Mindjet MindManager Pro v8.0.217 - 思维导图

商业活动和会议管理软件,是一个可视化的工具.能够提高会议的效率,提高项目成功率和加速确定决议.快速建立会议安排、题目规划和会议记录,通过Word 来输出文档、Powerpoint生成简介、Outlook生成日程安排和任务安排、Project来生成项目计划.Mindjet MindManager Pro可以将您头脑中形成的思想、策略以及商务信息转换为行动蓝图,令您的团队和组织以一种更加快速、灵活和协调的方式开展工作.版本6通过一系列简单的 协作、分发和管理工具使其核心映射功能得到了扩展,商业人士可以快速获得下述的企业优势.

下载:Mindjet MindManager Pro v8.0.217

使用Mindjet MindManager Pro,您可以:
- 对来自多个资源的信息进行捕捉、分析和重新利用;
- 令商务过程流水线化,加快决策的制定过程;
- 轻松确保任务所有参与方都被及时通知。

提交功能强大的报告:使用MindManager Presentation模式将您的图形显示给他人,或者将图形内容导出到Microsoft PowerPoint中,令复杂的思想和信息得到更快的交流;
同Microsoft Office无缝集成:同Microsoft软件无缝集成,快速将数据导入或导出到Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook, Project 和 Visio中。

插入附件 - 将多个文件粘贴到一个主题上,方便了文件的管理和图形的分发;
icrosoft Excel Linker - 在MindManager图形中显示Microsoft Excel表格和图表;
主题选择/过滤 - 基于联合标准对主题进行快速选择或过滤,从而仅显示您所需要的重要信息;
自定义特性 - 创建自定义图形组件来捕捉信息,定义主题属性,以便创建可重复使用的信息结构;
Microsoft Outlook集成 - 在图形中显示Microsoft Outlook E-mail, 联系人, 日历, 任务, Notes 和文件夹,并同其保持同步;
主题提示 - 确保同Microsoft Outlook日历的同步,令您的主题处于最新状态;
Microsoft Project集成 - 导入或导出到Microsoft Project或MPX文件格式,实现同领先工程管理工具的集成;
Microsoft Visio集成 - 无缝导出到Microsoft Visio中,将图形轻松转换为程序图表;
PDF导出 - 将图形发布为PDF格式,实现独立于平台的分发;
评论模式 - 对团队成员或合作者作出的主题修改实施跟踪、接受和拒绝操作;
Multimap Workspace - 通过链接图形的微缩浏览实现快速导航,使用关键字和信息来查找链接图形;
数据交换 - 通过集成企业数据集、Web服务和RSS feed等对图形进行定制;
宏编辑器 - 创建并编辑附加脚本,以开发自定义功能。

What's New?
MindManager 8 for Windows comes with powerful new features to help you tame the information overload beast so you can focus on what you do best.

Mindjet Player
Communicate your vision and ideas with the world by transforming your map into a fully interactive Adobe PDF file. Or publish it as an interactive Adobe Flash file to a Web page or blog. Recipients do not need to download and install any software – most desktops are already equipped for consuming these standard file formats.

Automated Task Management
Get a quick overview plus ongoing progress on all project tasks—automatically. Visual cues and status indicators allow you to quickly determine the status of critical activities. View the ripple effect of any changes to a map and even run “what if” scenarios to see the resulting outcomes.

Integrated Microsoft Office File Editing
View and edit attached Microsoft Word, Excel, Project and PowerPoint files within MindManager. No need to disrupt your focus by constantly switching between applications – it can all happen from your map.

Integrated Web Content
Fully leverage the incredible information resources of the Internet by initiating Web searches right from a map. Real-time search results will appear whenever you view your map. Build your own Web service to add information from your company's information systems.

Embedded Web Browser
View Web pages and Adobe PDF documents without leaving your map. You'll retain your train of thought by staying focused on work at hand.

Database Linker
Setup and display real-time information in your map from databases, Excel spreadsheets, CRM systems and other company resources. Just imagine how much more productive and focused you'll be with your most critical business data right at your fingertips.
