Mayor Sam Adams orderd that thecamp be shut down Saturadayciting unhealthy conditions and the attractionsof drug dealers and thieves.
Apremilinary government reportpredicts it’ lltake 30 years more to safelydecommission the facilityand it could bedecadedbefore nearby residents whowere forced to fleecan returntothe area.
- decommission,拆除,解除
Iwas lifting, you know,chairs out of theway, broken glass, uh…othersanitaryitemsI don’t want to get into, but, uh…it was, uh…horrifictosay the least.
- sanitary,清洁的,卫生的
- diaper,纸尿裤
- get into,引申:谈及,涉及
- horrific,讨厌的,可怕的,terriblle
- terrific,极好的,异于常人的
- to say the least,客气地说,毫不夸张地说
- chairs → out → of,outta
- want to,wanna
Toyota is
recallingmore than halfamillion vehicles for problems thatcouldmake them difficult tosteer.
- difficult → to,t’
It’ s great.
It’ s um, been alittle bit nerve-wracking, um, andit’ s beena long processtoget here.
- It’ s great, it is
- It’ s been, it has
- nerve-wracking,使人心烦的;伤脑筋的
- process,ah
- to,t’
When the family left
Vietnamby boat,bound forThailand, but the boat wasintercepted by pirates…after years of trying, the father located hisson in Thailand.
- When the,nuh
- left → Vietnam,
t- bound for,驶往
- intercept,拦截
- 先after,再the father,强调时间
A gooey mess snarls traffic along the busy Pennsylvania Turnpike. A leaking valve on a tanker spread driveway sealant across a 40-mile stretch of the eastbound side.
- gooey,粘糊的,liquid and sticky
- maple syrup,枫糖浆
- snarls,缠结,twist
- Pennsylvania,宾夕法尼亚
- Turnpike,收费高速,tollway
- driveway sealant,车道密封剂,tar 柏油,沥青
- eastbound,向东的
- mess → snarls
- along → the,nuh
- spread → driveway
- across → a
- eastbound,
The music is being
playedat a church in Germany. and well, it reallylivesup to its name. Since it started, there have been just 11chordchanges and the next one isn’t scheduled until July 2012.
- lives up to its name,名副其实
- chord,和弦
- chord → change,
Dozens of white rabblits
were apparently dumpedalongthe side ofthe road Sunday night. More than 60 bunnies werescatteredon the shoulder.
- apparently,据说,好像,supposedly,
t- dump,扔;垃圾场
- along → the side → of the road,nuh,o
f- on the,nuh
- on the shoulder,指路边的应急道路
- samaritant,乐善好施者
There’s awonderfullineI came across: If you’realways done… or if you always dowhatyou~~‘re~~ always done, you’llalways done, you’ ll always get what you’re always got.It’ s a brilliant line!
Her story has inspired others
from Montana to Indianato pay off the bills of complete strangers in these days before Christmas. Holiday shoppers who’ ve heard aboutthe layawaySantas say the sweepingacts ofkindnesshave restored their faith inpeople.
- in these,
th,like knees- layaway Santas,圣诞老人
- sweeping,大范围的,广泛的
He sprang to his sleign tohis team gave a whistle! Andawaythey all flew likethe down of a thistle. But I heardhimexclaimas he droveout of sight. " Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night! "
- rhyming words,押韵词,rhymes
- rhythm,节奏,韵律
- spring,sprang,sprung,跳
- sleign,雪橇
- chimney,烟囱
- reindeer,驯鹿
- 完整:and then to his team, he gave a whistle,为了rhyme,所以省略
- down,名词,绒毛,软毛,a down pillow
- thistle,蓟,草本植物
- out of sight,淡出视野
:Hey, George, you know, my friend goes to
a psychic.
:Really? un-huh. We should gosometime.
:I’d loveto go, make an apppointment.
- psychic,预言师,fortune teller,算命先生
- love to,t’
- make → an → apppointment,预约人的时间,reservation,预定物的时间
:Dad, I beat you.
Don’ t you remember the Rayman Spinball?
:Ray, I learned toplay in Korea.From Koreans?Doyou think somepunk Kid’s gonnaactually beat me?
:No, dad,you were trying to win, you were sweating and panting.
:I’ m a damn fine actor.
- dunk shot,扣篮
- learned → to,d’
- punk → Kid’s,略去第二个k,小屁孩,punk年少无知的;朋克
- trying,ing like en
- sweating and panting,说得快都成en
- dawm,非常,强调,不可以用在正式场合
Hey, is it
cold out?
- cold → out
For more than 300 years, the power of the French king was absolute, this
meantthat he had the power to do anything.
- 300 → years
- Louis XIV,the 14th
What people will do these days for their pets?
A wash and a blow-dry that goes without saying. But thedemandingdog now wants a limo along with other creaturecomforts at apet hotel and day spa.
- saying,en
- goes without saying,不必多说
- hair dryer,吹风机
- demanding,要求高的,苛刻的
- limo,豪车,limousine
- creature comforts,物质享受,physical needs,spiritual needs
Buckingham Palaceofficalsare stayingmumabout the murder case, and policeare keepingmany details confidential, as they try to identify the victim and figure out exactly waht happenedto her.
- Buckingham Palace,白金汉宫
- Buckingham Palace → officals
- mum,沉默的,silent
- try to,d’ ,用以强调后面部分,也可为to
- waht happened to her,
1863, " all board, but mind the gap." as the world’ s first underground passenger railway opens in London.
- all board,指挥员对乘客,所有要上车的,所有乘客
:And why do you wanna go there?
:I know it’ s had a bad press recently, but it’ s the place that’ s taken my fancy.
- why → do → you
- it’ s → had → a
You sold us ahair withacake aroundit.
- sarcastic,讽刺的
: Hey,
Lilith, sorry forthe holdup, but Frasier should be back from the dentist any minute.
: Oh,all right.That’ llgiveusa chance to visit.
- for,fer
- holdup,delay,久等了;交通阻塞,持枪抢劫
- from the,nuh
- den
tist → any- give → us → a
Thisiceberg here, there’ soutcroppingsunder the water. Anduh, sea ice, icebergice isvery hard, so it’ s almost like, it couldalmost belike acan openner. And when probably the Tatanic went by it, it just sliceda hole in it like you would with a can opener.
- outcropping,露头
It’ s snowing, it’ s beautiful,
we’ re outin the middleofnowhere.I’ mfreezing!And I’ m about tobe pulled by 8 dogs ina tobaggan. Um, really, it doesn’ t get much morevermant thanthis!
- we’ re out,were out
- nowhere,无处,无人知道的地方,desolate,荒凉的
- tobaggan,雪橇,sleigh
- it doesn’ t get much more vermant than this,没有比这更佛蒙特州的了(美国东北部新英格兰地区一州)