Set Workflow log level

set Workflow log level:

1. login ucm_enu as sadmin
2. Site Map->Server Configuration
3. In the Enterprises tab
 a. Query "Workflow Management" in the Component Groups tab
 b. Check if the group enabled in the Component Group Assignments, if not, Enable it.
 c. click the Synchronize tab
 d. Query "Workflow*"
 e. for each result, click Synchronize button.

4. go to Servers tab
 a. Query "Workflow*"
 b. Select "Workflow Process Batch Manager"
 c. select all Events in the Events tab
 d. in the Menu: click Edit -> change records
 e. select "Log Level" and input the 5 for the value.
 f. click "OK"

5. Site Map->Administration - Business Process
6. in the Wokflow Deployment tab
 a. Query the workflow that you want to set log level
 b. set Monitoring Level and Analytics Level
