python系统设计怎么写_文档中包括需求分析、系统设计、团队组织。 需求分析主要写功能需求, 系统设计主要写有几个模块,每个模块的功能设计及流程,参考附件中的学生信息管理系统的设计。 团队组织包括组...



【简答题】9 . 血液维持恒定的酸碱度,主要依靠 、 和 的调节。

【多选题】树立正确的理想,要克服下列哪些倾向( )。


【简答题】Identify the types of logical fallacies in this statement. Guns are like hammers---they are both tools with metal parts that could be used to kill someone. And yet it would be ridiculous to restrict the purchase of hammers---so restrictions on purchasing guns are equally ridiculous. (5.0分)

【简答题】3 . 高渗性脱水时,缺 的比例多于缺 ,细胞外液渗透压 。

【多选题】Marriage has traditionally been between a man and a woman; therefore, gay marriage should not be allowed. (5.0分)

【论述题】[Individual Work] Write an outline for Essay 3A. (5.0分)

【简答题】Do your find this writing task easy or difficult? (10.0分)



【单选题】对于理想和信念的关系,错误的理解是( )。

【其它】仿照阻尼衰减曲线的绘制代码,在同一张图上绘制正弦函数(相位移动分别为0,30度,60度,90度)并用不同的颜色和线型标识 课后题259页9.1: 方波绘制 根据个人爱好,绘制属于你的“DOTA人物能力值雷达图”或者根据参考实例代码17.1,绘制自己的头像的手绘效果图。 祝大家绘图愉快!!!

【多选题】Marie notices that many of her friends have started eating a low-carb diet and drinking protein shakes. Marie decides that this must be the healthy way to eat, so she joins them. (5.0分)

【简答题】4、 简述低钾血症的主要临床表现。

【简答题】2 . 男性成年人体液占体重的 %,其中细胞内液占体重的 %,细胞外液占体重的 %

【多选题】下列关于共产主义含义的理解正确的有( )。



【论述题】Please submit the outline of Essay 2A. (5.0分)

【多选题】Bill and Jane are arguing about the morality of abortion: Bill: "I believe that abortion is morally acceptable. After all, a woman should have a right to her own body." Jane: "I disagree completely. Dr. Johan Skarn says that abortion is always morally wrong, regardless of the situation. He has to be right, after all, he is a respected expert in his field." Bill: "I've never heard of Dr. Skarn. Who is he?" Jane: "He's the guy that won the Nobel Prize in physics for his work on cold fusion." Bill: "I see. Does he have any expertise in morality or ethics?" Jane: "I don't know. But he's a world famous expert, so I believe him." (5.0分)

【多选题】理想是人们在实践中形成的,具有实现可能性的对未来的向往和追求。在确立理想之时,要充分认识到理想的实现具有( )。


【问答题】以下属于等渗性缺水常见病因的是 A.长期禁食 B.高热病人大量出汗 C.长期胃肠减压 D.慢性肠瘘 E.急性大量腹泻




【问答题】治疗等渗性缺水最理想的液体是 A.生理盐水 B.右旋糖酐溶液 C.平衡盐溶液 D.5%碳酸氢钠溶液 E.5%葡萄糖溶液

【简答题】3、 简述针对体液不足病人的护理措施。

【多选题】The Brazilian footballer Pelé is said to have blamed a dip in his playing performance on having given a fan a specific playing shirt; after getting the shirt back his performance recovered. The loss of the shirt was given as the reason for his dip, and its return the cause of his recovery. (5.0分)


【简答题】4 . 高渗性脱水时血清[Na + ]≥ ;低渗性脱水时血清[Na + ]≤ 。

【其它】当前目录下有一个文件score1.txt的文本文件,存放着某班学生的计算机课成绩,共有学号、平时成绩、期末成绩三列。根据平时成绩占30%/期末成绩占70%的比例计算总评成绩(取整数),并分学号/总评成绩两列写入score2.txt中。同时在屏幕上(或者生成html文件,或者csv表格)输出学生总人数,按总成绩90分以上/80-90分,70-80分,60-70分,60分以下各成绩档的人数和班级总平均分(取整数)。ps: 文件自建,或找班长要。 自选一张彩色图片,使用PIL库实现轮廓效果(请参考课本192页的实例代码7.6) 扩展题:制作英文学习词典


【简答题】2、 试述高钾的治疗原则和措施。

【多选题】下列属于共产主义社会基本特征的有( )。


【多选题】You stupid fool. You can't even get that right. No wonder you don't have any real friends. (5.0分)


【简答题】Identify the types of logical fallacies in this statement. My roommate said her statistics course was stressful, and the one I am in is stressful too. All statistics classes must be stressful! (5.0分)

【多选题】下列选项关于理想的认识,错误的有( )。

【多选题】People generally like to walk on the beach. Beaches have sand. Therefore, having sand floors in homes would be a great idea. (5.0分)

【简答题】Jot down the questions/difficulties that you have in completing this task. (10.0分)


【简答题】Identify the types of logical fallacies in this statement. Using animal products such as fur and leather reduces our respect for life. If we do not respect life, we are likely to be more and more tolerant of violence. Before we know it, our society will become a jungle in which everyone constantly fears for their lives. It will be the end of civilization. (5.0分)

【简答题】Identify the types of logical fallacies in this example. 近日,某教育机构组织6-10岁儿童进行“量子波动速读”大赛及日常学习的视频在网络热传。视频中,孩子们围坐在一个房间里不停埋头翻书:“翻得越快,你和宇宙的距离就越近!” 该机构简介显示,学了“量子波动速读法”,高速翻动书本,甚至眼睛不看书本,书的内容就会通过量子波动进入脑海,用1-5分钟就可以看完10万字的书,并且是可以把内容完整复述出来。更让人不可思议的是,培训机构宣称,学会“量子波动速读”后不仅可以速读,还能闭着眼睛就和书本发生感应,即使戴上眼罩也知道作者传达的情绪和内容。 (5.0分)


【简答题】6 . 低钾血症补充钾盐以 途径最安全;静脉补钾时务必遵循的原则为 、 、 、 。

【简答题】1 .外科病人脱水可分为 、 和 三种。
