考研复试 计算机英语

考研复试 计算机英语

  • 考研复试 计算机英语
    • 英文谚语精选
    • 计算机网络重点词汇
    • 计算机网络OSI七层模型
    • 操作系统重点
    • 计算机新技术词汇概述

考研复试 计算机英语


When one can see no future ,all on can do is the next right thing.

Oh ,to have life henceforth the poem of new joys
Life is never static

Fortune favors the bold

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step

As long as you can still grab a breath,you fight

We are on the path(pa)

Big things have small beginnings

When one can see no future ,all on can do is the next right thing.

Oh ,to have life henceforth the poem of new joys
Life is never static

Fortune favors the bold

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step

As long as you can still grab a breath,you fight

We are on the path

Big things have small beginnings


Other devices
Wired network wireless
Consist of router forward data packets between computer networks formatted unit of data
Modem 调制解调器
Modulate analog carrier signal 模拟载波信号 encode
Digital information
Radio(rui) spec trum 射频频谱
Coaxial cable 同轴电缆 conductor 导体
Communication link 通信链路 actual / logical channel
Transmit physical media 物理介质 material(meti) transmission rate 传输速率
Fiber optics 光纤
Conveyed or processed
Link layer switches 交换机 receives a message from any device connected to it and then transmits the message only to the device for which the message as meant
ISP Internet service provider provide access to the internet standard
Ip internet protocol solve the lack of ip address once and for all
Throughput 吞吐量 instantaneous 瞬时的
Nodal processing delay(↓)结点处理延迟
End to end delay 端到端延迟 refers to the time taken for a packet to be transmitted across a network from source to destination(dai)
Network interface card 网卡
Message 报文 application layer
Datagram 数据报 udp
Sniffer 监听器
Intranet 内网 a computer network in inner-enterprise
Api application programming interface 应用程序接口
Ethernet 以太网
Circuit switching 电路交换 packet switching 分组交换
Frequency(se) division multiplexing xing 频分多路复用
See you later
Tcp transmission control Protocol
provide a reliable communication service
Establish a connection by shaking hands three times full duplex 全双工
Udp user datagram protocol no-frills lightweight transport protocol
Store-and-forward 储存转发
Queuing delay 排队延迟 waits in the queue until it can be executed
Transmission delay 传输延迟 the amount of time required to push all of the packets in to the wire
It stands for hypertext transfer protocol application layer protocol
Need a client program and a server program talks to each other by exchanging http message
Uniform resource locator 全球资源定位器
Html hypertext markup language 超文本标记语言
Extensible Markup Language
Rtt round-trip time
Cookies allow sits to keep track of users http use it
Hold mod
Unified Modeling Language
Get mechanism up to data
The clear text is displayed in the URL
ftp file transfer protocol use two parallel tcp connection ,a control connection and a data connection
It stands for simple mail transfer protocol ,which is at the heart of internet electronic mail
Transfer messages from sender to recipient(b) aspect
It stands for multipurpose internet mail extensions
Post office protocol version 3
Which is an extremely simple mail access protocol outlook foxmail
It stands for internet mail access protocol
Is stands for domain name system
Application layer protocol run over udp and use port53
It stands for resource records record
Implement play
Be used in dns
A resource record is four-tuple that contains the following fields
Name value type ttl
It stands for peer to peer application
With a p2p architecture,there is minimal reliance on always-on infrastructure servers.
Peers communicate directly with each other
TTL time to live of the resource record,it determines when a resource should be removed from a cache( cai shi)
The distribution time is the time it takes to get a copy of the file to all N peers
Bittorrent 比特流 bit stream
Timing 实时性
Infrastructure 基础架构 data structure(che)
Connection-oriented service 面向连接服务
Directory service 目录服务(de rai)
Stateless service 无状态协议
User agent 用户代理
Iterative queries 迭代查询
Persistent HTTP
Socket programming 套接字编程
Peer to peer network 对等网络
Big data generalize
Volume More than 100 terabytes of data
Variety 10% structural data stored in database
Velocity Data from generation to consumption time window
Value Very little useful information
Heap stack
Function template 函数模板
Function template specification 函数模板实例化
Multiplexing and demultiplexing 复用和分用
Unidirectional data transfer 单向数据传输
Finite 有限的
Positive/negative acknowledgments 肯定确认
Countdown timer 倒数计时器
Cumulative acknowledgment 累计确认
Receive buffer 接收缓冲区
Checksum 校验和
Selective repeat 选择重传 fast retransmit 快速重传
Timeout 超时
Flow control 流量控制 congestion control 拥塞控制 congestion avoidance 拥塞避免
Three way handshake 三次握手
Sequence number 序列号 acknowledgement number 确认号
Additive increase,multiplicative decrease
slow start 慢启动
Fast recovery 快速恢复
Duplicate 副本
Random early detection 随机早期检测
Forwarding table 转发表
Virtual-circuit networks 虚电路网络
Datagram networks 数据报网络
Plug and play即插即用
Anycast 任播 multicast 组播 unicast 单播
IGP interior gateway protocols 内部网关协议 in AS level routing
RIP routing information protocol 路由信息协议
Ospf open shortest path first 开放最短路径优先 Flooding method
Area border routers 区域边界路由器
Longest prefix matching 最长前缀匹配原则
Scheduling 调度
Fragmentation 分片
NAT network address translation 网络地址转换
Nat traversal 穿越 privately-owned TCP/IP network connection
Tunneling 隧道(ta)
Link-stake routing algorithm 链路状态路由算法
Distance vector routing algorithm 距离向量路由算法
AS autonomous system 自治系统
Count to infinity problems 无穷计数问题
Bgp border gateway protocol 边界网关协议s
Anonymous 匿名的
Compatible with other Internet protocols

DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol 动态主机配置协议 dynamic allocate ip
Udp application

ICMP(Internet Control Message Protocol)

Used to pass control messages between IP hosts and routers

Ping tracert
LAN local area network

HDLC(High-Level Data Link Control,高级数据链路控制)
Function of OS
Cpu Memorizer 存储器 file device management user interface
Central processing unit


Application application process network communication service
Presentation interpret the commands ans data from application layer
Session the interface between network and user program
Transmission reliable transparent data transmission service from source port to destination port
Network forward IP message to networks and choose the best path
Datalink reliable transmission service of physical media
Physical the first of OSI transparent transmission of bit stream


User mode and kernel mode privileged instruction
Registers and storage areas
Threads and processes
Independent scheduling
The basic unit of allocation of resources
achieve multithread synchronization and mutex


Edge computing
Cloud computing
machine learning
deep learning
Internet of things 物联网
Terminal equipment/device
Gateway 网关
Face recognition
Cloud uninstall
Video analysis

Smart home 智能家居 smart city
NFV network functions virtualization 网络功能虚拟化
Sdn software defined networks 软件定义网络
AR augmented reality
VR virtual reality
MR mixed reality
fundamentals of compiling
Translators and interpreters compiler
artificial intelligence(AI)
structured design
