import os
import json
import numpy as np
import glob
import shutil
import cv2
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
classname_to_id = {
"mouth": 0, # 改成自己的类别
"teeth": 1,
"tongue": 2,
"uvula": 3,
"oropharynx": 4
class Lableme2CoCo:
def __init__(self):
self.images = []
self.annotations = []
self.categories = []
self.img_id = 0
self.ann_id = 0
def save_coco_json(self, instance, save_path):
json.dump(instance, open(save_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8'), ensure_ascii=False, indent=1) # indent=2 更加美观显示
# 由json文件构建COCO
def to_coco(self, json_path_list):
for json_path in json_path_list:
obj = self.read_jsonfile(json_path)
self.images.append(self._image(obj, json_path))
shapes = obj['shapes']
for shape in shapes:
annotation = self._annotation(shape)
self.ann_id += 1
self.img_id += 1
instance = {}
instance['info'] = 'spytensor created'
instance['license'] = ['license']
instance['images'] = self.images
instance['annotations'] = self.annotations
instance['categories'] = self.categories
return instance
# 构建类别
def _init_categories(self):
for k, v in classname_to_id.items():
category = {}
category['id'] = v
category['name'] = k
# 构建COCO的image字段
def _image(self, obj, path):
image = {}
from labelme import utils
img_x = utils.img_b64_to_arr(obj['imageData'])
h, w = img_x.shape[:-1]
image['height'] = h
image['width'] = w
image['id'] = self.img_id
image['file_name'] = os.path.basename(path).replace(".json", ".jpg")
return image
# 构建COCO的annotation字段
def _annotation(self, shape):
# print('shape', shape)
label = shape['label']
points = shape['points']
annotation = {}
annotation['id'] = self.ann_id
annotation['image_id'] = self.img_id
annotation['category_id'] = int(classname_to_id[label])
annotation['segmentation'] = [np.asarray(points).flatten().tolist()]
annotation['bbox'] = self._get_box(points)
annotation['iscrowd'] = 0
annotation['area'] = 1.0
return annotation
# 读取json文件,返回一个json对象
def read_jsonfile(self, path):
with open(path, "r", encoding='utf-8') as f:
return json.load(f)
# COCO的格式: [x1,y1,w,h] 对应COCO的bbox格式
def _get_box(self, points):
min_x = min_y = np.inf
max_x = max_y = 0
for x, y in points:
min_x = min(min_x, x)
min_y = min(min_y, y)
max_x = max(max_x, x)
max_y = max(max_y, y)
return [min_x, min_y, max_x - min_x, max_y - min_y]
# 训练过程中,如果遇到Index put requires the source and destination dtypes match, got Long for the destination and Int for the source
# 参考:
if __name__ == '__main__':
labelme_path = "./data/mouth/train"
saved_coco_path = "./data/"
# 创建文件
if not os.path.exists("%scoco/annotations/" % saved_coco_path):
os.makedirs("%scoco/annotations/" % saved_coco_path)
if not os.path.exists("%scoco/images/train2017/" % saved_coco_path):
os.makedirs("%scoco/images/train2017" % saved_coco_path)
if not os.path.exists("%scoco/images/val2017/" % saved_coco_path):
os.makedirs("%scoco/images/val2017" % saved_coco_path)
# 获取images目录下所有的joson文件列表
print(labelme_path + "/*.json")
json_list_path = glob.glob(labelme_path + "/*.json")
print('json_list_path: ', len(json_list_path))
# 数据划分,这里没有区分val2017和tran2017目录,所有图片都放在images目录下
train_path, val_path = train_test_split(json_list_path, test_size=0.0001, train_size=0.9999)
print("train_n:", len(train_path), 'val_n:', len(val_path))
# 把训练集转化为COCO的json格式
l2c_train = Lableme2CoCo()
train_instance = l2c_train.to_coco(train_path)
l2c_train.save_coco_json(train_instance, '%scoco/annotations/instances_train2017.json' % saved_coco_path)
for file in train_path:
# shutil.copy(file.replace("json", "jpg"), "%scoco/images/train2017/" % saved_coco_path)
img_name = file.replace('json', 'jpg')
temp_img = cv2.imread(img_name)
"{}coco/images/train2017/{}".format(saved_coco_path, img_name.split('\\')[-1].replace('png', 'jpg')),
except Exception as e:
print('Wrong Image:', img_name)
print(img_name + '-->', img_name.replace('png', 'jpg'))
for file in val_path:
# shutil.copy(file.replace("json", "jpg"), "%scoco/images/val2017/" % saved_coco_path)
img_name = file.replace('json', 'jpg')
temp_img = cv2.imread(img_name)
"{}coco/images/val2017/{}".format(saved_coco_path, img_name.split('\\')[-1].replace('png', 'jpg')),
except Exception as e:
print('Wrong Image:', img_name)
print(img_name + '-->', img_name.replace('png', 'jpg'))
# 把验证集转化为COCO的json格式
l2c_val = Lableme2CoCo()
val_instance = l2c_val.to_coco(val_path)
l2c_val.save_coco_json(val_instance, '%scoco/annotations/instances_val2017.json' % saved_coco_path)
classname_to_id = {
"mouth": 0, # 改成自己的类别
"teeth": 1,
"tongue": 2,
"uvula": 3,
"oropharynx": 4
labelme_path = "./data/mouth/train"
saved_coco_path = "./data/"
train_path, val_path = train_test_split(json_list_path, test_size=0.0001, train_size=0.9999)
import argparse
import json
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as io
# import cv2
from labelme import utils
import numpy as np
import glob
import PIL.Image
class MyEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
def default(self, obj):
if isinstance(obj, np.integer):
return int(obj)
elif isinstance(obj, np.floating):
return float(obj)
elif isinstance(obj, np.ndarray):
return obj.tolist()
return super(MyEncoder, self).default(obj)
class labelme2coco(object):
def __init__(self, labelme_json=[], save_json_path='./tran.json'):
self.labelme_json = labelme_json
self.save_json_path = save_json_path
self.images = []
self.categories = []
self.annotations = []
# self.data_coco = {}
self.label = []
self.annID = 1
self.height = 0
self.width = 0
def data_transfer(self):
for num, json_file in enumerate(self.labelme_json):
with open(json_file, 'r') as fp:
data = json.load(fp) # 加载json文件
self.images.append(self.image(data, num))
for shapes in data['shapes']:
label = shapes['label']
if label not in self.label:
points = shapes['points'] # 这里的point是用rectangle标注得到的,只有两个点,需要转成四个点
points.append([points[0][0], points[1][1]])
points.append([points[1][0], points[0][1]])
self.annotations.append(self.annotation(points, label, num))
self.annID += 1
def image(self, data, num):
image = {}
img = utils.img_b64_to_arr(data['imageData']) # 解析原图片数据
# img=io.imread(data['imagePath']) # 通过图片路径打开图片
# img = cv2.imread(data['imagePath'], 0)
height, width = img.shape[:2]
img = None
image['height'] = height
image['width'] = width
image['id'] = num + 1
image['file_name'] = data['imagePath'].split('/')[-1]
self.height = height
self.width = width
return image
def categorie(self, label):
categorie = {}
categorie['supercategory'] = 'Cancer'
categorie['id'] = len(self.label) + 1 # 0 默认为背景
categorie['name'] = label
return categorie
def annotation(self, points, label, num):
annotation = {}
annotation['segmentation'] = [list(np.asarray(points).flatten())]
annotation['iscrowd'] = 0
annotation['image_id'] = num + 1
# annotation['bbox'] = str(self.getbbox(points)) # 使用list保存json文件时报错(不知道为什么)
# list(map(int,a[1:-1].split(','))) a=annotation['bbox'] 使用该方式转成list
annotation['bbox'] = list(map(float, self.getbbox(points)))
annotation['area'] = annotation['bbox'][2] * annotation['bbox'][3]
# annotation['category_id'] = self.getcatid(label)
annotation['category_id'] = self.getcatid(label) # 注意,源代码默认为1
annotation['id'] = self.annID
return annotation
def getcatid(self, label):
for categorie in self.categories:
if label == categorie['name']:
return categorie['id']
return 1
def getbbox(self, points):
# img = np.zeros([self.height,self.width],np.uint8)
# cv2.polylines(img, [np.asarray(points)], True, 1, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA) # 画边界线
# cv2.fillPoly(img, [np.asarray(points)], 1) # 画多边形 内部像素值为1
polygons = points
mask = self.polygons_to_mask([self.height, self.width], polygons)
return self.mask2box(mask)
def mask2box(self, mask):
mask:[h,w] 0、1组成的图片
# np.where(mask==1)
index = np.argwhere(mask == 1)
rows = index[:, 0]
clos = index[:, 1]
# 解析左上角行列号
left_top_r = np.min(rows) # y
left_top_c = np.min(clos) # x
# 解析右下角行列号
right_bottom_r = np.max(rows)
right_bottom_c = np.max(clos)
# return [(left_top_r,left_top_c),(right_bottom_r,right_bottom_c)]
# return [(left_top_c, left_top_r), (right_bottom_c, right_bottom_r)]
# return [left_top_c, left_top_r, right_bottom_c, right_bottom_r] # [x1,y1,x2,y2]
return [left_top_c, left_top_r, right_bottom_c - left_top_c,
right_bottom_r - left_top_r] # [x1,y1,w,h] 对应COCO的bbox格式
def polygons_to_mask(self, img_shape, polygons):
mask = np.zeros(img_shape, dtype=np.uint8)
mask = PIL.Image.fromarray(mask)
xy = list(map(tuple, polygons))
PIL.ImageDraw.Draw(mask).polygon(xy=xy, outline=1, fill=1)
mask = np.array(mask, dtype=bool)
return mask
def data2coco(self):
data_coco = {}
data_coco['images'] = self.images
data_coco['categories'] = self.categories
data_coco['annotations'] = self.annotations
return data_coco
def save_json(self):
self.data_coco = self.data2coco()
# 保存json文件
json.dump(self.data_coco, open(self.save_json_path, 'w'), indent=4, cls=MyEncoder) # indent=4 更加美观显示
labelme_json = glob.glob('./data/mouth/train/*.json')
# labelme_json=['./1.json']
labelme2coco(labelme_json, './data/coco/annotations/instances_train2017.json')
labelme_json = glob.glob('./data/mouth/train/*.json')
labelme2coco(labelme_json, './data/coco/annotations/instances_train2017.json')