vlc2.2.8 编译_适用于Windows 8和8.1 Modern UI的VLC Media Player现在可用

vlc2.2.8 编译_适用于Windows 8和8.1 Modern UI的VLC Media Player现在可用_第1张图片

vlc2.2.8 编译

vlc2.2.8 编译_适用于Windows 8和8.1 Modern UI的VLC Media Player现在可用_第2张图片

Are you one of the individuals who has been patiently waiting for a Modern UI version of VLC Media Player? Then your wait is finally over! A beta version has become available this week and is ready to install on your favorite Windows 8.x system.

您是耐心等待VLC Media Player的现代UI版本的人之一吗? 然后,您的等待终于结束了! Beta版本已于本周上市,可以在您喜欢的Windows 8.x系统上安装。

Screenshot courtesy of the VideoLAN Blog.

屏幕截图由VideoLAN Blog提供 。

This first beta release still has a few bugs and shortcomings, but now that a working version is available, you can expect things to improve nicely going forward. Here are some details about the release from the VideoLAN blog post:

这个第一个beta版本仍然存在一些错误和缺点,但是现在有了一个可用的版本,您可以期待将来会有所改善。 以下是VideoLAN博客文章中有关发行版本的一些详细信息:

vlc2.2.8 编译_适用于Windows 8和8.1 Modern UI的VLC Media Player现在可用_第3张图片

You can learn more about the new beta release, see additional screenshots, and download/install the app via the links below.


VLC for Windows 8 [Windows Store]

Windows 8的VLC [Windows应用商店]

First achievement unlocked! [Jean-Baptiste Kempf – VideoLAN Blog]

首次成就已解锁! [Jean-Baptiste Kempf – VideoLAN博客]

[via WinBeta courtesy of Mark Wilson (Twitter)]

[通过WinBeta,由Mark Wilson(Twitter)提供 ]

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/184647/vlc-media-player-for-windows-8-and-8.1-modern-ui-is-now-available/

vlc2.2.8 编译
