CSS style as ASP.NET AJAX progress indicator(By Dave Ward)

I noticed that a lot of people found my mouse pointer as AJAX progress indicator example by using search terms suggesting they were looking for a more graphical indicator. So, here’s an example of doing something more… Web 2.0.

Like last time, I’ll base it on a standard UpdatePanel demo using a button control to set a time/date label, with an artificial delay:

< asp:ScriptManager  ID ="ScriptManager1"  runat ="server"   />
< div  id ="Container"  class ="Normal" >
< asp:UpdatePanel  ID ="UpdatePanel1"  runat ="server" >
< ContentTemplate >
< asp:Label  ID ="Label1"  runat ="server"  Text ="Update Me"   />
< asp:Button  ID ="Button1"  runat ="server"  
="Button1_Click"  Text ="Button"   />
</ ContentTemplate >
</ asp:UpdatePanel >
</ div >

protected   void  Button1_Click( object  sender, EventArgs e)
= DateTime.Now.ToString();

I’ll style the container div with CSS to add a simple border and set up a class for the progress state:
: dashed 1px #000000;
: auto;
: 10px;
: 200px;
: center;

: dashed 1px #000000;
: url(spinner.gif);
: center center;
: no-repeat;
: wait;
: 10px;
: 200px;
: center;

Finally, hook up our event handlers for BeginRequest and EndRequest:
< script  language ="javascript" >
// Get a reference to the PageRequestManager.
  var prm = Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance();
// Using that prm reference, hook _initializeRequest
  // and _endRequest, to run our code at the begin and end
  // of any async postbacks that occur.
// Executed anytime an async postback occurs.
  function InitializeRequest(sender, args) 
// Change the Container div's CSS class to .Progress.
    $get('Container').className = 'Progress';
// Get a reference to the element that raised the postback,
    //   and disables it.
    $get(args._postBackElement.id).disabled = true;

// Executed when the async postback completes.
  function EndRequest(sender, args) 
// Change the Container div's class back to .Normal.
    $get('Container').className = 'Normal';
// Get a reference to the element that raised the postback
    //   which is completing, and enable it.
    $get(sender._postBackSettings.sourceElement.id).disabled = false;

</ script >
