以vad为例在python中展示语音信号处理 的算法实现方式

在语音信号处理中,我们习惯使用函数式编程去实现算法的某个功能。这种编程方式在使用Matlab, c的过程中得到强化。但在python/ C++中, 出现了class这种功能,这使得我们在算法实现时可以做出些改变。现在我们以语音端点检测为例子,说说可以在python中怎么实现。 

代码来源于: https://github.com/marsbroshok/VAD-python




from vad import VoiceActivityDetector
import argparse
import json

def save_to_file(data, filename):
    with open(filename, 'w') as fp:
        json.dump(data, fp)

if __name__ == "__main__":

    inputfile ='/Users/momo/Desktop/audiofile/result/1.wav'
    outputfile = '/Users/momo/Desktop/audiofile/result/out_1.wav'

    v = VoiceActivityDetector( inputfile)
    raw_detection = v.detect_speech()
    speech_labels = v.convert_windows_to_readible_labels(raw_detection)

    save_to_file(speech_labels, outputfile)



import numpy as np
import scipy.io.wavfile as wf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

class VoiceActivityDetector():
    """ Use signal energy to detect voice activity in wav file """

    def __init__(self, wave_input_filename):
        self.sample_window = 0.02  # 20 ms
        self.sample_overlap = 0.01  # 10ms
        self.speech_window = 0.5  # half a second
        self.speech_energy_threshold = 0.6  # 60% of energy in voice band
        self.speech_start_band = 300
        self.speech_end_band = 3000

    def _read_wav(self, wave_file):
        self.rate, self.data = wf.read(wave_file)
        self.channels = len(self.data.shape)
        self.filename = wave_file
        return self

    def _convert_to_mono(self):
        if self.channels == 2:
            self.data = np.mean(self.data, axis=1, dtype=self.data.dtype)
            self.channels = 1
        return self

    def _calculate_frequencies(self, audio_data):
        data_freq = np.fft.fftfreq(len(audio_data), 1.0 / self.rate)
        data_freq = data_freq[1:]
        return data_freq

    def _calculate_amplitude(self, audio_data):
        data_ampl = np.abs(np.fft.fft(audio_data))
        data_ampl = data_ampl[1:]
        return data_ampl

    def _calculate_energy(self, data):
        data_amplitude = self._calculate_amplitude(data)
        data_energy = data_amplitude ** 2
        return data_energy

    def _znormalize_energy(self, data_energy):
        energy_mean = np.mean(data_energy)
        energy_std = np.std(data_energy)
        energy_znorm = (data_energy - energy_mean) / energy_std
        return energy_znorm

    def _connect_energy_with_frequencies(self, data_freq, data_energy):
        energy_freq = {}
        for (i, freq) in enumerate(data_freq):
            if abs(freq) not in energy_freq:
                energy_freq[abs(freq)] = data_energy[i] * 2
        return energy_freq

    def _calculate_normalized_energy(self, data):
        data_freq = self._calculate_frequencies(data)
        data_energy = self._calculate_energy(data)
        # data_energy = self._znormalize_energy(data_energy) #znorm brings worse results
        energy_freq = self._connect_energy_with_frequencies(data_freq, data_energy)
        return energy_freq

    def _sum_energy_in_band(self, energy_frequencies, start_band, end_band):
        sum_energy = 0
        for f in energy_frequencies.keys():
            if start_band < f < end_band:
                sum_energy += energy_frequencies[f]
        return sum_energy

    def _median_filter(self, x, k):
        assert k % 2 == 1, "Median filter length must be odd."
        assert x.ndim == 1, "Input must be one-dimensional."
        k2 = (k - 1) // 2
        y = np.zeros((len(x), k), dtype=x.dtype)
        y[:, k2] = x
        for i in range(k2):
            j = k2 - i
            y[j:, i] = x[:-j]
            y[:j, i] = x[0]
            y[:-j, -(i + 1)] = x[j:]
            y[-j:, -(i + 1)] = x[-1]
        return np.median(y, axis=1)

    def _smooth_speech_detection(self, detected_windows):
        median_window = int(self.speech_window / self.sample_window)
        if median_window % 2 == 0: median_window = median_window - 1
        median_energy = self._median_filter(detected_windows[:, 1], median_window)
        return median_energy

    def convert_windows_to_readible_labels(self, detected_windows):
        """ Takes as input array of window numbers and speech flags from speech
        detection and convert speech flags to time intervals of speech.
        Output is array of dictionaries with speech intervals.
        speech_time = []
        is_speech = 0
        for window in detected_windows:
            if (window[1] == 1.0 and is_speech == 0):
                is_speech = 1
                speech_label = {}
                speech_time_start = window[0] / self.rate
                speech_label['speech_begin'] = speech_time_start
                print(window[0], speech_time_start)
                # speech_time.append(speech_label)
            if (window[1] == 0.0 and is_speech == 1):
                is_speech = 0
                speech_time_end = window[0] / self.rate
                speech_label['speech_end'] = speech_time_end
                print(window[0], speech_time_end)
        return speech_time

    def plot_detected_speech_regions(self):
        """ Performs speech detection and plot original signal and speech regions.
        data = self.data
        detected_windows = self.detect_speech()
        data_speech = np.zeros(len(data))
        it = np.nditer(detected_windows[:, 0], flags=['f_index'])
        while not it.finished:
            data_speech[int(it[0])] = data[int(it[0])] * detected_windows[it.index, 1]
        return self

    def detect_speech(self):
        """ Detects speech regions based on ratio between speech band energy
        and total energy.
        Output is array of window numbers and speech flags (1 - speech, 0 - nonspeech).
        detected_windows = np.array([])
        sample_window = int(self.rate * self.sample_window)
        sample_overlap = int(self.rate * self.sample_overlap)
        data = self.data
        sample_start = 0
        start_band = self.speech_start_band
        end_band = self.speech_end_band
        while (sample_start < (len(data) - sample_window)):
            sample_end = sample_start + sample_window
            if sample_end >= len(data): sample_end = len(data) - 1
            data_window = data[sample_start:sample_end]
            energy_freq = self._calculate_normalized_energy(data_window)
            sum_voice_energy = self._sum_energy_in_band(energy_freq, start_band, end_band)
            sum_full_energy = sum(energy_freq.values())
            speech_ratio = sum_voice_energy / sum_full_energy
            # Hipothesis is that when there is a speech sequence we have ratio of energies more than Threshold
            speech_ratio = speech_ratio > self.speech_energy_threshold
            detected_windows = np.append(detected_windows, [sample_start, speech_ratio])
            sample_start += sample_overlap
        detected_windows = detected_windows.reshape(int(len(detected_windows) / 2), 2)
        detected_windows[:, 1] = self._smooth_speech_detection(detected_windows)
        return detected_windows








