


The following attributes contain information about the memory layoutof the array:

ndarray.flags Information about the memory layout of the array.查看数据存储区域的属性。C_CONTIGUOUS : True  F_CONTIGUOUS : False  OWNDATA : True  WRITEABLE : True  ALIGNED : True  UPDATEIFCOPY : False
ndarray.shape Tuple of array dimensions. 代表一个array的形态,是一个向量还是一个矩阵,抑或是一个更复杂的向量组。数组的大小可以通过其shape属性获得.数组的维度。这是一个指示数组在每个维度上大小的整数元组。例如一个n排m列的矩阵,它的shape属性将是(2,3),这个元组的长度显然是秩,即维度或者ndim属性。
ndarray.strides Tuple of bytes to step in each dimension when traversing an array.
ndarray.ndim Number of array dimensions.代表这个array的维度,数组轴的个数,结果是一个数,在python的世界中,轴的个数被称作秩。 Python buffer object pointing to the start of the array’s data.包含实际数组元素的缓冲区,通常我们不需要使用这个属性,因为我们总是通过索引来使用数组中的元素。
ndarray.size Number of elements in the array.在array中拥有的元素数量。数组元素的总个数,等于shape属性中元组元素的乘积。
ndarray.itemsize Length of one array element in bytes.这个array数组中每一个元素所占的字节数、字节大小(数组中的数据项的所占内存空间大小)。例如,一个元素类型为float64的数组itemsiz属性值为8(=64/8),又如,一个元素类型为complex32的数组item属性为4(=32/8).
ndarray.nbytes Total bytes consumed by the elements of the array.这个array的总字节数(=itemsize*size)
ndarray.base Base object if memory is from some other object.
[Memory layout ¶]

The data type object associated with the array can be found in thedtype attribute:

ndarray.dtype Data-type of the array’s elements.一个用来描述数组中元素类型的对象,可以通过创造或指定dtype使用标准Python类型。另外NumPy提供它自己的数据类型。
[Data type ¶]

ndarray.T Same as self.transpose(), except that self is returned if self.ndim < 2.矩阵转置,同transpose()方法。
ndarray.real The real part of the array.代表一个array中所有元素的实数部分
ndarray.imag The imaginary part of the array.代表一个array中所有元素的虚数部分
ndarray.flat A 1-D iterator over the array.将这个array整理成一维的,可以索引的一系列的元素组合。它实际上是通过iterator实现的,我们可以通过for x in array.flat来取得到所有的元素。
ndarray.ctypes An object to simplify the interaction of the array with the ctypes module.


1 与matrix不同,没有.I。

2 .reshape函数改变参数形状并返回它,而resize函数改变数组自身。

3 .ndim:     在NumPy中维度(dimensions)叫做轴(axes),轴的个数叫做秩(rank)。例如,以下例子中,数组的秩为2(它有两个维度).第0维度长度为2,第1维度长度为3.
    [[ 1., 0., 0.],
     [ 0., 1., 2.]]


如x = [[[10, 20], [30, 40]], [[50, 60], [70, 80]]]

[[[10 20]
  [30 40]]

 [[50 60]
  [70 80]]]


4 .T: 一维列向量的转置还是本身。如(3,)的向量[1,2,3]其转置还是[1,2,3]。

5 .base. Slicing creates a view, whose memory is shared with x:

>>> y = x[2:]
>>> y.base is x
6 .strides:Tuple of bytes to step in each dimension when traversing an array.

The byte offset of element (i[0],i[1],...,i[n]) in an arrayais:

offset = sum(np.array(i) * a.strides)
>>> y = np.reshape(np.arange(2*3*4), (2,3,4))
>>> y
array([[[ 0,  1,  2,  3],
        [ 4,  5,  6,  7],
        [ 8,  9, 10, 11]],
       [[12, 13, 14, 15],
        [16, 17, 18, 19],
        [20, 21, 22, 23]]])
>>> y.strides
(48, 16, 4)

[Other attributes¶]



Array conversion

ndarray.item(*args) Copy an element of an array to a standard Python scalar and return it.取得某一位置的元素
ndarray.tolist() Return the array as a (possibly nested) list.将array转化成一个Python中的list对象,ndarray转换成python list
ndarray.itemset(*args) Insert scalar into an array (scalar is cast to array’s dtype, if possible)
ndarray.tostring([order]) Construct Python bytes containing the raw data bytes in the array.返回的是bytes。
ndarray.tobytes([order]) Construct Python bytes containing the raw data bytes in the array.
ndarray.tofile(fid[, sep, format]) Write array to a file as text or binary (default).
ndarray.dump(file) Dump a pickle of the array to the specified file.将这个对象序列化至文件。同cPickle中的dump作用
ndarray.dumps() Returns the pickle of the array as a string.将序列化的结果通过字符串加以输出
ndarray.astype(dtype[, order, casting, ...]) Copy of the array, cast to a specified type.
ndarray.byteswap(inplace) Swap the bytes of the array elements
ndarray.copy([order]) Return a copy of the array.
ndarray.view([dtype, type]) New view of array with the same data.
ndarray.getfield(dtype[, offset]) Returns a field of the given array as a certain type.
ndarray.setflags([write, align, uic]) Set array flags WRITEABLE, ALIGNED, and UPDATEIFCOPY, respectively.
ndarray.fill(value) Fill the array with a scalar value.




>>> a = np.arange(6.0).reshape(2,3)
>>> a.item(1,2) # 和a[1,2]类似
>>> type(a.item(1,2)) # item()所返回的是Python的标准float类型

>>> type(a[1,2]) # 下标方式获得的是NumPy的float64类型


import numpy
import scipy
a1 = zeros((4,6))

a2 = numpy.asarray(a1)

a3 = numpy.zeros((3,5))

a4 = scipy.asarray(a3)


data = np.array(  
      [[ 0.22403094,  0.08515318],  
      [ 0.7529882 , -0.65134297],  
      [ 1.41298052,  0.94194292],  
      [-0.45589253, -1.00021018]] )  
data = data.T  
data = zip(data[0], data[1])  
[(0.22403094000000001, 0.085153179999999995),
 (0.7529882, -0.65134296999999997),
 (1.4129805200000001, 0.94194292000000002),
 (-0.45589253000000002, -1.0002101800000001)]
numpy bool数组转换成整型int数组
a = np.array([True, False, True, False, False, True]).astype(int)
print(a)     #[1 0 1 0 0 1]
numpy string数组转换成double数组
a = np.array(['-0.99', '', '0.56', '0.56', '-2.02', '-0.96'])
a[a == ''] = 0.0
a = a.astype(float)
print(a)    #[-0.99  0.    0.56  0.56 -2.02 -0.96]

Note: 也可以这样转换a = list(map(float, a))



Note: 负数如-1转换成bool是True!




ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence


1 trying to create an array from a list that isn't shaped like a multi-dimensional array. For examplenumpy.array([[1,2], [2, 3, 4]]) or numpy.array([[1,2], [2, [3, 4]]])

还有个类似的原因就是将array中的元素如['1', '2']当成一个列表元素,而不是当作二维的。这在pandas数据转换时可能发生的,至今lz不明原因:

l_array = df['VenueLocation'].map(lambda s: np.array(s.split(','))).values

2 Another possible cause for this error message is trying to use a string as an element in an array of type float: numpy.array([1.2, "abc"], dtype=float)

[ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence]

Shape manipulation

For reshape, resize, and transpose, the single tuple argument may bereplaced with n integers which will be interpreted as an n-tuple.

ndarray.reshape(shape[, order]) Returns an array containing the same data with a new shape.
ndarray.resize(new_shape[, refcheck]) Change shape and size of array in-place.
ndarray.transpose(*axes) Returns a view of the array with axes transposed.
ndarray.swapaxes(axis1, axis2) Return a view of the array with axis1 and axis2 interchanged.
ndarray.flatten([order]) Return a copy of the array collapsed into one dimension.
ndarray.ravel([order]) Return a flattened array.
ndarray.squeeze([axis]) Remove single-dimensional entries from the shape of a.

ravel(): flatten the array.由ravel()展平的数组元素的顺序通常是“C风格”的,就是说,最右边的索引变化得最快,所以元素a[0,0]之后是a[0,1]。如果数组被改变形状(reshape)成其它形状,数组仍然是“C风格”的。NumPy通常创建一个以这个顺   序保存数据的数组,所以ravel()将总是不需要复制它的参数3。但是如果数组是通过切片其它数组或有不同寻常的选项时,它可能需要被复制。函数reshape()和ravel()还可以被同过一些可选参数构建成FORTRAN风格的数组,即最左边的索引变化最快。

Item selection and manipulation

For array methods that take an axis keyword, it defaults toNone. If axis is None, then the array is treated as a 1-Darray. Any other value for axis represents the dimension along whichthe operation should proceed.

ndarray.take(indices[, axis, out, mode]) Return an array formed from the elements of a at the given indices.
ndarray.put(indices, values[, mode]) Set a.flat[n] = values[n] for all n in indices.
ndarray.repeat(repeats[, axis]) Repeat elements of an array.
ndarray.choose(choices[, out, mode]) Use an index array to construct a new array from a set of choices.
ndarray.sort([axis, kind, order]) Sort an array, in-place.
ndarray.argsort([axis, kind, order]) Returns the indices that would sort this array.
ndarray.partition(kth[, axis, kind, order]) Rearranges the elements in the array in such a way that value of the element in kth position is in the position it would be in a sorted array.
ndarray.argpartition(kth[, axis, kind, order]) Returns the indices that would partition this array.
ndarray.searchsorted(v[, side, sorter]) Find indices where elements of v should be inserted in a to maintain order.
ndarray.nonzero() Return the indices of the elements that are non-zero.
ndarray.compress(condition[, axis, out]) Return selected slices of this array along given axis.
ndarray.diagonal([offset, axis1, axis2]) Return specified diagonals.


ndarray.argmax([axis, out]) Return indices of the maximum values along the given axis.
ndarray.min([axis, out, keepdims]) Return the minimum along a given axis.取得最小值。还有一点值得说,就是max、min这些函数都可以针对某一坐标轴(具体维度)进行运算,例如array.max(axis=0),就在0坐标上求最大值{0-按列求值,返回一行, 1-按行求值,返回一列}
ndarray.argmin([axis, out]) Return indices of the minimum values along the given axis of a.
ndarray.ptp([axis, out]) Peak to peak (maximum - minimum) value along a given axis.
ndarray.clip([min, max, out]) Return an array whose values are limited to [min, max].
ndarray.conj() Complex-conjugate all elements.
ndarray.round([decimals, out]) Return a with each element rounded to the given number of decimals.
ndarray.trace([offset, axis1, axis2, dtype, out]) Return the sum along diagonals of the array.
ndarray.sum([axis, dtype, out, keepdims]) Return the sum of the array elements over the given axis.
ndarray.cumsum([axis, dtype, out]) Return the cumulative sum of the elements along the given axis.求累计和
ndarray.mean([axis, dtype, out, keepdims]) Returns the average of the array elements along given axis.
ndarray.var([axis, dtype, out, ddof, keepdims]) Returns the variance of the array elements, along given axis. e.g. np.var(a,axis=0)
ndarray.std([axis, dtype, out, ddof, keepdims]) Returns the standard deviation of the array elements along given axis.[axis, dtype, out, keepdims]) Return the product of the array elements over the given axis求所有元素之积
ndarray.cumprod([axis, dtype, out]) Return the cumulative product of the elements along the given axis.求累计积
ndarray.all([axis, out, keepdims]) Returns True if all elements evaluate to True.如果所有元素都为真,那么返回真;否则返回假。
e.g. 判断ndarray中的元素是否都>0:if (b > 0).all()
ndarray.any([axis, out, keepdims]) Returns True if any of the elements of a evaluate to True.只要有一个元素为真则返回真

Arithmetic, matrix multiplication, and comparison operations¶

Comparison operators:Unary operations:Arithmetic:Arithmetic, in-place:

Special methods¶

For standard library functions:Basic customization:Container customization: (see Indexing)

Conversion; the operations complex, int,long, float, oct, andhex. They work only on arrays that have one element in themand return the appropriate scalar.

String representations:

怎么没有[, out])了?相当于matlab中的*。dot product of two arrays.参考下面基本运算部分。


[Array methods¶]

[numpy-ref-1.8.1: page14]




[numpy教程:数学函数和基本统计函数 ]



要注意的是,这里的矩阵在严格意义上不是矩阵(本质上是二维数组),而是二维数组,不支持求逆操作,numpy中的矩阵对象参考[numpy教程 - 矩阵及其运算]

+ , - , *(元素乘法), dot(矩阵乘法), *= , += , -= , **(元素乘方),<, >, ...sin,exp, ...


NumPy中乘法运算符*是元素乘法(点乘,元素逐个相乘),相当于np.multiply(A, B);矩阵乘法是使用dot函数或创建矩阵对象实现。




>>> A= np.array([[1,1],    
>>> B= np.array([[2,0],    
>>> A*B # 逐个元素相乘    
array([[2, 0],    
       [0, 4]])    
>>>,B) # 矩阵相乘    
array([[5, 4],    
       [3, 4]])
[NumPy Reference, Release 1.8.1 - p12]


element-wise相乘: 多维数组 * 一个数 ndarray * num

ll = ones([2,3])*2
[[ 2.  2.  2.]
 [ 2.  2.  2.]]
a_fore = l[l != '*']




>>> for row in b: ... print row



>>> for element in b.flat: ... print element,



np.arange(0,60,10).reshape(-1,1) = 

[[ 0]
>>> a
array([[ 0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5],
       [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15],
       [20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25],
       [30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35],
       [40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45],
       [50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55]])        

其中 a[3,3:6]表示第4行的第4到6列,结果是array([33, 34, 35]);

a[:2] 表示前两行:array([[ 0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5],

[10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]]) 


a[:2] 和a[[0,1]]  a[[0,1],:]都可以表示上面的结果。但是第一个切片是按顺序的,第二个可以随意。比如说:

>>> a[[1,2,0,2]]
array([[10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15],
       [20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25],
       [ 0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5],
       [20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25]])

a[:,2] 表示第3列,array([ 2, 12, 22, 32, 42, 52])   

array([[10, 12, 14],
       [20, 22, 24],
       [30, 32, 34],
       [40, 42, 44],
       [50, 52, 54]])



ref: [The N-dimensional array (ndarray)¶]*

numpy - 介绍、基本数据类型、多维数组ndarray及其内建函数

NumPy Reference*

Python For Data Analysis’s documentation





