Spring Shell 1.0.0.RC1 发布

Spring Shell 提供交互式的 Shell 可让你使用简单的基于 Spring 的编程模型来开发命令。

Spring Shell 1.0.0.RC1 发布_第1张图片

Spring Shell 1.0 RC1 发布了,该版本改进记录有:

** Bug * [SHL-14] - History from previous session is not loaded into JLine history buffer * [SHL-48] - Remove duplicated classes from Spring Framework and old Roo code base in util package * [SHL-52] - Missing Maven dependency JLine * [SHL-60] - Jansi terminal support not working under cygwin * [SHL-61] - Remove unused Hint classes  ** Improvement * [SHL-53] - Documentation Corrections * [SHL-54] - Dynamic prompt * [SHL-57] - Miscellaneous documentation cleanup  ** New Feature * [SHL-55] - ascii art/text should be loaded from a file * [SHL-56] - SHL contains a lot of duplicated classes from Spring  ** Task * [SHL-51] - Correct Maven groupId
