pip install kintaiyi
pip install --upgrade sxtwl, numpy, ephem, cn2an
from kintaiyi import kintaiyi
# 0 為年計;1 為月計;2 為日計:3 為時計
{'太乙計': '月計', '公元日期': '-202年9月16日23時', '干支': ['戊戌', '辛酉', '庚戌', '丙子'], '農曆': {'年': -202, '月': 8, '日': 15}, '年號': '西漢高帝劉邦 高帝四年', '紀元': '第三紀第一甲子元', '時局': {'文': '陽遁十局', '數': 10}, '太乙': 4, '文昌': '丑', '太歲': '子', '合神': '丑', '計神': '寅', '始擊': '子', '定目': '子', '主算': [4, ['無天', '無地', '雜陽']], '客算': [11, ['無地', '陰中重陽']], '定算': [11, ['無地', '陰中重陽']], '九宮': {8: '大游', 3: '客參定參', 4: '主將太乙', 9: '', 5: '五風', 2: '主參八風', 7: '三風', 6: '', 1: '客將定將飛鳥小游'}, '十六宮': {'子': ['太歲', '始擊', '定目'], '丑': ['文昌', '合神', '四神'], '艮': [], '寅': [], '卯': [], '辰': ['君基'], '巽': ['五福'], '巳': ['民基'], '午': ['飛符', '太尊'], '未': ['臣基', '地乙'], '申': [], '坤': [], '酉': [], '戌': ['直符'], '乾': ['帝符'], '亥': ['天乙']}}
{'太乙計': '時計', '公元日期': '658年5月31日0時', '干支': ['戊午', '丁巳', '丙子', '戊子'], '農曆': {'年': 658, '月': 4, '日': 24}, '年號': '唐高宗李治 永徽九年', '紀元': '丙子元第二紀', '時局': '陽遁37局', '太乙': 6, '文昌': '坤', '太歲': '子', '合神': '丑', '計神': '寅', '始擊': '未', '定目': '未', '主算': [7, ['無天', '雜陰']], '客算': [8, ['無天', '雜陽']], '定算': [8, ['無天', '雜陽']], '九宮': {8: '客將定將大游', 3: '五風', 4: '客參定參', 9: '', 5: '', 2: '八風', 7: '主將三風', 6: '太乙', 1: '主參飛鳥小游'}, '十六宮': {'子': ['太歲', '太尊'], '丑': ['合神'], '艮': [], '寅': [], '卯': [], '辰': ['君基', '臣基', '帝符'], '巽': [], '巳': [], '午': [], '未': ['始擊', '定目'], '申': ['民基'], '坤': ['文昌'], '酉': [], '戌': [], '乾': ['五福'], '亥': []}}
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sat Aug 27 18:11:44 2022
@author: kentang
import re, itertools, time, pickle, os
import numpy as np
from math import pi
from sxtwl import fromSolar
from ephem import Sun, Date, Ecliptic, Equatorial, hour
from cn2an import an2cn
def jiazi():
Gan, Zhi = '甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬癸','子丑寅卯辰巳午未申酉戌亥'
return list(map(lambda x: "{}{}".format(Gan[x % len(Gan)],Zhi[x % len(Zhi)]), list(range(60))))
class Taiyi():
def __init__(self, year, month, day, hour, minute):
self.year, self.month, self.day, self.hour, self.minute = year, month, day, hour, minute
self.taiyiyear = 10153917
self.jieqi = re.findall('..', '春分清明穀雨立夏小滿芒種夏至小暑大暑立秋處暑白露秋分寒露霜降立冬小雪大雪冬至小寒大寒立春雨水驚蟄')
self.num = [8,3,4,9,2,7,6,1]
self.Gan,self.Zhi = '甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬癸', '子丑寅卯辰巳午未申酉戌亥'
self.jc = list("丑寅辰巳未申戌亥")
self.jc1 = list("巽艮坤乾")
self.tyjc = [1,3,7,9]
self.sixteengod = dict(zip(re.findall("..", "地主陽德和德呂申高叢太陽大炅大神大威天道大武武德太簇陰主陰德大義"), "子丑艮寅卯辰巽巳午未坤申酉戌乾亥"))
self.gong = dict(zip(list("子丑艮寅卯辰巽巳午未坤申酉戌乾亥"), range(1,17)))
self.gong1 = list("子丑艮寅卯辰巽巳午未坤申酉戌乾亥")
#self.gong2 = dict(zip(list("亥子丑艮寅卯辰巽巳午未坤申酉戌乾"), [8,8,3,3,4,4,9,9,2,2,7,7,6,6,1,1]))
def jigod(self, ji):
return dict(zip(list("子寅卯辰巳午丑亥戌酉申未"),list("丑亥戌酉申未子寅卯辰巳午"))).get(self.taishui(ji))
def taishui(self, ji):
gz = self.gangzhi()
return {0: gz[0][1], 1:gz[1][1], 2:gz[2][1], 3:gz[3][1]}.get(ji)
def kingyear(self):
def closest(lst, K):
return lst[min(range(len(lst)), key = lambda i: abs(lst[i]-K))]
data = pickle.load(open(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'history.pkl'), "rb")).split(",")
y = list(map(lambda x: int(x), data[0::7]))
period = data[3::7]
king = data[4::7]
king_realname = data[5::7]
preiodname = data[6::7]
idx = y.index(closest(y, self.lunar_date_d().get("年")))
year = year = self.lunar_date_d().get("年")
if year < 1900:
year = year - y[idx] +1
pn = "{}{}年".format(preiodname[idx], an2cn(year))
kn = "{}{}{}".format(period[idx], king[idx], king_realname[idx])
if year > 1900 and year <1949:
year = year - y[idx-1] +1
pn = "{}{}年".format(preiodname[idx-1], an2cn(year))
kn = "{}{}{}".format(period[idx-1], king[idx-1], king_realname[idx-1])
if year > 1949:
year = year - y[idx]
pn = "{}{}年".format(preiodname[idx], an2cn(year))
kn = "{}{}{}".format(period[idx], king[idx], king_realname[idx])
return "{} {}".format(kn, pn)
def skyeyes_des(self, ji):
yy = self.kook(ji).get("文")[0]
k = self.kook(ji).get("數")
dd = {"陽":",,辰迫,,,,,辰迫,囚,辰迫,囚,辰迫,,,勝,辰迫,囚,囚,客挾,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,客挾,囚,辰迫,客挾,客挾,囚,,宮迫,,主挾,宮迫,辰迫,,,,主挾,辰迫,宮迫,宮迫,,,,,客挾,,,,,,主挾,,,,,,,".split(","),
return dict(zip(range(1,73), dd.get(yy))).get(k)
def skyeyes(self, ji):
skyeyes_dict = {
"陽" : list("申酉戌乾乾亥子丑艮寅卯辰巽巳午未坤坤申酉戌乾乾亥子丑艮寅卯辰巽巳午未坤坤申酉戌乾乾亥子丑艮寅卯辰巽巳午未坤坤申酉戌乾乾亥子丑艮寅卯辰巽巳午未坤坤"),
"陰" : list("寅卯辰巽巽巳午未坤申酉戌乾亥子丑艮艮寅卯辰巽巽巳午未坤申酉戌乾亥子丑艮艮寅卯辰巽巽巳午未坤申酉戌乾亥子丑艮艮寅卯辰巽巽巳午未坤申酉戌乾亥子丑艮艮")}
return dict(zip(range(1,73),skyeyes_dict.get(self.kook(ji).get("文")[0]))).get(int(self.kook(ji).get("數")))
def hegod(self, ji):
findji = {"陽":list("寅丑子亥戌酉申未午巳辰卯"), "陰":list("申未午巳辰卯寅丑子亥戌酉")}.get(self.kook(ji).get("文")[0])
return dict(zip(self.Zhi, findji )).get(self.taishui(ji))
def new_list(self, olist, o):
a = olist.index(o)
res1 = []
for i in range(len(olist)):
res1.append( olist[a % len(olist)])
a = a + 1
return res1
def multi_key_dict_get(self, d, k):
for keys, v in d.items():
if k in keys:
return v
return None
def gangzhi(self):
if self.hour == 23:
d = Date(round((Date("{}/{}/{} {}:00:00.00".format(str(self.year).zfill(4), str(self.month).zfill(2), str(self.day).zfill(2), str(self.hour).zfill(2))) + 1 * hour), 3))
d = Date("{}/{}/{} {}:00:00.00".format(str(self.year).zfill(4), str(self.month).zfill(2), str(self.day).zfill(2), str(self.hour).zfill(2) ))
dd = list(d.tuple())
cdate = fromSolar(dd[0], dd[1], dd[2])
yTG,mTG,dTG,hTG = "{}{}".format(self.Gan[cdate.getYearGZ().tg], self.Zhi[cdate.getYearGZ().dz]), "{}{}".format(self.Gan[cdate.getMonthGZ().tg],self.Zhi[cdate.getMonthGZ().dz]), "{}{}".format(self.Gan[cdate.getDayGZ().tg], self.Zhi[cdate.getDayGZ().dz]), "{}{}".format(self.Gan[cdate.getHourGZ(dd[3]).tg], self.Zhi[cdate.getHourGZ(dd[3]).dz])
return [yTG, mTG, dTG, hTG]
#%% #節氣
def ecliptic_lon(self, jd_utc):
return Ecliptic(Equatorial(Sun(jd_utc).ra,Sun(jd_utc).dec,epoch=jd_utc)).lon
def sta(self, jd):
return int(self.ecliptic_lon(jd)*180.0/pi/15)
def iteration(self, jd):
while True:
if s0!=s:
if abs(dt)<0.0000001 and s!=s1:
return jd
def find_jq_date(self, year, month, day, hour, jq):
jd=Date("{}/{}/{} {}:00:00.00".format(str(year).zfill(4), str(month).zfill(2), str(day).zfill(2), str(hour).zfill(2) ))
dzlist = []
for i in range(24):
if n>=24:
b = {self.jieqi[n]: Date("{}/{}/{} {}:{}:00.00".format(str(d[0]).zfill(4), str(d[1]).zfill(2), str(d[2]).zfill(2), str(d[3]).zfill(2) , str(d[4]).zfill(2)))}
return list(dzlist[list(map(lambda i:list(i.keys())[0], dzlist)).index(jq)].values())[0]
def lunar_date_d(self):
day = fromSolar(self.year, self.month, self.day)
return {"年":day.getLunarYear(), "月": day.getLunarMonth(), "日":day.getLunarDay()}
def xzdistance(self):
return int(self.find_jq_date(self.year, self.month, self.day, self.hour, "夏至") - Date("{}/{}/{} {}:00:00.00".format(str(self.year).zfill(4), str(self.month).zfill(2), str(self.day).zfill(2), str(self.hour).zfill(2))))
#%% 積年
def accnum(self, ji):
if ji == 0: #年計
if self.year >= 0:
return self.taiyiyear + self.year
elif self.year < 0:
return self.taiyiyear + self.year + 1
elif ji == 1: #月計
if self.year >= 0:
accyear = self.taiyiyear + self.year - 1
elif self.year < 0:
accyear = self.taiyiyear + self.year + 1
return accyear * 12 + 2 + self.lunar_date_d().get("月")
elif ji == 2:#日計
return int(Date("{}/{}/{} {}:00:00.00".format(str(self.year).zfill(4), str(self.month).zfill(2), str(self.day).zfill(2), str(self.hour).zfill(2))) - Date("1900/06/19 00:00:00.00"))
#return (datetime.strptime("{0:04}-{1:02d}-{2:02d} 00:00:00".format(self.year, self.month, self.day), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") - datetime.strptime("1900-06-19 00:00:00","%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")).days
elif ji == 3: #時計
return int((Date("{}/{}/{} {}:00:00.00".format(str(self.year).zfill(4), str(self.month).zfill(2), str(self.day).zfill(2), str(self.hour).zfill(2))) - Date("1900/06/19 00:00:00.00") - 1)) * 12 + (self.hour + 1 ) // 2 + 1
#return ((datetime.strptime("{0:04}-{1:02d}-{2:02d} 00:00:00".format(self.year, self.month, self.day), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") - datetime.strptime("1900-06-19 00:00:00","%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")).days - 1 ) * 12 + (self.hour + 1 ) // 2 + 1
def kook(self, ji):
xz = self.xzdistance()
current_date = Date("{}/{}/{} {}:00:00.00".format(str(self.year).zfill(4), str(self.month).zfill(2), str(self.day).zfill(2), str(self.hour).zfill(2)))
xz_date = current_date - xz
k = self.accnum(ji)%72
if k == 0:
k = 72
if ji == 0 or ji == 1 or ji ==2:
dun = "陽遁"
elif ji == 3:
if current_date >= xz_date and self.month >= 6:
dun = "陰遁"
dun = "陽遁"
return {"文":"{}{}局".format(dun, an2cn(k)), "數":k}
def getyuan(self, ji):
accnum = self.accnum(ji)
if round(accnum % 360) == 1:
find_ji_num = 1
find_ji_num = int(round((accnum % 360) / 72, 0))
fiveyuen_d = dict(zip(range(1,6), jiazi()[0::12]))
if find_ji_num == 0:
find_ji_num = 1
jiyuan = fiveyuen_d.get(find_ji_num)
return jiyuan
def getepoch(self, ji):
accnum = self.accnum(ji)
if ji == 0 or ji == 1 or ji ==2:
if round(accnum % 360) == 1:
find_ji_num = 1
find_ji_num = int((accnum % 360) / 60)
if find_ji_num == 0:
find_ji_num = 1
find_ji_num2 = int(accnum % 360 % 72 % 24 / 3)
cnum = list("一二三四五六七八九十")
return {"元":dict(zip(range(1,8), cnum[0:7])).get(find_ji_num), "紀":dict(zip(range(1,8), cnum[0:7])).get(find_ji_num2)}
elif ji == 3:
epochdict = dict(zip([
('甲子', '甲午', '乙丑', '乙未', '丙寅', '丙申', '丁卯', '丁酉', '戊辰', '戊戌'),
('己巳', '己亥', '庚午', '庚子', '辛未', '辛丑', '壬申', '壬寅', '癸酉', '癸卯'),
('甲戌', '甲辰', '乙亥', '乙巳', '丙子', '丙午', '丁丑', '丁未', '戊寅', '戊申'),
('己卯', '己酉', '庚辰', '庚戌', '辛巳', '辛亥', '壬午', '壬子', '癸未', '癸丑'),
('甲申', '甲寅', '乙酉', '乙卯', '丙戌', '丙辰', '丁亥', '丁巳', '戊子', '戊午'),
('己丑', '己未', '庚寅', '庚申', '辛卯', '辛酉', '壬辰', '壬戌', '癸巳', '癸亥')],
return "第{}紀".format(self.multi_key_dict_get(epochdict, self.gangzhi()[2]))
def jiyuan(self, ji):
if ji == 3:
j = dict(zip([('甲子', '甲午', '乙丑', '乙未', '丙寅', '丙申', '丁卯', '丁酉', '戊辰', '戊戌', '己巳', '己亥'),
('庚午', '庚子', '辛未', '辛丑', '壬申', '壬寅', '癸酉', '癸卯', '甲戌', '甲辰', '乙亥', '乙巳'),
('丙子', '丙午', '丁丑', '丁未', '戊寅', '戊申', '己卯', '己酉', '庚辰', '庚戌', '辛巳', '辛亥'),
('壬午', '壬子', '癸未', '癸丑', '甲申', '甲寅', '乙酉', '乙卯', '丙戌', '丙辰', '丁亥', '丁巳'),
('戊子', '戊午', '己丑', '己未', '庚寅', '庚申', '辛卯', '辛酉', '壬辰', '壬戌', '癸巳', '癸亥')], "甲子,丙子,戊子,庚子,壬子".split(",")))
return "{}{}元".format(self.getepoch(ji), self.multi_key_dict_get(j, self.gangzhi()[2]))
return "第{}紀第{}{}元".format(self.getepoch(ji).get("紀") ,self.getepoch(ji).get("元"), self.getyuan(ji))
def ty(self, ji):
arr = np.arange(10)
repetitions = 3
arrangement = np.repeat(arr, repetitions)
arrangement_r = list(reversed(arrangement))
yy_dict = {"陽": dict(zip(range(1,73), list(itertools.chain.from_iterable([list(arrangement)[3:15]+ list(arrangement)[18:]] * 3)))), "陰": dict(zip(range(1,73), (list(arrangement_r)[:12] + list(arrangement_r)[15:][:-3]) * 3))}
return yy_dict.get(self.kook(ji).get("文")[0]).get(self.kook(ji).get("數"))
def sf(self, ji):
wc = self.skyeyes(ji)
jd = self.jigod(ji)
if wc == jd:
sf = "艮"
return sf
elif wc != jd:
start = self.new_list(self.gong1, jd)
start1 = len(start[0:start.index("艮")+1])
start2 = self.new_list(self.gong1, wc)[start1-1]
return start2
def se(self, ji):
wc,hg,ts = self.skyeyes(ji),self.hegod(ji),self.taishui(ji)
start = self.new_list(self.gong1, hg)
start1 = len(start[:start.index(ts)+1])
start2 = self.new_list(self.gong1, wc)[start1-1]
return start2
def home_cal(self, ji):
num = self.num
lnum = [8, 8, 3, 3, 4,4, 9, 9, 2, 2, 7, 7, 6, 6, 1, 1]
gong = list("亥子丑艮寅卯辰巽巳午未坤申酉戌乾")
wc = self.skyeyes(ji)
lg = dict(zip(gong, lnum))
wc_num = lg.get(wc)
ty = self.ty(ji)
wc_jc = list(map(lambda x: x == wc, self.jc)).count(True)
ty_jc = list(map(lambda x: x == ty, self.tyjc)).count(True)
wc_jc1 = list(map(lambda x: x == wc, self.jc1)).count(True)
wc_order = self.new_list(num, wc_num)
if wc_jc == 1 and ty_jc != 1 and wc_jc1 !=1 :
return sum(wc_order[: wc_order.index(ty)])+1
elif wc_jc !=1 and ty_jc != 1 and wc_jc1 ==1:
return sum(wc_order[: wc_order.index(ty)])
elif wc_jc != 1 and ty_jc ==1 and wc_jc1 !=1:
return sum(wc_order[: wc_order.index(ty)])
elif wc_jc ==1 and ty_jc ==1 and wc_jc1 !=1 :
return sum(wc_order[: wc_order.index(ty)])+1
elif wc_jc !=1 and ty_jc ==1 and wc_jc1 ==1 :
return sum(wc_order[: wc_order.index(ty)])
elif wc_jc !=1 and ty_jc !=1 and wc_jc1 !=1 and ty != wc_num:
return sum(wc_order[: wc_order.index(ty)])
elif wc_jc !=1 and ty_jc !=1 and wc_jc1 !=1 and ty == wc_num:
return ty
def home_general(self, ji):
home_g = self.home_cal(ji) % 10
if home_g == 0:
home_g = 5
return home_g
def home_vgen(self, ji):
home_vg = self.home_general(ji) *3 % 10
if home_vg ==0:
home_vg = 5
return home_vg
def away_cal(self, ji):
num = self.num
lnum = [8, 8, 3, 3, 4,4, 9, 9, 2, 2, 7, 7, 6, 6, 1, 1]
gong = list("亥子丑艮寅卯辰巽巳午未坤申酉戌乾")
sf = self.sf(ji)
lg = dict(zip(gong, lnum))
sf_num = lg.get(sf)
ty = self.ty(ji)
sf_jc = list(map(lambda x: x == sf, self.jc)).count(True)
ty_jc = list(map(lambda x: x == ty, self.tyjc)).count(True)
sf_jc1 = list(map(lambda x: x == sf, self.jc1)).count(True)
sf_order = self.new_list(num, sf_num)
if sf_jc == 1 and ty_jc != 1 and sf_jc1 !=1 :
return sum(sf_order[: sf_order.index(ty)])+1
elif sf_jc !=1 and ty_jc != 1 and sf_jc1 ==1:
return sum(sf_order[: sf_order.index(ty)])
elif sf_jc != 1 and ty_jc ==1 and sf_jc1 !=1:
return sum(sf_order[: sf_order.index(ty)])
elif sf_jc ==1 and ty_jc ==1 and sf_jc1 !=1 :
return sum(sf_order[: sf_order.index(ty)])
elif sf_jc !=1 and ty_jc ==1 and sf_jc1 ==1 :
return sum(sf_order[: sf_order.index(ty)])
elif sf_jc !=1 and ty_jc !=1 and sf_jc1 !=1 and sf_num != ty:
return sum(sf_order[: sf_order.index(ty)])
elif sf_jc !=1 and ty_jc !=1 and sf_jc1 !=1 and sf_num == ty:
return ty
def away_general(self, ji):
away_g = self.away_cal(ji) % 10
if away_g == 0:
away_g = 5
return away_g
def away_vgen(self, ji):
away_vg = self.away_general(ji) *3 % 10
if away_vg == 0:
away_vg = 5
return away_vg
def set_cal(self, ji):
num = self.num
lnum = [8, 8, 3, 3, 4,4, 9, 9, 2, 2, 7, 7, 6, 6, 1, 1]
gong = list("亥子丑艮寅卯辰巽巳午未坤申酉戌乾")
se = self.se(ji)
lg = dict(zip(gong, lnum))
se_num = lg.get(se)
ty = self.ty(ji)
se_jc = list(map(lambda x: x == se, self.jc)).count(True)
ty_jc = list(map(lambda x: x == ty, self.tyjc)).count(True)
se_jc1 = list(map(lambda x: x == se, self.jc1)).count(True)
se_order = self.new_list(num, se_num)
if se_jc == 1 and ty_jc != 1 and se_jc1 !=1 :
return sum(se_order[: se_order.index(ty)])+1
elif se_jc !=1 and ty_jc != 1 and se_jc1 ==1:
return sum(se_order[: se_order.index(ty)])
elif se_jc != 1 and ty_jc ==1 and se_jc1 !=1:
return sum(se_order[: se_order.index(ty)])
elif se_jc ==1 and ty_jc ==1 and se_jc1 !=1 :
return sum(se_order[: se_order.index(ty)])
elif se_jc !=1 and ty_jc ==1 and se_jc1 ==1 :
return sum(se_order[: se_order.index(ty)])
elif se_jc !=1 and ty_jc !=1 and se_jc1 !=1 :
return sum(se_order[: se_order.index(ty)])
elif se_jc !=1 and ty_jc !=1 and se_jc1 !=1 and se_num != ty:
return sum(se_order[: se_order.index(ty)])
elif se_jc !=1 and ty_jc !=1 and se_jc1 !=1 and se_num == ty:
return ty
def cal_des(self, num):
t = []
if num > 10 and num % 10 > 5:
if num < 10:
if num % 10 < 5:
if num % 10 == 0:
numdict = {1: "雜陰", 2: "純陰", 3: "純陽", 4: "雜陽", 6: "純陰", 7: "雜陰",
8: "雜陽", 9: "純陽", 11: "陰中重陽", 12: "下和", 13: "雜重陽",
14: "上和", 16: "下和", 17: "陰中重陽", 18: "上和", 19: "雜重陽",
22: "純陰", 23: "次和", 24: "雜重陰", 26: "純陰", 27: "下和",
28: "雜重陰", 29: "次和", 31: "雜重陽", 32: "次和", 33: "純陽",
34: "下和", 37: "雜重陽", 38: "下和", 39: "純陽"}
t.append(numdict.get(num, None))
return [i for i in t if i is not None]
def set_general(self, ji):
set_g = self.set_cal(ji) % 10
if set_g == 0:
set_g = 5
return set_g
def set_vgen(self, ji):
set_vg = self.set_general(ji) *3 % 10
if set_vg == 0:
set_vg = 5
return set_vg
def sixteen_gong1(self, ji):
dict1 = [{self.skyeyes(ji):"昌"},{self.hegod(ji):"合"},{self.sf(ji):"始"},
{self.se(ji):"目"}, {self.kingbase(ji):"君"}, {self.officerbase(ji):"臣"}, {self.pplbase(ji):"民"},
{self.flyfu(ji):"飛"},{self.kingfu(ji):"帝"}, {self.wufu(ji):"福"}, {self.jigod(ji):"計"}]
res = {"子":"", "丑":"", "艮":"","寅":"", "卯":"", "辰":"", "巽":"","巳":"", "午":"", "未":"", "申":"", "坤":"", "酉":"", "戌":"", "乾":"", "亥":"", "中":""}
for dict in dict1:
for list in dict:
if list in res:
res[list] += (dict[list])
except TypeError:
res[list] = dict[list]
except TypeError:
rres = str(res.values())[11:].replace("([","").replace("'","").replace("])","").replace(" ", "").split(",")
rrres = [re.findall("..", i) for i in rres]
r = str(res.keys())[11:].replace("([","").replace("'","").replace("])","").replace(" ", "").split(",")
return {r[i]:rrres[i] for i in range(0,16)}
def sixteen_gong(self, ji):
dict1 = [{self.skyeyes(ji):"文昌"},{self.taishui(ji):"太歲"},{self.hegod(ji):"合神"},{self.sf(ji):"始擊"},
{self.se(ji):"定目"}, {self.kingbase(ji):"君基"}, {self.officerbase(ji):"臣基"}, {self.pplbase(ji):"民基"},
{self.flyfu(ji):"飛符"},{self.kingfu(ji):"帝符"},{self.taijun(ji):"太尊"}, {self.wufu(ji):"五福"} ]
res = {"子":"", "丑":"", "艮":"","寅":"", "卯":"", "辰":"", "巽":"","巳":"", "午":"", "未":"", "申":"", "坤":"", "酉":"", "戌":"", "乾":"", "亥":"", "中":""}
for dict in dict1:
for list in dict:
if list in res:
res[list] += (dict[list])
except TypeError:
res[list] = dict[list]
except TypeError:
rres = str(res.values())[11:].replace("([","").replace("'","").replace("])","").replace(" ", "").split(",")
rrres = [re.findall("..", i) for i in rres]
r = str(res.keys())[11:].replace("([","").replace("'","").replace("])","").replace(" ", "").split(",")
return {r[i]:rrres[i] for i in range(0,16)}
def nine_gong(self, ji):
dict1 = [{self.home_general(ji):"主將"},{self.home_vgen(ji):"主參"},{self.away_general(ji):"客將"},
{self.ty(ji):"太乙"}, {self.threewind(ji):"三風"}, {self.fivewind(ji):"五風"},
{self.eightwind(ji):"八風"}, {self.flybird(ji):"飛鳥"},{self.bigyo(ji):"大游"},
res = {8:"", 3:"", 4:"", 9:"",5:"", 2:"", 7:"", 6:"", 1:""}
for dict in dict1:
for list in dict:
if list in res:
res[list] += (dict[list])
except TypeError:
res[list] = dict[list]
except TypeError:
return res
def kingbase(self, ji):
kb = (self.accnum(ji) +250) % 360 / 30
kb_v = dict(zip(range(1,13), self.new_list(self.Zhi, "午"))).get(int(kb))
if kb_v == 0 or kb_v ==None:
kb_v = "中"
return kb_v
def officerbase(self, ji):
ob = (self.accnum(ji) +250) % 360 % 36 / 3
ob_v = dict(zip(range(1,13), self.new_list(self.Zhi, "午"))).get(int(ob))
if ob_v == 0 or ob_v ==None:
ob_v = "中"
return ob_v
def pplbase(self, ji):
pb = (self.accnum(ji) +250) % 360 % 12
pb_v = dict(zip(range(1,13), self.new_list(self.Zhi, "戌"))).get(int(pb))
if pb_v == 0 or pb_v ==None:
pb_v = "中"
return pb_v
def bigyo(self, ji):
by = int((self.accnum(ji) +34) % 388)
if by < 36:
by = by
elif by > 36:
by = by / 36
byv = dict(zip([7,8,9,1,2,3,4,6],range(1,9))).get(int(by))
if byv == 0 or byv ==None:
byv = 5
return byv
def smyo(self, ji):
sy = int(self.accnum(ji) % 360)
if sy < 24:
sy = sy % 3
elif sy > 24:
sy = sy % 24
if sy > 3:
sy = sy % 3
syv = dict(zip([1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9],range(1,9))).get(int(sy))
if syv == 0 or syv == None:
syv = 5
return syv
def fgd(self, ji):
f = self.accnum(ji) % 360 % 36 / 3
fv = dict(zip(range(1,13), self.new_list(self.Zhi, "亥"))).get(int(f))
if fv == 0 or fv == None:
fv = "中"
return fv
def skyyi(self, ji):
f = self.accnum(ji) % 360 % 36 / 3
fv = dict(zip(range(1,13), self.new_list(self.Zhi, "酉"))).get(int(f))
if fv == 0 or fv == None:
fv = "中"
return fv
def earthyi(self, ji):
f = self.accnum(ji) % 360 % 36 / 3
fv = dict(zip(range(1,13), self.new_list(self.Zhi, "巳"))).get(int(f))
if fv == 0 or fv == None:
fv = "中"
return fv
def zhifu(self, ji):
f = self.accnum(ji) % 360 % 36 / 3
fv = dict(zip(range(1,14), ["中"]+self.new_list(self.Zhi, "酉"))).get(int(f))
if fv == 0 or fv == None:
fv = "中"
return fv
def flyfu(self, ji):
f = self.accnum(ji) % 360 % 36 / 3
fv = dict(zip(range(1,13), self.new_list(self.Zhi, "辰"))).get(int(f))
if fv == 0 or fv == None:
fv = "中"
return fv
def kingfu(self, ji):
f = self.accnum(ji) %20
if f > 16:
f = f - 16
fv = dict(zip(range(1,17), self.new_list(self.gong1, "戌"))).get(int(f))
if fv == 0 or fv== None:
fv = "中"
return fv
def taijun(self, ji):
f = self.accnum(ji) % 4
fv = dict(zip(range(1,5), list("子午卯酉"))).get(int(f))
if fv == 0 or fv == None:
fv = "中"
return fv
def flybird(self, ji):
f = self.accnum(ji) % 9
fv = dict(zip(range(1,10), [1,8,3,4,9,2,7,6])).get(int(f))
if fv == 0 or fv ==None:
fv = 5
return fv
def wuxing(self, ji):
f = self.accnum(ji) // 5
f = f % 5
fv = dict(zip(range(1,10), [1,3,5,7,9,2,4,6,8])).get(int(f))
if fv == 0 or fv ==None:
fv = 5
return fv
def threewind(self, ji):
f = self.accnum(ji) % 9
fv = dict(zip(range(1,9), [7,2,6,1,5,9,4,8])).get(int(f))
if fv == 0 or fv == None:
fv = 5
return fv
def fivewind(self, ji):
f = self.accnum(ji) % 29
if f > 10:
f = f - 9
fv = dict(zip(range(1,10), [1,3,5,7,9,2,4,6,8])).get(int(f))
if fv == 0 or fv == None:
fv = 5
return fv
def eightwind(self, ji):
f = self.accnum(ji) % 9
fv = dict(zip(range(1,9), [2,3,5,6,7,8,9,1])).get(int(f))
if fv == 0 or fv == None:
fv = 5
return fv
def wufu(self, ji):
f = int(self.accnum(ji) + 250) % 225 / 45
fv = dict(zip(range(1,6), list("乾艮巽坤中"))).get(int(f))
if fv == 0 or fv ==None:
fv = 5
return fv
def eight_door(self, ji):
acc = self.accnum(ji) % 120
if acc == 0:
acc = 120
eightdoor_zhishi = acc // 30
if eightdoor_zhishi % 30 != 0:
eightdoor_zhishi = eightdoor_zhishi + 1
if self.kook()[0] == "陽":
fdoor = [1,8,3,6]
elif self.kook()[0] == "陰":
fdoor = [9,2,7,4]
#ty_gong = self.ty()
return self.new_list(self.num, fdoor[eightdoor_zhishi]), eightdoor_zhishi
def pan(self, ji):
return {
"太乙計":{0:"年計", 1:"月計", 2:"日計", 3:"時計"}.get(ji),
"公元日期":"{}年{}月{}日{}時".format(self.year, self.month, self.day, self.hour),
"文昌":[self.skyeyes(ji), self.skyeyes_des(ji)],
"主算":[self.home_cal(ji), self.cal_des(self.home_cal(ji))],
"客算":[self.away_cal(ji), self.cal_des(self.away_cal(ji))],
"定算":[self.set_cal(ji), self.cal_des(self.set_cal(ji))],
def html(self, ji):
text = '''
干支: '''+self.gangzhi()[0]+" "+self.gangzhi()[1]+" "+self.gangzhi()[2]+" "+self.gangzhi()[3]+'''
'''+self.jiyuan(ji)+" "+self.kook(ji).get("文")+'''
'''+"".join([''''''+i+''' | ''' for i in self.pan(ji).get("十六宮").get("巽")])+'''
'''+"".join([''''''+i+''' | ''' for i in self.pan(ji).get("十六宮").get("巳")])+'''
'''+"".join([''''''+i+''' | ''' for i in self.pan(ji).get("十六宮").get("午")])+'''
'''+"".join([''''''+i+''' | ''' for i in self.pan(ji).get("十六宮").get("未")])+'''
'''+"".join([''''''+i+''' | ''' for i in self.pan(ji).get("十六宮").get("坤")])+'''
'''+"".join([''''''+i+''' | ''' for i in self.pan(ji).get("十六宮").get("辰")])+'''
'''+"".join(list(map(lambda i:''''''+i+''' | ''', self.pan(ji).get("十六宮").get("申"))))+'''
'''+"".join(list(map(lambda i:''''''+i+''' | ''', self.pan(ji).get("十六宮").get("卯"))))+'''
'''+"".join(list(map(lambda i:''''''+i+''' | ''', self.pan(ji).get("十六宮").get("酉"))))+'''
'''+"".join(list(map(lambda i:''''''+i+''' | ''', self.pan(ji).get("十六宮").get("寅"))))+'''
'''+"".join(list(map(lambda i:''''''+i+''' | ''', self.pan(ji).get("十六宮").get("戌"))))+'''
'''+"".join(list(map(lambda i:''''''+i+''' | ''', self.pan(ji).get("十六宮").get("艮"))))+'''
'''+"".join(list(map(lambda i:''''''+i+''' | ''', self.pan(ji).get("十六宮").get("丑"))))+'''
'''+"".join(list(map(lambda i:''''''+i+''' | ''', self.pan(ji).get("十六宮").get("子"))))+'''
'''+"".join(list(map(lambda i:''''''+i+''' | ''', self.pan(ji).get("十六宮").get("亥"))))+'''
'''+"".join(list(map(lambda i:''''''+i+''' | ''', self.pan(ji).get("十六宮").get("乾"))))+'''
return text
if __name__ == '__main__':
tic = time.perf_counter()
print(Taiyi(2022,9,22,0,0).pan(3) )
toc = time.perf_counter()
print(f"{toc - tic:0.4f} seconds")