HCP 91k dtseries.nii格式

Type:                           CIFTI - Dense Data Series
Structure:                      CortexLeft CortexRight
Data Size:                      219.08 Megabytes
Maps to Surface:                true
Maps to Volume:                 true
Maps with LabelTable:           false
Maps with Palette:              true
All Map Palettes Equal:         true
Map Interval Units:             NIFTI_UNITS_SEC
Map Interval Start:             0.000
Map Interval Step:              0.800
Number of Maps:                 600
Number of Rows:                 91282
Number of Columns:              600
Volume Dim[0]:                  91
Volume Dim[1]:                  109
Volume Dim[2]:                  91
Palette Type:                   File (One for all maps)
CIFTI Dim[0]:                   600
CIFTI Dim[1]:                   91282
ALONG_ROW map type:             SERIES
    Start:                      0.000
    Step:                       0.800
    Units:                      Seconds
ALONG_COLUMN map type:          BRAIN_MODELS
    Has Volume Data:            true
    Volume Dims:                91,109,91
    Volume Space:               -2,0,0,90;0,2,0,-126;0,0,2,-72
    CortexLeft:                 29696 out of 32492 vertices
    CortexRight:                29716 out of 32492 vertices
    AccumbensLeft:              135 voxels
    AccumbensRight:             140 voxels
    AmygdalaLeft:               315 voxels
    AmygdalaRight:              332 voxels
    BrainStem:                  3472 voxels
    CaudateLeft:                728 voxels
    CaudateRight:               755 voxels
    CerebellumLeft:             8709 voxels
    CerebellumRight:            9144 voxels
    DiencephalonVentralLeft:    706 voxels
    DiencephalonVentralRight:   712 voxels
    HippocampusLeft:            764 voxels
    HippocampusRight:           795 voxels
    PallidumLeft:               297 voxels
    PallidumRight:              260 voxels
    PutamenLeft:                1060 voxels
    PutamenRight:               1010 voxels
    ThalamusLeft:               1288 voxels
    ThalamusRight:              1248 voxels

