
Non-Maximum Suppression(NMS)非极大值抑制。从字面意思理解,抑制那些非极大值的元素,保留极大值元素。其主要用于目标检测,目标跟踪,3D重建,数据挖掘等。
目前NMS常用的有标准NMS, Soft NMS, DIOU NMS等。后续出现了新的Softer NMS,Weighted NMS等改进版。




1、 斜框的nms实现代码

def py_cpu_soft_nms_poly(dets, thresh):
    scores = dets[:, 8]
    polys = []
    areas = []
    # for i in range(len(dets)):
    for i in range(dets.shape[0]):
        tm_polygon = shgeo.Polygon([(dets[i][0], dets[i][1]),
                                    (dets[i][2], dets[i][3]),
                                    (dets[i][4], dets[i][5]),
                                    (dets[i][6], dets[i][7])])
    order = scores.argsort()[::-1]#检测置信度进行由大到小排序
    keep = []
    while order.size > 0:
        ovr = []
        i = order[0]
        for j in range(order.size - 1):
            # iou = polyiou.iou_poly(polys[i], polys[order[j + 1]])
            iou = cal_iou(polys[i], polys[order[j + 1]]) #计算最大置信度得分框与后续框的iou
        ovr = np.array(ovr)

        # print('ovr: ', ovr)
        # print('thresh: ', thresh)
            if math.isnan(ovr[0]):
        inds = np.where(ovr <= thresh)[0]#保留小于域值的框
        # print('inds: ', inds)

        order = order[inds + 1]#保留的框索引

    return keep

2、 正框的nms实现代码

def nms_float_fast(dets, scores, thresh):
    # It's different from original nms because we have float coordinates on range [0; 1]
    :param dets: numpy array of boxes with shape: (N, 5). Order: x1, y1, x2, y2, score. All variables in range [0; 1]
    :param thresh: IoU value for boxes
    :return: index of boxes to keep
    x1 = dets[:, 0]
    y1 = dets[:, 1]
    x2 = dets[:, 2]
    y2 = dets[:, 3]

    areas = (x2 - x1) * (y2 - y1)
    order = scores.argsort()[::-1]

    keep = []
    while order.size > 0:
        i = order[0]
        xx1 = np.maximum(x1[i], x1[order[1:]])
        yy1 = np.maximum(y1[i], y1[order[1:]])
        xx2 = np.minimum(x2[i], x2[order[1:]])
        yy2 = np.minimum(y2[i], y2[order[1:]])

        w = np.maximum(0.0, xx2 - xx1)
        h = np.maximum(0.0, yy2 - yy1)
        inter = w * h
        ovr = inter / (areas[i] + areas[order[1:]] - inter)
        inds = np.where(ovr <= thresh)[0]
        order = order[inds + 1]

    return keep


  1. 需要手动设置IOU阈值,阈值的设置会直接影响重叠目标的检测,太大造成误检,太小达不到理想情况。

  2. 高于阈值的直接设置score为0,做法太hard。

  3. 只能在CPU上运行,成为影响速度的重要因素。

  4. 通过IoU来评估,IoU的做法对目标框尺度和距离的影响不同。


  1. 根据手动设置阈值的缺陷,通过自适应的方法在目标系数时使用小阈值,目标稠密时使用大阈值。例如Adaptive NMS

  2. 将高于阈值的直接置为0的做法太hard,通过将其根据IoU大小来进行惩罚衰减,则变得更加soft。例如Soft NMS,Softer NMS。

  3. 只能在CPU上运行,速度太慢的改进思路有三个,一个是设计在GPU上的NMS,如CUDA NMS,一个是设计更快的NMS,如Fast NMS,最后一个是掀桌子,设计一个神经网络来实现NMS,如ConvNMS。

  4. IoU的做法存在一定缺陷,改进思路是将目标尺度、距离引进IoU的考虑中。如DIoU。

四、Soft NMS

根据前面对目标检测中NMS的算法描述,易得出标准NMS容易出现的几个问题:当阈值过小时,如下图所示,绿色框容易被抑制;当过大时,容易造成误检,即抑制效果不明显。因此,出现升级版soft NMS。

1、 斜框的soft-nms实现代码

def cpu_soft_nms_float(dets, iou_thr=0.5, sigma=0.5, thresh=0.001, weights=None, method=2):
    :param dets boxes: 
    list of boxes predictions from each model, each box is 9 numbers. Order of boxes: x1, y1, x2, y2,x3,y3,x4,y4,scores.
    :param iou_thr: IoU value for boxes to be a match.
    :param sigma: Sigma value for SoftNMS
    :param thresh: threshold for boxes to keep (important for SoftNMS)
    :param weights: list of weights for each model. Default: None, which means weight == 1 for each model
    :param method: 1 - linear soft-NMS, 2 - gaussian soft-NMS, 3 - standard NMS
    :return: boxes: boxes coordinates (Order of boxes: x1, y1, x2, y2). 
    :return: scores: confidence scores
    :return: labels: boxes labels
    Based on: https://github.com/DocF/Soft-NMS/blob/master/soft_nms.py
    It's different from original soft-NMS because we have float coordinates on range [0; 1]
    N = dets.shape[0]
    bboxs=dets[:, 0:8]
    scores = dets[:, 8]
    #dets boxes是两个模型推理结果的合并,每个模型的权重为1,1.
    if weights is None:
        scores= (np.array(scores) * 1) / 2

    indexes = np.array([np.arange(N)])
    bboxs = np.concatenate((bboxs, indexes.T), axis=1)
    areas = []
    for j in range(N):
        tm_polygon = shgeo.Polygon([(bboxs[j][0], bboxs[j][1]),
                                    (bboxs[j][2], bboxs[j][3]),
                                    (bboxs[j][4], bboxs[j][5]),
                                    (bboxs[j][6], bboxs[j][7])])
        tm_polygon_area = tm_polygon.area                    
    for i in range(N):
        # intermediate parameters for later parameters exchange
        tBD = bboxs[i, :].copy()
        tscore = scores[i].copy()
        tarea = np.array(areas)[i].copy()
        pos = i + 1
        if i != N - 1:
            maxscore = np.max(scores[pos:], axis=0) #检索pos后面的最大的分
            maxpos = np.argmax(scores[pos:], axis=0)#检索pos后面的最大的分的索引
            maxscore = scores[-1]
            maxpos = 0
        if tscore < maxscore:
            bboxs[i, :] = bboxs[maxpos + i + 1, :]
            bboxs[maxpos + i + 1, :] = tBD
            tBD = bboxs[i, :]

            scores[i] = scores[maxpos + i + 1]
            scores[maxpos + i + 1] = tscore
            tscore = scores[i]

            areas[i] = areas[maxpos + i + 1]
            areas[maxpos + i + 1] = tarea
            tarea = areas[i]

        # IoU calculate,计算dets[i]与后续dets[pos:]框的IOU
        for j in range(pos,N,1):
            # iou = polyiou.iou_poly(polys[i], polys[order[j + 1]])
            poly1=shgeo.Polygon([(bboxs[i][0], bboxs[i][1]),
                                (bboxs[i][2], bboxs[i][3]),
                                (bboxs[i][4], bboxs[i][5]),
                                (bboxs[i][6], bboxs[i][7])])
            poly2=shgeo.Polygon([(bboxs[j][0], bboxs[j][1]),
                                (bboxs[j][2], bboxs[j][3]),
                                (bboxs[j][4], bboxs[j][5]),
                                (bboxs[j][6], bboxs[j][7])])
            iou = cal_iou(poly1, poly2)
        ovr = np.array(ovr)
        # Three methods: 1.linear 2.gaussian 3.original NMS
        if method == 1:  # linear
            weight = np.ones(ovr.shape)
            weight[ovr > iou_thr] = weight[ovr >iou_thr] - ovr[ovr > iou_thr]
        elif method == 2:  # gaussian
            weight = np.exp(-(ovr * ovr) / sigma)
        else:  # original NMS
            weight = np.ones(ovr.shape)
            weight[ovr > iou_thr] = 0

        scores[pos:] = weight * scores[pos:]#对pos后面的置信度得分进行衰减

    # select the boxes and keep the corresponding indexes
    inds = bboxs[:, 8][scores > thresh]#保留scores大于阈值的框
    keep = inds.astype(int)
    return keep

1、 正框的soft-nms实现代码

def cpu_soft_nms_float(dets, sc, Nt, sigma, thresh, method):
    Based on: https://github.com/DocF/Soft-NMS/blob/master/soft_nms.py
    It's different from original soft-NMS because we have float coordinates on range [0; 1]
    :param dets:   boxes format [x1, y1, x2, y2]
    :param sc:     scores for boxes
    :param Nt:     required iou 
    :param sigma:  
    :param thresh: 
    :param method: 1 - linear soft-NMS, 2 - gaussian soft-NMS, 3 - standard NMS
    :return: index of boxes to keep

    # indexes concatenate boxes with the last column
    N = dets.shape[0]
    indexes = np.array([np.arange(N)])
    dets = np.concatenate((dets, indexes.T), axis=1)

    # the order of boxes coordinate is [y1, x1, y2, x2]
    y1 = dets[:, 1]
    x1 = dets[:, 0]
    y2 = dets[:, 3]
    x2 = dets[:, 2]
    scores = sc
    areas = (x2 - x1) * (y2 - y1)

    for i in range(N):
        # intermediate parameters for later parameters exchange
        tBD = dets[i, :].copy()
        tscore = scores[i].copy()
        tarea = areas[i].copy()
        pos = i + 1

        if i != N - 1:
            maxscore = np.max(scores[pos:], axis=0)
            maxpos = np.argmax(scores[pos:], axis=0)
            maxscore = scores[-1]
            maxpos = 0
        if tscore < maxscore:
            dets[i, :] = dets[maxpos + i + 1, :]
            dets[maxpos + i + 1, :] = tBD
            tBD = dets[i, :]

            scores[i] = scores[maxpos + i + 1]
            scores[maxpos + i + 1] = tscore
            tscore = scores[i]

            areas[i] = areas[maxpos + i + 1]
            areas[maxpos + i + 1] = tarea
            tarea = areas[i]

        # IoU calculate
        xx1 = np.maximum(dets[i, 1], dets[pos:, 1])
        yy1 = np.maximum(dets[i, 0], dets[pos:, 0])
        xx2 = np.minimum(dets[i, 3], dets[pos:, 3])
        yy2 = np.minimum(dets[i, 2], dets[pos:, 2])

        w = np.maximum(0.0, xx2 - xx1)
        h = np.maximum(0.0, yy2 - yy1)
        inter = w * h
        ovr = inter / (areas[i] + areas[pos:] - inter)

        # Three methods: 1.linear 2.gaussian 3.original NMS
        if method == 1:  # linear
            weight = np.ones(ovr.shape)
            weight[ovr > Nt] = weight[ovr > Nt] - ovr[ovr > Nt]
        elif method == 2:  # gaussian
            weight = np.exp(-(ovr * ovr) / sigma)
        else:  # original NMS
            weight = np.ones(ovr.shape)
            weight[ovr > Nt] = 0

        scores[pos:] = weight * scores[pos:]

    # select the boxes and keep the corresponding indexes
    inds = dets[:, 4][scores > thresh]
    keep = inds.astype(int)
    return keep

五、 总结NMS和Soft-NMS







这个 WBF 算法可以直接用来代替 NMS,不过计算量可能会大一点。

对于一张图片,可以用多个不同的模型来做预测,然后对所有预测结果运用 WBF 算法,得到 1 个结果。作者说这个结果可能好过单个模型的预测结果。作者提出 WBF 算法也是主要应用于这种场景。

如果只有 1 个模型,也可以用 WBF 算法。方法就是把得分阈值设低一点,让网络输出一堆框框,然后对这些框做 WBF。如果网络判别能力强,得分低的框往往是一些垃圾框,它在融合过程中也没什么权重,所以直接做 WBF 应该没有问题。

⑧ 模型融合时采用多种结构的Backbone进行融合(Swin + ReResNet + ResNeXt-DCN)。(做Backbone对比实验时发现,Swin尽管整体mAP最高,但是部分类别的AP要比一些CNN结构低好几个点,不同Backbone在不同类别上的AP表现区别也不小,所以同一算法采用不同Backbone进行融合的话应该会比我使用两种算法进行融合的效果要好。这里同样也是比赛后期时间不够没有进行尝试,融合的结果还是太少了,最终就融合了3\4种结果,感觉基于ROI Transformer训练一个尾部类别的检测器应该还能提1~2个点,但是它测试所需时间太久了,测试所花的时间成本太大)

⑨ 模型融合结果做NMS时可以更”Soft“一点 —— Weighted Boxes Fusion。(也是竞赛时发现的,两个算法做ensemble的时候,部分类别融合结果后的AP反而更低了,说明过于Hard的NMS错杀了一部分较低置信度的高质量预测框,采用WBF的方式替换NMS的话效果应该会更好)


加权框融合 WBF
