

   AAAI2020论文汇总(part 1)

[1] MA-DST: Multi-Attention Based Scalable Dialog State Tracking
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分类 | cs.CL cs.AI cs.LG stat.ML
备注 | Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2020)

[2] Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning as a Computational Tool for Language Evolution Research: Historical Context and Future Challenges
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分类 | cs.MA cs.CL cs.LG

[3] Guiding attention in Sequence-to-sequence models for Dialogue Act prediction
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分类 | cs.CL cs.LG

[4] Unsupervised Domain Adaptation via Discriminative Manifold Embedding and Alignment
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分类 | cs.LG cs.CV stat.ML
备注 | Accepted to AAAI 2020

[5] Expressing Objects just like Words: Recurrent Visual Embedding for Image-Text Matching
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分类 | cs.CV
备注 | Accepted by AAAI-20

[6] Towards Query-Efficient Black-Box Adversary with Zeroth-Order Natural Gradient Descent
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分类 | cs.LG cs.CR cs.CV stat.ML
备注 | accepted by AAAI 2020

[7] Manipulating Districts to Win Elections: Fine-Grained Complexity
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分类 | cs.DS
备注 | Presented at AAAI-20

[8] Knowledge Integration Networks for Action Recognition
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分类 | cs.CV
备注 | To appear in AAAI 2020

[9] Adversarial Deep Network Embedding for Cross-network Node Classification
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分类 | cs.SI cs.LG

[10] Robust Stochastic Bandit Algorithms under Probabilistic Unbounded Adversarial Attack
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分类 | cs.LG cs.CR stat.ML
备注 | Published at AAAI'20

[11] DeepDualMapper: A Gated Fusion Network for Automatic Map Extraction using Aerial Images and Trajectories
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分类 | cs.CV
备注 | 7 pages, AAAI 2020 accepted paper

[12] Residual Continual Learning
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分类 | cs.LG stat.ML
备注 | AAAI 2020

[13] Neural Machine Translation with Joint Representation
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分类 | cs.CL
备注 | AAAI 2020

[14] Facial Attribute Capsules for Noise Face Super Resolution
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分类 | cs.CV
备注 | To appear in AAAI 2020

[15] Video Face Super-Resolution with Motion-Adaptive Feedback Cell
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分类 | cs.CV
备注 | To appear in AAAI 2020

[16] Effective AER Object Classification Using Segmented Probability-Maximization Learning in Spiking Neural Networks
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分类 | cs.NE
备注 | AAAI 2020 (Oral)

[17] Reinforcement-Learning based Portfolio Management with Augmented Asset Movement Prediction States
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分类 | q-fin.PM cs.LG stat.ML
备注 | AAAI 2020

[18] The Efficiency of Human Cognition Reflects Planned Information Processing
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分类 | cs.AI
备注 | 13 pg (incl. supplemental materials); included in Proceedings of the 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence

[19] Steps Towards Value-Aligned Systems
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分类 | cs.CY
备注 | To appear in Proceedings of the 2020 AAAI ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society (AIES '20), February 7-8, 2020, New York, NY, USA. 5 pages, 2 figures

[20] Learning Occupational Task-Shares Dynamics for the Future of Work
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分类 | cs.CY cs.LG stat.AP stat.ML
备注 | 9 pages, 5 figures, 6 tables, Proceedings of the AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society (AIES), 2020

[21] Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning and Human Social Factors in Climate Change Mitigation
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分类 | cs.MA
备注 | Accepted paper at COMARL AAAI 2020

[22] A Bayesian Approach to Conversational Recommendation Systems
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分类 | cs.AI cs.IR
备注 | Accepted for oral presentation at the \emph{AAAI 2020 Workshop on Interactive and Conversational Recommendation Systems} (WICRS)

[23] Learning to Compare for Better Training and Evaluation of Open Domain Natural Language Generation Models
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分类 | cs.CL cs.LG
备注 | AAAI 2020

[24] Bi-Directional Generation for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
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分类 | cs.CV
备注 | 9 pages, 4 figures

[25] Infinity Learning: Learning Markov Chains from Aggregate Steady-State Observations
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分类 | cs.LG stat.ML

[26] Learning to Incorporate Structure Knowledge for Image Inpainting
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分类 | cs.CV cs.LG eess.IV
备注 | Accepted by AAAI 2020

[27] Cross-Modality Paired-Images Generation for RGB-Infrared Person Re-Identification
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分类 | cs.CV
备注 | accepted by AAAI'20

[28] Improving the Evaluation of Generative Models with Fuzzy Logic
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分类 | cs.CV cs.LG
备注 | AAAI 2020 Meta-Eval

[29] Convolutional Hierarchical Attention Network for Query-Focused Video Summarization
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分类 | cs.CV
备注 | Accepted by AAAI 2020 Conference

[30] SPAN: A Stochastic Projected Approximate Newton Method
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分类 | math.OC cs.LG
备注 | To Appear in the AAAI 2020, 25 pages, 6 figures

[31] Evaluating Sequence-to-Sequence Learning Models for If-Then Program Synthesis
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分类 | cs.LG stat.ML
备注 | AAAI IPA workshop submission

[32] Diversity and Inclusion Metrics in Subset Selection
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分类 | cs.AI

[33] SUOD: Toward Scalable Unsupervised Outlier Detection
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分类 | cs.LG cs.IR stat.ML
备注 | In AAAI-20 Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Cyber Security (AICS)

[34] Spatial-Temporal Multi-Cue Network for Continuous Sign Language Recognition
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分类 | cs.CV
备注 | Accepted as an oral presentation paper at AAAI 2020. (To appear in Proceedings of the Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence)

[35] Symbiotic Attention with Privileged Information for Egocentric Action Recognition
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分类 | cs.CV
备注 | AAAI-2020(Oral)

[36] Generalized Hidden Parameter MDPs Transferable Model-based RL in a Handful of Trials
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分类 | cs.LG cs.AI stat.ML
备注 | paper presented at AAAI 2020 as oral presentation, 9 pages

[37] Assessing the Adversarial Robustness of Monte Carlo and Distillation Methods for Deep Bayesian Neural Network Classification
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分类 | cs.LG stat.ML
备注 | Presented at SafeAI Workshop, AAAI 2020

[38] Fine-Grained Fashion Similarity Learning by Attribute-Specific Embedding Network
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分类 | cs.CV cs.LG
备注 | 16 pages, 13 figutes. Accepted by AAAI 2020. Code and data are available at

[39] Attractive or Faithful? Popularity-Reinforced Learning for Inspired Headline Generation
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分类 | cs.CL cs.LG
备注 | AAAI 2020

[40] Dropout Prediction over Weeks in MOOCs by Learning Representations of Clicks and Videos
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分类 | cs.LG cs.CY
备注 | Accepted at AAAI 2020 AI4Edu Workshop

[41] Discontinuous Constituent Parsing with Pointer Networks
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分类 | cs.CL
备注 | Proceedings of AAAI 2020. 8 pages

[42] Proximity Preserving Binary Code using Signed Graph-Cut
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分类 | cs.LG cs.CV cs.IR stat.ML

[43] I Know Where You Are Coming From: On the Impact of Social Media Sources on AI Model Performance
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分类 | cs.IR cs.LG cs.SI
备注 | AAAI-20

[44] Parsing as Pretraining
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分类 | cs.CL cs.LG
备注 | AAAI 2020 - The Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence

[45] Improved Subsampled Randomized Hadamard Transform for Linear SVM
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分类 | cs.LG stat.ML
备注 | AAAI-20

[46] Dropout Prediction over Weeks in MOOCs via Interpretable Multi-Layer Representation Learning
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分类 | cs.LG cs.AI
备注 | Accepted at AAAI 2020 AI4Edu Workshop

[47] Iterative Data Programming for Expanding Text Classification Corpora
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分类 | cs.LG cs.CL
备注 | 6 pages, 2 figures, In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2020 (IAAI Technical Track: Emerging Papers)

[48] Schema-Guided Dialogue State Tracking Task at DSTC8
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分类 | cs.CL
备注 | Presented at DSTC workshop, AAAI 2020. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1909.05855

[49] GTC: Guided Training of CTC Towards Efficient and Accurate Scene Text Recognition
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分类 | cs.CV cs.LG eess.IV
备注 | Accepted by AAAI 2020

[50] Syntactically Look-Ahead Attention Network for Sentence Compression
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分类 | cs.CL
备注 | AAAI 2020

[51] Limitations of Incentive Compatibility on Discrete Type Spaces
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分类 | cs.GT
备注 | 11 pages, 2 figures, to be published in Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence

[52] Be-CAPTCHA: Detecting Human Behavior in Smartphone Interaction using Multiple Inbuilt Sensors
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分类 | cs.HC cs.CR
备注 | AAAI-20 Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Ciber Security (AICS), New York, NY, USA, February 2020. AICS-2020 Workshop

[53] Fragmentation Coagulation Based Mixed Membership Stochastic Blockmodel
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分类 | stat.ML cs.LG cs.SI
备注 | AAAI 2020

[54] Hide-and-Tell: Learning to Bridge Photo Streams for Visual Storytelling
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分类 | cs.CV
备注 | AAAI 2020 paper

[55] DWM: A Decomposable Winograd Method for Convolution Acceleration
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分类 | cs.LG cs.CV eess.IV
备注 | Accepted by AAAI 2020

[56] Combating False Negatives in Adversarial Imitation Learning
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分类 | cs.LG cs.AI stat.ML
备注 | This is an extended version of the student abstract published at 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence

[57] Fine-Tuning BERT for Schema-Guided Zero-Shot Dialogue State Tracking
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分类 | cs.CL
备注 | Present on the DSTC8 Workshop @ AAAI-2020

[58] Improving Domain-Adapted Sentiment Classification by Deep Adversarial Mutual Learning
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分类 | cs.CL cs.LG
备注 | Accepted to appear in AAAI'20

[59] Hybrid Graph Neural Networks for Crowd Counting
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分类 | cs.CV
备注 | To appear in AAAI 2020

[60] Symmetrical Synthesis for Deep Metric Learning
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分类 | cs.CV cs.IR
备注 | Accepted by AAAI 2020

[61] STRIPS Action Discovery
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分类 | cs.AI
备注 | Presented to Genplan 2020 workshop, held in the AAAI 2020 conference ( (2020/02/04: fixed reference with missing information)

[62] Fact-aware Sentence Split and Rephrase with Permutation Invariant Training
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分类 | cs.CL
备注 | AAAI 2020

[63] Urban2Vec: Incorporating Street View Imagery and POIs for Multi-Modal Urban Neighborhood Embedding
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分类 | cs.LG cs.CV stat.ML
备注 | To appear in Proceedings of the Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-20)

[64] Variational Autoencoders for Opponent Modeling in Multi-Agent Systems
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分类 | cs.LG stat.ML
备注 | AAAI-20 Workshop on Reinforcement Learning in Games

[65] PulseSatellite: A tool using human-AI feedback loops for satellite image analysis in humanitarian contexts
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分类 | cs.CV cs.HC cs.LG eess.IV
备注 | Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, New York, United States, 2020

[66] Interpretable Rumor Detection in Microblogs by Attending to User Interactions
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分类 | cs.CL cs.IR cs.SI
备注 | 8 pages, 3 figures, AAAI 2020 Conference

[67] Bounded Incentives in Manipulating the Probabilistic Serial Rule
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分类 | cs.GT cs.AI cs.MA
备注 | To appear in AAAI 2020

[68] Multi-modal Sentiment Analysis using Super Characters Method on Low-power CNN Accelerator Device
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分类 | cs.CL
备注 | 9 pages, 2 figures, 6 tables. Accepted by AAAI 2020 Affective Content Analysis Workshop

[69] Revisiting Graph based Collaborative Filtering: A Linear Residual Graph Convolutional Network Approach
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分类 | cs.IR cs.LG stat.ML
备注 | The updated version is publised in AAAI 2020

[70] Algorithmic Fairness from a Non-ideal Perspective
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分类 | cs.CY cs.AI cs.LG stat.ML
备注 | Accepted for publication at the AAAI/ACM Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Society (AIES) 2020

[71] Artificial Artificial Intelligence: Measuring Influence of AI 'Assessments' on Moral Decision-Making
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分类 | cs.CY cs.HC
备注 | Proceedings of the 2020 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society (AIES '20)

[72] Can an Algorithm be My Healthcare Proxy?
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分类 | cs.CY
备注 | Accepted for a poster presentation at the 4th International Workshop on Health Intelligence (W3PHIAI-20), colocated with AAAI 2020

[73] Monitoring Misuse for Accountable 'Artificial Intelligence as a Service'
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分类 | cs.CY
备注 | Proceedings of the 2020 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society (AIES '20), ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2020

[74] An Iterative Approach for Identifying Complaint Based Tweets in Social Media Platforms
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分类 | cs.CL cs.SI
备注 | Preprint of paper accepted at AAAI, student abstract 2020

[75] Towards Graph Representation Learning in Emergent Communication
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分类 | cs.LG cs.AI cs.CL cs.MA stat.ML
备注 | The first two authors contributed equally. Accepted at the Reinforcement Learning in Games workshop at AAAI 2020

[76] Weakly Supervised Learning Meets Ride-Sharing User Experience Enhancement
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分类 | cs.LG stat.ML
备注 | AAAI 2020

[77] Linguistic Fingerprints of Internet Censorship: the Case of SinaWeibo
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分类 | cs.CL cs.CY
备注 | AAAI 2020

[78] Coordinated Reasoning for Cross-Lingual Knowledge Graph Alignment
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分类 | cs.CL
备注 | in AAAI 2020

[79] Action Recognition and State Change Prediction in a Recipe Understanding Task Using a Lightweight Neural Network Model
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分类 | cs.CL cs.LG
备注 | AAAI-2020 Student Abstract and Poster Program (Accept)

[80] ManyModalQA: Modality Disambiguation and QA over Diverse Inputs
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分类 | cs.CL cs.AI cs.CV
备注 | AAAI 2020 (10 pages)

[81] Block-wise Scrambled Image Recognition Using Adaptation Network
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分类 | cs.CV cs.LG eess.IV
备注 | 6 pages Artificial Intelligence of Things(AAAI-2020 WS)

[82] Multi-level Head-wise Match and Aggregation in Transformer for Textual Sequence Matching
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分类 | cs.CL
备注 | AAAI 2020, 8 pages

[83] GTNet: Generative Transfer Network for Zero-Shot Object Detection
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分类 | cs.CV
备注 | Accepted by AAAI 2020

[84] True Nonlinear Dynamics from Incomplete Networks
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分类 | cs.SI cs.MA
备注 | AAAI 2020, 9 pages, 5 figures

[85] Activism by the AI Community: Analysing Recent Achievements and Future Prospects
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分类 | cs.CY cs.AI
备注 | Forthcoming in Proceedings of the 2020 AAAI/ACM Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Ethics and Society. 7 pages

[86] Temporal Interlacing Network
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分类 | cs.CV
备注 | Accepted to AAAI 2020. Winning entry of ICCV Multi-Moments in Time Challenge 2019. Code is available at

[87] Rumor Detection on Social Media with Bi-Directional Graph Convolutional Networks
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分类 | cs.SI cs.LG
备注 | 8 pages, 4 figures, AAAI 2020

[88] Modality-Balanced Models for Visual Dialogue
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分类 | cs.CL cs.AI cs.CV
备注 | AAAI 2020 (11 pages)

[89] Efficient Facial Feature Learning with Wide Ensemble-based Convolutional Neural Networks
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分类 | cs.CV cs.LG stat.ML
备注 | Accepted at the Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-20), 1-1, New York, USA

[90] DNNs as Layers of Cooperating Classifiers
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分类 | cs.LG stat.ML
备注 | Accepted at AAAI-2020. The preprint contains additional figures and an appendix not included in the conference version. Main text remains unchanged

[91] A Critical Look at the Applicability of Markov Logic Networks for Music Signal Analysis
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分类 | cs.AI cs.IR cs.LG cs.SD eess.AS
备注 | Accepted for presentation at the Ninth International Workshop on Statistical Relational AI (StarAI 2020) at the 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) in New York, on February 7th 2020

[92] AvgOut: A Simple Output-Probability Measure to Eliminate Dull Responses
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分类 | cs.CL cs.LG
备注 | AAAI 2020 (8 pages)

[93] Proceedings of the AAAI-20 Workshop on Intelligent Process Automation (IPA-20)
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分类 | cs.AI

[94] SMT + ILP
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分类 | cs.AI cs.LG
备注 | In AAAI Workshop: Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence (StarAI), 2020

[95] Uncertainty-Aware Multi-Shot Knowledge Distillation for Image-Based Object Re-Identification
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分类 | cs.CV
备注 | Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-20)

[96] Automated Anonymisation of Visual and Audio Data in Classroom Studies
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分类 | cs.CV
备注 | The Workshops of the Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence

[97] Robot Rights? Let's Talk about Human Welfare Instead
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分类 | cs.CY
备注 | Accepted to the AIES 2020 conference in New York, February 2020. The final version of this paper will appear in Proceedings of the 2020 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society

[98] Adversarial Disentanglement with Grouped Observations
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分类 | cs.LG stat.ML
备注 | Accepted at the 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-20)

[99] A Preliminary Approach for Learning Relational Policies for the Management of Critically Ill Children
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分类 | cs.AI
备注 | 6 pages, 1 figure, presented at the 2020 AAAI StarAI workshop

[100] Multi-Source Domain Adaptation for Text Classification via DistanceNet-Bandits
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分类 | cs.CL cs.LG stat.ML
备注 | AAAI 2020 (10 pages)

[101] Asymmetrical Hierarchical Networks with Attentive Interactions for Interpretable Review-Based Recommendation
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分类 | cs.IR cs.CL
备注 | AAAI 2020

[102] Natural Image Matting via Guided Contextual Attention
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分类 | cs.CV
备注 | AAAI-20

[103] Rethinking Generalization of Neural Models: A Named Entity Recognition Case Study
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分类 | cs.CL
备注 | Accepted by AAAI 2020

[104] Point-Based Methods for Model Checking in Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes
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分类 | cs.AI
备注 | 8 pages, 3 figures, AAAI 2020

[105] Should Artificial Intelligence Governance be Centralised? Design Lessons from History
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分类 | cs.CY cs.AI
备注 | A shorter version of the paper is to be published in the proceedings of AAAI/ACM AIES 2020

[106] Adaptive Anomaly Detection for IoT Data in Hierarchical Edge Computing
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分类 | cs.LG cs.NI stat.ML
备注 | To be published in the AAAI Workshop on Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT), Feb 2020

[107] A Probabilistic Simulator of Spatial Demand for Product Allocation
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分类 | cs.AI
备注 | 8 pages, The AAAI-20 Workshop on Intelligent Process Automation

[108] Sampling Prediction-Matching Examples in Neural Networks: A Probabilistic Programming Approach
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分类 | cs.LG stat.ML
备注 | AAAI 2020 Workshop on Statistical Relational AI (StarAI 2020)

[109] Investigating the Impact of Inclusion in Face Recognition Training Data on Individual Face Identification
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分类 | cs.CY cs.CV
备注 | 2020 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society (AIES 20) | V2 updated latex character rendering issues

[110] Deep Time-Stream Framework for Click-Through Rate Prediction by Tracking Interest Evolution
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分类 | cs.LG stat.ML
备注 | AAAI 2020

[111] Probabilistic Reasoning across the Causal Hierarchy
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分类 | cs.LO cs.AI
备注 | AAAI-20

[112] Lifted Hybrid Variational Inference
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分类 | cs.LG stat.ML
备注 | AAAI 2020 Workshop on Statistical Relational AI (StarAI 2020)

[113] On the Evaluation of Intelligent Process Automation
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分类 | cs.HC cs.SE
备注 | Submitted to the AAAI-20 Workshop on Intelligent Process Automation

[114] D3BA: A Tool for Optimizing Business Processes Using Non-Deterministic Planning
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分类 | cs.AI
备注 | Appears in the Proceedings of the AAAI 2020 Workshop on Intelligent Process Automation

[115] High Performance Depthwise and Pointwise Convolutions on Mobile Devices
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分类 | cs.DC cs.PF
备注 | 8 pages, Thirty-Four AAAI conference on Artificial Intelligence

[116] Multipurpose Intelligent Process Automation via Conversational Assistant
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分类 | cs.CL cs.AI
备注 | Presented at the AAAI-20 Workshop on Intelligent Process Automation

[117] Deep Reinforcement Learning for Active Human Pose Estimation
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分类 | cs.CV
备注 | Accepted to The Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-20)

[118] Latent Opinions Transfer Network for Target-Oriented Opinion Words Extraction
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分类 | cs.CL
备注 | Accepted by the 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2020)

[119] Chained Representation Cycling: Learning to Estimate 3D Human Pose and Shape by Cycling Between Representations
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分类 | cs.CV cs.LG
备注 | To be published in proceedings of Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-20)

[120] Improving Entity Linking by Modeling Latent Entity Type Information
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分类 | cs.CL
备注 | Accepted by AAAI 2020

[121] Adversarial-Learned Loss for Domain Adaptation
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分类 | cs.CV cs.LG
备注 | Published in 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2020

[122] Automated Discovery of Data Transformations for Robotic Process Automation
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分类 | cs.AI
备注 | 8 pages, 5 figures. To be published in proceedings of AAAI-20 workshop on Intelligent Process Automation

[123] A Robot that Learns Connect Four Using Game Theory and Demonstrations
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分类 | cs.RO cs.AI
备注 | Accepted in AAAI 2020 Workshop on Intelligent Process Automation

[124] Saving Face: Investigating the Ethical Concerns of Facial Recognition Auditing
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分类 | cs.CY
备注 | Accepted to AAAI/ACM AI Ethics and Society conference 2020

[125] Two-Level Transformer and Auxiliary Coherence Modeling for Improved Text Segmentation
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分类 | cs.CL
备注 | AAAI 2020

[126] Multi-Gradient Descent for Multi-Objective Recommender Systems
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分类 | cs.IR cs.AI cs.LG stat.ML
备注 | 9 pages, 4 figures, Accepted at AAAI 2020 - Workshop on Interactive and Conversational Recommendation Systems (WICRS)

[127] Reasoning on Knowledge Graphs with Debate Dynamics
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分类 | cs.LG stat.ML
备注 | AAAI-2020

[128] Online Similarity Learning with Feedback for Invoice Line Item Matching
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分类 | cs.LG stat.ML
备注 | published as workshop paper in AAAI workshop on intelligent processing automation, 2020

[129] Options of Interest: Temporal Abstraction with Interest Functions
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分类 | cs.LG cs.AI stat.ML
备注 | To appear in Proceedings of the Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-20)

[130] A Coarse-to-Fine Adaptive Network for Appearance-Based Gaze Estimation
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分类 | cs.CV
备注 | 9 pages, 7figures, AAAI-20

[131] Deep Attentive Ranking Networks for Learning to Order Sentences
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分类 | cs.CL cs.LG stat.ML
备注 | Accepted in AAAI 2020

[132] On the Role of Weight Sharing During Deep Option Learning
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分类 | cs.LG stat.ML
备注 | AAAI 2020

[133] Unsupervised Detection of Sub-events in Large Scale Disasters
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分类 | cs.SI cs.LG stat.ML
备注 | AAAI-20 Social Impact Track

[134] CASE: Context-Aware Semantic Expansion
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分类 | cs.CL
备注 | Accepted by AAAI 2020

[135] Diversity Transfer Network for Few-Shot Learning
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分类 | cs.CV
备注 | 9 pages, 3 figures, AAAI 2020

[136] A New Burrows Wheeler Transform Markov Distance
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分类 | cs.CR cs.IR cs.LG stat.ML
备注 | To appear in: The Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-20), AICS-2020 Workshop

[137] Recognizing Instagram Filtered Images with Feature De-stylization
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分类 | cs.CV cs.LG eess.IV
备注 | Accepted in AAAI 2020 as an oral presentation paper

[138] U.S. Public Opinion on the Governance of Artificial Intelligence
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分类 | cs.CY
备注 | 22 pages; 7 figures; 4 tables; accepted for oral presentation at the 2020 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society

[139] Likelihood Ratios and Generative Classifiers for Unsupervised Out-of-Domain Detection In Task Oriented Dialog
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分类 | cs.CL cs.AI
备注 | Accepted for AAAI-2020 Main Track

[140] Weak Supervision for Fake News Detection via Reinforcement Learning
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分类 | cs.SI cs.CL cs.LG
备注 | AAAI 2020

[141] TextScanner: Reading Characters in Order for Robust Scene Text Recognition
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分类 | cs.CV cs.CL cs.LG
备注 | Accepted by AAAI-2020

[142] Visual Agreement Regularized Training for Multi-Modal Machine Translation
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分类 | cs.CL cs.CV
备注 | Accepted by AAAI 2020

[143] Explicit Sentence Compression for Neural Machine Translation
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分类 | cs.CL
备注 | Working in progress, part of this work is accepted in AAAI-2020

[144] HoMM: Higher-order Moment Matching for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
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分类 | cs.CV
备注 | Accept by AAAI-2020, codes are available at

[145] DeGAN : Data-Enriching GAN for Retrieving Representative Samples from a Trained Classifier
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分类 | cs.LG cs.CV stat.ML
备注 | Accepted at AAAI-2020

[146] Learning Inverse Depth Regression for Multi-View Stereo with Correlation Cost Volume
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分类 | cs.CV
备注 | Accepted by AAAI-2020

[147] Planar Prior Assisted PatchMatch Multi-View Stereo
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分类 | cs.CV
备注 | Accepted by AAAI-2020

[148] Memory Augmented Graph Neural Networks for Sequential Recommendation
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分类 | cs.IR
备注 | Accepted by the 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2020)

[149] Unity in Diversity: Learning Distributed Heterogeneous Sentence Representation for Extractive Summarization
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分类 | cs.CL cs.IR cs.LG
备注 | Accepted in AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2018. Retrieved from

[150] Effective Data Augmentation with Multi-Domain Learning GANs
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分类 | stat.ML cs.CV cs.LG
备注 | AAAI-2020

[151] Meta-Learning PAC-Bayes Priors in Model Averaging
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分类 | cs.LG stat.ML
备注 | Accepted by AAAI 2020

[152] Cascading Convolutional Color Constancy
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分类 | cs.CV
备注 | 9 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables, accepted by AAAI-20

[153] Discrete and Continuous Action Representation for Practical RL in Video Games
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分类 | cs.LG cs.AI stat.ML
备注 | Presented at the AAAI-20 Workshop on Reinforcement Learning in Games

[154] Differentiable Reasoning on Large Knowledge Bases and Natural Language
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分类 | cs.LG cs.CL cs.LO
备注 | Accepted at the 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-20)

[155] Parameterized Indexed Value Function for Efficient Exploration in Reinforcement Learning
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分类 | cs.LG cs.AI stat.ML
备注 | 17 pages, 4 figures, Proceedings of the 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence

[156] Adversarial Cross-Domain Action Recognition with Co-Attention
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分类 | cs.CV cs.LG eess.IV
备注 | AAAI 2020

[157] Decoupled Attention Network for Text Recognition
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分类 | cs.CV
备注 | 9 pages, 8 figures, 6 tables, accepted by AAAI-2020

[158] Learning Diverse Stochastic Human-Action Generators by Learning Smooth Latent Transitions
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分类 | cs.CV
备注 | AAAI 2020

[159] Dependable Neural Networks for Safety Critical Tasks
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分类 | cs.LG stat.ML
备注 | 8 pages, 4 figures. Accepted to AAAI EDSMLS Workshop 2020

[160] Mastering Complex Control in MOBA Games with Deep Reinforcement Learning
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分类 | cs.AI cs.LG
备注 | accepted as a conference paper by AAAI-2020

[161] Practical Solutions for Machine Learning Safety in Autonomous Vehicles
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分类 | cs.LG stat.ML
备注 | Accepted at Safe AI workshop at AAAI 2020

[162] An End-to-End Dialogue State Tracking System with Machine Reading Comprehension and Wide & Deep Classification
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分类 | cs.CL
备注 | The Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence DSTC 8 Workshop (AAAI-20, DSTC 8 Workshop)

[163] Neural Simile Recognition with Cyclic Multitask Learning and Local Attention
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分类 | cs.CL
备注 | AAAI 2020

[164] Scale-wise Convolution for Image Restoration
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分类 | cs.CV
备注 | AAAI 2020

[165] Discriminative Sentence Modeling for Story Ending Prediction
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分类 | cs.CL
备注 | 8 pages, accepted as a conference paper at AAAI 2020

[166] COBRA: Context-aware Bernoulli Neural Networks for Reputation Assessment
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分类 | cs.MA cs.LG
备注 | To be published in the Proceedings of AAAI, Feb 2020

[167] Multi-channel Reverse Dictionary Model
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分类 | cs.CL cs.AI cs.IR
备注 | Accepted by AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2020

[168] Balancing the Tradeoff between Profit and Fairness in Rideshare Platforms During High-Demand Hours
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分类 | cs.AI cs.CY
备注 | 8 pages, 4 figures, Accepted at AAAI 2020 & AIES (Oral) 2020

[169] DMRM: A Dual-channel Multi-hop Reasoning Model for Visual Dialog
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分类 | cs.CL
备注 | Accepted at AAAI 2020

[170] Lightweight and Robust Representation of Economic Scales from Satellite Imagery
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分类 | cs.CV cs.CY
备注 | Accepted for oral presentation at AAAI 2020

[171] Unpaired Image Enhancement Featuring Reinforcement-Learning-Controlled Image Editing Software
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分类 | cs.CV
备注 | Accepted to AAAI 2020

[172] Deep Iterative and Adaptive Learning for Graph Neural Networks
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分类 | cs.LG stat.ML
备注 | 6 pages. Accepted at the AAAI 2020 Workshop on Deep Learning on Graphs: Methodologies and Applications (AAAI DLGMA 2020). Final Version

[173] Adversarial Model Extraction on Graph Neural Networks
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分类 | cs.LG stat.ML
备注 | AAAI Workshop on Deep Learning on Graphs: Methodologies and Applications (DLGMA), 2020

[174] Planning with Abstract Learned Models While Learning Transferable Subtasks
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分类 | cs.LG cs.AI cs.RO stat.ML
备注 | Accepted at AAAI-20, 9 pages

[175] Improving Knowledge-aware Dialogue Generation via Knowledge Base Question Answering
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分类 | cs.CL
备注 | Accepted by AAAI-2020

[176] Towards Omni-Supervised Face Alignment for Large Scale Unlabeled Videos
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分类 | cs.CV
备注 | Accepted by AAAI 2020

[177] Synchronous Speech Recognition and Speech-to-Text Translation with Interactive Decoding
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分类 | cs.CL cs.LG
备注 | Accepted by AAAI 2020

[178] FISR: Deep Joint Frame Interpolation and Super-Resolution with A Multi-scale Temporal Loss
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分类 | cs.CV
备注 | The first two authors contributed equally to this work. Accepted at AAAI 2020

[179] Robust Named Entity Recognition with Truecasing Pretraining
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分类 | cs.CL
备注 | Accepted to AAAI 2020

[180] How Should an Agent Practice?
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分类 | cs.AI
备注 | AAAI-2020

[181] Polynomial Matrix Completion for Missing Data Imputation and Transductive Learning
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分类 | cs.LG stat.ML
备注 | Accepted by AAAI 2020. The supplementary material is at

[182] Fine-grained Recognition: Accounting for Subtle Differences between Similar Classes
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分类 | cs.CV
备注 | To appear in AAAI 2020

[183] Associating Natural Language Comment and Source Code Entities
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分类 | cs.CL cs.LG cs.SE
备注 | Accepted in AAAI 2020

[184] That and There: Judging the Intent of Pointing Actions with Robotic Arms
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分类 | cs.RO cs.AI cs.CV cs.HC
备注 | Accepted to AAAI 2020, New York City

[185] Active learning in the geometric block model
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分类 | cs.SI cs.LG stat.ML
备注 | The conference version will appear in AAAI-20

[186] CORE: Automatic Molecule Optimization Using Copy & Refine Strategy
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分类 | cs.LG stat.ML
备注 | Accepted by AAAI 2020

[187] An Efficient Explorative Sampling Considering the Generative Boundaries of Deep Generative Neural Networks
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分类 | cs.LG stat.ML
备注 | AAAI 2020

[188] Tensor Completion for Weakly-dependent Data on Graph for Metro Passenger Flow Prediction
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分类 | cs.LG stat.ML
备注 | Accepted at AAAI 2020

[189] Quality of syntactic implication of RL-based sentence summarization
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分类 | cs.CL
备注 | AAAI-20 Workshop on Engineering Dependable and Secure Machine Learning Systems (EDSMLS 2020)

[190] Just Add Functions: A Neural-Symbolic Language Model
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分类 | cs.LG stat.ML
备注 | Preprint of paper accepted for AAAI-2020

[191] Video Person Re-ID: Fantastic Techniques and Where to Find Them
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分类 | cs.CV
备注 | 2 Page (Student Abstract) accepted in AAAI-20

[192] Two Birds with One Stone: Investigating Invertible Neural Networks for Inverse Problems in Morphology
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分类 | cs.CL cs.LG
备注 | AAAI 2020

[193] TANet: Robust 3D Object Detection from Point Clouds with Triple Attention
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分类 | cs.CV
备注 | AAAI 2020(Oral)

[194] Unsupervised Neural Dialect Translation with Commonality and Diversity Modeling
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分类 | cs.CL
备注 | AAAI 2020

[195] Towards Better Forecasting by Fusing Near and Distant Future Visions
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分类 | cs.LG stat.ML
备注 | Accepted by AAAI 2020

[196] Medication Regimen Extraction From Medical Conversations
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分类 | cs.CL cs.IR stat.ML
备注 | To appear in Proceedings of International Workshop on Health Intelligence (W3PHIAI) of the 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2020

[197] Dynamic Algorithmic Service Agreements Perspective
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分类 | cs.CY
备注 | 6 pages, 1 figure, To appear in the Proceedings of the AAAI 2020 Spring Symposium Series

[198] Robust Market Equilibria with Uncertain Preferences
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分类 | cs.GT math.OC
备注 | Extended preprint of an article accepted to AAAI-20. Contains supplementary material as appendices. Due to figures, this manuscript is best printed in color

[199] edBB: Biometrics and Behavior for Assessing Remote Education
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分类 | cs.HC cs.CY cs.LG eess.IV
备注 | Preprint of the paper presented to the Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Education (AI4EDU) of AAAI 2020

[200] Transparent Classification with Multilayer Logical Perceptrons and Random Binarization
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分类 | cs.LG stat.ML
备注 | AAAI-20 (oral presentation); source codes added



