Life Long Learning (LLL)

  • 本文为李宏毅 2021 ML 课程的笔记


  • Life Long Learning
    • Life Long Learning
    • Catastrophic Forgetting
    • Multi-task training
    • Evaluation
  • Research Directions
    • Selective Synaptic Plasticity (Regularization-based Approach)
    • Additional Neural Resource Allocation
      • Progressive Neural Networks
      • PackNet
      • Compacting, Picking, and Growing (CPG)
    • Memory Reply
  • To learn more...

Life Long Learning, Continuous Learning, Never Ending Learning, Incremental Learning

Life Long Learning

Life Long Learning

What people think about AI …

  • 通过让模型不断地学习新任务来不断增强模型的能力 → \rightarrow Even though I have learned task 2, I do not forget task 1.
    Life Long Learning (LLL)_第1张图片

Life Long Learning in real-world applications

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Catastrophic Forgetting

  • 但实际情况是,在训练过程中,模型会逐渐忘记之前学过的任务
  • Example:
    Life Long Learning (LLL)_第3张图片The network has enough capacity to learn both tasks.
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Multi-task training

  • Multi-task training can be considered as the upper bound of LLL. But can multi-task training solve the problem?
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    • No:
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  • First of all, we need a sequence of tasks. (目前 LLL 研究的不同任务还是比较简单的)
    • e.g. permutation 表示用某种规则将数字打乱
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  • R i , j R_{i,j} Ri,j: after training task i i i, performance on task j j j. If i > j i>j i>j, After training task i i i, does task j j j be forgot. If i < j ii<j, Can we transfer the skill of task i i i to task j j j
  • 一般评估方法有以下两种:
    • (1) Accuracy
      1 T ∑ i = 1 T R T , i \frac{1}{T}\sum_{i=1}^TR_{T,i} T1i=1TRT,i
    • (2) Backward Transfer (一般为负数)
      1 T − 1 ∑ i = 1 T − 1 R T , i − R i , i \frac{1}{T-1}\sum_{i=1}^{T-1}R_{T,i}-R_{i,i} T11i=1T1RT,iRi,i

Research Directions

Selective Synaptic Plasticity (Regularization-based Approach)

Selective Synaptic Plasticity: 选择性的突触可塑性 (只让 NN 中的某些神经元间的连接具有可塑性,其余的必须被固化)

Why Catastrophic Forgetting?

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  • Basic Idea: Some parameters in the model are important to the previous tasks. Only change the unimportant parameters. ( θ \theta θ should be close to θ b \theta^b θb in certain directions.)
    Life Long Learning (LLL)_第11张图片
    • If b i = 0 b_i=0 bi=0, there is no constraint on θ i \theta_i θi ⇒ \Rightarrow Catastrophic Forgetting
    • If b i = ∞ b_i=\infty bi=, θ i \theta_i θi would always be equal to θ i b \theta_i^b θib ⇒ \Rightarrow Intransigence
      Life Long Learning (LLL)_第12张图片

SGD 表示正常训练,会导致 catastrophic forgetting;L2 将 b i b_i bi 均设为 1,会导致 Intransigence

  • 那么我们如何知道某一个参数对一个任务是否重要呢?大致思想是我们可以在该任务上训练一个模型,然后观察当某一个参数改变时,会不会对 loss 产生很大的影响,如果影响特别大,那么就认为该参数 θ i \theta_i θi 比较重要,它对应的 b i b_i bi 也可以设定为一个比较大的值。每次在一个 task 上训练完,都不断对 b i b_i bi 进行累加作为最终的 b i b_i bi:
    Life Long Learning (LLL)_第13张图片

计算 b i b_i bi 的不同方法

  • Elastic Weight Consolidation (EWC)
  • Synaptic Intelligence (SI)
  • Memory Aware Synapses (MAS)
  • RWalk
  • Sliced Cramer Preservation (SCP)

Gradient Episodic Memory (GEM)

  • paper: Gradient Episodic Memory for Continual Learning
  • GEM 也是一种 Selective Synaptic Plasticity 方法,但它的思路是结合之前任务数据集上的梯度来计算新的梯度,因此需要额外存储少量的之前任务的训练数据:
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Additional Neural Resource Allocation

Progressive Neural Networks

  • paper: Progressive Neural Networks

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  • paper: PackNet: Adding Multiple Tasks to a Single Network by Iterative Pruning
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Compacting, Picking, and Growing (CPG)

  • paper: Compacting, Picking and Growing for Unforgetting Continual Learning
  • 结合了 Progressive Neural Networks 和 PackNet
    Life Long Learning (LLL)_第17张图片

Memory Reply

  • paper:
    • Continual Learning with Deep Generative Replay
    • FearNet: Brain-Inspired Model for Incremental Learning
    • LAMOL: LAnguage MOdeling for Lifelong Language Learning

Idea: Generating Data

  • Generating pseudo-data using generative model for previous tasks
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To learn more…

Adding new classes

  • Learning without Forgetting (LwF)
  • iCaRL: Incremental Classifier and Representation Learning


  • Three scenarios for continual learning

Curriculum Learning

  • what is the proper learning order?
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