How to read a paper efficiently?(如何高效的阅读论文?)

1. The universal format of the paper. (论文的普遍格式。)

A paper will exist in the following structure. (一篇论文将以下列结构存在。)

  1. title
  2. Abstract
  3. Intro
  4. Method
  5. experiment
  6. conclusion

2. Three steps to reading a paper. (读论文的三步骤。)

Pass 1

The first step is to focus on whether this paper is worth your time to read. (第一步,关注点放到这篇论文是否值得你来阅读。)
Specific reading order(具体阅读顺序。): 1 -> 2 -> 6 -> 5(graph,chart) -> 4(graph,chart)
⚠️: Don’t pay attention to details.(不要注重细节。)

Pass 2

The second step, after the first step, has been judged that this paper is worth reading. So, this time, pay attention to the graphs and tables to determine exactly what the X and Y axes are for and what each point is for. Pay attention to how much the author’s method has increased compared to the previously available methods. (第二步,经过第一步已经判断出这片论文值得读了。所以,这次注意看图和表,判断出具体的X轴和Y轴是干什么的,每个点是干什么的。留意作者的方法对比之前已有的方法有多少的增加。)

  1. Look mainly at the graphs and tables. (主要看图和表。)
  2. Circle the cited documents. (圈出引用文献。)

Pass 3

After the first and second readings, you know what the article is about in general. So, in the third step, know what each sentence and each paragraph are doing. Then, repeat in your head how to achieve this. Think: What would you do if you were yourself and make up the whole process? If the researcher were me, how could I continue to build on this? (经过了第一遍和第二遍的阅读,你知道了大体这个文章是干什么的了。所以,在第三步,知道每一句话,每一段在干什么。然后,在脑袋里重复实现这个方法。思考:如果是自己会怎么做并且脑补整个过程是什么样的。如果研究者是我,我还能在这基础上怎么继续做下去。)

Thanks to Mr. Li Mu for sharing, the video explanation is detailed in the following link :(感谢李沐老师的分享,视频讲解详见如下链接:)
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