

  • pixAcc : 准确率
  • mIoU :平均IoU
  • classIoU :类别IoU


import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.nn as nn

class AverageMeter(object):
    """Computes and stores the average and current value"""
    def __init__(self):
        self.initialized = False
        self.val = None
        self.avg = None
        self.sum = None
        self.count = None

    def initialize(self, val, weight):
        self.val = val
        self.avg = val
        self.sum = np.multiply(val, weight)
        self.count = weight
        self.initialized = True

    def update(self, val, weight=1):
        if not self.initialized:
            self.initialize(val, weight)
            self.add(val, weight)

    def add(self, val, weight):
        self.val = val
        self.sum = np.add(self.sum, np.multiply(val, weight))
        self.count = self.count + weight
        self.avg = self.sum / self.count

    def value(self):
        return self.val

    def average(self):
        return np.round(self.avg, 5)

#    比较预测值的每个像素和实际值的每个像素,若二者相等,则代表预测正确
#    总数量为实际值的像素总数,求二者比值,即为准确率
def batch_pix_accuracy(predict, target, labeled):
    # 计算标签的总和,是一个batch中的所有标签的总数
    # 注意  python中默认的T为1 F为0  调用sum就是统计正确的像素点的个数
    pixel_labeled = labeled.sum()    
    pixel_correct = ((predict == target) * labeled).sum()   # 将一个batch中预测正确的,且在标签范围内的像素点的值统计出来
    assert pixel_correct <= pixel_labeled, "Correct area should be smaller than Labeled"
    return pixel_correct.cpu().numpy(), pixel_labeled.cpu().numpy()   # 这里得到的就是所有标签的像素点的总数,和所有预测正确的像素点的总数

#   计算相同类别的IoU
def batch_intersection_union(predict, target, num_class, labeled):
    predict = predict * labeled.long()   # 返回预测中在指定范围内的像素点,保证分类类别在指定范围
    intersection = predict * (predict == target).long()   # 过滤掉预测中不正确的像素值
    # intersection.size() (4 224 224)  一个batch中只有正确的像素值才在intersection中,不正确的为0
    # torch.histc 统计图片中的从0-bins出现的次数,返回一个列表
    area_inter = torch.histc(intersection.float(), bins=num_class, max=num_class, min=1)   # area_inter 会得到batch中每个类别 对应像素点(分类正确的)出现了多少次
    area_pred = torch.histc(predict.float(), bins=num_class, max=num_class, min=1)         # area_pred 将batch中预测的所有像素点(不管正不正确) 在每个类别的次数统计出来
    area_lab = torch.histc(target.float(), bins=num_class, max=num_class, min=1)           # area_lab 将batch中每个类别实际有多少像素点统计出来
    area_union = area_pred + area_lab - area_inter                                         # 预测与标签相交的部分 每个类别对应像素点的数量
    area_FPR = area_pred - area_inter
    assert (area_inter <= area_union).all(), "Intersection area should be smaller than Union area"
    return area_inter.cpu().numpy(), area_union.cpu().numpy(),area_FPR.cpu().numpy(),area_pred.cpu().numpy()

def eval_metrics(output, target, num_class):
    _, predict = torch.max(output.data, 1)    #  按通道维度取最大,拿到每个像素点分类的类别
    predict = predict + 1                     # 每个都加1避免从0开始
    target = target + 1

    labeled = (target > 0) * (target <= num_class)   # 得到一个矩阵,其中,为true的是1,为false的是0   标签中同时满足大于0 小于num_classes 的地方为T,其余地方为F  构成了一个蒙版
    correct, num_labeled = batch_pix_accuracy(predict, target, labeled)   # 计算一个batch中预测正确像素点的个数和所有像素点的总数
    inter, union, area_FPR,area_pred = batch_intersection_union(predict, target, num_class, labeled)
    return [np.round(correct, 5), np.round(num_labeled, 5), np.round(inter, 5), np.round(union, 5),np.round(area_FPR,5),np.round(area_pred,5)]
### 这里主要使用 batch_pix_accuracy() batch_intersection_union() eval_metrics() 函数
from SegNet import *
import cv2 as cv
import time
import os
from metrics import eval_metrics,AverageMeter
from tqdm import tqdm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

def val(SegNet):

    SegNet = torch.load(WEIGHTS)
    val_loader = Data.DataLoader(val_data,batch_size=1,shuffle=False)

    total_inter, total_union = 0, 0
    total_correct, total_label = 0, 0
    total_FPR ,total_pred = 0, 0
    tbar = tqdm(val_loader,ncols=100)
    num_list = [i for i in range(len(val_loader))]
    pixAcc_list = []
    mIou_list = []
    FPR_list = []
    with torch.no_grad():
        for i,(images,target) in enumerate(tbar):

            images = images.cuda()
            target = target.cuda()
            output = SegNet(images)
            seg_metrics = eval_metrics(output,target,num_class=3)
            total_inter,total_union,total_correct,total_label,total_FPR,total_pred = update_seg_metrics(total_inter,total_union,total_correct,total_label,total_FPR,total_pred,*seg_metrics)
            pixAcc,mFPR,mIoU,_ = get_seg_metrics(total_correct,total_label,total_inter,total_union,total_FPR,total_pred,num_classes=3).values()
            tbar.set_description('EVAL ({}) | PixeIAcc: {:.2f},Mean IoU: {:.2f},MFPR: {:.2f} | '.format(i,pixAcc,mIoU,mFPR))

def update_seg_metrics(total_inter,total_union,total_correct,total_label,total_FPR,total_pred,correct, labeled, inter, union,FPR,pred):
    total_correct += correct
    total_label += labeled
    total_inter += inter
    total_union += union
    total_FPR += FPR
    total_pred += pred
    return total_inter,total_union,total_correct,total_label,total_FPR,total_pred

def get_seg_metrics(total_correct,total_label,total_inter,total_union,total_FPR,total_pred,num_classes):
    pixAcc = 1.0 * total_correct / (np.spacing(1) + total_label)
    IoU = 1.0 * total_inter / (np.spacing(1) + total_union)
    FPR = 1.0 * total_FPR / (np.spacing(1) + total_pred)
    mFPR = FPR.mean()
    mIoU = IoU.mean()
    return {
        "Pixel_Accuracy": np.round(pixAcc, 3),
        "Mean_IoU": np.round(mIoU, 3),
        "Class_IoU": dict(zip(range(num_classes), np.round(IoU, 3)))
