Multi-modal speech emotion recognition using self-attention mechanism and multi-scale fusion framwor


青岛科技大学信息科学与技术学院的研究者发表在Speech Communication上的《基于自注意机制和多尺度融合框架的多模态语音情感识别》(Multi-modal speech emotion recognition using self-attention mechanism and multi-scale fusion framework)
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2.1 Backgroud

Accurately recognizing emotion from speech is a necessary yet challenging task due to the variability in speech and emotion.

2.2 Methods and experiments

A novel method combined self-attention mechanism and multi-scale fusion framework is proposed for multi-modal SER by using speech and text information.
A self-attentional bidirectional contextual LSTM (bc-LSTM) is proposed to learn the context-sensitive dependences from speech. Specifically, the BLSTM layer is applied to learn long-term dependencies and utterance-level contextual information and the multi-head self-attention layer makes the model focus on the features that are most related to the emotions.
提出了一种自注意双向上下文LSTM (bc-LSTM),用于从语音中学习上下文敏感依赖。具体而言,BLSTM层用于学习长期依赖关系和话语级上下文信息,多头自我注意层使模型聚焦于与情绪最相关的特征。
A self-attentional multi-channel CNN (MCNN), which takes advantage of static and dynamic channels, is applied for learning general and thematic features from text.
采用自注意多通道CNN (MCNN),利用静态和动态两种通道,从文本中学习一般特征和主题特征。
A multi-scale fusion strategy, including feature-level fusion and decision-level fusion, is applied to improve the overall performance.

2.3 Results

Experimental results on the benchmark dataset IEMOCAP demonstrate that our method gains an absolute improvement of 1.48% and 3.00% over state-of-the-art strategies in terms of weighted accuracy (WA) and unweighted accuracy (UA), respectively.


3.1 背景

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The crucial part in affective computing is emotion recognition, which aims to analyze the emotion from collected data, such as human speech, speech segments and facial expressions.
Speech is a valuable source of emotional information, contains rich linguistic and paralinguistic information that conveys implicit information such as emotions.
SER technology is widely used in areas such as:
(1)human customer service (Lee and Narayanan, 2005),
(2)distance education (Luo and Tan, 2007)
(3)car driving (Schuller et al., 2004).
因此,语音情感识别(SER)技术被广泛应用于人类客户服务(Lee and Narayanan, 2005)、远程教育(Luo and Tan, 2007)和汽车驾驶(Schuller et al., 2004)等领域。
It is found that humans rely more on multi-modalities than uni-modality to understand emotions (Shimojo and Shams, 2001; Peng et al., 2021; Hossain and Muhammad, 2018). Therefore, we focus on multi-modal SER in this paper.
研究发现,人类更依赖于多模态而非单一模态来理解情绪(Shimojo and Shams, 2001;彭等人,2021年;侯赛因和穆罕默德,2018年)。因此,本文主要研究多模态SER。

3.2 Feature extraction

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Feature extraction is a crucial step in multi-modal SER systems, which aims to derive effective feature representations for different emotions.
In the aspect of acoustic feature extraction for SER, various extensive feature sets on the basis of low-level descriptors (LLDs) (Demircan and Kahramanli, 2016; Gharavian et al., 2012; Song, 1949) have been developed including:
(1) INTERSPEECH-2010 (Kayaoglu and Erdem, 2015),
(2)GeMAPS (Eyben et al., 2017),
(3)AVEC-2013 (Schuller et al., 2013a),
(4)Com- ParE (Schuller et al., 2013b).
Research shows that the perception of emotion usually depends on the emotional information expressed in a certain period of time. In recent years, the extracted LLDs are converted to utterance-level vectors by utilizing high level statistics functions (HSFs), which describe temporal variations over consecutive frames.
However, all these features mentioned above are hand-designed features, which are not effective enough to represent the temporal dynamic characteristics of speech (Wang et al., 2020; Schuller, 2018; Liu et al., 2017).
然而,上述所有这些特征都是手工设计的特征,不足以有效地表示语音的时间动态特征(Wang et al., 2020;舒乐问,2018;Liu等,2017)。

3.3 Solution

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To address these shortcomings, researchers rely on sequence models that can capture temporal dynamics, such as:
(1)recurrent neural network (RNN) (Schmidhuber, 2015),
(2)long–short term memory (LSTM) network (Sepp et al., 1997)
(3)Gated recurrent unit (GRU) (Chung et al., 2014).
However, these sequence models can only capture the forward information, while neglecting backward information which reflect the interactions between different words.
To tackle this issue, recently-developed bidirectional LSTM (BLSTM) combines complementary information from the past and future for feature extraction. 为了解决这一问题,最近发展起来的双向LSTM (BLSTM)结合了过去和未来的互补信息进行特征提取。
Meanwhile, modeling context-sensitive dependences remains an active research topic for SER.
Poria et al. (2017) proposed a simple contextual LSTM (sc-LSTM) network, which models the relationship between contextual utterances for SER. Therefore, considering both the bidirectional and contextual information could be an appropriate candidate to further improve the performance of SER.
Poria等人(2017)提出了一个简单的上下文LSTM (sc-LSTM)网络,该网络为SER的上下文话语之间的关系建模。因此,同时考虑双向和上下文信息可能是进一步提高SER性能的合适方法。

3.4 Textual features

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In the aspect of textual feature extraction for SER, traditional (Xu et al., 2019a) approaches usually utilized affective dictionaries,which contain a collection of labeled affective features , for SER.
However, these approaches not only fail to distinguish the degree of importance between common words and keywords in the text, but also ignores the location information of words.
To address the above mentioned issues, a number of researchers applied convolutional neural network (CNN) to automatically learn word vector representations. For example, Cho et al. (2018) used text to aid speech using the single-channel CNN for SER.
However, single channel CNN only uses the pre-trained word vectors while neglecting the thematic information in specific corpus.
To address this issue, Hazarika et al. (2018) used a multi-channel network which contains a static channel throughout training and a dynamic channel fine-tuned via backpropagation for emotion classification, achieving significant improvement compared with single-channel CNN.
The multi-channel structure allows the network to learn not only the general features, but also the thematic features relevant to the current corpus. The combination of both features could increase the robustness of the network.
Therefore, textual features extracted by multi-channel is suitable for further improving the performance of SER.

3.5 Attention mechanisms

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It is noted that all the previously mentioned methods seldom distinguish between emotional and non-emotional frames in the speech, thus bringing interference for SER.
To address this issue, attention mechanisms (Vaswani et al., 2017) have been applied to focus on the emotionally-relevant parts instead of the whole utterance.
Zhao et al. (2018a,b) proposed attention-based BLSTM with fully convolutional networks (FCN) in order to automatically learn the best spatio-temporal representations of speech signals for deep spectrum feature extraction on SER tasks.
需要注意的是,上述所有方法都很少区分言语中的情感和非情感帧,这给SER带来了干扰。为了解决这个问题,注意力机制(Vaswani et al., 2017)被应用于关注与情感相关的部分,而不是整个话语。Zhao等人(2018a,b)提出了基于注意力的BLSTM和全卷积网络(FCN),以自动学习语音信号的最佳时空表示,用于SER任务中的深度频谱特征提取。
However, the information selected by the attention mechanism is the expectation of all input information under the attention distribution, which greatly relies on external information. Recently, Te et al. proposed a framework that combines multi-task 3D CNN and selfattention mechanism to implement SER tasks, where the self-attention mechanism could capture longer temporal dynamics that typical RNNbased models.
而注意机制所选择的信息是注意分布下所有输入信息的期望,对外界信息的依赖性很大。最近,Te等人提出了一个将多任务3D CNN和自注意机制相结合的框架来实现SER任务,其中自注意机制可以捕获典型的基于rnn的模型更长的时间动态。
Self-attention mechanism focuses on the relationships between elements internally, thus reducing the dependence on external information, and capturing relevant information among features. In addition, the self-attention mechanism can be computed in parallel, which greatly improves the computational efficiency. In this paper, we adopt the self-attention mechanism to focus on the salient features.

3.6 Feature Fusion

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We implemented a fusion strategy on the extracted textual and acoustic features to make a decision in classification for SER.
我们对提取的文本特征和声学特征进行融合,以做出SER分类决策。SER的融合方法可以分为两类:特征级融合(Zhao et al., 2018a;Pan等人,2020年)和决策级融合(Su等人,2018年;张等人,2020)。
In feature-level fusion, the features extracted from different models are combined to form a more informative representation vector.
As for decision level fusion, multiple classifiers need to be trained to jointly analyze the prediction results of each classifier to make dynamic decisions.
It has been shown that feature-level fusion and decision-level fusions are equally important and strongly complementary in terms of improving SER classification performance (Farhoudi and Setayeshi, 2020; Yao et al., 2020).
研究表明,在提高SER分类性能方面,特征级融合和决策级融合同样重要,而且具有很强的互补性(Farhoudi和Setayeshi, 2020;姚等人,2020)。
The combination of feature-level and decision-level fusion might be superior to either pure feature-level fusion or decision-level fusion. If all the information is concatenated in feature-level fusion, then it could not take advantages of the abilities of different classifiers to handle emotional states. Similarly, if only decision-level fusion is used, the poor performance of each classifier can be predictable. Therefore, feature-level fusion and decision-level fusion should be combined to obtain better classification results.

3.6 contributions of this paper

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The main contributions of this paper are summarized as follows:
(1) A self-attentional bc-LSTM network is proposed to capture both the utterance-level bidirectional and contextual information from speech.
(2) A self-attentional MCNN is proposed to extract the general features and thematic features for specific corpus from text.
(3) A multi-scale fusion framework, including feature-level fusion by concatenation and decision-level fusion based on Dempster–Shafer (DS) strategy, is proposed to integrate the results of three classifiers for recognizing different emotional states.
(4) Experimental results on the benchmark dataset IEMOCAP demonstrate that our method gains an absolute improvement of 1.48% and 3.00% over state-of-the-art strategies in terms of WA and UA, respectively. The rest of this paper is structured as follows.
(3)提出了一种多尺度融合框架,包括基于级联的特征级融合和基于Dempster-Shafer (DS)策略的决策级融合,整合了三种分类器识别不同情绪状态的结果。
其中**Dempster-Shafer (DS)**是证据理论,关于证据理论可以参考下面两篇博客:
博客1:D-S envidence theory(DS 证据理论)的基本概念和推理过程

4 提出的方法

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4.1 语音特征提取

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2.1.2 Self-attentional bc-LSTM
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哈达玛积(Hadamard product)是矩阵的一类运算,若A=(aij)和B=(bij)是两个同阶矩阵,若cij=aij×bij,则称矩阵C=(cij)为A和B的哈达玛积,或称基本积。
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4.2 文本特征提取

4.2.1 Input textual embeddings
We use the transcription of the spoken words as the source of textual modality.
We represent each utterance as the concatenation of vectors of constituent words.
These vectors are publicly available 300-dimensional word2vec vectors trained from Google News (Mikolov et al., 2013) based on 100 billion words.
这些向量是公开的300维word2vec向量,从谷歌News (Mikolov et al., 2013)训练而来,基于1000亿个单词。
Word vector matrix is used as the input textual embeddings of MCNN.
4.2.2. Self-attentional MCNN
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We propose a self-attentional multi-channel CNN to further extract textual features from input textual embeddings, which consists of two
embedding layers, an attention layer, three convolutional layers and three pooling layers。
MCNN: 自注意多通道CNN从输入文本特征中进一步提取文本特征,由两个嵌入层、一个注意层、三个卷积层和三个池化层组成。
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MCNN 包含静态嵌入和动态嵌入层,其中静态嵌入层保持静态(不作任何处理),动态嵌入层通过训练进行微调,它们被看两通道。其中动态通道通过提供当前语料库的的主题信息,作为静态通道的补偿。两个通道都是通过预训练好的词向量进行初始化。
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4.3 Classifiers

使用了三个分类器:文本分类器,语音分类器、语音文本分类器,三个分类器最后的到维度分别是128, 128,64。

4.4 Decision-level fusion layer based on DS

DS strategy of belief functions, also known as evidence strategy, is a well-established formalism for reasoning and making decisions with uncertainty.
It is based on representing independent pieces of evidence by completely monotone abilities and combining them using Dempster’s rule. In the last two decades, DS strategy has been widely applied to classifier fusion (Zhou et al., 2016).
它的基础是用完全单调的能力表示独立的证据片段,并使用登普斯特规则将它们组合起来。在过去的二十年中,DS策略被广泛应用于分类器融合(Zhou et al., 2016)。
In particular, the outputs of several classifiers are transformed into belief functions and fused by an appropriate combination rule (Liu et al., 2018). Therefore, DS strategy is very suitable for decision-level fusion of multiple classifiers.
具体而言,将多个分类器的输出转换为信念函数,并通过适当的组合规则进行融合(Liu et al., 2018)。因此,DS策略非常适合于多分类器的决策级融合。
As shown in Fig. 1, DS strategy is utilized to fuse the prediction results from three classifiers at decision level. The final prediction result ,, is calculated as follows:Multi-modal speech emotion recognition using self-attention mechanism and multi-scale fusion framwor_第21张图片
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首先计算归一化系数K,其中maudio, mtext,mbi代表基本概率分配也叫mass函数(个人觉得是三个分类器得到情感概率),mt,a,bi代表当前预测结果在四类情绪上的概率分布,最后选择四个概率中最大值作为预测值。

5 Experiments

5.1 数据集

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5.2 实验设置

Optimizer: Adam
learning rate: 0.001
Epochs: 100
Batch size: 256
Evaluation: UA & WA
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5.3. 消融研究

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首先对比S1和S2: 通过自我注意机制来学习情绪的显著特征,能够提高识别性能。
然后对比S1和S3: 通过动态通道对特定语料库中的主题信息进行补充,提高了分类性能。
最后再对比S1和S4: 说明静态通道对于提高分类性能是必不可少的。
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对比S1和S2: 自我注意机制来学习情绪的显著特征,能够提高识别性能。
对比S1和S4: 提取用于句子级建模的双向特征提高了预测性能
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5.4 与最好的方法进行对比

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6 Discussion

In order to investigate what kind of patterns are important in the attention layer for speech, we randomly selected samples from a batch and performed a Student’s t-test (ttest) on the mean values for each kind of original features and the features activated by the self-attention mechanism.
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As shown in Fig. 7 and Table 7, the results of ttest revealed significant differences for MFCC (p = 0.046), MFCC (p = 0.049), F0 (p = 0.024), and F0 (p = 0.028) under the significance level of 0.05 ( = 0.05) between the original features and features activated by the self-attention mechanism,implying that the self-attention mechanism mainly highlight MFCCs, F0 and the delta coefficients of both features, which is consistent with the experimental results in Schuller et al. (2009).
如图7和表7所示,在原始特征与自我注意机制激活的特征之间显著性水平0.05(= 0.05)下,测试结果显示MFCC存在显著差异(p=0.046),MFCC(p=0.049)、F0(p=0.024)和F0(p=0.028)这意味着自我注意机制主要突出MFCC、F0和这两个特征的一阶微分特征。
α称为显著性水平(Significance level),显著性水平是数学界约定俗成的,α =0.05代表显著性检验的结论错误率必须低于5%。 参考博客:显著性检验:P值和置信度
we visualized four samples in the test set of IEMOCAP to explain how the self-attention mechanism works for text.
The depth of the color indicates how important the word is. The lighter the color is, the more important the word is
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In (a), the self attention mechanism highlights the words of ‘‘out’’ and ‘‘control’’ for angry emotional sentence.
In (b), the self-attention mechanism does not highlight any word for neural emotional sentence.
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In ©,the self-attention mechanism highlights the word of ‘‘worthless’’ for sad emotional sentence.
In (d), the self-attention mechanism highlights the word of ‘‘romantic’’ for happy emotional sentence.
The observations for the examples above are all consistent with our intuition.
Despite the advantages mentioned above, the proposed method suffers from high computational time complexity and low convergence speed in the learning process.
In addition, memory usage is one of the criteria for judging a strategy and the high memory space requirement is the main drawback of the method.
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7 Conclusion

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