

usage: horovodrun [-h] [-v] -np NP [-cb] [-p SSH_PORT] [--disable-cache]
                  [--start-timeout START_TIMEOUT] [--verbose]
                  [--config-file CONFIG_FILE]
                  [--fusion-threshold-mb FUSION_THRESHOLD_MB]
                  [--cycle-time-ms CYCLE_TIME_MS]
                  [--cache-capacity CACHE_CAPACITY]
                  [--hierarchical-allreduce | --no-hierarchical-allreduce]
                  [--hierarchical-allgather | --no-hierarchical-allgather]
                  [--autotune] [--autotune-log-file AUTOTUNE_LOG_FILE]
                  [--autotune-warmup-samples AUTOTUNE_WARMUP_SAMPLES]
                  [--autotune-steps-per-sample AUTOTUNE_STEPS_PER_SAMPLE]
                  [--autotune-bayes-opt-max-samples AUTOTUNE_BAYES_OPT_MAX_SAMPLES]
                  [--autotune-gaussian-process-noise AUTOTUNE_GAUSSIAN_PROCESS_NOISE]
                  [--timeline-filename TIMELINE_FILENAME]
                  [--timeline-mark-cycles] [--no-stall-check]
                  [--stall-check-warning-time-seconds STALL_CHECK_WARNING_TIME_SECONDS]
                  [--stall-check-shutdown-time-seconds STALL_CHECK_SHUTDOWN_TIME_SECONDS]
                  [--num-nccl-streams NUM_NCCL_STREAMS]
                  [--mlsl-bgt-affinity MLSL_BGT_AFFINITY]
                  [--log-level {TRACE,DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,FATAL}]
                  [--log-hide-timestamp] [-H HOSTS | -hostfile HOSTFILE]
                  [--gloo | --mpi]

Horovod Runner

positional arguments:
  command               Command to be executed.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  # 查看版本
  -v, --version         Shows Horovod version.

  # 训练进程总数
  -np NP, --num-proc NP Total number of training processes.

  # 显示在Horovod中内置了哪些框架和库
  -cb, --check-build    Shows which frameworks and libraries have been built into Horovod.

  # 指定端口
  -p SSH_PORT, --ssh-port SSH_PORT SSH port on all the hosts.

  # 如果未设置该标志,则horovodrun将每60分钟执行一次初始化检查-如果检查成功通过。否则,每次调用horovodrun时,所有检查都将运行。
  --disable-cache       If the flag is not set, horovodrun will perform the
                        initialization checks only once every 60 minutes -- if
                        the checks successfully pass. Otherwise, all the
                        checks will run every time horovodrun is called.

  # Horovodrun必须执行所有检查并在指定的超时之前启动进程。默认值为30秒。或者,环境变量HOROVOD_START_TIMEOUT也可以用于指定初始化超时。
  --start-timeout START_TIMEOUT
                        Horovodrun has to perform all the checks and start the
                        processes before the specified timeout. The default
                        value is 30 seconds. Alternatively, The environment
                        variable HOROVOD_START_TIMEOUT can also be used to
                        specify the initialization timeout.

  # 如果设置了此标志,则将打印其他消息。
  --verbose             If this flag is set, extra messages will printed.

  #  包含Horovod的运行时参数配置的YAML文件的路径。请注意,这将覆盖此参数之前提供的所有命令行参数,并被其后的所有参数覆盖。
  --config-file CONFIG_FILE
                        Path to YAML file containing runtime parameter
                        configuration for Horovod. Note that this will
                        override any command line arguments provided before
                        this argument, and will be overridden by any arguments
                        that come after it.

# 可调参数
tuneable parameter arguments:

  #  融合缓冲区阈值(以MB为单位)。这是在allreduce / allgather期间可以融合在一起成为一个批处理的最大张量数据。设置为0将禁用张量融合。 (默认值:64)
  --fusion-threshold-mb FUSION_THRESHOLD_MB
                        Fusion buffer threshold in MB. This is the maximum
                        amount of tensor data that can be fused together into
                        a single batch during allreduce / allgather. Setting 0
                        disables tensor fusion. (default: 64)

  # 循环时间(毫秒)。这是每个张量融合周期之间的延迟。周期时间越长,批处理越多,但每次减少/聚集操作之间的等待时间就越大。 (默认值:5
  --cycle-time-ms CYCLE_TIME_MS
                        Cycle time in ms. This is the delay between each
                        tensor fusion cycle. The larger the cycle time, the
                        more batching, but the greater latency between each
                        allreduce / allgather operations. (default: 5

  # 在执行allreduce / allgather之前将要缓存的张量名称的最大数量,以减少工作进程之间所需的协调量。 (默认值:1024
  --cache-capacity CACHE_CAPACITY
                        Maximum number of tensor names that will be cached to
                        reduce amount of coordination required between workers
                        before performing allreduce / allgather. (default:

  # 在工作进程之间执行分层缩减,而不是环缩减。分层降序在主机内执行本地降序/聚集,然后在跨工人的相等本地级别之间进行并行交叉降序,最后进行本地聚集。
                        Perform hierarchical allreduce between workers instead
                        of ring allreduce. Hierarchical allreduce performs a
                        local allreduce / gather within a host, then a
                        parallel cross allreduce between equal local ranks
                        across workers, and finally a local gather.

  # 明确禁用分层Allreduce,以防止自动调整。???
                        Explicitly disable hierarchical allreduce to prevent
                        autotuning from adjusting it.

  #  在工作进程之间执行分层聚集,而不是环形聚集。有关算法的详细信息,请参见分层缩减。
                        Perform hierarchical allgather between workers instead
                        of ring allgather. See hierarchical allreduce for
                        algorithm details.

  # 明确禁用分层聚集,以防止自动调整。???
                        Explicitly disable hierarchical allgather to prevent
                        autotuning from adjusting it.

# 自动调节参数
autotune arguments:

  # 执行自动调整以选择参数参数值,以最大程度地提高allreduce / allgather的吞吐量。在调试过程中,任何显式设置的参数将保持不变。
  --autotune            Perform autotuning to select parameter argument values
                        that maximimize throughput for allreduce / allgather.
                        Any parameter explicitly set will be held constant
                        during tuning.

  # 自动调节参数日志记录
  --autotune-log-file AUTOTUNE_LOG_FILE
                        Comma-separated log of trials containing each
                        hyperparameter and the score of the trial. The last
                        row will always contain the best value found.

  # 自动调参预热过程丢弃的样本数默认为3
  --autotune-warmup-samples AUTOTUNE_WARMUP_SAMPLES
                        Number of samples to discard before beginning the
                        optimization process during autotuning. Performance
                        during the first few batches can be affected by
                        initialization and cache warmups. (default: 3)
  --autotune-steps-per-sample AUTOTUNE_STEPS_PER_SAMPLE
                        Number of steps (approximate) to record before
                        observing a sample. The sample score is defined to be
                        the median score over all batches within the sample.
                        The more batches per sample, the less variance in
                        sample scores, but the longer autotuning will take.
                        (default: 10)
  --autotune-bayes-opt-max-samples AUTOTUNE_BAYES_OPT_MAX_SAMPLES
                        Maximum number of samples to collect for each Bayesian
                        optimization process. (default: 20)
  --autotune-gaussian-process-noise AUTOTUNE_GAUSSIAN_PROCESS_NOISE
                        Regularization value [0, 1] applied to account for
                        noise in samples. (default: 0.8)

# 时间轴参数
timeline arguments: # 用于记录时间线事件
  --timeline-filename TIMELINE_FILENAME
                        JSON file containing timeline of Horovod events used
                        for debugging performance. If this is provided,
                        timeline events will be recorded, which can have a
                        negative impact on training performance.
                        Mark cycles on the timeline. Only enabled if the
                        timeline filename is provided.

# 失速检查参数
stall check arguments:
  # 禁用失速检查
  --no-stall-check      Disable the stall check. The stall check will log a
                        warning when workers have stalled waiting for other
                        ranks to submit tensors.
  # 失速警告记录到stderr的秒数阈值(默认值:60)
  --stall-check-warning-time-seconds STALL_CHECK_WARNING_TIME_SECONDS
                        Seconds until the stall warning is logged to stderr.
                        (default: 60)
  --stall-check-shutdown-time-seconds STALL_CHECK_SHUTDOWN_TIME_SECONDS
                        Seconds until Horovod is shutdown due to stall.
                        Shutdown will only take place if this value is greater
                        than the warning time. (default: 0)

# 库参数
library arguments:
  # 禁用PMI,仅在PMI模式下使用,在一些情况下多线程MPI会降低其它组件的速度,如果你希望在horovod上跑mpi4pyname则需要这个选项。
                        Disable MPI threading support. Only applies when
                        running in MPI mode. In some cases, multi-threaded MPI
                        can slow down other components, but is necessary if
                        you wish to run mpi4py on top of Horovod.

  # NCCL流的数量。仅在具有NCCL支持的情况下运行时适用。 (默认值:1)
  --num-nccl-streams NUM_NCCL_STREAMS
    Number of NCCL streams. Only applies when running with NCCL support. (default: 1)

  # MLSL背景线程亲和力。仅在带有MLSL支持的情况下运行时适用。 (默认值:0)
  --mlsl-bgt-affinity MLSL_BGT_AFFINITY
    MLSL background thread affinity. Only applies when running with MLSL support. (default: 0)

# 日志参数
logging arguments:
  # 日志6个等级
   Minimum level to log to stderr from the Horovod backend. (default: WARNING).
  # 隐藏Horovod日志消息中的时间戳
  --log-hide-timestamp  Hide the timestamp from Horovod log messages.

host arguments:

  # 主机名列表和每个主机上正在运行的进程的可用插槽数,格式为:(例如:host1:2,host2:4,host3:1指示2个进程可以在host1、4上运行在host2上,在host3上为1)。如果未指定,则默认使用localhost:
  -H HOSTS, --hosts HOSTS
                        List of host names and the number of available slots
                        for running processes on each, of the form:
                        : (e.g.: host1:2,host2:4,host3:1
                        indicating 2 processes can run on host1, 4 on host2,
                        and 1 on host3). If not specified, defaults to using

  # 包含主机名列表和可用插槽数的主机文件的路径。文件的每一行都必须采用以下格式: slot = 
  -hostfile HOSTFILE, --hostfile HOSTFILE
                        Path to a host file containing the list of host names
                        and the number of available slots. Each line of the
                        file must be of the form:  slots=

# 控制器参数
controller arguments:
  # 使用Gloo控制器运行Horovod。 如果Horovod不是在MPI支持下构建的,则这将是默认设置。
  --gloo                Run Horovod using the Gloo controller. This will be
                        the default if Horovod was not built with MPI support.
  # 使用MPI控制器运行Horovod。 如果Horovod是在MPI支持下构建的,则这将是默认设置。
  --mpi                 Run Horovod using the MPI controller. This will be the
                        default if Horovod was built with MPI support.


    root@1deac373611b:/DistributedTrain/horovod# horovodrun -cb
    Horovod v0.18.1:
    Available Frameworks:
        [X] TensorFlow
        [X] PyTorch
        [X] MXNet
    Available Controllers:
        [X] MPI
        [X] Gloo
    Available Tensor Operations:
        [X] NCCL
        [ ] DDL
        [ ] MLSL
        [X] MPI
        [X] Gloo
