

湘南学院 2014 届本科生毕业论文 基于 MATLAB 的数字图像增强方法 李亚斌摘 要数字图像处理是一门新兴技术,随着计算机硬件的发展,数字图像的实时处理已经成为可能,由于数字图像处理的各种算法的出现,使得其处理速度越来越快,能更好的为人们服务。数字图像处理是一种通过计算机采用一定的算法对图形图像进行处理的技术。数字图像处理技术已经在各个领域上都有了比较广泛的应用。图像处理的信息量很大,对处理速度的要求也比较高。 MATLAB 强大的运算和图形展示功能,使图像处理变得更加的简单和直观。本文介绍了 MATLAB 语言的特点,基于 MATLAB 的数字图像处理环境,介绍了如何利用 MATLAB 及其图像处理工具箱进行数字图像处理,并通过一些例子来说明利用 MATLAB 图像处理工具箱进行图像处理的方法。主要论述了利用 MATLAB 实现数字图像增强处理。当然,数字图像增强方法有多种。本文主要介绍的增强方法有:空域变换增强、空域滤波增强、频域增强。 关键词: MATLAB,数字图像处理,图像增强,空域变换增强,空域滤波增强,频域增强 湘南学院 2014 届本科生毕业论文 基于 MATLAB 的数字图像增强方法 李亚斌Abstract Digital image processing is an emerging technology, with the development of computer hardware, real-time digital image processing has become possible due to digital image processing algorithms to appear, making it faster and faster processing speed, better for People services .Digital image processing is used by some algorithms computer graphics image processing technology. Digital image processing technology has been in various areas have a relatively wide range of applications. Image processing large amount of ination on the processing speed requirement is relatively high. MATLAB powerful computing and graphics display capabilities, so that image processing becomes more simple and intuitive. This paper introduces characteristics of MATLAB language and this MATLAB-based digital image processing environment, describes how to use the MATLAB Image Processing Toolbox for its digital image processing, and through some examples to illustrate the use of MATLAB Image Processing Toolbox for image processing . Mainly discusses the use of MATLAB for digital image enhancement processing technologies.Of course,there are a number of digital enhancement .Enhancement is mainly introduced in this paper : spatial trans enhancement, spatial filtering enhancement, frequency domain enhancement.Keywords: MATLAB, digital image processing, image enhancement, spatial trans enhancement,spatial filtering enhancement, frequency domain enhancement.湘南学院 2014 届本科生毕业论文 基于 MATLAB 的数字图像增强方法 李亚斌目 录1 绪 论 11.1 研究背景 11.2 课题研究目的和意义 21.3 研究内容 .22 MATLAB 基本知识介绍 22.1 MATLAB 的概述 22.2 MATLAB 产生的历史背景 .
