介绍对使用TCAD sentaurus工具最有用的基本Tcl命令
set i 3
set q 1.6e-19
set W "Hello World"
puts "The value of i is $i"
#-> The value of i 3
puts "The elementary charge is $q C"
#-> The elementary charge is 1.6e-19 C
puts "The string W contains >$W<"
#-> The string W contains >Hello World<
puts "The ${i}rd value"
#-> The 3rd value
set j [expr $i+5]
puts "$i + 5 is $j"
#-> 3 +5 is 8
set pi [expr 2.0*asin(1.0)]
puts "pi = $pi"
#-> pi =3.141592
set SIN [expr sin($pi/4.0)]
puts "sin(pi/4.0) is $SIN"
#-> sin(pi/4.0) is 0.70710
puts [expr 1/2]
puts [expr 1/2.0]
set ABCList [list a b c d e]
set NUMList [list 1 2 3 4 5 6]
set STRList [list This sentence is a TCL list]
set MIXList [list a 2 3.1415 TCL ?]
set EMPTYList [list]
puts $ABCList
#-> a b c d e
puts $ABCList
#-> 1 2 3 4 5 6
puts $STRList
#-> This sentence is a TCL list
puts $MIXList
#-> a 2 3.1415 TCL ?
set LENGTH [llength $ABCList]
puts "ABCList contains $LENGTH elements."
#-> ABCList contians 5 elements
puts "The first element of ABCList is :[ lindex $ABCList 0]"
#-> The first element of ABCList is : a
puts "The second element of NUMList is : [lindex $NUMList 1'"
#-> The second element of NUMList is : 2
puts "The last element of MIXList is : [lindex $MIXList end]"
#-> The last element of MIXList is ?
puts "The next to last element of ABCList is [lindex $ABCList [expr $LENGTH -2]]"
#-> The next to last element of ABCList is d
set SUBList [lrange $STRList 1 3]
puts "The second to fourth elements of STRList are >$SUBList<"
#-> The second to fourth elements of STRList are >sentence is a<
set cIndex [lsearch $ABCList "c"]
puts "The letter c has the index $cIndex"
#-> The leeter c has the index 2
set NewElement f
lappend ABCList $NewElement
set UnsortedList [list 45.1 78.6 12.6 1.5 89.4 11.6]
set SortedList [lsort -real $UnsortedList]
puts $SortedList
#->1.5 11.6 12.6 45.1 78.6 89.4
set UnsortedList [list {a 45.1 1} {g 78.6 5} {r 12.6 8} {c 1.5 2} {q 89.4 3} {n 11.6 4}
set SortedList_0 [lsort -index 0 -ascii $UnsortedList]
puts $SortedList_0
#-> {a 45.1 1} {c 1.5 2} {g 78.6 5} {n 11.6 4} {q 89.4 3} {r 12.6 8}
set SortedList_1 {lsort -index 1 -real $UnsortedList]
puts $SortedList_1
#-> {c 1.5 2} {n 11.6 4} {r 12.6 8} {a 45.1 1} {g 78.6 5} {q 89.4 3}
set SortedList_2 {lsort -index 2 -integer $UnsortedList]
puts $SortedList_2
#-> {a 45.1 1} {c 1.5 2} {q 89.4 3} {n 11.6 4} {g 78.6 5} {r 12.6 8}
foreach 循环对列表进行操作:
foreach NUM $NUMList CHAR $ABCList{
puts "The ${NUM} letter of the alphabet is $CHAR"
#-> The 1 letter of the alphabet is a
#-> The 2 letter of the alphabet is b
#-> The 3 letter of the alphabet is c
#-> The 4 letter of the alphabet is d
#-> The 5 letter of the alphabet is e
#-> The 6 letter of the alphabet is f
foreach 循环遍历给定的列表,这里是NUMList和ABCList,并执行主体,这里是列表中每个元素的简单输出。
for { set i 0} {$i <= 10} {incr i} {
puts -nonewline " i=$i "
#-> i=0 i =1 i=2 i=3 i=4 i=5 i=6 i=7 i=8 i=9 i=10
for*{ set i 0}*{$i <= 10}*{incr i}*{puts -nonewline " i=$i "}
set f 1.0
set x 0.0
while { $f >0.0 }{
set x [expr$x + 0.01]
set f [expr 1.0 - $x*$x]
puts "Zero crossing is at x=$x"
#-> Zero crossing is at x =1.0
break 立即终止当前循环
for {set i 0} {$i<=100} { incr i} {
if {[expr fmod($i,2)] == 0}{
} elseif {$i >6 } {
puts $i
#-> 1
#-> 3
#-> 5
set model(1) Fermi
set model(2) Constant
set model(3) 3Stream
set model(4) 5Stream
for {set i 1} {$i <= 4} { incr i } {
puts "Model #$i is $model($i)"
#-> Model #1 is Fermi
#-> Model #2 is Constant
#-> Model #3 is 3Stream
#-> Model #4 is 5Stream
set Identifiers [list first second third fourth]
set model(first) Fermi
set model(second) Constant
set model(third) 3Stream
set model(fourth) 5Stream
foreach i $Identifiers {
puts "The $i model is $model($i)"
#-> The first model is Fermi
#-> The second model is Constant
#-> The third model is 3Stream
#-> The fourth model is 5Stream
如果将变量用作数组,则不能再将其用作普通变量,除非使用array unset删除该数组。
set val 1
if {$var == 0} {
puts "val is 0"
} elseif {$val > 2} {
puts "val is larger than 2"
} else {
puts "val is negative or one"
#-> val is negative or one
额外,elseif 和else条件语句是可选的。
set MODEL Fermi
switch $MODEL {
Constant {puts "Use contant diffusion model"}
Fermi {puts "Use Fermi diffusion model"}
#-> Use Fermi diffusion model
set Vd 1.5
set Device "pMOS"
set Simulation "IV"
if { $Vd < 0.1 && Device == "nMOS" && $Simulation != "BV" } {
puts "Simulation nMOS IdVg in linear regime"
} elseif { $Vd > 0.1 && Device == "pMOS" && ! ($Simulation !== "BV") } {
set Vd [expr -1.0*$Vd]
puts "Simulate pMOS IdVg for Vd=$Vd"
} elseif {$Simulation == "BV" || $Device == "BJT"} {
puts "Simulate BJT or MOS breakdonw"
} else {
puts "None of the specified conditions are met..."
#-> Simulate pMOS IdVg for Vd=1.5
使用NOT运算符!直接在()之前会混淆sentaurus workbench 预处理器,因为它被误解为Tcl预处理块的开始。要避免这种情况,请在感叹号和左括号之间插入空格: ! ().
set freqList [list 1.00e5 2.15e5 4.64e5 1.00e6 2.15e6 4.64e6 \
1.00e7 2.15e7 4.64e7 1.00e8 2.15e8 4.64e8 \
1.00e9 2.15e9 4.64e9 1.00e10 2.15e10 4.64e10 \
1.00e11 2.15e11 4.64e11 1e+12 ]
set h21List [list 33.62 33.62 33.62 33.62 33.62 33.62 \
33.62 33.61 33.59 33.46 32.86 30.48 \
23.74 14.12 7.06 3.34 1.57 0.75 \
0.38 0.19 0.20 0.23 ]