Morgan Fairchild Makes the Most of It With 'The Graduate'

Coo, Coo, Ca-choo

Feeling Stuck in the Siren [塞壬] Role, Morgan Fairchild Makes the Most of It With 'The Graduate'

By Chip Crews
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, February 19, 2005; 


By rights Morgan Fairchild should stand at least six feet tall. The idea that all that temptation, all that menace, all that vixenly va-va-voom should be at home in a preposterously [荒谬的] taut 5-foot-4 1/2-inch package must defy some law of science.

But there she is, live and very much in the flesh. And each of the aforementioned[前 面提到的] signature traits is in evidence in her current endeavor: starring in the road company of "The Graduate." She plays Mrs. Robinson, the sexy and frustrated matron[主妇] brought vividly to life by Anne Bancroft in the 1967 movie. (The play opens here Tuesday for a week-long stay at the Warner Theatre.)

Bancroft, you'll remember, was a lustrous[有光泽的]-dark spider, having her wicked way with Dustin Hoffman's fly. Fairchild's version is, as implied, more of a blond fox. But then the stage version itself is far different in tone from the film -- lighter and considerably less subversive[颠覆性]. That, she says, is because the play is based on the novel by Charles Webb, rather than the screenplay.

The story, set in California in 1963, is the same: Young Benjamin Braddock, just out of college and very confused about the world, has a life-changing encounter with the predatory[食肉的] wife of his father's business partner. Fairchild, 55, has given a lot of thought to Mrs. Robinson and her earlier days.

"She's living in that repressive[抑制的] society, and it's very difficult for her," she says. "I mean, this is pre-Beatles, it's pre- pantyhose[女 用裤袜], it's pre-pill, it's pre-Women's Lib, it's pre -- 10 years before Roe v. Wade. . . . She got pregnant and had to get married. . . . I think she just feels trapped. I mean, she's just like this bird fluttering against the wall and drinking to anesthetize[麻醉] the pain of her wings getting broken."

And hey, a drunken bird can get mighty desperate.

Having completed her matinee, Fairchild has settled in at a corner restaurant table to talk about the show and her career. Her pink zippered sweater, pants and dangling earrings contrast sharply with Mrs. Robinson's wardrobe, which ranges from a party dress that fits like candle wax to, well, nothing at all. "The Graduate" has at times been bloodied by critics, but that nude scene, performed on Broadway by Kathleen Turner, has made the play famous.

"I've had so many people come up and ask our crew guys or ask me after the show: Was I wearing a body stocking? And I have no idea why they think that. It's billed that way, it's in the contract: I have to do it nude. I'm not out there in, you know, little bikini thongs[皮带] or a body suit."

Today's rather elderly audience took her altogetherness in stride. But that isn't always the case.

"You look out and see binoculars[双筒望远 镜] in the second row and it's a bit daunting[使气馁] to come out and do the nude scene," she says, laughing. "You know they're just looking for wrinkles and cellulite."

Fairchild can afford to laugh, because even up close she displays very little in the way of wrinkles or cellulite. Her body, in fact, is kind of amazing, which takes work when you're 55.

"As a kid I loved ballet, and I remember that Baryshnikov had said that he had to warm up an extra five minutes every year older he got," she says. "By now I'm up to, you know -- two hours of warm-up!" She laughs again.

Fairchild is a self-made woman, in more ways than one. She was born Patsy Ann McClenny and grew up in Dallas, and at 9 "I was a little fat pudgy [胖嘟嘟的] kid with big thick glasses, and I was quiet and never said a word, you know -- teachers loved me, straight-A student."

The teachers may have loved her, but the other kids called her Fatsy Patsy.

Fatsy Patsy knew what she wanted, and in short order the glasses were gone. She went on a regimen of hard-boiled eggs and grapefruit [柚子], "which is not a fun diet," and the extra weight disappeared as well. "It was the first step in creating Morgan Fairchild," she says. "You have to be willing to think of yourself differently if you're going to make a transition."

That same steel has served her well in Hollywood. After a four-year run on "Search for Tomorrow" in the mid-'70s, she joined the ranks of the prime-time temptresses[妖妇] of the next decade on "Flamingo Road" and, later, "Falcon Crest[冠, 冠毛]." She's made her share of movies, a lot of them with titles like "Shattered Illusions," "Criminal Hearts" and "Even Angels Fall." Her guest appearances on multiple sitcoms -- "Murphy Brown," "Roseanne," " Friends," "That '70s Show," you name it -- have gained wide approval, partly for her willingness to kid her image. And then there was that series of Old Navy commercials and a stint[限额] last fall as a judge on a reality show called "He's a Lady."

But almost every time Fairchild pops up, whether on television or here in Wilmington on her way to Washington, on some level it's about sex.

"Well, unfortunately, honey, that's the way they see me," she says good-naturedly.

Well -- yeah. But then there's a reason that's the way they see her.

She continues: "The business of Hollywood, if you don't have other things going on, it will eat you up and spit you out. . . . If you take what those people and that social structure think of you -- if you let it govern your life -- you might as well just kill yourself." She laughs. "And so -- I don't. I've always had all these other interests and, fortunately for me, I've always had a brain."

Her other interests include medicine -- she's been a voice of sanity [精神健全] on the AIDS front for years, pointing out early that it was a disease, not a plague from God. She also is fascinated by paleontology [古生物学] and foreign affairs. (She's appeared occasionally on "Nightline," "Hardball" and "The O'Reilly Factor," among others, to parse current events.) And once in a while those interests will dovetail[榫 接] with an acting job.

Take "Gospa," a 1995 feature set in Bosnia in which Fairchild played a nun -- just think about that for a minute -- with Martin Sheen and Michael York.

"Going to Bosnia and Croatia during the war to play a nun," she muses. "The movie was about Medjugorje, which is a Catholic pilgrimage [朝圣] place over there in Bosnia. [We were] losing sound takes to the shelling. . . . I like doing things that people don't expect me to do. Consequently, you know, for me, I've actually got a kind of interesting life."

The American ambassador was very hospitable, she says, and the two became friends. "I got to go into . . . Serb-held territory, and stuff like that, which is always kind of fun," she says. "And so one day I said, 'You know, if you're going anywhere that I would be allowed to go, a refugee camp or anything like that, I would love to go.' And he was very sweet and called up and said, 'Well, you know, I'm going over into this no-man's land today, there's a big meeting of generals and stuff, and we can go to a refugee camp, and I can show you a couple of cities.' "

So off they went to a bombed-out[遭受轰炸而 无家可归的] village.

"And this Polish U.N. guy comes over, and he speaks English -- 'Oh, Morgan Fairchild, we have your series in our country -- what are you doing here?' And all these press people, because it was a meeting of generals -- 'Morgan, what are you doing here?' "

She got a view of war that day that was both chilling and privileged, and it sounds far less safe than, say, facing an audience in Wilmington.

"This is the kind of stuff I like to do," she says. "So like a lot of the other actors, when we're in Zagreb, you know, they'll be at the casinos[casino] every night, and I'm hanging out with the war correspondents to find out what's really going on.

"So you may not have seen the movie. I had a good time making the movie because I learned a lot."

Fairchild has long enjoyed the friendship of political figures, scientists and journalists, and she can be outspoken on national affairs. During last year's election campaign, however, she was relatively muted. This is because at one point she dated John Kerry. It must have been a while back, because she's lived with producer Mark Seiler for more than 15 years.

"Long time ago," she allows quietly.

But don't ask her how long they saw each other. She won't say, and the laugh that follows doesn't entirely cover an edge in her voice.

The next topic is another of her un-favorites: On its biography page, the widely trafficked Internet Movie Database quotes something called Celebrity Sleuth[侦探] magazine on the subject of her measurements -- before and after implants.

"Uh-huh," she says, sounding vaguely amused. "Uh-huh. I have no idea how they would ever know, and I have no comment."

Whatever. Fairchild is a smart lady who knows her way around the movie business, and she's found ways to survive.

"Maybe the hardest thing is that you -- the very thing that sort of made you famous, that people in some ways think you are . . . is the same thing that sort of traps you so that they won't let you come read for, you know, something you might like to do. . . . So it's a bit of a gilded[镀金] cage. . . . It's nice to be thought of as attractive and all of that. On the other hand, it curtails you somewhat, too."

As an example, "They won't let me read for 'West Wing,' just to play, you know, a normal person. Or 'ER,' to play a doctor -- the things I'm actually good at. I mean, I'm pretty good on foreign policy -- they won't even let me come read for that. They don't think you look right. I'd come in and read with my hair in a bun and my glasses and stuff with no makeup on. It's Hollywood."

Yes, it's Hollywood and, she well knows, in some ways an actor is a commodity.

"When I've got all the makeup on and all the spit, polish and glue together, I look fine," she says. "But I know what I really look like, and I'm still that same little kid under there. I don't think I look that great. I think I did a good job of creating Morgan Fairchild." Big laugh. "But I created her."

n.雌狐, 唠叨的女人, 坏心眼的女人, 刁妇, 泼妇


A fatty deposit causing a dimpled or uneven appearance, as around the thighs and buttocks.

摄生法, 养生法
统治, 控制; 政体; 制度
Under such a regimen you'll certainly live long.

早餐、午餐 & 晚餐

Lesson 1: Breakfast and Menu

欧美人非常重视早餐,他们认为早餐若吃得舒服,即表示今天一天会有愉快、满意的时光。有些人甚至利用早餐时间,边吃边谈 生意。
   西式早餐一般可分为两种,一是美式早餐(American Breakfast,英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚及新西兰等,以英语为母语的国家都属于此类); 一是欧式早餐 (Continental Breakfast,德国、法国等即是)。
1. 水果或果汁
  这是早餐的第一道菜,果汁又分为罐果汁(canned juice)及新鲜果汁(fresh juice)两种。另有一种将干果加水,用小火煮至汤汁蒸发殆尽,水果丰软为止,以餐盘端上桌,用汤匙边刮边舀着吃。

Grapefruit Juice 葡萄柚汁
Tomato Juice 蕃茄汁
Orange Juice 柳橙汁
Pineapple Juice 凤梨汁 
Grape Juice 葡萄汁
Apple Juice 苹果汁
Guava Juice 蕃石榴汁
Papaya Juice 木瓜汁
V-8 Juice 罐头综合菜汁
Fresh Garrot Juice 新鲜胡萝卜汁
Mixed Vegetable Juice 什锦蔬菜汁
Peaches in Syrup 蜜汁桃子
Apricots in Syrup 蜜汁杏子
Figs in Syrup 蜜汁无花果
Pears in Syrup 蜜汁梨子
Loquats in Syrup 蜜汁枇杷
Chilled Fruit cup 什锦果盅
Stewed Figs 炖无花果
Stewed Prunes 炖李子
Stewed Peaches 炖桃干
Stewed Apricots 炖杏干

2. 谷类 Cereals
  玉米、燕麦等制成的谷类食品,如corn flakes (玉米片), rice crispies (脆爆米), rye crispies (脆麦), puff rice (炮芙), wheaties (小麦干), cheerios (保健麦片)乖,通常加砂糖及冰牛奶,有时再加香蕉切片、草莓或葡萄干等。

3. 蛋-早餐的主食
fried eggs 煎蛋(只煎一面的荷包蛋称为sunny-side up,两面煎半熟叫over easy,两面全熟的叫over hard或over well-done)。
boiled eggs壳水煮蛋(煮三分钟熟的叫soft boiled,煮五分钟熟的叫hard boiled)。
Poached eggs去壳水煮蛋(将蛋去壳,滑进锅内特制的铁环中,在将沸的水中或水面上煮至所要求的熟度。)
scrambled eggs 炒蛋
omelet 蛋卷(也可以拼成omelette)
煎蛋、煮蛋、炒蛋等由客人选择火腿(ham)、腌肉(bacon)、腊肠(sausage)作为配料,以盐、胡椒(pepper)调味。bacon有人要 脆的,即crisp。蛋卷则有下列各种形式:
Plain Omelet 普通蛋卷
Ham Omelet 火腿蛋卷
Ham & Cheese Omelet 火腿乳酪蛋卷
Spanish Omelet 西班牙式蛋卷
Souffled Omelet with Strawberries 草莓蛋卷
Jelly Omelet 果酱蛋卷
Cheese Omelet 乳酪蛋卷
Mushroom Omelet 香菇蛋卷

4. 吐司和面包
  吐司通常烤成焦黄状,要注意toast with butter和buttered toast的不同。Toast with butter是指端给客人时,吐司和牛油是分开的。Buttered toast是指把牛油涂在吐司上面之后,再端给客人,美国的coffee shop大都提供这种buttered toast。
此外,还有下各种糕饼,以供客人变换口味。注意吃的时候不可用叉子叉,要用手拿,抹上牛油、草莓酱(strawberry jam)或橘皮(marmalade),咬着吃。
Corn Bread 玉米面包
Plain Muffin 松饼(须趁热吃,从中间横切开,涂上牛油、果酱、蜂蜜或糖汁)
Corn Muffin 玉米松饼
English Muffin 英国松饼
Biscuit 饼干
Croissant 牛角面包(英国人则称为crescent roll)
Glazed Doughnut糖衣没煎圈饼(吃油煎圈饼要用手拿着咬)
Chocolate Doughnut巧克力油煎圈饼
Jelly Doughnut果酱油煎圈饼
Plain Doughnut素油煎圈饼
Powdered Sugar Doughnut糖粉油煎圈饼
Buckwheat Pancakes荞麦煎饼(通常有三片或四片,吃时将牛油放在热煎饼上使其溶化,然后将枫树蜜汁涂在上面,用叉子边割边叉着吃)
Hot Cakes with Maple Syrup枫树蜜汁煎饼
French Toast法式煎蛋衣面包片(这是将吐司沾上蛋和牛奶调成的汁液,在平底锅中煎成两面发黄的吐司,吃时可涂果酱或盐及胡椒粉)
Cinnamon Rolls肉桂卷
Miniature Danish Rolls丹麦小花卷
Hot Danish Rolls牛油热烘丹麦花卷

5. 饮料Beverages
  指咖啡或茶等不含酒精的饮料。所谓white coffee是指加奶精(cream)的咖啡,也就是法语中的café au lait,较不伤胃。不加奶精的咖啡就称为black coffee。

  在国外,tea(茶)一般是指红茶而言。如果要绿茶则须指明green tea。早餐的咖啡和红茶都是无限制供应。


American Breakfast

Orange Juice




Corn Flakes Shredded Wheat
玉米片 麦丝卷

Choice of

Poached Eggs

Scrambled Eggs Bacon & Eggs
炒蛋 腌肉蛋

Ham Omelette

Toast & Butter

Marmalade Strawberry Jam
橘皮酱 草莓

Tea Coffee
茶 咖啡

Continental Breakfast

Fruit Juice

Tea coffee Cocoa
茶 咖啡 可可






Apple Juice苹果汁 Boiled Eggs带壳水煮蛋
Grape Juice葡萄汁 Poached Eggs去壳水煮蛋
Carrot Juice胡萝卜汁 Ham & Eggs火腿蛋
Orange Juice柳橙汁 Bacon & Eggs腌肉蛋
Pineapple Juice凤梨汁 Plain Omelette麦蛋卷
Guava Juice蕃石榴汁 Scrambled Eggs炒蛋
Chicken Omelette鸡肉蛋卷
COMPOTE OF FRUITS炖干果类 Cheese Omelette干酪蛋卷
Apples炖苹果 Tomato Omelette蕃茄蛋卷
Pears炖梨子 Minced Ham Omelette碎火腿蛋卷
Peaches炖桃子 Kidney & Mushroom Omelette香菇牛腰蛋卷
CEREALS谷类 Kedgeree印度烩鱼饭
Porridge麦片粥 Fish Cakes炸鱼饼
All Bran麦夫条 Kippered Herring熏鲱鱼
Corn Flakes玉米片 Finnan Haddie & Poached Egg熏鳕鱼水煮蛋
Special K特别K
Grapenuts粒状麦粉 FROM THE GRILL烧烤类
Puff Wheat小麦泡芙 Breakfast Steak早餐牛排
Shredded Wheat麦丝卷 Kidney & Bacon牛腰腌肉
Sugar Corn Pops糖爆玉米花 Liver & Tomatoes牛肝蕃茄
Pork Sausage & Mashed Potatoes猪肉香肠薯泥

Tea红茶 Cinnamon Waffle 玉桂压花蛋饼
Coffee咖啡 American Waffle美式压花蛋饼
Cocoa可可 Chocolate Waffle巧克力压花蛋饼
Chocolate巧克力 Waffle & Fried Eggs煎蛋压花蛋饼
Fresh Milk鲜奶 Buckwheat Cakes荞麦饼
Yoghourt酵母乳 Griddle Cakes煎饼


Lesson 2:Lunch and Supper

午餐和晚餐的菜单相差不多。但是由于午外食用时间较为短暂,因而产生了各种商业午餐、快餐,既省时又方便。晚餐则是正餐 时间,可以慢慢地品尝各种美食,通常比较正式,也比较讲究,因此男士要穿西装、打领带,女士不可穿长裤或短裤,必定要穿洋装。
  无论是午餐还是晚餐,菜单(menu)上都分为两种,一是table d'h?te称为套餐、客饭或定餐,一是à la carte称为点菜式,依菜单零点菜肴。
  定餐(table d'h?te)是由固定的几种菜肴所组成的,分A餐、B餐、商业快餐等,除了主菜肉类可随客人点叫外,汤、生菜沙拉、面包、甜点、饮料等,并没有选择的余 地,但价格却很大众化。

1. 开胃菜Appetizer
Shrimp Cocktail鲜虾开胃品(用杯子盛放)
Oyster Cocktail鲜蚝开胃品
Crab Meat Cocktail蟹肉开胃品
Chilled Fruit Cup什锦冰水果
Chilled Vegetable Juice冰镇蔬菜汁
Assorted Relishes什锦开胃
Smoked Oyster烟熏鲜蚝
Smoked Perch烟熏鲈鱼
Smoked Salmon Rolls烟熏鲑鱼卷
Herring in Sour Cream酸奶油拌鲭鱼
Baby Tomato filled with Crab Meat蟹肉瓤小蕃茄
Strasbourg Pate de Foie Gras下法国鹅肝酱
Russian Black Caviar俄国黑鱼子酱
American Celery美国芹菜心

2. 汤Soup
  继开胃菜之后端上来的第二道菜即是汤。一般餐厅供应清汤(clear soup)和浓汤(thick soup)两种。喝汤的动作是将汤匙由内向外,慢慢自碗中将汤舀起。

Beef Vegetable Soup菜丁牛肉清汤
Chicken Mushroom Soup香菇丁浓鸡汤
Chili Beans墨西哥辣豆汤
Green Turtle Soup水鱼清汤
Clam Chowder Soup蛤肉羹(蛤肉加马铃薯、洋葱一起炖)
Green Pea Potage豌豆羹(浓汤)
Chicken Consomme鸡羹(清汤)
Chicken Cream Soup奶油鸡羹汤
French Onion Soup法式洋葱汤
Oxtail Soup 牛尾汤
Chicken Mushroom Soup香菇清鸡汤
Cream of Mushroom Soup奶油香菇汤
Cream of Tomato Soup奶油蕃茄汤
Cream of Corn Soup奶油玉米汤
Russian Borsch罗宋汤
Iced Madrilene冰冻蕃茄芹菜汤

3. 主菜entrée
  法语叫"entrée",美语称为"main dish",通菜都是肉类及海

Veal Sweetbread in Puff Pastry牛仔核酥批
Pork Chop Cutlet, Robert Sauce猪排肉片
Veal Cutlet Vienna维也纳小牛肉片
Breaded Lamb Cutlet羊排肉片
Pheasant in Casserole原盅山鸡
Duck a l'orange鲜橙烩鸭
Beef Goulash匈牙利烩牛肉
Chicken Kiev俄式炸鸭
Escalopes Holsten德式小牛肉
Smoked Pork Chops熏猪排
Beef Stroganoff德式炒牛肉丝
Mixed Grill 什锦铁扒
Chicken à la King皇家鸡饭(加辣椒酱)
Chicken or Shrimp curry 咖哩鸡或鲜虾
Calf Liver with Bacon 牛肝熏肉

4. 甜点Dessert

Pineapple Fritters凤梨馅油炸饼
Cream Puff奶油泡芙
Blueberry Pie蓝莓派
Cherry Pie樱桃派(馅饼)
Pecan Pie核桃派
Lemon Chiffon Pie 柠檬奶油派
Lemon Custard柠檬软冻
Mint Sherbet薄荷雪碧(果汁肉入入牛奶、蛋白等冰冻而成的食物)
Coffee Ice Cream咖啡冰淇淋
Strawberry Ice Cream草莓冰淇淋
Chocolate Ice Cream巧克力洋淇淋
Vanilla Ice Cream香草冰淇淋
Mago Ice Cream芒果冰淇淋
Mint Ice Cream 薄荷冰淇淋
Crushed Cherry Ice Cream樱桃冰淇淋
Walnut Ice Cream核桃冰淇淋
Chocolate Sundae巧克力圣代
Strawberry Sundae草莓圣代
Banana Split香蕉船(香蕉上放三种冰淇淋圣代)
Vanilla Cream Cake香草蛋糕
Swiss Chocolate Ice Cream瑞士巧克力冰淇淋
Chocolate Malt麦芽巧克力冰淇淋
Rice Pudding白米布丁
Custard Pudding鸡蛋牛奶布丁

5. 饮料Beverages
  包括咖啡、红茶、可乐、牛奶、果汁、啤酒等。如果是alcoholic beverages或 liquor就是指含酒精成分的饮料,像威士忌、白兰地、琴酒等(酒精成分超过40%的烈酒称为spirits)。

Hot Chocolate热巧克力
Iced Tea冰红茶
Iced Coffee冰咖啡
Orange Juice柳橙汁
Lemon Squash柠檬果汁
Pepsi (Pepsi Cola)百事可乐
Cherry Coke樱桃可乐
Apple Cider苹果西打 Sarsaparilla沙士汽水
Root Beer麦根汽水
Cream Soda奶油苏打
Grape Soda葡萄苏打
Ginger Ale姜汁汽水
Butter Milk酸牛奶
Skim Milk脱脂牛奶
Vanilla Milk Shake香草奶昔
Vanilla Malt香草麦芽啤酒
Chocolate Milk Shake巧克力奶昔

西方的咖啡馆(coffee shop或café)供应冷饮及速简的三餐,有些是二十四小时营业。
  早上供应大众化的早餐,如腌肉、火腿、蛋、吐司、煎饼、牛奶、咖啡等。中午供应快餐、三明治、热狗、汉堡等,是不带便当(lunch box)的人解决午餐的场所。晚餐供应的牛排、猪排、鱼、虾及鸡肉等,价格比大餐厅低廉许多,但不供应酒类。
  咖啡店的服务生多为女性(waitress),柜台后面穿白色制服的冷饮服务生则多为男性,称为fountain boy或soda jerk。
   客人点三明治时,服务生会问,是要用普通的白面包、裸麦面包,还是全麦面包来夹"How do you want your sandwich, sir? On white, rye or whole-wheat bread?"此外还会问客人吐司要不要烤过 "Would you like your sandwich plain or toasted?"
  如果客人要的是汉堡,服务生会问里面要不要夹酸黄瓜等调味料和洋葱 "Do you want relish and onion on your hamburger?"

(=situation comedy)(广播、电视中的)系列幽默剧

To consider or say thoughtfully:
mused that it might take longer to drive than walk.
A state of meditation.

缩短, 省略(词的一部分); 提早结束(讲话、节目等)
节约, 削减(经费等)
curtail a speech
curtail one's holidays
have one's pay curtailed
被减薪 “Phone”
is a curtailed word.Phone



