本文为《深度学习进阶: 自然语言处理》的读书笔记
可以用来指示解码器的 “开始 / 结束” (在其他文献中,也有使用
或者 “_
作为 Decoder 的输入,生成第 1 个单词,然后再将第 1 个单词作为下一个时刻 Decoder 的输入,继续生成下一个单词,这样不断重复上述过程就可以生成一串时序数据class Encoder:
def __init__(self, vocab_size, wordvec_size, hidden_size):
V, D, H = vocab_size, wordvec_size, hidden_size
rn = np.random.randn
embed_W = (rn(V, D) / 100).astype('f')
lstm_Wx = (rn(D, 4 * H) / np.sqrt(D)).astype('f')
lstm_Wh = (rn(H, 4 * H) / np.sqrt(H)).astype('f')
lstm_b = np.zeros(4 * H).astype('f')
self.embed = TimeEmbedding(embed_W)
# 输入的是短时序数据,需要针对每个问题重设 LSTM 的隐藏状态,因此 stateful 设为 False
self.lstm = TimeLSTM(lstm_Wx, lstm_Wh, lstm_b, stateful=False)
self.params = self.embed.params + self.lstm.params
self.grads = self.embed.grads + self.lstm.grads
self.hs = None
def forward(self, xs):
xs = self.embed.forward(xs)
hs = self.lstm.forward(xs)
self.hs = hs
return hs[:, -1, :]
def backward(self, dh):
dhs = np.zeros_like(self.hs)
dhs[:, -1, :] = dh
dout = self.lstm.backward(dhs)
dout = self.embed.backward(dout)
return dout
class Decoder:
def __init__(self, vocab_size, wordvec_size, hidden_size):
V, D, H = vocab_size, wordvec_size, hidden_size
rn = np.random.randn
embed_W = (rn(V, D) / 100).astype('f')
lstm_Wx = (rn(D, 4 * H) / np.sqrt(D)).astype('f')
lstm_Wh = (rn(H, 4 * H) / np.sqrt(H)).astype('f')
lstm_b = np.zeros(4 * H).astype('f')
affine_W = (rn(H, V) / np.sqrt(H)).astype('f')
affine_b = np.zeros(V).astype('f')
self.embed = TimeEmbedding(embed_W)
self.lstm = TimeLSTM(lstm_Wx, lstm_Wh, lstm_b, stateful=True)
self.affine = TimeAffine(affine_W, affine_b)
self.params, self.grads = [], []
for layer in (self.embed, self.lstm, self.affine):
self.params += layer.params
self.grads += layer.grads
def forward(self, xs, h):
# 在学习时使用
out = self.embed.forward(xs)
out = self.lstm.forward(out)
score = self.affine.forward(out)
return score
def backward(self, dscore):
dout = self.affine.backward(dscore)
dout = self.lstm.backward(dout)
dout = self.embed.backward(dout)
dh = self.lstm.dh # 反向传播 LSTM 第一个时刻的隐藏状态梯度 dh
return dh
def generate(self, h, start_id, sample_size):
# 在生成时使用
sampled = []
sample_id = start_id
self.lstm.set_state(h) # 接受来自 Encoder 的隐藏状态
for _ in range(sample_size):
x = np.array(sample_id).reshape((1, 1))
out = self.embed.forward(x)
out = self.lstm.forward(out)
score = self.affine.forward(out)
sample_id = np.argmax(score.flatten())
return sampled
class Seq2seq(BaseModel):
def __init__(self, vocab_size, wordvec_size, hidden_size):
V, D, H = vocab_size, wordvec_size, hidden_size
self.encoder = Encoder(V, D, H)
self.decoder = Decoder(V, D, H)
self.softmax = TimeSoftmaxWithLoss()
self.params = self.encoder.params + self.decoder.params
self.grads = self.encoder.grads + self.decoder.grads
def forward(self, xs, ts):
decoder_xs, decoder_ts = ts[:, :-1], ts[:, 1:]
h = self.encoder.forward(xs)
score = self.decoder.forward(decoder_xs, h)
loss = self.softmax.forward(score, decoder_ts)
return loss
def backward(self, dout=1):
dout = self.softmax.backward(dout)
dh = self.decoder.backward(dout)
dout = self.encoder.backward(dh)
return dout
def generate(self, xs, start_id, sample_size):
h = self.encoder.forward(xs)
sampled = self.decoder.generate(h, start_id, sample_size)
return sampled
因为使用了填充,seq2seq 需要处理原本不存在的填充用字符,所以如果追求严谨,使用填充时需要向 seq2seq 添加一些填充专用的处理。比如,在解码器中输入填充时,不应计算其损失(这可以通过向 Softmax with Loss 层添加 mask 功能来解决)。再比如,在编码器中输入填充时,LSTM 层应按原样输出上一时刻的输入。这样一来,LSTM 层就可以像不存在填充一样对输入数据进行编码; 为了简单起见,下面也不考虑这些因素了
中,含有 50 000 个加法样本。下面是加法数据集的一部分:16+75 _91
52+607 _659
75+22 _97
63+22 _85
795+3 _798
8+4 _12
84+317 _401
9+3 _12
6+2 _8
和 get_vocab
:# coding: utf-8
import sys
from dataset import sequence
# load_data 读入指定的文本文件,并将文本转换为字符 ID,返回训练数据和测试数据
# 该方法内部设有随机数种子 seed 以打乱数据,分割训练数据和测试数据
(x_train, t_train), (x_test, t_test) = \
sequence.load_data('addition.txt', seed=1984)
# get_vocab() 方法返回字符与 ID 的映射字典
char_to_id, id_to_char = sequence.get_vocab()
print(x_train.shape, t_train.shape)
print(x_test.shape, t_test.shape)
# (45000, 7) (45000, 5)
# (5000, 7) (5000, 5)
# [ 3 0 2 0 0 11 5]
# [ 6 0 11 7 5]
print(''.join([id_to_char[c] for c in x_train[0]]))
print(''.join([id_to_char[c] for c in t_train[0]]))
# 71+118
# _189
# coding: utf-8
import sys
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from dataset import sequence
from common.optimizer import Adam
from common.trainer import Trainer
from common.util import eval_seq2seq
from seq2seq import Seq2seq
from peeky_seq2seq import PeekySeq2seq
# 读入数据集
(x_train, t_train), (x_test, t_test) = sequence.load_data('addition.txt')
char_to_id, id_to_char = sequence.get_vocab()
# Reverse input? =================================================
is_reverse = False # True
if is_reverse:
x_train, x_test = x_train[:, ::-1], x_test[:, ::-1]
# ================================================================
# 设定超参数
vocab_size = len(char_to_id)
wordvec_size = 16
hidden_size = 128
batch_size = 128
max_epoch = 25
# Normal or Peeky? ==============================================
model = Seq2seq(vocab_size, wordvec_size, hidden_size)
# model = PeekySeq2seq(vocab_size, wordvec_size, hidden_size)
# ================================================================
optimizer = Adam()
trainer = Trainer(model, optimizer)
acc_list = []
# 针对每个 epoch 统计回答测试集中问题的正确率
for epoch in range(max_epoch):
trainer.fit(x_train, t_train, max_epoch=1,
batch_size=batch_size, max_grad=max_grad)
correct_num = 0
for i in range(len(x_test)):
question, correct = x_test[[i]], t_test[[i]]
verbose = i < 10
# eval_seq2seq 向模型输入问题,生成字符串,并判断它是否与答案相符。如果模型给出的答案正确,则返回 1;如果错误,则返回 0
# verbose 指定是否显示结果; is_reverse 指定是否反转输入语句
correct_num += eval_seq2seq(model, question, correct,
id_to_char, verbose, is_reverse)
acc = float(correct_num) / len(x_test)
print('val acc %.3f%%' % (acc * 100))
# 绘制每个epoch 的正确率
x = np.arange(len(acc_list))
plt.plot(x, acc_list, marker='o')
plt.ylim(0, 1.0)
# 读入数据集
(x_train, t_train), (x_test, t_test) = sequence.load_data('addition.txt')
x_train, x_test = x_train[:, ::-1], x_test[:, ::-1]
class PeekyDecoder:
def __init__(self, vocab_size, wordvec_size, hidden_size):
V, D, H = vocab_size, wordvec_size, hidden_size
rn = np.random.randn
# 与 Decoder 类相比,这里 lstm_Wx 和 affine_W 的形状改变了
embed_W = (rn(V, D) / 100).astype('f')
lstm_Wx = (rn(H + D, 4 * H) / np.sqrt(H + D)).astype('f')
lstm_Wh = (rn(H, 4 * H) / np.sqrt(H)).astype('f')
lstm_b = np.zeros(4 * H).astype('f')
affine_W = (rn(H + H, V) / np.sqrt(H + H)).astype('f')
affine_b = np.zeros(V).astype('f')
self.embed = TimeEmbedding(embed_W)
self.lstm = TimeLSTM(lstm_Wx, lstm_Wh, lstm_b, stateful=True)
self.affine = TimeAffine(affine_W, affine_b)
self.params, self.grads = [], []
for layer in (self.embed, self.lstm, self.affine):
self.params += layer.params
self.grads += layer.grads
self.cache = None
def forward(self, xs, h):
N, T = xs.shape
N, H = h.shape
out = self.embed.forward(xs)
hs = np.repeat(h, T, axis=0).reshape(N, T, H) # 根据时序大小复制相应份数的 h
out = np.concatenate((hs, out), axis=2) # 拼接 hs 和 Embedding 层的输出,然后输入 LSTM 层
out = self.lstm.forward(out)
out = np.concatenate((hs, out), axis=2)
score = self.affine.forward(out)
self.cache = H
return score
# backward 和 generate 方法与 Decoder 一样,这里省略
后,正确率再次大幅提高:在许多深度学习框架中,在初始化 RNN / LSTM / GRU 层时,可以选择是返回 “全部时刻的隐藏状态向量”,还是返回 “最后时刻的隐藏状态向量”。比如,在 Keras 中,在初始化 RNN 层时,可以设置
为 True 或者 False
Weight Sum 层
计算加权和最简单有效的方法是使用矩阵乘积。如果批大小为 1,只需要
np.dot(a, hs)
就可以获得上下文向量。如果进行批处理,就需要用到 “张量积”,使用np.tensordot()
class WeightSum:
def __init__(self):
# 这个层没有要学习的参数,self.params = []
self.params, self.grads = [], []
self.cache = None
def forward(self, hs, a):
N, T, H = hs.shape
ar = a.reshape(N, T, 1)#.repeat(T, axis=1)
t = hs * ar
c = np.sum(t, axis=1)
self.cache = (hs, ar)
return c # shape: N x H
def backward(self, dc):
hs, ar = self.cache
N, T, H = hs.shape
dt = dc.reshape(N, 1, H).repeat(T, axis=1) # Sum 节点的反向传播为 Repeat
dar = dt * hs
dhs = dt * ar
da = np.sum(dar, axis=2) # Repeat 节点的反向传播为 Sum
return dhs, da
Attention Weight 层
class AttentionWeight:
def __init__(self):
self.params, self.grads = [], []
self.softmax = Softmax()
self.cache = None
def forward(self, hs, h):
N, T, H = hs.shape
hr = h.reshape(N, 1, H)#.repeat(T, axis=1)
t = hs * hr
s = np.sum(t, axis=2)
a = self.softmax.forward(s)
self.cache = (hs, hr)
return a
def backward(self, da):
hs, hr = self.cache
N, T, H = hs.shape
ds = self.softmax.backward(da)
dt = ds.reshape(N, T, 1).repeat(H, axis=2)
dhs = dt * hr
dhr = dt * hs
dh = np.sum(dhr, axis=1)
return dhs, dh
Attention 层
class Attention:
def __init__(self):
self.params, self.grads = [], []
self.attention_weight_layer = AttentionWeight()
self.weight_sum_layer = WeightSum()
self.attention_weight = None
def forward(self, hs, h):
a = self.attention_weight_layer.forward(hs, h)
out = self.weight_sum_layer.forward(hs, a)
self.attention_weight = a # 保存权重向量,便于可视化
return out
def backward(self, dout):
dhs0, da = self.weight_sum_layer.backward(dout)
dhs1, dh = self.attention_weight_layer.backward(da)
dhs = dhs0 + dhs1
return dhs, dh
Decoder with Attention
实际上也可以将上下文向量用在 LSTM 层,由于 Attention 层的数据是从左往右流动的,因此这种方法实现起来要稍微复杂一些 (paper: Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and Translate):
Time Attention 层
class TimeAttention:
def __init__(self):
self.params, self.grads = [], []
self.layers = None
self.attention_weights = None
def forward(self, hs_enc, hs_dec):
N, T, H = hs_dec.shape
out = np.empty_like(hs_dec)
self.layers = []
self.attention_weights = []
for t in range(T):
layer = Attention()
out[:, t, :] = layer.forward(hs_enc, hs_dec[:,t,:])
return out
def backward(self, dout):
N, T, H = dout.shape
dhs_enc = 0
dhs_dec = np.empty_like(dout)
for t in range(T):
layer = self.layers[t]
dhs, dh = layer.backward(dout[:, t, :])
dhs_enc += dhs
dhs_dec[:,t,:] = dh
return dhs_enc, dhs_dec
方法仅返回 LSTM 层的最后的隐藏状态向量,而 AttentionEncoder 类则返回所有的隐藏状态向量class AttentionEncoder(Encoder):
def forward(self, xs):
xs = self.embed.forward(xs)
hs = self.lstm.forward(xs)
return hs
def backward(self, dhs):
dout = self.lstm.backward(dhs)
dout = self.embed.backward(dout)
return dout
class AttentionDecoder:
def __init__(self, vocab_size, wordvec_size, hidden_size):
V, D, H = vocab_size, wordvec_size, hidden_size
rn = np.random.randn
embed_W = (rn(V, D) / 100).astype('f')
lstm_Wx = (rn(D, 4 * H) / np.sqrt(D)).astype('f')
lstm_Wh = (rn(H, 4 * H) / np.sqrt(H)).astype('f')
lstm_b = np.zeros(4 * H).astype('f')
affine_W = (rn(2*H, V) / np.sqrt(2*H)).astype('f')
affine_b = np.zeros(V).astype('f')
self.embed = TimeEmbedding(embed_W)
self.lstm = TimeLSTM(lstm_Wx, lstm_Wh, lstm_b, stateful=True)
# 加上了 TimeAttention 层
self.attention = TimeAttention()
self.affine = TimeAffine(affine_W, affine_b)
layers = [self.embed, self.lstm, self.attention, self.affine]
self.params, self.grads = [], []
for layer in layers:
self.params += layer.params
self.grads += layer.grads
def forward(self, xs, enc_hs):
h = enc_hs[:,-1]
out = self.embed.forward(xs)
dec_hs = self.lstm.forward(out)
c = self.attention.forward(enc_hs, dec_hs)
# 拼接了上下文向量和隐藏状态向量
out = np.concatenate((c, dec_hs), axis=2)
score = self.affine.forward(out)
return score
def backward(self, dscore):
dout = self.affine.backward(dscore)
N, T, H2 = dout.shape
H = H2 // 2
dc, ddec_hs0 = dout[:,:,:H], dout[:,:,H:]
denc_hs, ddec_hs1 = self.attention.backward(dc)
ddec_hs = ddec_hs0 + ddec_hs1
dout = self.lstm.backward(ddec_hs)
dh = self.lstm.dh
denc_hs[:, -1] += dh
return denc_hs
def generate(self, enc_hs, start_id, sample_size):
sampled = []
sample_id = start_id
h = enc_hs[:, -1]
for _ in range(sample_size):
x = np.array([sample_id]).reshape((1, 1))
out = self.embed.forward(x)
dec_hs = self.lstm.forward(out)
c = self.attention.forward(enc_hs, dec_hs)
out = np.concatenate((c, dec_hs), axis=2)
score = self.affine.forward(out)
sample_id = np.argmax(score.flatten())
return sampled
class AttentionSeq2seq(Seq2seq):
def __init__(self, vocab_size, wordvec_size, hidden_size):
args = vocab_size, wordvec_size, hidden_size
self.encoder = AttentionEncoder(*args)
self.decoder = AttentionDecoder(*args)
self.softmax = TimeSoftmaxWithLoss()
self.params = self.encoder.params + self.decoder.params
self.grads = self.encoder.grads + self.decoder.grads
september 27, 1994 _1994-09-27
August 19, 2003 _2003-08-19
2/10/93 _1993-02-10
10/31/90 _1990-10-31
TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1984 _1984-09-25
JUN 17, 2013 _2013-06-17
april 3, 1996 _1996-04-03
October 24, 1974 _1974-10-24
AUGUST 11, 1986 _1986-08-11
February 16, 2015 _2015-02-16
October 12, 1988 _1988-10-12
6/3/73 _1973-06-03
... (包含 50 000 个日期转换用的学习数据)
# coding: utf-8
import sys
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from dataset import sequence
from common.optimizer import Adam
from common.trainer import Trainer
from common.util import eval_seq2seq
from attention_seq2seq import AttentionSeq2seq
from ch07.seq2seq import Seq2seq
from ch07.peeky_seq2seq import PeekySeq2seq
# 读入数据
(x_train, t_train), (x_test, t_test) = sequence.load_data('date.txt')
char_to_id, id_to_char = sequence.get_vocab()
# 反转输入语句
x_train, x_test = x_train[:, ::-1], x_test[:, ::-1]
# 设定超参数
vocab_size = len(char_to_id)
wordvec_size = 16
hidden_size = 256
batch_size = 128
max_epoch = 10
max_grad = 5.0
model = AttentionSeq2seq(vocab_size, wordvec_size, hidden_size)
# model = Seq2seq(vocab_size, wordvec_size, hidden_size)
# model = PeekySeq2seq(vocab_size, wordvec_size, hidden_size)
optimizer = Adam()
trainer = Trainer(model, optimizer)
acc_list = []
for epoch in range(max_epoch):
trainer.fit(x_train, t_train, max_epoch=1,
batch_size=batch_size, max_grad=max_grad)
correct_num = 0
for i in range(len(x_test)):
question, correct = x_test[[i]], t_test[[i]]
verbose = i < 10
correct_num += eval_seq2seq(model, question, correct,
id_to_char, verbose, is_reverse=True)
acc = float(correct_num) / len(x_test)
print('val acc %.3f%%' % (acc * 100))
# 绘制精度曲线
x = np.arange(len(acc_list))
plt.plot(x, acc_list, marker='o')
plt.ylim(-0.05, 1.05)
残差连接 (skip connection)
计算机根据人编写的程序进行动作。与此相对,NTM从数据中学习程序。也就是说,这意味着它可以从“算法的输入和输出” 中学习 “算法自身”(逻辑)
NTM的内存操作比较复杂。除了上面说到的操作以外,还包括锐化 Attention 权重的处理、加上上一个时刻的 Attention 权重的处理等