


select * from table_name;
select * from tab_name limit 0, 9999999;



对于出现问题的原因,及解决思路基本上和我前面提到的思路差不多:查询超大数据量,如何避免JVM出现OOM,分批查询处理解决思路 这里就不再赘述。

  • 导出全部数据,需要查询全部数据到内存吗?这样做会有什么问题?
  • 如果我不查询全部数据到内存,但我需要导出一张表的全部数据到excel中,要怎么做?
  • 导出过程中如果分批操作,主要的性能点在哪里?
  • 如何下载一个文件的等待时间特别长,请求超时怎么办?
  • 很多时候机器配置高,数据量不大,我们导全表没有问题,但业务发展,和机器的资源的瓶颈,很可能会让机器OOM
  • 可以分批操作,一页一页的写到文件中
  • 分批操作的时候会不断的去建立连接,会有很多的网络IO操作,和大家在循环里面查,道理差不多
  • 文件下载建议把同步改成异步


针对上面的分析,下面给出基于 查询超大数据量,如何避免JVM出现OOM,分批查询处理解决思路一文的基础上,基于Mytabis-Plus给出导出的相应实现。同时上文出现过的BulkExecutorUtil这里也不再贴出。

 * @author caoyong
 * @version 1.0.0
 * @since 2022-02-28 10:24:08
 * 定义基本参数
public class SegmentDownParam<T, V> {
     * default size
    public static final Integer DEFAULT_SIZE = 2000;

     * batch size
    private Integer batchSize = DEFAULT_SIZE;

     * query wrapper
    private Wrapper<T> queryWrapper;

     * query service
    private IService<T> service;

     * download show name
    private String showName;

     * transfer T(model that mybatis-plus generated) to V(VO that service response)
    private Function<List<T>, List<V>> transFunc;

     * write function
    BiConsumer<List<V>, ExcelWriter> writeFunc;

     * export VO class
    private Class<?> exportClass;

     * the class for service query response VO
    private Class<V> voClass;

     * count: if present,use it else use service.count()
    private Integer count = 0;

     * query function
    private Function<Integer, List<T>> queryFunc;


 * @author caoyong
 * @version 1.0.0
 * @since 2022-02-28 10:05:23
public class SegmentDownUtil {
     * generate download file
     * @param param param need
     * @param    type for query form mybatis-plus
     * @param    type for transferred
     * @return download file path
    public static <T, V> String generateFile(SegmentDownParam<T, V> param) {
            //download file path
            ExcelWriter excelWriter = null;
            String downloadFilePath = AttachmentHelper.tempFilePatch() + Common.SPLIT + param.getShowName() + ".xlsx";
            try {
                excelWriter = EasyExcel.write(downloadFilePath, param.getExportClass()).build();
                BiConsumer<List<V>, ExcelWriter> writeFunc = param.getWriteFunc();
                //get total count
                IService<T> service = param.getService();
                //get available processors
                int parallelism = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() * 2 + 1;
                BulkExecutorParam<T> exeParam = BulkExecutorParam.<T>builder()
                // batch write list json to local temp files
                List<Future<File>> futures = BulkExecutorUtil.submit(exeParam, list -> {
                    File file = new File(AttachmentHelper.tempFilePatch() + IdWorker.getId());
                    List<V> transferredRows = param.getTransFunc().apply(list);
                    byte[] bytes = JSONArray.toJSONBytes(transferredRows, SerializerFeature.WriteDateUseDateFormat,
                    try (FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(file)) {
                        IOUtils.write(bytes, outputStream);
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        log.error("write to temp json temp File error, path:{}", file.getAbsolutePath(), e);
                    return file;
                if (CollectionUtil.isEmpty(futures)) {
                    writeFunc.accept(new ArrayList<>(), excelWriter);
                    return downloadFilePath;
                //iterate all file and merge
                for (Future<File> future : futures) {
                    try {
                        File file = future.get();
                        try (FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(file)) {
                            String dataString = IOUtils.toString(in, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
                            List<V> list = JSONArray.parseArray(dataString, param.getVoClass());
                            writeFunc.accept(list, excelWriter);
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            log.error("merge temp file error, path:{}", file.getAbsolutePath(), e);
                        boolean isDeleted = file.delete();
                        if (!isDeleted) {
                            log.warn("delete temp json file error");
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        log.error("get future File error:{}", e.getMessage(), e);

            } finally {
                if (excelWriter != null) {
            return downloadFilePath;


LambdaQueryWrapper<T> wrapper = Wrappers.lambdaQuery(T.class);
                .<T, V>builder()
                .queryWrapper(wrapper )
 * filled rows and transfer T -> V
 * @param rows entity rows
 * @return transferred rows and filled
private List<V> fillRows(List<T> rows) {
    List<V> filledRows = rows.stream().map(value -> {
        return new V();
    return filledRows;
 * write Excel file
 * @param originalData origin data
 * @param writer       excel writer
private void writeExcelFile(List<V> originalData, ExcelWriter writer) {
    WriteSheet writeSheet = EasyExcel.writerSheet("导出示例").build();
    List<ExportVo> exportList = originalData.parallelStream()
            .map(vo -> {
                ExportVo exportVo = new ExportVo();
                BeanUtils.copyProperties(vo, exportVo);
                exportVo.setOpTime(LocalDateTimeUtil.format(vo.getOpTime(), DateUtil.YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS));
                return exportVo;
    writer.write(exportList, writeSheet);
