increases above its trend rate of growth.

D. national output is higher or lower than itwould have been if the country had grown continuously at its trend rate of growth. 

10.The relationship between the growth of national incomeand the resulting increase in investment is known as the

A. accelerator.

B. output gap.

C. economic cycle.

D. multiplier.  
